ROLE OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN INFORMATION TRANSFER A SELECT ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY D1SSERTAT10M SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF 'iiCaster of <£ibrary 8r S^nformation Science 2001-2002 BY MAHENDRA KUMAR RAWAT ROLL NO. 425 ENROL. NO. AA-4044 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MR. ASIF FAREED SIDDfQUI LECTURER DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSUM UNIVERSITY ALI6ARH (INDIA) . '^ ' 2002 DS3333 'WHO ALWAYS BEEN A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION, GUIDANCE AND ENCOURAGEMENT FOR ME' ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY, ALIGARH fEPBX : 700916, 20-23, 26 Ext. 193/4 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY Phone [Direct : 700039 AND Fax: 91-0571-400528,401221 INFORMATION SCIENCE Ref. No. Dated.••• • This to certify that the dissertation entitled "Role of communication technology in information transfer"embodies the result of bonafide work carried out by Mr.Mahendra Kumar Rawat during 2001-2002 for the partial fulfillment of Master of Library and Information Science, under my supervision and guidance. The dissertation has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree diploma or other similar title or recognition. Asif Fa reed Siddiqui (Lecturer) DECLARATION I hereby declare that the work presented in this dissertation entitled ^Role of communication technology in Information transfer" is original and is carried out by me in Aligarh Muslim University campus has not been submitted earlier in part or in fiiU any degree diploma of any University. iV^ Mahendra Kumar Rawat AOOOOWLEV^MtNT the^ help of crecUx^r of thly unO\/er^, who- created/ mcuv, otAt of (^ concealed/hlood/, touightlhe^ uie^ofoypeyvand/ tXMAj^ht mja>A/i^^u^V}hlcKh£/)c¥ieM) viot. I cuyi/tha¥\kftAi/the^ odmlghty. the/ pre^fi^yt project report decdy wttjk/ the/ "Hole/ of ComAnuunlcatCovx/ Technology Cw lyiformxntCOYv Trcuvi&fer" It Ci'the^otAtcome^of cuhibUography coryipiZed/ uinxier the HApen/Cior and/ giAldcLvice/ of Mr. AiCf fareed/ SCdd/Lc^uJi/, LectiArer, V&pCLTtwievxt of LCbrary Sclevice^ ctnd/ InformatCowSclevice/, AMU AlCgarh. Wordy ieen/ to- he/ iAfuxd/ec\\Axxte/ for the^ Unmeme^ appreclatCow cmd/ gratCtude< I o\ue/ to- my ncpervdor Mr. Aiiffcweed/Si^idlciuCi whoie^eyuxKirage^nev^coopercution/ OA^giAld^Mice/h/A^^hee^vva/^ytArce/ofiYx^iA^ me. I (MYU lucky one/ to work/ wCth/ iuch/ ge^juU/ne penoni I woiAld/Uke^tothounk/hlm/for hiy helpful iugge^itiAynound/ comryieYxty in checking^ the/ orCgCnod/ worh ound/ wCth whoic/ help hecume iucce^ to- complete thd^ work/ in the/ present formA I \ucu\tt<y-efcpre^my deep ^eme^ of gratitude^ tct Mr.S- Muiitcufoi/ K. Q. ZcUcU/, ChcUrmcM^^i Vep(Mtvvve4^ of Lihrcuy 6- Informattow Sclevice^, for hly vcduahU^ mgge^tCow durOng^ m^ project worhy. He^C*yihihed/UviA^the^fci<:tthat work/ vrv the^ ovdy key to- iucc&&y, which/ wCU/ help wie/ for the^r&itofmy lOfe/. I would/ Wee/ to- pay regards tct Prof. Shahahat HUMCLO^ former ChalryyuMXi Vepartme^vt of Hhrary <5r InforyyiaXXAyw Science/, for u^nder^CiMidCng^ wiy prohHe^ny ci^ndyprovCdCng^ me/ guidcLnoe/ cuvid/ OL&U^tiM^\ce^ wKenever I needed/mxy^t. I (MYi/ ali<y thcLvOcfAl to- my other tea^dhery Mr. hJaAA^/had/ AU/ P. M., Mic. SudJiarvno/ HartdcLiouni Mr. Maioonv Ka^o/ avid/ My. hJCihat fatCmo/, Lectur&t^ of the/ Deportmenfr for their conttvuAOtA^ enooiAragevvievst. th(M\ky cire/ dUct due/to-Mr. XhcLWOifo/Moin Ahmad/ (Office/Ivicharge/), Mr. Kici^Ahhayyound/Airar