Paddling Books - Kayaking & Canoeing (reviewed) Paul Caffyn collection Update 12 June 2019 ed 22/6/19 Author Title Year of Pub. ISBN Publisher s/b or HB Aaronovitch, David Paddling to Jerusalem (kayaking England’s canals) 2000 1 84115 101 7 Fourth Estate UK HB d/j Aaronovitch, David Paddling to Jerusalem (kayaking England’s canals) 2001 1 84115 131 9 Fourth Estate UK s/b 306pp Abnet, Lanae Paddling Edna (Wabash R to Gulf of Mexico) 2018 978 1 64111 209 4 Palmetto USA s/b 467pp Ackerley, Richard Arahura Pathway to the Setting Sun 2000 0 473 06987 3 Ackerley family s/b Addison, Graeme The World’s Wildest White Water 2001 1 85974 501 6 New Holland HB d/j Addison, Graeme Whitewater Rafting Equipment & Techniques 2000 1 85974 402 8 New Holland NZ s/b Andrews, Bill Canoe Australia - A Detailed Instruction Guide 1986 0 86777 033 3 Child Henry Aust s/b 127pp Andrews, Stuart Blind Leading the Blind (Torres Strait Xing) 2004 174110 179 4 New Holland Aust s/b 240pp Adney & Chapelle Bark Canoes & Skin Boats of N. America 1964 - Smithsonian HB Adney & Chapelle Bark Canoes & Skin Boats of N. Am. reprint 1983 - Smithsonian HB Albanov, Valerian In the Land of White Death (Siberian Arctic) 2000 0 679 64100 9 Modern Lib USA HB Alderson, Doug Sea Kayaker's Savvy Paddler 2001 0 07 136203 7 Ragged Mtn. USA s/b Alderson, D, Pardy, M Handbook of Safety and Rescue 2003 0 07 138890 7 Ragged Mtn USA s/b Alderson, Doug Sea Kayak Around Vancouver Island 2004 1 894765 50 8 Rocky Mtn Bks s/b Alderson, Doug Waters Less Traveled Florida’s Big Bend Coast 2005 0 8130 2903 1 Uni Florida Pr USAs/b 135pp Alterhofer, Ursula, Christian Der Hadernkahn - Geschichte des Faltbootes 1989 3 925660 09 7 Pollner Verlag Ger HB American National Red Cross Canoeing (452 pp Canoeing handbook) 1977 0 385 08313 - American NRC s/b American National Red Cross Basic Canoeing (short version of 452pp manual 1965 - American NRC s/b Annat, Maggie Outward Bound Canoeing Handbook (ex-lib) 1995 0 7063 7308 1 Ward Lock UK s/b Andersen, John Grønland På oplevelse i kajak 2005 87 02 04641 0 Glydendal Denmark HB Andersen, John Rundt om Grønland 2009 87 02 07964 7 Glydendal Denmark HB Anderson, R.C. Canoeing and Camping Adventures 1910 - Gilbert Wood UK HB Anderson, Scott Distant Fires (Duluth to Hudson Bay by canoe) 1990 0 938586 33 5 Pfeifer Ham USA s/b Andrew, Frank Paitarkiutenka My Legacy to You (Bering Sea) 2008 0 295 98780 4 Univ.Wash Pr USA s/b Angier & Taylor Introduction to Canoeing 1973 0 8117 0912 4 Stackpole Bks HB Angus, Christopher Reflections from Canoe Country 1997 0 8516 0444 0 Syracuse Uni Press HB d/j Angus, Colin Amazon Extreme (raft trip) 2001 0 7737 3301 9 Stackpole Canada HB dj Angus, Colin Amazon Extreme (rafting) 2002 0 7679 1050 8 Broadway Bks US HB d/c Arighi, Scott & Margaret Wildwater Tourer (guide to extended tripping) 1974 0 02 503150 3 MacMillan USA HB dj Arima, Eugene Y. Contextural study Caribou Eskimo Kayak 1975 - Nat. Mus. Canada s/b Arima, E.Y. Inuit Kayaks in Canada. Review of Records 1987 0 660 10764 3 Nat. Mus. Canada s/c Arima E.Y. Contributions to Kayak Studies 1991 0 660 12913 2 Canadian