. Swanspool House Wellingborough Borough Council of NN8 1BP Wellingborough 17th May 2005 Regulatory Committee Wednesday 25th May 2005 at 7.00pm Council Chamber, Swanspool House AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest (if any). Ι 3. Confirmation of the minutes of the meeting held on 27/4/2005. Ι 4. Applications for planning permission, building regulation approval etc. 5. Any other business that the Chairman decides is urgent. Ι Enclosed Please note: Site Viewing Group for Tuesday 24th May 2005 will be Councillors Waters, Morrall, Patel and Ryan. Tony McArdle Chief Executive Membership: Councillor Waters (Chairman), Councillor Morrall (Vice- Chairman), Councillors Beirne, Bell, Dholakia, Lawman, Mann, Old, Palmer, Patel, Ryan, Smith and Ward. For further copies of agenda and reports contact Performance and Democratic Services 01933 231511. Borough Council of Wellingborough Regulatory Committee Wednesday 25th May 2005 at 7.00 pm Council Chamber, Swanspool House INDEX Page No. SITE VIEWING GROUP WP/2004/0881/F - Land between 12 and 18, Duke Street, Wellingborough. 1 WP/2005/0148/F - 5 – 7 Albert Road, Wellingborough. 3 WP/2005/0248/F - Hardwater Mill, Hardwater Road, Great Doddington. 6 WP/2005/0249/LB - Hardwater Mill, Hardwater Road, Great Doddington. 11 WP/2005/0252/F - Land rear of 79 High Street, Finedon. 14 DISTRICT WP/2005/0192/F - Hearnden Court, Henshaw Road, Wellingborough. 17 WP/2005/0202/F - Land at and land adjacent Somerfield National Distribution Centre, Rutherford Drive, Park Farm Industrial Estate, Wellingborough. 21 WP/2005/0253/F - 11 Stoney Piece Close, Bozeat. 27 WP/2005/0259/F - Wollaston playing field off London Road, Wollaston. 30 WP/2005/0265/C - N S P C C, Orchard House, Gold Street, Wellingborough. 33 WP/2005/0268/F - Land adjacent 149 Main Street, Little Harrowden. 35 WP/2005/0300/F - The Castle Club, 33 St Johns Street, Wellingborough. 39 WP/2005/0305/F - Light It, 2 Pebble Lane, Wellingborough. 46 FOR INFORMATION WP/2005/0129/C Great Doddington Primary School, Church Lane, Great Doddington. 49 1 BOROUGH COUNCIL OF WELLINGBOROUGH AGENDA ITEM SITE VIEWING (Date of visit 24th May 2005 at 2.40 p.m.) Regulatory Committee 25/05/2005 Report of the Director of Environment and Economy APPLICATION REF: WP/2004/0881/F PROPOSAL: 5 town houses of three storey construction (amended plans). LOCATION: Land between 12 and 18 Duke Street, Wellingborough. APPLICANT: Mrs E Bradley, East Midlands Housing. Site Viewing by request of the Regulatory Committee. NOTE: This application was deferred by the Regulatory Committee on 2nd March 2005 for negotiation to achieve and amended scheme. Amended plans have been received on 28th April 2005 and at the time of writing the report there has been no comment received. The new proposal is considered to be acceptable in policy and all other respects and is therefore recommended for approval. RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions. 1. The development shall be begun not later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date of this permission. 2. Representative samples of all external facing and roofing materials shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before the development is commenced. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Country Planning General Pemitted Development Order 1995, or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order the hereby approved dwellings shall not be extended in any way without the consent in writing of the local planning authority. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order no structures or buildings shall be erected in the rear amenity space of the hereby approved dwellings without the consent in writing of the local planning authority. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order no window shall be inserted in the flank elevations of plot nos. 1 and 5 at 9 2 2 1 12 4 20 3 1 488000 488200 4 2 © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. 1 C ELIZABETH LO Borough Council Of Wellingborough:S Licence No.100018694. Published 11/05/2005 0 E 1 22 1 881 3 5 1 7 3 9 4 2667003 266700 0 1 E S 61.0m O L C D 7 A O V R V H E T 4 N E 5 N B A A 7 Z I 2 42 L E 6 1 5 Y 1 1 5 1 9 1 A 1 1 5 W S S E C N I R 0 P 2 4 1 7 9 7 3 VV 51 2 1 3 3 6 6 E 2 GHAM CLOS 3 SANDRIN a 3 2 4 7 5 4 6 1 P a th 9 4 3 6 35 666 666 0 3 25 68.6m Slope 44 0 6 73 S AN 4 D 3 E R 3 S I 2 N 7 O G 6 L Water H C A AM M H G CLOSE IN DR 8 6 2 2 2 Water 1 2 8 V V 2 4 Y 74.1m 5 2 1 BM W 7 5 . 