-r' :Ge- qctnA' re U-seu t',to 40i1.11[rrpni/ARO lttCC'1201'il th Tirne Borrnd From /: to Govt' HarYana' The Additional Chief Secretary Harvana, & Creriit Control DepartmenT' I lnstitutional Finance I Roorn No. 52, 71t' Floor, Chandigarh Haryana Civil Secretariat' f*, Secretary to 6ovt' HarYana' t" niiltie ndministrative Ali the Head of De Partmcnls 2. ol liaryana' ptity Conlmissiofrers ril lhe State l Ail thc De Cfficer of Adfilinistrator/Chief Executive 4 All Managing Director/Chief Institutions in the State of l'{arYalra ttoard/Corporations/Coclperative in the State o.f nu'Ujl,l, Registrar o{ all Universities The Dirrision, Gurltgrarn Division' Hisar Division' Rohtak CommissionersCommissroners ofot An\balaAn\bale Faridabad Diviston' Division, Karnal Divisidn and zozo Datecr' chandisarh the \tlvarcn' TI 63OCw) Deposits with the Banks' Providing information on dated 'ki')'ipr:t: a,l13/Empnr/ARo/iFCC t2o17 t17s'183 W U.r-,,ffi:';.-, :,:,:'J:il:,lTn,"uu." with Bank F No / ' 13.03 2018. ,fu-ve-hlt', ln Sir \l at)d reiei"'lnce cireci above' / V Krrrtily tefer lo tlrc subjer:t with the iianks z .--,.'*^^+ ha< iccro.l detailei rnstructiQns on interface _\ n^ for pracing the guide*nes to be forrowecj \te io,uu *,.,u',,Ji;ilT;:ff:ru:Iff;;l:i:'f..ouro* \ entrosed) / rje0osris with Barrks {Copy of Deposrts made rn provide the cletails of the quanturn you therelore, requested to , are, of this letter i'e' by 12tn two days frorn the date of issue ( in the enclosed proforma within the )1 ali tnr banks are also requested to include at email id ifcc@hry nic'in You -/ tr4arcl'r 2020 positiveiy tn,"o'!n-ntu" \ as ott 1'01r' March, ?020' iri ,espective bank accounts t---'ft19a--A+r,, ,;"*10,r, ot the bank tralances Enciosure;- -t 6 >. ;- l. Proforma 13'03'2018 /l/' 'Z 2' FD's lnstruction dated lrL -[)l- -rl 6,t YoursfaithfullY, (3tl' ,i-. t y' It$#{ilr0"(l i stt'etufrdante Govt' PtarYana' for Additional Chief Secretary to Control Departrnent lrr:;titutional Finance & Creoit t ; .','gtin-t..' - (-.' - . frrr.rr # lrrr.i-.,' Endst No. Acttl2Q2}l bt \'{-3 tuqI gf qkT fi ERqlull.ff)d *s.eoeta'rud,unrn\lnr vr'wr'v" a" '-";-''c\ t%R%W ffi;Hhffigsfrl * "'T* fi olft'Rffi qHE ERqT"fi qqt{ fr qroq ff{r6 ;';;;''* * * * t f%lffi *I'dTf I qT q-d qtl da rdqle{\ qq*Tn\]'q'q\r ssoiv'!v'!v' frdqTq dol fdl ; sF Ir tft Rohtak, Faridabad-I/IIAII' n /-nrrrt Ambala'A Panipat, ffi-ffiH '\d Tribunal-cum-Labour Court' 1. Presiding Officer Industrial Gurgaon-Vfl and Hissar' ,) :;:ffi 3ffiT]'E'?.qiiFaridabad'Gursaon-r&Il'HisarandRohtak 3iiffiT[:ffi and Hisar' Panipat' Faridabad' Gurgaon-I A Dy. Director(Is&H) Ot"U"f"' Kamal' Rewari' Sonepat-I' imbala' Kurukshetra' 5. Assistant Labour cot-i"iontt' Palwal' Ikithal'""***i*-I' Jind and Mewat' Bhiwani, Sirsa' Kurukshetra' Karnal' Mewat' Safety and t".nnl, Yamunanagar-i, 6. "J"O*r*ft,Assistant Director, a"a"roi", Sirsa *;;i, Sonepat-I, Rohtak' Bhiwani& Health)' t*f'9?1'1d br.'oo..to, Gnaustriat :.T::::-i:^ Hissarltrissar. ;;' ;anipat' nariaaug and 8. ;ilG# ffi i.s;, ffi :^*t*' department stte' q a".ounts branch for uploading on @ for Labour comfl)yn Huty ", w \ ol- +, (E F (t) a EE*' -t o$ 5 ID o '; o tt'; o E d trts () o o o o o o- cL oo o & EEg $o a {., O, -r-T E8ar I Lg (s o o e o lo €g lq, I hl IE l(! G tz I tr cD I o I I ,Aa o) .