Ahmad/ Ivicharge/ of Se^niviar of the/ Vepartmer\t oind/ VMon- teachlYig^ itaffy of the^ departme^\t for their wholes hearted/coopercutCovu firioXiy, I e^re^ my tharik/ to- my idter Mry. McufUiho/ Vidi/ and/ hrotherr JeetOyndro/, Sha4l&ndra/, Ill Vharme^ndrcu fxyr their Cnipir-in^ yApport ound/ patience/ ctt every it&p O^the/complettOfVofthCydC&iert^^ LouaC hiAt v\jcft: the/ lecuit I woxAld/ ICke/ to- thci^ih Mr. farruUv LoUcj, wKo; CnapitiB/ofhi^ ht^yy ichedAAle/, ^cured/ hly valvuMe/ Wme/ t*v typi^vg^ out thltf dl^iei'tcUXxyw with aXbhji^iilUlboi¥\d^hard/laho\Ara^^ Muitei/a/ K., Mt^ SaJba/ hJou&reew (Chief LCbraricLw prCycularihcLvii/ CoUe^, hJoCdo/), Mr. JcM^ed^ Akhtar, ferve^ Ala^vii Scdah4A4idl*y Athar, Shcihlw cvnd/ cdb my cLO'&nnatBa^ a^\d/ frCe^xdy The^e/ vuytjz^ of tha^ik^ owe/, yiotJusC pile^ of dUchey heaped/ OY\e/ upon/ other pre^evxt Cw thx^ aychno\uledge^^yiev\t, ovdy hecouL&e/ Ct Cy o/ trcuiitCovu thl^ weU/ wt^Ke^ wKo- hoA/e^ he&w (acknowledged/, oure/ rated/ great OAAXh/yritie^ of thly iubfect O/nd/ a^^oclate^, a^ the/ ipread/lztthly itudy. It C^thelr hind/dA/re<:tioyii vnge/nuCty oi^<id/concert th4^thl&'\vorhdraM}yhAAyngriJl^ upon for ity ^/ery e^U/^je¥\jce/a^\d/v¥vwLge/. _(^_ CH4MEWDER laCHAR •RA\MT) LIST OF PERIODICALS Name of Journals Frequency Place Association for Computing Machineiy (ACM) Bi-monthly USA Annals of Library Science and Documentation Quarterly New Delhi Asian Pacific Technology Monitor Monthly Japan Aslib Proceeding Monthly Londond Computer Communication Quarterly USA Communication Policy Quarterly USA Communication of the ACM Quarterly UK Data Quest Quarterly UK DESIDOC Bulletin B-monthly Delhi Electionic Library Monthly UK International Electionic Engineering. Monthly USA Information Technology and Libraries Quarterly USA Information Today and TomoiTOw Quarterly New Delhi International Information and Libraiy Review Quarterly Information Management Quarterly India ILA Bulletin Quarterly India Journal of Documentation Quarterly UK Journal of Librarianship and Information Sc. Quarterly Londong Journal of Libraiy and Information Science B-annually Delhi Libraiy Review Quarterly USA Libraiy Science witii a Slant to Quarterly Indian Documentation and Information Studies Libraiy Trends Quarterly USA Libraiy Herald Quarterly New Delhi Libraiy Quarterly Quarterly Chicago Libraiy Resources and Teclmical Sources Monthly Chicago Libri Quarterly Denmark NISSAT News Letter Amiually India Special Libraries Yearly New York Specialist Weekly USA Telecommunication Quarterly London Tele-Matics Bi-Monthly Canada University News Weekly Delhi IV INTRODUCTION TO BIBLIOGRAPHY PURPOSE:- The purpose of this study is to investigate the ongoing information in the field of information technology throughout the world and to analyse the pace of development in the technology era. It also aims to analyse technological advancement and their implementation to set up information infrastructure which can be utilize for the development of the country. Some information of communication technology initiative working in this direction can be described. It also seeks the possibilities of implementation of these technologies (developed by western countries) by developing countries. I ensure that this bibliography will provide useful information sources to them who are working or conducting research in the field of communication technology. The bibliography divided into three part 1st is deals with the description of the woric, and part Ilnd , the