Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 This paper can be recycled Vol. 37 No. 12 Website: theaustinvillager.com Email: [email protected] Phone: 512-476-0082 Fax: 512-476-0179 August 28, 2009 Senator Edward “Ted” City Manager selects firm for investigation Kennedy passed away at age 77 recommended by Citizen Review Panel City Manager Marc Ott today announced the selection of KeyPoint Gov- ernment Solutions, a na- tional leader in compli- ance monitoring, to per- form an independent in- vestigation into the May 11 shooting of Nathaniel RAPPIN’ Sanders II. KeyPoint has an ex- Tommy Wyatt tensive reputation for con- ducting police-related in- Citizens vestigations. KeyPoint re- cently completed an eight- needed to year term as the court-ap- serve pointed monitor for the Sen. Edward M. in Washington to shepherd Los Angeles Police Depart- The city of Austin is ment. in the process of develop- Kennedy, longtime Demo- health care reform through cratic senator and the patri- “I have confidence in Austin City Manager Marc Ott ing a new Master Plan for the Senate. Before he died, KeyPoint,” Ott said. “The The Citizen Review tirety. Austin. The last master arch of the Kennedy political family, has died after a Kennedy called health care City has used this firm in Panel met Aug. 18 and Schlanger served on plan was done in 1979 and the past and I trust its abil- subsequently issued a for- the Executive Committee it was called The Austin lengthy battle with brain can- reform the cause of his life. cer. Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) ity to complete a thorough mal request of the City of the Working Group on Tomorrow Plan. This plan review of this case.” Manager to solicit an inde- National Guidelines for was adopted after many The Kennedy family re- called Kennedy “the con- leased a statement early A report from pendent investigation. Ott Police Monitors. Prior to months of work by citizens summate legislator,” while KeyPoint is due in late agreed to honor that re- his position as President of Austin who came to- Wednesday morning saying, “Edward M. Kennedy – the Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) September. The Civil Ser- quest out of respect for the of KeyPoint, Schlanger gether to discuss the vice 180-day timeline for critical role that the Citi- served as a Practice Man- many needs of the city. husband, father, grandfather, described him as a reliable brother and uncle we loved partner on important issues. the Chief of Police to make zen Review Panel has in ager at Kroll Inc., operated The plan has been a final decision on the the process, explaining a private law and investi- updated and adjusted so so deeply – died late Tuesday “He always kept his word, night at home in Hyannis case is Nov. 7. that his decision was not gation firm and served 12 many times that it is no and that is far less common The Travis County predicated on his personal years as an Assistant Dis- longer a good working Port. We’ve lost the irreplace- able center of our family and around here than a lot of Grand Jury issued a no-bill opinion of the investiga- trict Attorney in New York document. The city has in the criminal investiga- tion. County. opened up the process and joyous light in our lives, but people think,” McCain told the inspiration of his faith, Politics Daily earlier this tion of Austin Police Of- The KeyPoint team KeyPoint, based in is looking for citizens to ficer Leonardo Quintana will be led by Jeffrey Loveland, Colo., has of- serve on Comprehensive optimism, and perseverance summer, speaking of will live on in our hearts for- on Aug. 5, finding no Schlanger, President and fices in Reston, Va.; Los Planning Citizens Advi- Kennedy’s legislative style. criminal culpability in the CEO of KeyPoint since its Angeles; and New York. sory Committee (CPCAC). ever. We thank everyone who gave him care and support “We just sat down together officer’s actions. The APD inception in 2003. The firm also is a leading This body of volunteers and worked out a proposal. Internal Affairs investiga- Schlanger has more than provider of security-clear- will be charged with mak- overthis last year, and every- one who stood with him for He didn’t start it; I didn’t tion was completed Aug. 30 years of experience in ance background and em- ing sure that an extensive 11, at which time it was so many years in his tireless start it. We just sat down and law, law enforcement and ployment screen services range of public participa- submitted to Chief of Po- police department moni- U.S. federal government tion and citizen input oc- march for progress toward said OK, here’s what we justice, fairness and opportu- lice Art