Mus s/b Audette, Susan T. The Old Town Canoe Company First 100 years 1998 0 884448 203 Tilbury USA s/c Austen, Peter Wild Wild Wets (Aquaphiliac at end of his paddle) 2002 1 894384 40 7 Heritage Can s/c 144pp Australian Army Land Warfare Procedures – Genral Sea Kayaking 2005 - Aust. Army s/c Backes, David The Wilderness Companion - Reflections … 1992 1 55971 185 X NorthWord Pr Can s/b 112pp Backland, Gary & Grey, P Easy Kayaking Basics – for paddling Pacific NW 2004 1 55017 309 X Harbour Pub Can s/b 157pp Bailie, Marcus Canoeing & Kayaking (Crowood Sports Guide) 1991 1 85223 528 4 Crowood Pr UK s/c ex-lib Bangs, Richard & Kallen, C Riding the Dragon’s Back Race to Raft Yangtze R 1989 0 069 11932 1 Macmillan USA HB Bangs, Richard Whitewater Adventure (USA rivers) 144pp 1990 0 934429 20 0 Thunder Bay USA HB dj Bangs, R & Scaturro, P Mystery of the Nile (Raft/canoe descent Blue Nile) 2005 0 399 15262 8 Putnam USA UB dj Bannon J. & Giffen M. Sea Kayaking in the Carolinas 1997 0 9648584 3 6 Out There Pr.USA s/b Bannon, James Sea Kayaking Florida & Georgia Sea Islands 1998 0 9648584 5 2 Out There Pr.USA s/b Barber, Alan Marsyandi The Illusive River of Annapurna 1984 - Author. UK s/b Barenti, Mike Kayaking Alone 900 Miles on the Columbia R. 2008 978 0 8032 1382 1 Univ. Nebraska US HB Barker, Ralph One Man’s Jungle (Biography of Freddie Chapman) 1975 0 7011 2053 3 Chatto & Win.UK HB Barlow, Fred Wild Water Canoeing 1989 1 85284 031 5 Cicerone Pr UK s/b 85pp Barnes, David The Hungry Kayaker guide to cooking & camping 2010 978 1 77067 160 7 Friesen Press Can s/b 133pp Baxter, James Norway The Outdoor Paradise (ski & kayak) 2012 0 9550497 1 2 Scandanav.Pub Scot HB 447pp BCU Guide to the Waterways of the British Isles 1964 - BCU UK 3rd Ed HB d/j B.C.U. editor Geoff Good Canoeing Handbook (1983 reprint of1st ed 349pp) 1983 0 900082 03 8 BCU UK s/b B.C.U. editor Ray Rowe Canoeing Handbook (2nd edition reprint 549 pp) 1993 0 900082 04 6 BCU UK s/b B.C.U. Kayaking Canoeing KTG Know the Game series 1983 0 7136 2601 1 EP Publishing UK s/b B.C.U. Kayaking Canoeing KTG Know the Game series 1995 0 7136 3976 8 A&C Black UK a/b 48pp Beard, Dan Boat-Building and Boating (chapters on canoes) 1911 - Scribners’ USA HB Beasley, Ian (signed) Kayak - A collection of words and images 2011 978 0 646 55479 2 Stern Turn Aust s/b 165pp Beazley, Bob Kayaking Essentials (A Nuts and Bolts guide) 1995 089732 169 3 Menasha USA s/b 40pp Behne, C. Ted (editor) The Travel Journals of Tappan Adney 1887-1890 2010 978 0 86492 628 9 Goose Lane Can s/b Behne, C. Ted (editor) The Travel Journals of Tappan Adney Vol.2 2014 978 0 86492 449 0 Goose Lane Can s/b Bendickson, Jamie Idleness, Water, and a Canoe (paddling reflections) 1997 0 8020 7910 5 Toronto Un Pr Can s/b Behham, Andy Discover Kayak Fishing A Practical Manual 2010 978 1 906095 22 2 Pesda Press Wales s/b 135pp Bell, Martin NZOIA Kayak Instruction Manual 1997 - NZOIA comb bind s/b 125pp Bennett, Jeff The Essential Whitewater Kayaker 1999 0 07 134327 X Ragged Mtn Press s/b Bergland, Dirks (editors) Aleut Tales and Narratives (Jochelson 1909-10) 