0 T 2 EE m STR 12 KE W 4 22 Issues DU VV 665 665 24 18 3 0 1 4 0 2 4 El Sub Sta ET 5 E 5 R 7 U ST K KE E DU S 28 TR E E T 2 77.4m 1 5 2 1 2 9 1 2 5 1 23 2 6 5 4 BA LM O R AL 2 8 1 C LO S 0 2 E 4 1 266400 266400 488000 488200 1 1 4 1 1 881 3 1 8 6 5 Scale 1:1250 6 2 21 2 first or second floor level without the consent in writing of the local planning authority. 6. Before development is commenced details of the finished floor levels of the hereby approved dwellings in relation to the finished floor levels of nos. 12 and 18 Duke Street shall be submitted to the local planning authority and agreed in writing. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed levels unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority. 7. Before development is commenced an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) shall be submitted to the local planning authority. Should the ERA reveal that the site is subject to contamination a scheme for its remediation shall be submitted to the local planning authority and approved in writing. The approved remediation scheme shall be implemented and completed to the satisfaction of the local planning authority. 8. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the amended plan(s) deposited with the local planning authority on 28th April 2005. Reasons: 1. Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. In the interests of visual amenity. 3. To prevent an increase in resale value of the dwellings. 4. In the interests of protection the amenity of occupiers of adjacent dwellings and to prevent an increase in the resale value of the hereby approved dwellings. 5. In the interests of privacy. 6. In the interests of visual amenity and to protect the amenities of occupiers of nearby residential property. 7. In the interests of assessing any potential contamination of the site and to implement the necessary remediation measures. 8. To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the agreed amendments. INFORMATIVE/S 1. Pursuant to Section 54A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the proposed development complies with the applicable development plan policies and there are no other material considerations that would constitute sustainable grounds for refusal. These include specifically the following policies: GS5, H1, H2, H6 and H7 of the Northamptonshire County Structure Plan and G1, H1, H8, UH1 and UH5 of the Borough of Wellingborough Local Plan, Supplementary Planning Guidance - Parking, Building Better Places and Planning Out Crime and Planning Policy Guidance/Statements; 1, 3 and 23 Annex 2: Development on Land Affected by Contamination. 2. The applicant is advised that this decision relates to the following drawing numbers received on the date shown: Drawing Number: Date Received 5296:01 RevB, 5296:06B RevB and 5296/13 22nd December 2004 3. The applicant is advised that planning permission does not automatically allow the construction of the vehicle crossing, details of which require the approval of the Highway Authority. In this regard you should contact the Area Maintenance Engineer, Northamptonshire County Council - Atkins, Highways Depot, Harborough Road, Brixworth, Northamptonshire, NN6 9BX, tel. (01603) 883400 prior to any construction/excavation works within the public highway. 3 BOROUGH COUNCIL OF WELLINGBOROUGH AGENDA ITEM SITE VIEWING (Date of visit 24th May 2005 at 2.15 p.m.) Regulatory Committee 25/05/2005 Report of the Director of Environment and Economy APPLICATION REF: WP/2005/0148/F PROPOSAL: Convert 2 no. semi detached houses into 4 no. 1 bedroom flats. LOCATION: 5 - 7 Albert Road, Wellingborough. APPLICANT: Mr James Houghton, Plough Developments. Site Viewing request of Councillor. PROPOSAL: As above. The proposal is to convert a pair of older traditional style semi-detached properties into 4 individual flats (2 in each original dwelling unit, 1 to each floor). The application site property is located on the east side of Albert Road (which is a fairly narrow street dominated by parked cars along its length) in an area of mostly older housing within the area of the town beyond and to the north-east of the town centre core area. For the majority of its length, Albert Road comprises late Victorian bay fronted terraced houses, although at its northern end and in the vicinity of the application site, the properties are newer semi-detached types.
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