PITTSBURGH LO CL (Xu rn >•U TO o -J 2L ü J C -4 D o J X O «2 ^ g XII No. 18 20 cents Ksi.ihiishcd 1 s i l: Am criia's Oltli*s( Catholic Newifclianferin Cbnlmumis Publient ion Friday, August 1, 1986 o a a O JJj -i — ? j •“■ d a — a J i esan education secretary praises negotiators, teachers By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK Nowicki, who signed on behalf of is about. We know that our teaching and your living the all hold our heads up high.” tract's financial aspects. Fr. the diocese. “I want to thank the teachers care for and are in­ values of our faith.” Scuglla said that 149 union Nowicki said, "Given the the Benedictine Fr. Douglas teachers and principals who have terested in us becoming good Signing on behalf of the members voted on July 2 to ap­ overall economic conditions Nowicki, diocesan secretary for given so much of their time and Christians and educated I teachers' union was Scuglla, who prove the new contract out of 293 within the Diocese of Pittsburgh education, had praise for those In­ energy to help educate our Catholics.’ •«id, "I want to express our members, with a number of at this time, the recent contract volved In the new three-year con­ youngsters. "I’m impressed by the quality gratitude for Fr. Nowlckl's kind absentions. offers a reasonable wage increase tract signed July 23 by the “I've been visiting the high of care I've seen in the schools remarks. We know that the ad-' Under the three-year contract, for our teachers over the next diocese and the Federation of Pitt­ schools and I've been touched by. and 1 want to thank the teachers ministration is appreciative of teachers in 12 high schools several years. The primacy of the sburgh Diocesan Teachers. the love and care you all have for who are on the front lines. The what we do." represented by the union will educational apostolate withli\ the "I want to thank Bruno Scuglla your students. Students at one years ahead for Catholic educa­ "I’d also like to thank the receive raises of five percent for diocese is reflected in the commit­ (president of the federation) and high school indicated ‘we aren't tion will be complex and tough diocese'8 negotiation team and the 1986-87 academic year and ment of a major portion of the Ft. Hugh Lang (superintendent of stupid. We know that our ones, but I want to thank all of my own negotiation team,” six percent for the 1987-88 and diocesan budget to our schools." diocesan schools) for all they did teachers could make more money you for spreading the word of Scuglla said. "The issues have 1988-89 academic years. In the past three years,” said Fr. elsewhere, but that is not what it Jesus Christ through your been thrashed out. I think we can Asked to comment on the con­ (Continued on puge 3) Bishop testifies on immigration reform WASHINGTON (NC) — Two U.S. bishops' representatives spoke include Nicaragua, which is’already part of H.R. 4893, and out on various aspects of immigration reform, one calling for tem­ G uatem ala. porary shelter for Central Americans while the other questioned pro­ "The relief extended by the bills is not permanent; it is temporary posals for new controls on employment and public service for and minimal,” he added. "It is an interim measure which neither immigrants. extends nor grants permanent rights to those coming within its Bishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Pittsburgh, chairman of the Na­ am bit.” tional Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Migration, The migration committee chairman said the USCC seeks no reiterated the bishops' long-standing support for legislation that change in current laws affecting individuals who are able to would give temporary protection to Central Americans facing establish that they meet the statutory definition of refugee but that deportation. the United States, in accordance with United Nations guidelines, Magr. Nicholas DIMarzio, executive director of U.S. Catholic Con­ should be more generous in granting refugee status to people from ference Migration and Refugee Services, warned against violating countries in turmoil. individuals' rights through the provisions of H.R. 3810, a bill that In a written statement to the House Ways and Means Committee would amend federal legislation on the control and legalization of dated July 22 and made public July 24 Msgr. DIMarzio: immigrants. • Warned against a proposal to limit various public benefits to Msgr. DIMarzio also spoke in favor of a number of minor changes citizens and legal immigrants through a procedure that would re­ in immigration legislation and asked for improvements in family quire verification by the Immigration and Naturalization Service of reunification, the system of detaining aliens and the admission of legal immigrant status. religious workers. • Opposed a plan to disqualify temporarily from federal benefits Bishop Bevilacqua testified before the House rules subcommittee newly legalized aliens, urging