-G l-c _---j €9. l*r o$o)_ lo -+ FE'69 lo I .HEE8 l$ lz I -a J (^ot( i}ltl; .,t No a0/l3iErnpnl/AltO/lFcCi20"1iia|-lis '. t ' :2 > Flontultr ,nr-r^re..nrarn to Govt' ilaryarra' ': : 2-';r'",') Thcr\cldirionalchiefsccrs*ry^to9:::l||]i',},T'c r\clditional Chief SccrSgry pr^,.,,nna. 1,,{---,-' ConUof Dcpaitm*'nt' Flaryana' i: t;;';r InsritutionalFinance & Credit n '' Ito.rrt No.Ji,'iiliroot, .. , ', Charldigarh' I{at y:ina Civii Se'crctariat' 0 Sccretary to (iort' HnD'ara' I . Al1 the r\dnrinistrative tlcad of DePartrncnts' 2 L\lFtirc of i-laryatta' rjtp"ti Ctti'missioncrs in thc State 3, All thc Crri0f I:xccutive Ct'liccr l,f t V.,,'a?in|njr.rirr/iiri.l,il,"i"i.t'ator/ i'e State l-laryattit' 4. Coup.rotiVe ltrstitttti'ris i' f i,,nr.iC"?,.,"rriirirri 'f of o1'llitrl,ana' rr"g-i,il.r,olJi u''i,,crsiiics in tire Ij|atc (iu.rgr;titt t. r.t,r", l{r:htak Dir''isi.rr' 5. nt. pi"iri",.,, liis*r' Divlsi.it' 6. c,,,.,,,n,irio,i.rr'oilrn,t Division Ui"i"io"' [o'nnif iuition and FaricJabld 3 Nlarcii' 201 E Datctl, Chanciigarh thc | Intcrface rvith l]nnk' Subject:' l'{crv Stntc Policy on Sir' cited above' It Kinrlly ref cr to thc thc strbject ' has r.viric'tl thc policy toriicilt!!g-$-l*':!li:-b-'lnk" 't' 1'lrc (it-rvcruntc;rt of l'lalvann 2 parallri]tefs /\{lollyr)f 111' isi*rlreprocessof.'91J1 9rllpl"rl91_,..oll.g.{,bl'rkionrIqlqi!s-.111';u'isccl is crrcloscd ircrcrvitil' leviscd poticy ilt lctler.t, spr:! 0rlrj ;' 1r atllrerrl to tJrc rcvrsed poircy 3' \,trtl ilfe 1l-,crel.,-l|c,. rgqliest(-.,(i perthet.evise(ll.li]i::_:l]rq!i1!l1!11]I!]i9-9I!-i!-L8 w1J]f1e9p'.uu.,i.l.i,i..a,rcci')cpartr1rer-r-i.(i!.Ct])b}:il,::!vlcll]' u'it' ti"rt: qi tlrl-g' Till thcn' b*ki*s '':isiiil ,9!g4:r-*-iii.p$gllg'l .yiii!9lq!!nqt'cd t't'-iiLtg-ggiry9 *.ilon.ttr,l t() tll{l rcviscci policy' bapks irc contin''rcel subjcct \ror'l ri fai tlr l'rr ) IY' LC\t.^'---'\'\-r-:-'"- [l', l' i'rrult;)ri 7([v is'or' |rrrAtlditiorlalC]iricfsccLt:tarytoGovt.il.rr\,;itl:.1. Otrtllrt'l l)c;iarititt' lns(itrrtitlnar f:trtance & Clgclit 6onks' FollcY for dealilsvvith Revised HarYana Stite Subiect: vide lettel lrlo' tne policy issuect In supercession of ' IF&CC/RO/runOsiZOiilz65Tdalcds'rr'zor:u*{uieviscctpolicyfordealingv;ir:r' banksbYvariousorgan|zattons(i.e'@vernmentDepartrnenLs,PublicSec[o' Enterprlses,|Joards,Corpofations,Autonomousbodiesorsuchottrerinstitu[i()nsorin any form) has lieen from lhe Staie Governmcnt receiving funds sector' so as l'0 societies scenario of banking in view thc chanEing formulaftqj kecotng obtainoptlmtrmbeneiltofthcschemes'minimizec'osIandl]nng''rniformi''YanotJ;::fi o u'" nn -,'* n'l1l:: tra nsparcnry :,il:'ffi:::'ti ".' :iH[ T:f, rvloreover i' incr'lsive qrourt'l ff:,l;:':::::: il:: :'J:::Hi1'""u' ror hasbeerlrrbsewedovertlme,thaLtheperformaticcolsonteofthePtrb|ir:/|'riv.rtc sector|.]anksincovern*enLsponsoredprogrammOsr.]ildsc|rerrreshavcnOtbeer. g'ut:n encouraging .,--! grr^ r:n,,crrrrm€nl of lndia has mention ihat the Governme li ls not out of place to 2, in order to brillg in cornpetitivqng55' new and small Banks licences 'io many busincssefriclencydueto[echno|ogicaladvancerrren|arrcltofi.Ieetthecradii-at".rj remi|tanceneedsofsmallbusine,,,ul..'g.ganiscdsector,lowinconrehousei'o!tj:', work force ctc' farmcrs and migrant polir-y 3'I--or|ransacl:ingGovernmeni.!:usiness,thefollowingguidelinesai'epUtlI.