WIND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE GIVING WIND DIRECTION O&M: O&M: OPERATIONS O&M: Operations The Shift Toward Optimization • Predictive maintenance methodology streamlines operations • Safety considerations for the offshore wind site » Siemens adds two » Report: Global policy vessels to offshore woes dampen wind service fleet supply chain page 08 page 43 FEBRUARY 2015 FEBRUARY 2015 Moog has developed direct replacement pitch control slip rings for today’s wind turbines. The slip ring provides Fiber Brush Advantages: reliable transmission of power and data signals from the nacelle to the control system for the rotary blades. • High reliability The Moog slip ring operates maintenance free for over 100 million revolutions. The slip ring uses fiber brush • Maintenance free Moog hasMoog developed has developed direct direct replacement replacement pitch pitch controlcontrol slipslip rings rings for for today’s today’s wind wind turbines. turbines. The slip The ring slip provides ring provides Fiber Brush Advantages: technology to achieve long life without lubrication over a wide range of temperatures, humidity and rotational • Fiber Minimal Brush wear Advantages: debris reliablereliable transmission transmission of power of power and and data data signals signals from from thethe nacelle nacelle to to the the control control system system for the for rotary the rotaryblades. blades. • High reliability speeds. In addition, the fiber brush has the capability to handle high power while at the same time transferring data • generated High reliability signals.The Moog slip ring operates maintenance free for over 100 million revolutions. The slip ring uses fiber brush • Maintenance free The Moog slip ring operates maintenance free for over 100 million revolutions. The slip ring uses fiber brush • • No Maintenance lubrication required free Moogtechnology has developeddeveloped to achieve direct direct long replacement replacement life without pitch pitchlubrication control control slipover slip rings a ringswide for forrangetoday’s today’s of wind temperatures, wind turbines. turbines. The humidity slipThe ringslip and providesring rotational provides • Fiber Minimal Brush wear Advantages: debris technology to achieve long life without lubrication over a wide range of temperatures, humidity and rotationalFiber Brush• Advantages: Minimal wear debris Moog’sreliablereliablespeeds. proventransmissiontransmission In addition, fiber of brushof the power power fiber technology and andbrush data data has signals has signalsthe become capability from from the synonymousthe tonacelle handlenacelle to high theto with the controlpower controlhigh whilesystem system at for the the forsame rotary the time rotary blades. transferring blades. data generated• Wide operating speeds. In addition, the fiber brush has the capability to handle high power while at the same time transferring• data High • Highreliability reliability performancesignals. slip rings around the world. With over 50 years of experience and • No lubricationtemperaturegenerated required range signals.moreThe Moog than 10,000slip ring slip operates ring designs, maintenance our engineers free for work over together 100 million with revolutions.your The slip ring uses fiber brush • Maintenance• Maintenance free free The Moog slip ring operates maintenance free for over 100 million revolutions. The slip ring uses fiber brush • Wide• • Loweroperating No lubricationlife-cycle cost required designtechnologytechnologyMoog’s team proven toto to achieve achievefind fiber a solution long brushlong life lifetechnology thatwithout without is right lubrication has lubrication for become you. over synonymous over a widea wide range with range highof temperatures,of temperatures, humidity humidity and rotationaland rotational • Minimal wear debris Moog has developed direct replacement pitch control slip rings for today’s wind turbines. The slip ring provides • Fiber Minimal Brush wear Advantages: debris Moog’sspeeds.speeds.performance proven InIn addition,addition, fiber slip brush the ringsthe fiber fiber aroundtechnology brush brush the has has world. the has the capability become Withcapability over to synonymous 50 handleto yearshandle high of highexperience power with power whilehigh and while at the at samethe same time timetransferring transferring data data temperature• Wide range operating reliablemore transmission than 10,000 of powerslip ring and designs, data oursignals engineers from the work nacelle together to the with control your system for the rotary blades. generatedgenerated performance signals.signals. slip ringsLooking around for the more? world. With over 50 years of experience and • HighLower reliability life-cycle cost design team to find a solution that is right for you. • No• lubrication No lubricationtemperature