THE GUARDIAN Unlv.rally of California, San Diego Volulne _, Number 5 Monday, October 2, '1178 Food Co-op to Offer Low Cost Products By Jolla Hoadroe volunteer basis. " A person will willing the entire process of ~NewlEdI"" qualify by working four hours running a co-op," DeBell An AS SPODIOred food co-op per week in the co-op - this added. will open in the Student Center entitles the worker to buy all A food co-op organizational within a few weeks, according groceries at wholesale prices, meeting will be held on Oct. 5 at to Michael DeBell, a Muir to attend meetings and to vote 7 pm in the East Conference College senior. on all policy questions in equal Room. Anyone who would like The co-op, to be located in the status with the core," he said. to know more about the co-op in .Eut Conference Room, will The co-op will rotate the any respect and is interested in offer UCSD students a com­ working positions periodically volunteering is urged to attend, 'p'ete variety of fresh, or­ in order to "teach anyone DeBell said. ganically grown (no pesticides, herbicides or chemical ferti­ lizers used) produce, sand­ wiches, dairy products, breads and dry goods at "prices lower Rock Strikes than the supermarkets," DeBell said. DeBell, who is business manager of the co-op, said the Student at Revelle purpose of the food co-op is to By Seew Morus figured " the stone had to have offer students a healthy alter­ Stefanie ~amsdale , a UCSD come from Galathea .. .1 saw native to cafeteria food. "The graduate student, has lodged a faces there and leaned over the 1university community is too far complaint with the UCSD railing and yelled: 'whoever J removed from basic natural Police Department in response did that, you bad better stop! ' " foods; it's impossible to find to being hit by an object According to Campus Police UP& .. dark ftn&AS .... lIeld ...Frldaya&&be t~ unprocessed, unrefined, un- launched from a Revelle dorm Officer Rick Sanchez, the S&adeD& Cell ...... qalee. AeCeIe. packaged food on campus." ,_____________________ ---J "The general offering on last week. existence of the sling-shot " is The police are investigating just a guess" based on the campua is meat products - if Galathea Hall's 250-350 suites, apparen~ velocity, trajectory, you're a vegetarian, you're left and smallness of whatever hit Need to Talk? out," commented DeBell. in the belief that a rock was shot CoDlequently, the co-op will from a sling-shot or a similar Ramsdale. Unless the inves­ sell oDly foods Which are weapoD at Ramadale 88 sbe tigation can determiDe the "procured by DOn-cieltructive walked along the west balcony actual weapon a felony charge FOCUS Can Help means," DeBell added. of Cluster Ubrary. of assault ·with a deadly weapon DeBell said he helped or­ cannot be filed and the case will By RaIl Aabar services on campua are closed; ganize and run the original food Related leUer on page 3 remain a misdemeanor, he NewsE...... to help a student get in toucb co-op two years ago, which said. "You don't have to be at the with his/her feelings or prob­ failed in its first year of A police search of the library In particular, this incident end of your rope" to use lems and then to make a operation because of financial balcony produced three If.-inch highlights what the Philosophy FOCUS, a student pbone lis­ referral to the helping service problems due to pilferage and stones, one of wliich is thought Department, for wbom Rams­ tening service, said Susan on campus or in the community spoilage of products. "I want to to have hit, Ramsdale's right dale is preparing her candidacy Jablonski, a FOCUS volunteer. that would best meet the needs see it (the food co-op) happen shoulder. The blow .hit hard exam, has bitterly complained "The goals of FOCUS are to of the caller," according to the again because food is impor­ enough to cause immediate about: barrages of Junk and provide an empathetic and FOCUS Core Skills Manual tant to me and there is no way to swelling and three hours of verbal abuse usually hurled resourceful peer listener to which is given to FOCUS get good, healthy, nutritious painful tingling in Ramsdale's from the Revelle donns at students when other helping volunteers. food on campus except for right fingers, leaving a deep female students and employees Pat Rattigan, another Future Foods, which is too muscle bruise for many days according to Henry Allison, FOCUS volunteer, explained expensive," DeBell said. afterward. Chairman of the Philosophy Telephone that FOCUS is not intended 81 a The core of the food co-op will "I first thought," said Department. crisis intervention center. consist of five people, all UCSD Ramsdale, "that 1 had been Judith Edwin, Revelle resi­ " We've had calls after a really students, each assigned 'a shot...I turned and saw an dent dean, reports that