The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXIV.—NO 23 8T. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY. MARCH 22, 1900. WHOLE NO.-1742 CAUCUSES. be in attendance. Bill, 25 cents per BUSINESS LOCAL8. couple. THE THREE MUSKETEERS. “CAPT. JOE” NICHOLSON, J. W. SUTFIN, DEAD. Nolle*. Bingham Oeiuorratle Caucus. James T. Huliiert, of this township, This is to notify “Glen Steel” that There will bo* caucus uf the Democratic left last Tuesday, with his family, for Joint Griffith aud Hatheryn Purnell Next The Well-Knowu Warden of the Detroit If* Settled In Duplaln Town.hip In 18.10 Monday Night at the Opera House. Worklioue, la Dead. my stairs or hallway are not a public elector* of Hlugham township, at the engine near Farwell, Clare county, where he and Ended hi* Ida Earthly Career highway for him nor ids dog. house, St. Johns, Monday, .March 2li, 1900, at has purchased a farm, on which they “TheThree Musketeers,” tiie great Capt. Joseph Nicholson, an old lake While En Route from Colorado Mbs. W. M. Lbland . 2odock p. in., for the purpose of placing lu will settle. Dumas masterpiece, and the talk of the captain, and for many years last past, to Arkansas. nomination candidates for the various town ­ Mrs. A. Burnell, of Essex township, century, will appear here at tha Opera warden of the Detroit Workhouse, died J. W. Sutfin, one of the pioneers Carpet*, Rug* and I,are Curtain*. ship officers, and the election of soveu dele- near Maple Ilapids, died March 13. House, with that favorite versatile from the effects of liver complaint and of Duplaln township, this county hav ­ Large assortment, handsome pat­ pates to the county convention when called aged 03 years. She had been confined actor, Mr. John Griffith, in the part erysipelas at Ills home in Detroit at ing settled there in 1856. In 1898 lie terns, lowest prices, to elect delegates to a state convention to to her couch, a patient sufferer, for of “ D’ Artaguan.” Tills lovely 10:45 last Sunday morning, in his 74th, went to Feorgetown, Colo., to live at N oble Burnett ’s. choose delegates to the national convention nearly four years. Dumas story will lie presented here un ­ year. He endeavord to correct and with his son Frank, who is well known lesson crime by working tiie crimmials to many people of St. Johns. Not To the llutigrey. and for the transaction of such other business Grotlot Journal: “Married, at I lie der tiie personal direction of Mr. as may property come before the caucus. Griffith. Tills attraction comprises a hard as u means of punishment. It long since tiie son exchanged his Ask for Leland ’s Dairy Restaurant home of Mr. Washington Smith, I'er- will property for a farm in Arkansas, and Ity order of Committee. rinton. by Rev. I). C. Fleming. Mr. very large and expensive company and be difficult for the city to And a —new, clean, well stoeked and reason ­ L. D. PARK. Chairman. elaborate costuming, etc. It will be man who can till the vacancy and make while moving by teams a distance of able charges. Earl N. Payne and Miss Libbie Lance, produced in its entirety, and without the insthiution as profitable to the city 1000 miles or more, tiie father sicken ­ Olive Democratic Union Silver Caucus. both of Perrington. ” doubt, is one of the strongest aggrega­ as did “Capt. Joe’r Nicholson. ed and died January 29th. He was a Ca'arrli King. rr'he Democratic Union Silver party of Olive Marriage licenses have been issued tions traveling. "TheThree Musket­ native of Yates county, N. Y., and After 25 years of practice I have dis ­ township, will meet in caucus at the Town to E. Porter Sessions, of Lebanon, and eers,” is beyond question one of tiie was in liis 77th year. He was a mein- covered a positive relief and cure for Hall, at 2 o’clock p. m.. Monday, March 26, Edna Olive Stewart, of Bloomer; best, intensely interesting acting plays MUST FAY FROM FLY. lier of the Baptist church and a firm the most prevailing ails of the human 1900, for the purpose of placing in nomination Edward Howes, of Elsie, and Maud that hasbeenseen in tiie past ten years. iieliever in the Christian faith. family, which I itave named “Catarrh candidates for the several township offices, King.” It will relieve and cure cold in Grubnugh, of Bannister. The story abounds in romance, love No Delay Now With PostofUce Hox Kent. He is the father of six loving chil­ and the transation of such other business as Ex-Congressman Chas. A. Town, tiie aud startling realism, and tiie scenes dren, being Chas. R. and George Sut­ the head in thirty to sixty minutes; rtuy properly come liefore the caucus. well-known advocate of free silver and incidents are fait hfill illustrations St. Johns , Mich. March 20. 