1990 1 55500 036 3 University Alaska s/b Berton, Pierre Drifting Home (rafting the Yukon) 1973 0 394 49081 9 A Knopf Canada HB 1 Best, Elsdon The Maori Canoe (reprint) 1976 - Govt. Printer NZ HB Bevan, Scott The Hunter (kayak trip down Hunter R. NSW) 2012 978 0 7333 2985 2 ABC Books s/b 375pp Bigelow, Jodi Kayaking for Fitness - 8 Week Fitness Program 2008 978 1 896980 37 9 Heliconia Pr USA s/b 152pp Bigelow, Poultney Paddles and Politics Down the Danube (reprint) 2015 978 1 331 07743 5 Forgotten Bks USAs/b 253pp Blades, Michael (signed) Day of Two Sunsets (BC, Canada) 1993 1 55143 001 0 Orca Pub Can s/b Blandford, Percy W Canoeing (Foyles Handbooks) 1957 - Foyles UK HB 104pp Blandford, Percy W Canoes and Canoeing 1962 - Lutterworth Pr. UK HB Blandford, Percy W Canoeing Waters (guide to lakes & rivers UK) 1966 - Lutterworth Pr UK HB dj Blandford, Percy W Boat Building (reprint of 1958 ed) 1961 - W & G Foyle UK HB 92pp Blandford, Percy W Tackle Canoeing This Way (2nd impression) 1963 - Stanley Paul UK HB Blandford, Percy W Tackle Canoeing (4th impression) 1973 0 09 096760 7 Stanley Paul UK s/b Blandford, Percy An Illustrated History of Small Boats 1974 0 902875 51 5 Spur Bks UK dj HB 130pp Blandford, Percy W. A Life Full of Hobbies 2015 978 0 9553124 9 6 Firefly Bks UK s/b 312pp Blashord-Snell, John In the Steps of Stanley - Zaire River Expedition 1975 0 09 125080 3 Hutchinson UK HB Blazino, Darryl A Brief Time in Heaven Canoe Country Advent 2013 978 1 459 70807 5 Dundurn Can s/b 140pp Bliss, William The Heart of England by Waterway 1933 - Witherby UK HB 192pp Bliss, William Canoeing Art & Practice of Canoeing English rivers 1934 - Methuen UK HB 284pp Bliss, William Rapid Rivers (canoeing English rivers) 1935 - Witherby UK HB 244pp Bloomfield, Sean Adventure North Canoeing to Hudson Bay 2016 978 0 9974768 2 8 10,000 Lakes Pub s/b 228pp Blonville, Earl de (signed) Seventh Journey 1986 E. Greenland Expedition 2005 - Draft manuscript s/c A4 Blonville, Earl de (signed) Seventh Journey 1986 E. Greenland Expedition 2008 978 0 9805830 0 7 Bear Publ. Aust s/b Blonville, Earl de (signed) Seventh Journey 1986 E. Greenland Expedition 2009 978 0 9805830 0 7 Bear Publ. Aust s/b Boeschen, John Reflections on San Francisco Bay Vol.VI 2006 1 4196 2334 6 author s/b 200pp Boissoneault, Lorraine The Last Voyageurs (La Selle’s journey retrace) 2016 978 1 60598 976 1 Pegasus Bks USA HB 275pp Bolland, Terry Kimberley Challenge 1991 - magazine s/b Bolland, Terry (signed) The Long Way Home (A 24,000km Aussie trip) 1998 0 9585362 0 1 Terry Bolland WA s/b Bolland, Terry Canoeing Down Under The basics and beyond 1994 0 646 10075 0 Terry Bolland WA s/b Bolland, Terry (signed) Three Rivers to Tuktoyaktuk 2011 978 0 9871155 2 2 Terry Bolland WA s/b 260pp Bolland, Terry (signed) A Race Along The Way (Yukon River) 2011 978 0 9871155 0 8 Terry Bolland WA s/b 182pp Bonnerjea, R Eskimos in Europe How They Got There… 2004 963 9289 88 4 Biro Ltd Hungary s/b 470pp Bowermaster, Jon Birthplace of the Winds (Aleutian Islands) 2000 0 7922 7506 3 Nat.
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