Volume XXIII, No. 1 February 2005 Arroyo calls on people to end corruption Addressing a government mobi- Senate her request for it to ratify the lized rally on February 22, President convention so the "instrument of Arroyo called on Filipinos to help ratification" can be sent to the U.N. her fight corruption in government. The U.N. needs 30 "instruments of "Filipinos are still waiting for true ratification" for the convention to freedom - freedom from the chains take effect. So far, only 19 have of poverty, injustice and oppression, been received. and to attain this, we need freedom The commitments of support and from corruption" said Ms Arroyo, cooperation between the Coalition who delivered her speech entirely in against Corruption and seven gov- Filipino. ernment agencies was also signed This fight includes charging cor- and witnessed by President Arroyo rupt officials, members of govern- and former presidents Corazon ment, military officers as well as Aquino and Fidel Ramos. business people and ordinary citi- Undeniably, the fight against cor- zens. This also includes seizing and ruption, under the Arroyo adminis- freezing wealth through forfeiture tration, has never looked this good, proceedings before it can be hidden, as its haul gets heftier with bigger used or disappear. and bigger “fish”. Recorded as of On February 25, the president January 31 are 81 cases pending signed the U.N. Convention Against with the Presidential Anti-Graft Corruption which represents the Commission; 100 have been collective desire of nations to work endorsed to the Ombudsman and together in combating corruption 23 to the Office of the President. and provides for mechanisms to Promising as this picture seems to prevent corruption and make it dif- be, Transparency International ficult for corrupt officials to profit recently ranked the Philippines No. from their illegal acts. By signing 11 among the world's most corrupt the official text of the convention, the President was conveying to the See Page 5 EDSA Cotler cites priorities for a just society By: Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi In an interview with the Star Editor last Sunday, February 20, the current Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Hon- onorable Irwin Cotler, expressed his wish to let the Filipino commu- nity know what he has done over the past 14 months and to outline his priorities and clarify his position towards pressing issues. such as President Arroyo, former Presidents Corazon Aquino and Fidel Ramos, Executive Sec- same sex marriage and laws to pro- retary Eduardo Ermita and Caloocan City Bishop Deogracias Yniquez release balloons forming the shape of the Philippine flag during the commemoration of the 19th tect women and children in the pur- anniversary of the first people power revolt at the EDSA Shrine in Mandalyong City. suite of a just society. He said that the Filipino community was the included the appointment of judges administration of justice for the first group he met when he was as his first and most important pri- next generation. And therefore long elected, and then when be became ority. “I now regard the appoint- after those of us who have the tem- the Minister of Justice and Attorney ment of judges as perhaps the most porary custody of the administra- General. If he were then asked what important responsibility I have was his priority, he would have not because that helps to determine the See Page 4 Cotler Page 2 The North American Filipino Star February 2005 their illegal status. But they seem come, with the adoption of the Dual to have no other choice except to Citizenship Bill, for Overseas Fil- EDITORIAL take risks in order to improve their ipinos to play a more active role in lives. turning the Philippines around. A different kind of In the face of all these harsh However, this depends upon realities, it is the overseas workers whether or not they care enough to hero, the OFWs - in the Middle East, or North Amer- participate actively in the elections will they turn the Philip- ica, or Australia or Japan; the of political leaders and if they find pine economy around? domestic helpers in Hong Kong, or the time to visit the Philippines reg- Jeddah who keep the Philippine ularly. In other words, it is not only Most Filipinos living overseas economy afloat. According to the the money they send that matters will agree that the transition to a Philippine Central Bank, remit- but also their personal involvement every morning, declined today to new country, a new culture, a new tances by Overseas Filipino Work- with their families, and their local give an update on the health of the economic way of life is at least dif- ers reached an all time high in communities. 84-year-old pontiff. The Vatican will ficult and at most desperate and 2004. A total of 8.5 BILLION dollars release its next medical bulletin on agonizing. In spite of the smell of were sent home to the Philippines Pope is speaking and March 3. The pontiff was hospital- diesel fuel, the sound of two stroke from around the globe. These work- has a strong voice ized for the second time in a month tricycle engines, the incessant ers were forced to leave their towns on Feb. 24 after a relapse of the honking of automobile horns; in and cities and travel far from home Pope John Paul II is speak- influenza that caused larynx spite of the typhoons and their to earn a living wage and feed their ing and his voice is ``strong'' less spasms and restricted his breath- accompanying floods; even in spite families. They continue to support than a week after surgery to insert a ing. He spent nine days in Gemelli of the corruption scandals, kidnap- the economy while Philippine offi- breathing tube in his throat, said last month after suffering the initial pings and bombings, holidays seem cials, through corruption, ineptness Cardinal Joaquin Meissner said. attack of the larynx spasms and happier where family and friends and greed, have taken the Philip- ``His voice is much stronger than I was discharged on Feb. 10. are. Until that is transferred to the pines from a position of preemi- expected,'' Meissner told journalists Pope John Paul II has new country when they start to put nence in Southeast Asia to the lag- after visiting the pontiff in the Parkinson's disease, a degenerative down roots, that place is still the gard nation it is. It is considered to Gemelli hospital in Rome. On seeing neural condition that slurs his Philippines. have fallen behind Vietnam, a coun- the cardinal, John Paul II said ``I speech and confines him to a wheel- For most Filipinos, the way to try ravaged by war and civil strife. am very happy that you are here,'' chair. He survived a 1981 assassi- improve their lives and the lives of The past decades have shown Meissner recounted. nation attempt and has been frail their families is to leave the Philip- that the Philippines is unable to The pontiff is undergoing for much of the past decade. Polish- pines, but the agonizing part arises change from within. It needs the speech therapy after the Feb. 24 born Karol Josef Wojtyla is the third occasionally when Filipinos who help of the overseas Filipinos to procedure known as a tracheotomy. longest-serving pontiff. He is the have put down roots in a new coun- support it. Maybe the time has Vatican spokesman Joaquin first non-Italian pope since Adrian try are forced to leave because of Navarro-Valls, who visits the pope VI more than 400 years ago. The Philippine Centre Foundation The Filipino Star is now available of Greater Montreal (2004) on the Gilmore College website PHILIPPINE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ORDER FORM know it is on the internet in case RESIDENTIAL LISTING Since December 2004, the North American Filipino Star has some people are unable to get a I wish to list the following information in the Philippine Telephone Directory been launched on the internet copy from the distribution outlets. for a three-year listing. through the courtesy of Gilmore Usually, the paper supplied to the College. For the time being, the different stores and offices will Name: __________________________________________________________ newspaper will be hosted by the only last for one or two weeks. 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