Acevedo, the Police toring. He served as agencies such as the Office curs during the two-year want to achieve — what do Monitor’s Office and the Deputy Monitor and gen- of Personnel Management development of the Com- nity for all. He loved this country and devoted his life we have to do?” McCain Citizen Review Panel for eral manager of the LAPD and the Department of prehensive Plan. further review. monitorship for its en- Homeland Security. If you are interested to serving it. He always be- said. in how our city is taking lieved that our best days were Public figures from shape and want to have still ahead, but it’s hard to across the political spectrum your thought known, this imagine any of them without reacted with sadness to the is the perfect opportunity him.” senator’s passing. Sen. Orin to get involved. As one who In recent weeks, Hatch (R-Utah), one of served on The Austin To- Kennedy had received the Kennedy’s closest friends, morrow committee during Presidential Medal of Free- said, “Today America lost a the last planning process, dom from President Obama, great elder statesman, a com- this can be a very reward- and his sister, Eunice mitted public servant and a ing experience. Kennedy Shriver, died. News leader in the Senate, and I lost Some of us need to came last week that the sena- a treasured friend.” Former stop talking and start do- tor had sent a letter to the gov- First Lady Nancy Reagan re- ing. We all have the re- ernor of Massachusetts, ask- leased a statement calling sponsibility to help make ing that he work to change the Kennedy “a dear friend,” this city one that will be state’s laws of succession to while Senate Majority accommodating for our fill his Senate seat quickly Leader Harry Reid said, “It children and grandchil- through a direct appoint- was the thrill of my lifetime dren. Things don’t just ment, rather than through a to work with Ted Kennedy.” happen. It takes many lengthier special election pro- Reid called Kennedy “a years of planning and de- cess. Kennedy’s letter, as well friend, the model of public velopment to have a liv- as his absence from the White service and an American able city of which we can House Medal of Freedom cer- icon,” and added, “The lib- all be proud. emony and his sister’s fu- eral lion’s mighty roar may The deadline was neral, fueled speculation that now fall silent, but his originally August 20th to his health condition was dream shall never die.” sign up for the CPCAC, grave.Democrats and Re- President Obama re- but it has been extended publicans alike had voiced leased a statement at 4:30 a.m. for a few more days. So, their regret this year that anyone interested can get Sen. Kennedy had not been See Kennedy page 7 an application from the city webpage -hhpt:// www.ci.austin.tx.us/ City of Austin to accept $2 million complan. The completed in HUD Federal stimulus funds to application should be sent to Candy Parham at: create legacy projects and jobs [email protected] In order to have City officials were covery Act). some say as to how your joined by Congressman The money will fund community will look in Lloyd Doggett and represen- four community development the future, we all need to tatives from the U.S. Depart- projects that will address in- participate in these ment of Housing and Urban frastructure needs in East Back to School Bash and Safety Fair Draws Hundreds worthwhile committees Development (HUD) as well Austin and offset construction Winn Elementary School students practice safe-walk-to-school skills on Saturday, Au- that are on going in our as area nonprofits today at a costs for nonprofit facilities. gust 22, at the Austin School District’s Annual Back-to-School Bash and Safety Fair at the Delco city. It is not good enough news conference to announce The projects combined will Activity Center. Principal Lucila Duncan received a proclamation from Austin Mayor Lee to say that you are not go- an investment in Austin’s create more than 100 con- Leffingwell for hosting the demonstration. Approximately 8,000 students and parents partici- ing to participate because economy and community struction jobs and help create pated in a bike rodeo and practiced emergency resuscitation techniques on training manne- “they are going to do what with $2 million in Commu- or retain more than 150 per- quins. Additionally, 800 students received free bike helmets; some 100 immunizations were they want to any way.” nity Development Block manent jobs in the next 18 administered; and about 1,700 qualifying students received free back packs with school sup- They will only do it if your Grant Recovery (CDBG-R) months.
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