Make Your Vote Count! Vote Socialist! Positive Protest Urged on Nov. 8 THE 65 Prominent Independents MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Back Socialist Workers Slate Vol. XXIV — No. 39 000 NEW YORK* N. Y., MONDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1960 By William F. Warde P rice 10c Prominent independents and unaffiliated socialists from New York to California joined this week in an appeal for support to the Socialist Workers ticket Nov. 8 as “a ---------------------------------------------------- ♦positive vote in protest — a vote that can be counted” against the Democrats and Republicans, the two parties of big business. The 65 signers of the declar­ Peace Is Central Issue, ation advocating a positive pro­ test vote include Dr. Otto Cat Nathan, noted economist; Mrs. Muriel McAvoy, former Pro­ gressive party organizer; four S* members of the Hallinan fam­ ily (Vincent, 1952 Progressive Declares Farrell Dobbs party presidential candidate, V ivian, P atrick Sarsfield By Joseph Hansen “Butch,” and Terrance Tyrone Assails Bipartisan Conspiracy Campaign Manager “Kayo” Hallinan); Conrad For President The efforts of the Socialist Lynn, civil-rights attorney; Max To Launch Invasion of Cuba Workers party to secure its Bedacht, former Communist Vote Socialist! | rightful place on the ballot in party leader; Scott Nearing, vet­ You can vote socialist in the "The struggle for peace is the overriding issue in this Alaska made a stir in political eran socialist editor and lec­ following states by casting your campaign. The threat of war, already posed in the debate circles in the giant state. turer; Warren Billings, of the ballot for Farrell Dobbs and over Quemoy and Matsu, has become acute in the dispute At first it appeared that the world-famous Mooney-Billings M yra Tanner Weiss, candidates SWP would appear as a matter frame-up case; Eric Reinthaler, of the SOCIALIST WORKERS over Cuba," declared Farrell Dobbs, Socialist Workers can­ of course. Then an arbitrary defendant in the Cleveland P AR TY for president and vice didate for president, Oct. 26. ruling by the attorney general T a ft-H a rtle y “ conspiracy” case; president. barred Dobbs and Weiss. As George Hitchcock, San Fran­ Colorado: (presidential elec­ “Both Nixon and Kennedy want to use the White cisco playwright; and John T. tors). House to arm a new Batista, the way Hitler and Mussolini Hear Farrell Dobbs in a na­ Gojack, former United Electrical Iowa: (presidential electors, backed Franco. tionwide minority-party panel Workers organizer. ballot designation, “Farmer telecast, Sun., Oct. 30, 12:30 to Several independents in Chi­ Labor.” ) “Voters should note opinions like the one expressed 1:30 p.m. Eastern time over cago, who had earlier an­ Michigan: (presidential elec­ NBC-TV. Check with your sta­ by the Brazilian paper, Jornal do Brasil: ‘Vice-President nounced support of the Dobbs- tors). Vote for Frank Lovell for tion for local lime. Nixon, in answering [Kennedy], recommended for the Weiss ticket, including Rev. U.S. senator; Robert Himmel for United States a more discreet attitude, like the one they William Baird and Perry Cart­ governor; Evelyn Sell for lieu­ top officials passed the buck for wright, editor of the Southern tenant governor; Larry Dolinski had in relation to the Arbenz Government of Guatemala. final responsibility on this from Newsletter, added their names for secretary of state; Rita Shaw There’s no worse example than this case of Guatemala, department to department, the to the call. for attorney general; Harriet still alive in the memory of Latin America. Thus, Nixon’s press gave considerable publi­ The appeal for a positive pro­ Talan for state treasurer; Edith c ity to the case. amendment is worse than Kennedy’s sonnet.’ This in­ test vote is scheduled to appear Gbur for auditor general. To lim it the ballot to the dicates the revulsion in Latin America over the two spokes­ as an advertisement in the Oct. Minnesota: (presidential elec­ parties of big business was an 31 National Guardian. tors.) Vote for Carl Feingold men for big business,” said the SWP candidate. inauspicious beginning for This expression of support for for U. S. senator. While Nixon and Kennedy debate over how best to Alaska in the first presiden­ Montana: (presidential elec­ tial election after being ad­ the SWP candidates was ini­ overthrow the Castro regime, Eisenhower has already One of the heartening fea­ tors). mitted to the union. tiated by two of the candidates tures of the hard-hitting cam­ New Jersey: (presidential elec­ begun. The State Department has embargoed goods to Now t h e American Civil Lib­ and two leading participants in paign waged by Myra Tanner tors). Vote for Gladys Grauer Cuba. The U.S. Ambassador has been summoned home. erties Union has entered the the 1958 Independent-Socialist campaign in New York State. Weiss, Socialist Workers nomi­ for U.S. senator. Further