1900. fin and Mrs. Belle Smith, of Bannister ; headache in a few minutes; for burns, Hy Order of Committee. coinage, is seriously ill at the hospital Of real life. The Company lias been Mr. Editor :—I give below tiie in ­ Frank Sutfin. with whom he died; old sores, etc., it acts like magic; for CHARLES S. MARSH, Chairman. structions which I have received from Mrs. Myrtle Watkins, of Tennessee, Itching piles it has no equal. It is not in Duluth, where an operation was selected with special care for their in ­ the department relative to the collec­ Klley Democratic Union Silver Caueua. performed on him a few clays ago. dividual tit ness of tiie various eliarae- and Mrs. Maggie Powell, of New York. a patent medicine, but of my own pre­ tersand their names represent the lead ­ tion of box rent in the St. Johns I*. O. paration. Only 25 cents for a cure for The Democratic Union Silver electors of Mrs. Boucher, of tiie millinery firm Cnder these instructions ] shall be a whole family. May lie had at Van Riley township will meet in caucus at the & ing actors of the profession. Miss . of Boucher Petach. after spending a compelled to close any box the rent of Sickle’s drug store. St. Johns. Town Hall, at 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday. week In Cleveland viewing the styles Katlieryn Purnell is Mr. Griffith'8 LAST SAD RITES. which Is not paid on or liefore April lo, D r. It. II. Sanbohn , March 24. 1900, for the purpose of placing in and purchasing pretty goods for their leading support and will play tiie part 1900. Tiie same tiling will be true as nomination candidates for tiie several town ­ spring trade, is expected home today. of'‘Constance, "on this occasion. For Maple Rapids, Mich. I tiie benefit of those who have never to July 10, 1900; Oct. 10. 1900, and Jan. A Large Number Congregated at the ship offices, and the transaction of such other Laingsburg News: “Frank Shane, a 10, 1901, and so on. I respectfully re­ Funeral of Geo. F. Marvin, to Pay Finest selection of Embroideries and business as may properly eome before the seen Mr. Grift]th, a word to the wise farmer living between Ovid and St. Is sufficient. Mr. Griffith isof “Faust” quest tiie patrons of tiie oflice to assist Their Respect* to His Memory. Laces at N oble Burnett 's. eaneus. By order of the Committee. Johns, reports that four lambs were me in collecting this box rent on or Tiie funeral of the late Captain Geo. J. II. BURNS. Chairman. fame, ami tiie Character of “Mcpliesto" before April 10, 1900. Tiie rent will Yon can have your appetite satisfied born to one of Ills ewes last week, was Ids last great triumph. Mr. F. Marvin, held at his late residence Hath Democratic Caucus. which Is an occurance entirely out of not be due till April 1. 190o. I am sure for 15c at Leland ’s Little DairDairv Res- Griffith's past good reputation should last Friday afternoon, was largely at­ taurant. Vne Democrats and all advocates of ccon- tiie ordinary. ” guarnintee for him a crowded house on that no one will object to this, as I tended by neighbors and friends,' who ,i/i.y in office, lower taxes, and opposed to Shiawassee Reporter: “ W. II. Hall, next Monday night. Tickets, 25. 50, must follow my instructions under came to pay their respects to his mem­ wicked trusts and combines against the best formerly of Tiie Fair, has accepted an and 75 cents. Reserved seats at Alli­ severe penalties. ory, and to lie spiritually benefited by Good clean hay, also straw. Inquire Interest* of the producers and common peo­ excellent position as traveling sales­ sons Friday a. in. • Tf box renters do not renew their the beautiful service of tiie Episcopal at Joel Wagar farm, or Mrs. T. E. ple. are invited to meet in caucus at Hath man for the Royal Manufacturing Co., rights to boxes in use by them, by tiie church. J. W.Fitzgerald. <>. W. Hun ­ Jackson. Clyde, O. station, Saturdoy, March 24, liM>o, at 2 o'clock of Detroit silverware. He will travel payment of the full quarterly rate ger, Jesse Sullivan, J. II. Fedewa. p. in., for the purpose of nominating town- in Michigan.” 1 0 1(11 ilxed or approved by the department, Warner Bunday, Charles Fowler. C. E. Best line of Dress Goods, staple and ) ( K MAY BE SHOT. before tiie close of the tenth days of !»b p officers to he supported at tiie April Mr. Adolph Brockman and Miss Ball and J*. K. Perrin served as pall* fancy Silks and fine Dress Trimming election, and for the transaction of such January, April.
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