main part of the present study consist of an annotated list of 200 articles on role of communication technology in information transfer. The entry are not comprehensive but informative on the subject; part in, deals with indexes. METHODOLOGY;- I consulted internet search system as a primary source of information; specially Yahoo, Google, OCLC, Amazon, Altavista, to fulfill my requirement of relevant materials. Throu^ these web search engines I reach a variety of informative websites. Some of them where very useful of my formation present study, and their many procedure followed in compiling the bibliography is as foUows:- 1 .The following libraries were visited for the location of these source. (a). Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh (b). Dept. of computer science, A.M.U, Aligarh. (c). Dept. of Electronic, A.M.U, Aligarh. (d). INSDOC, New Delhi. (e). Delhi University, Delhi. (f). JAPEE institute of information technology, Noida. (g). Dept. of computer science Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. 2. Procedure followed in the preparation of bibliography is: 1. Primary source was consulted journal and Internet search system. 2. The relevant bibliographical details were put down on 5"X7" cards following ISI standard. 3. Subject heading was assigned side by side at the time of preparation of abstract. 4. Subject has arranged in alphabetical order. 5. At end tiiree separate index have been given, arranged alphabetically. 6. Subject headings have been provided co-extensively, which facilitate the user to find out the required article from their bibliography. 7. The rules of alphabetical sequence have been followed to arrange the entries. STANDARD FOLLOWED:- It has been taken strictiy to fallow the rules and practices of the Indian standard for bibliogr^hical references(IS: 2381-1963) for each entry of the bibliography . Thus it gives uniformity for tiie bibliographic references throughout this select bibliography. The classified catalogue code (CCC) of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan have been followed for choice and rendering and headings ARRANGEMENTS;- The entries in this bibliography are grouped and assigned strictiy under subject heading alphabetically letter by letter. Any entry is preceded by subject-heading in capitals .The entry begins with Entry Element (i.e. surname) of the author in capitals , followed by secondary element (i.. forename)within parenthesis and then the title of the article ,after this the titie of the periodicals (abbreviated and full form),its value number ,issue number month of publications and year of publication ;after which the page of the article are given. The item of bibliographical reference for each entry contains the following information; a) Name (s) of authors (s) b) Full stop (.) c) Titie of contribution including subtitie , if any d) Full stop (.) e) Tittie of the periodical VI f) Full stop (.) g) Volume number h) Issue number (within bracket) i) Semi-colon (;) j) Month k) ComaQ 1) Year of publication m) Semi-colon (;) n) Inclusive pages of article o) Full stop (.) SPECIMEN ENTRY:- RSH-FEJA (Diann) and (Hans Jurgen). Globe Info : The Grman digital libraries project. Library trends. 5,4; 1999, April ;41-3. Hs article entitled "Global information : The German digital libraries project. Written by Diann Rusch-Feja and Hans Jurgen Becker, is taken from the library trends, Issue number 4 and 5 and volume of the year 1999.
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