}i1la..e: A. a,TheorganisationsmayinviLcquotefrontherespectivr:ern''raretl':;; tn' quote shouio ot n::tt Banks 'rhrough shourrr ;j,"-1rsil''. '"u"' trrat the qLrotation$::::::]Iil :il:*:Til' 1; ';;;;;' ensurc'r anY holidaY' calted a daY before and ihr ir I 'k s;lrr-ruicl be short-listccl b, The quotations recclvecj providingmaxlmumrate0finteresl:beselecteclforplacing.lep0slli..'r ','nlninrunt loan' rale ol interest for borrowingi arlthorlll in r frt) iaken )Y the cornpetent c. A deciston wiil bc orc,altisatlonr,.lithin2daysoi,iherec,ciptofthcquota[ionl|rorl-|[j.eiii:ln':' wiil be srrnt ancl borro',nriry$s Rlaced details of the deposits d. Tlre with a hard coPY at e'nrail ID i'e. immediately hrough'mail ryS-""in of the same' Thetotaldeposirsplacedandtheborrolvirrgmaclebydlfferent Organisa|ionsclurin$apcriotiofonemonthwillbeconsolidatedbyFD|n3'., the G0vernrnen'\ bY tni] ,0, t.he inforniation of t|g Dcpartment of iF.c cJavoitliesubseqrtentmontlrindicatinsheni]meofthet}ankarrdEirt0lll.r.i dePosited/borrowed ' B. Esr-ail-caseg-ll4rc$GrgLlt0derAfi&svtu a.Anyorganizationwhowantstop|acerjepositofarryamolttrtl.ora pcriorlofmorethan3monilrsormorethanRs,l0croreior3rnon|lrsor lesswillsendtheproposalto]FCCinFinar]ceDepartmenta[leas;tl0 workingdaysinadvance,sothataconso|idateclprotrosalcanbepreoattd foi,allthcorganizatlonsforplacingtheirdeprrsi|swit|rthelSankschosenili amanncrsracedatPoint|.lo.3A(atoc).]bovesoastontaxin-.'izr:and optimizereturnsonthesame'Theproposalllesenteitheron'sto'-15thtlaY of evcry month' ll.Asfundsareusuallyborroulecifrornbanksarr<Jfinatrcla|irrstii,rttttjn.c onStat0Govcrnment'guarantee,asimilarproceclureforta|<ingcrccJitast;,ttlttlt $c be follolved' tne arting thereby c.ar,e of dcposits woulci rlrgnnizationsinneecjofcrecti|wilisendL|reirproposa|LoDepar*g1g1rl-ilf cheop credlt tt"::li:.:' dav-< in advatrce so tirat IFCC ':rt least 15 ,'t',;:L' differentsourcesandprovidedforinaiin"\eboundinanner.J'heiranr'::'}i] oifersminimalratefore>c.encJingborrowirig/|oanwou|dberecontnrendcfioI thc 0rclaniz-aiion' scherire lvlici| 5o evei. a bank account loi ilrty 4. l,lo organization would open without|heapprovalfromDepartmentoflnstitui.iortaIFirrancei.}nd(,r0(liil , (irLLJ'||.FF\ Controt into orrc or i1N(l ::-" need to be consolidettecl 5. All existing lrank accounls'^'^"^r:c 'roeneclOpenec maloraccolllts,forwhichapprovalofFLr(iniFCC)istotleinvariab|ylal(cn. Departrtlent ha've isslrerl (l' Tlre Governmen[ in Financ'e 6. 143""2012/ I'11'-1i l4i 201J-5tl&C clated !rlh insiructions virle lelter No'Ztli i'c in thc bantr can draw money to keep no Government Departmenr for whic'h tt for Lhe purposc belng acLualiy utilized accoun! without it has been withdrawn' , ancj the nlone'/ \tith(Jra'vs mDney ln case ;;nY Organization l5 b, acticln will .,. inilixigd specilrcally permi[ted rPmains idle or unless .PlX n'''' o u nt ::'no' th e a rn " " "' ,, ilol'uu'on ::'::Jl',,ILlte intert:lt sanreT:: ailorrg wit|t has io cteposi[
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