al­ Directory good experiel!ce," he said. responsibility such as sales, object fall from my shoulder though the potential for serious Rattigan said that many financing, food preparation, and clatter on the walk." After injury is great in this kind of campus services like EDNA clean-up and public relations. a shocked 20 seconds of trying incident, this is the first time in Coming'Soon receive calls which should be According to DeBell, all labor to understand what had hap­ her two years as dean that in the co-op will be on a pened, Ramsdale said she (Please tum &0 page 1% ) By Eric HarpeD directed to FOCUS. In tum, A campus telephone dfrec­ FOCUS can refer students to various services ranging from tory, which will include the name, addreu and telephone birth control to suicide preven­ number of all resident and tion. commuter students, will be FOCUS volunteers undergo distributed at UCSD sometime several montha of training, in November. coordinated by Miriam Levina According to the Telecom­ of CounaeliDl • Plycbological municatioas Office, 5000 copies Services. They are iD.Itnlcted of the directory, now being to follow several ethical printed up, will be dJatributed guideline" including "not flft to allltudents. Iuues will taking advantage of caller in be obtainable from various either flDaDcial, sexual or loeatioDi on campua. elotiltical ways... u.teDers In addition to student direc­ will not give any suantioas to tory information, pertinent callers which may be construed information including the 81 legal or medical advice." phone numbers of student Volunteen are al80 asked never to divulge the names of organizations and a cafn5 map will appear in the de. callers to DOn-volunteen, never All personalinfonnation n the to work under the inftuence of directory, which will not intoxicants or when they are include staff or faculty phone sick, emotionally upset or numbers, is taken from the having pel'lOlUll problems. student registration tape in the "It's a one-time type of Registrar', Office. According service," explained Jim Car­ to a Telecom Office representa­ lisle, a FOCUS volunteer. tive, students will not have the Repeat caUen are referred to option of requesting that their CounseliDg • P.ychological name be withheld from the Services, be said. By Spring directory liJtlnga. quarter of lut year FOCUS was A Texas finn, in aUmation receivinC an average of one call with the Telecom Office, is a nltht, a majority of whicb produciq tbla year', guide. ( ................. ) lion., Oct. 2, 1171 Mon., Oct. 2, 1178 The QuardlM page 3 ,.1 TIlt ..·., ~--------------------------------------~~~~ Opinion Israeli Ship Sinks Violent Assault ~Deplored AI Fatah Death Boat. Editor: greater than that inflicted by banlment with pieces of fruit safety which I've experienced incident as juvenJle pranks, on It baa come to my attention the initial blow many years and other objects as well as sharply while on campus since a par, perhaps, with defacing TEL AVIV. I..... (AP)-An lntelTOlators their pIaa was to ElYPtian peace without provid­ that lOme of the students wbo ago, wbich was off target; the harassment by obscene cat- Tuesday, is pervasive. I have classrooms or vandalizing laraeli puboat in the Gulf of Ore the rocketI at Ellat, tIleD lni lor the establilbment of a may have been involved in or psychological impact of tues­ calls and lewd invitations, that . heard, on the other hand, that automobiles or flipping a Aqaba intercepted ancIlaDk a set the abIp on a course to run P8lestin1an alate. who have heard about tbe day's blow, however, was the keen sense of physical there is ' a tendency in some spitwad at the girl in the first Pal..tinlan perri1la boat as it agrouod 011 the Ellat beach. The repor1ed Incident Satur­ presumed slingsbot incident precisely similar to the impact vulnerability, the general quarters to regard particular row. To tbose inclined to where Ita load of dynamite day wa. tbe first such in last Tuesday mOrning don't of that unprovoked and unsus­ uneasiness about personal incidents like the slingshot (Please tum to page 1%) Genoa Card'inal was speeding north to blast the pected fist in the dark. The I.raeli port of Ellat with a would explode. memo.,. in the lOG-mile-lone understand wbat all the fuss is The attack boat carried amall Gulf of Aqaba, larael'. only about. I am the student wbo was salient difference between the barrage of rocketa, the military two acta is not that the first sald Sunday. rubber boata that the perri1as sea ouUet to the south. laraeli injured in that incident; my planned to use to escape to the patrol boats recently bave been perspective on the event is assailant subsequently found Tries Again Tbe ...borne clasb occurred his aim and left me with many Saturday aftemooo as Ellat.
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