Instead that "all basic social and in favor of what is known as the extended voluntary departure pro­ medical assistance services" be made available to all permanent gram. Bills proposed by Sen. Dennis DeConclni, D-Ariz., and Rep. resident aliens. Joe Moakley, D-Mass., would protect Salvadoran, and, in one bill, • Urged caution in developing means of controlling unlawful Nicaraguan refugees by temporarily suspending detention and employment of illegal aliens — warning against systems likely to deportation procedures for individuals already in the United States. discriminate against minorities, threaten traditional American liber­ New teachers* pact During the interim period the General Accounting Office would be ties, or unduly burden employers. required to investigate and report on the living conditions of Msgr. DIMarzio said the USCC objected to a proposal to require Im ­ Bruno Scuglla (left), president of the Pittsburgh Federation of Salvadorans and Nicaraguans who have been displaced by fighting migration and Naturalization Service verification of alien registra­ Diocesan Teachers, and Fr. Douglas Nowicki OSB (tight), diocesan in their countries and on the fate of people who have been deported tion before non-citizens could be eligible for public benefits because secretary for education, sign a new three-year contract between from the United States back to Central America. of "the unreliability of the INS automated data system," not because the diocese and the teachers' union for lay faculty members at 12 B ishop Bevilacqua review ed the history of the bishops' support for high schools represented by the Federation. the proposal since 1981 and said they would like to see the measure (Continued on page 3) Religious leaders launch anti-pornography campaign NEW YORK (NC) — An interfaith campaign Brooklyn and Auxiliary Bishop Robert Banks of against pornography was launched July 25 by a Boston. group of U.S. religious leaders who said the U.S. The group Included two pornography commis­ attorney general's recent report on the issue pro­ sion members — Franciscan Father Bruce Ritter, mpted their effort. founder and head of the Covenant House youth The group of more than 24 clerics, which met ministry, and James Dobson, head of an agency in the residence of Cardinal John J. O’Connor of called Focus on the Family. New York, said it proposes to recruit religious However, Rabbi Henry Mlchelman, executive leaders nationwide to fight "hard-core and child vice president of the Synagogue Council of pornography." America, stressed in an interview after the press In a post-meeting statement, the clerics conference that the group's statement did not en­ credited the recently released report of the At­ dorse the pornography commission report. torney General's Commission on Pornography The Rev. Jerry Kirk, co-pastor of College Hill with spurring their New York conference. It said Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati and president the group is "in unanimous agreement that of the National Coalition Against Pornography, hard-core and child pornography, which is not who presided at the press conference, said the protected by the Constitution, is an evil which group was to write to President Reagan and At­ must be eliminated." torney General Edwin Meese requesting a White The statement was read by Cardinal Joseph House briefing on the pornography commis­ Bemardin of Chicago at a press conference on sion's report for a larger group of religious the steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral.' leaders. The meeting was convened by the National At the press conference. Father Ritter said he Coalition Against Pornography, a predominantly considered the group's meeting a “historic occa­ Protestant group based in Cincinnati. sion" because it showed that the debate on how Summer volunteers Joseph Sister Colleen Crossen and Mary Among the other Catholic participants were Pellegrino, assistant director of the program. The to deal with pornography was now month-long program concluded with a Mass S u n ­ Cardinal O'Connor, Bishop James Malone of “mainstreamed.” Participants In the summer ministry volunteer Youngstown, Ohio, president of the National d ay a t S t Benedict Church, Hill District. Story on The Joint statement read by Cardinal Bemar- program for young women, coordinated by the page 2. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Cardinal John St Joseph Sisters of Baden. Included, from left Krol of Philadelphia, Bishop Francis Mugavero of (Contlnued on page 3) Chris Mrozlk, Rena Arellano, Marla Harden, St Father Jenco said ‘25 million Hail Marys’ during ordeal WIESBADEN, West Germany (NC) — Servite John Jenco said his brother’s martini recipe is Lebanese captors to Pope John Paul II during a Father Lawrence Martin Jenco told family "just straight gin with his apostolic blessing on private meeting at the Vatican.
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