required required range moreThe Moog than 10,000slip ring slip Scanoperates ring to designs, viewmaintenance specifications our engineers free for for overwork direct 100 together million with revolutions. your The slip ring uses fiber brush • Maintenance free Moog’s proven fiber brush technology has become synonymous with high • Wide• Wide operating• Loweroperating life-cycle cost designtechnology Moog’s team provento to achieve find fiber replacementa solution longbrush life technology thatwithout pitch is right lubrication hascontrol for become you. slip over synonymous rings. a wide range with highof temperatures, humidity and rotational • Minimal wear debris performance slip ringsLooking around for the more? world. With over 50 years of experience and temperature range speeds.performance In addition, slip the ringsScan fiber around to brush view the has specifications world. the capability With over for to 50 directhandle years high of experience power while and at the same time transferring data temperature range more than 10,00010,000 slip slip ring ring designs, designs, our our engineers engineers work work together together with with your your generated signals. Lookingreplacement for more? pitch control slip rings. • Lower• Lower life-cycle life-cycle cost cost design team toto findfind a a solution solution that that is isright right for for you. you. • No lubrication required Scan to view specifications for direct Motion Technology | Fiber Optics | Electronic Systems Moog’s proven fiber brush technology has become synonymous+1-540-552-3011 with high 800-336-2112 (USA) [email protected] • Wide operating replacementLookingLooking for for more? more?pitch control slip rings. performance slip rings around the world. With over 50 years ofMotion experience Technology and | Fiber Optics | Electronic Systems temperature range ScanScan to to view view specifications specifications for for direct direct more than 10,000 slipreplacement ring designs, pitch our engineerscontrol slip work rings. together+1-540-552-3011 with your 800-336-2112 (USA) [email protected] • Lower life-cycle cost design team to find areplacement solution that ispitch right control for you. slip rings. www.moog.com/components Motion Technology | Fiber Optics | Electronic Systems +1-540-552-3011 800-336-2112 (USA) [email protected] www.moog.com/componentsLooking for more? Motion Technology | Fiber Optics | Electronic Systems #4808Scan to view specifications for direct+1-540-552-3011 Motion Technology 800-336-2112 | Fiber (USA) Optics | [email protected] Systems replacement pitch control slip rings. +1-540-552-3011 800-336-2112 (USA) [email protected] www.moog.com/components www.moog.com/components www.moog.com/components Motion Technology | Fiber Optics | Electronic Systems #4808 +1-540-552-3011 800-336-2112 (USA) [email protected] www.moog.com/components inFOCUS: O&M: OPERATIONS FEBRUARY 2015 18 The shift toward optimization By Barry Logue,Vaisala, Inc. ALSO IN INFOCUS 22 Predictive maintenance methodology 26 Profile: Renew Energy streamlines operations Maintenance 30 Conversation: 28 Safety considerations for the offshore Dallas Dixon, wind site Sales & Marketing Manager, Sage Oil Vac 2 FEBRUARY | 2015 SECTIONS Volume 07 Issue 02 08 DIRECTION Policy • Advocacy • Business • Finance • Legal • Environment • International Siemens adds two 10 Apex sells 300 MW 12 Northern Power vessels to offshore Balko Wind Project to Systems plans initial service fleet D.E. Shaw public offering TRANSMISSION CONSTRUCTION 34 ABB sets world record in 37 MidAmerican Energy completes HVDC Light voltage level construction on three Iowa wind farms 39 Samsung and Pattern Energy inaugurate Ontario project MANUFACTURING INNOVATION 40 PGE’s ‘smart’ gas plant helps balance wind, solar 44 SKF debuts custom machined seals for OEM or existing wind turbine applications CROSSWINDS DOE seeks to improve wind 42 Brooklyn home to Big Apple’s first commercial forecasting in complex terrain 48 wind turbine Wind Systems (ISSN 2327-2422) is published monthly by Media Solutions, Inc., 266D Yeager Parkway Pelham, AL 35124. Phone (205) 380-1573 Fax (205) 380-1580 International subscription rates: $72.00 per year. Periodicals Postage Paid at Pelham AL and at additional mailing offices. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Wind Systems magazine, P.O. Box 1210 Pelham AL 35124. Publications mail agreement No. 41395015 return undeliverable Canadian addresses to P.O. Box 503 RPO West Beaver Creek Richmond Hill, ON L4B4R6. Copyright 2006 by Media Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 FEBRUARY | 2015 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL HAS ALL YOUR WIND ENERGY TORQUE NEEDS COVERED From U.S. made click-type and electronic torque wrenches, to high-output electric torque
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