landings of armed bands on the Cuban coast have case. Look for a report about its nee for vice president, has New York: (presidential elec­ opinion and recommendations in The four were Elinor Ferry, been reported. Scott K. Gray, William A. Price been the good response she tors). Vote row “D.” the next issue of the Militant. North Dakota: (presidential * * * and Annette T. Rubinstein. A l­ has met on college campuses. A typical imperialist stooge, the former Cuban am­ She reports that more and electors.) The Boston campaigners re­ though that committee has since bassador to Great Britain, announced Oct. 24 that he was more students are expressing Pennsylvania: (presidential port a successful three-day (Continued on Page 3) grave doubts about the ability electors, ballot designation, flying to Miami to join a huge group of exiles ready to round for Farrell Dobbs in their of the capitalist parties to re­ “Workers Party”). Vote for area and in Providence, R.I. At invade the island. "It will be a civil war — perhaps an­ solve the great economic and Morris Chertov for state treas­ Brandeis University 160 stu- social problems of our time. urer; Arthur Felberbaum for other Korea," he said. "Castro is a mad dog. He must be dents came to a meeting spon­ Last week she appealed to auditor general. sored by the Students for wiped out. You will see an uprising that will make Buda­ Student Committees for Dobbs Utah: (presidential electors, pest look like nothing." Dobbs-Weiss Committee. At and Weiss to redouble their Brown University 300 students ballot designation, “Socialist efforts to help roll up the big­ Workers and Farmers Party”). Meanwhile, in self-defense, the Cuban government has listened to the socialist candi­ Farrell Dobbs, the Socialist Workers presidential candidate, gest socialist vole possible. Washington: (presidential elec­ completed nationalization of U.S. holdings and taken its date for president. The latter has made three coast-to-coast speaking tours in the present tors). Vote for Jack Wright for meeting was sponsored by a campaign (plus trips to Cuba and Japan). But as far as he's case -to the UN. There Cuban Foreign Minister Roa stated group of independent students governor. concerned, the campaign doesn't end on election day. The that his government has “abundant proof” that the U.S. and was chaired by Chaplain Gladys Grauer Wisconsin: (presidential elec­ Socialist Workers parly sees the fight for peace, economic is organizing a “massive invasion.” He warned that “an B aldw in. tors). security and equal rights as a year-around job. And the in­ The rally at the Boston armed attack on Cuba could be the prelude to a third Write-in votes for Farrell creasingly sympathetic response to the SWP program indicates headquarters of the Socialist world war.” Hits Duplicity Dobbs and Myra Tanner Weiss that many new recruits will be joining its ranks in the fight Workers parly was an over are urged in all other states. flow. Two adults applied for for a socialist America. W ill you be one of them? Said Dobbs: “This conspiracy to overthrow the most membership in the party and On Civil Rights Also, in Illinois write in How­ honest and popular government the Cuban nation has ever three students joined the ard Mayhew, Socialist Workers had is criminal. It earns us the hatred of the Cuban OCT. 25 — “If the Republican candidate for U.S. senator. In Young Socialist Alliance. people and still further distrust in the colonial world. It * * * or Democratic candidates had Los Angeles write in Erroll Family Farmers Need can even plunge us into nuclear war. Seattle socialists have been any intention of honoring their Banks, Socialist Workers candi­ waging a lively campaign for civil-rights promises they would date in the 23rd Congressional “I know the Cuban masses w ill never submit. They Jack Wright for governor of be speaking out vigorously D istrict. against racial prejudice and dis­ A Socialist Government w ill fight the counter-revolution and its imperialist patrons (Continued on Page 2) VINCENT HALLINAN crimination at every oppor­ to the last man, woman and child. More blood w ill be “How can either Kennedy or Nixon, who represent tunity and in every section of shed and horror w ill be felt throughout the world than the country. This is what the CP Leaders big business, save the small farmer from going from bad when Khrushchev crushed the Hungarian revolution. Dobbs-Weiss ticket has done to worse?” asked Carl Feingold, Socialist Workers party Nov. 15 Windup Set throughout the campaign,” Mrs. Hustle Votes candidate for senator from Min­ "With all my energy, I repeat what I have been saying Gladys Barker Grauer, Social­ nesota last week. from coast to coast throughout this campaign: Hands Off ist Workers party candidate for “The average working farmer Cuba! Stop the Economic Aggression! Give Back the U.S.
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