t . J . 0 7 0 7 1 ^ \ * Th* phmmm tbutHtai *» *f w*t#r rt ihu» to I he klntlftm #f Mother N'atarv, not I# Ih# ability ol Hrw Jtnmj pl»n *•« «• fra«M#. Th# fact that our nrw* vMr* tr# HUM H I* »hmiM nol fcr r#r romplarrnry too mart) "»t#» li StU] Th#r# ar* u p trti who tn«M (Em nm frdctl Ifra iie r »mm tfua ii P m of Um »»Ui »kMi tmwm IM »»#»r»#ln nrv»r rtt*fc## #f wilt# Th* RUI# N irtaM ni ml C (Ml » 4 SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW ■’*»*«* l#r muntrlpttlU** ta »#l#r mrafp Vol. 46 No.—44 LYNDHURST,>h u r .Y J., JliNJE 2, 1066 M*#M (*•#• »#«•!• «(|# #« niit*#rtor*, M. |, WH SB Urges Support O f Resolution T h a t W ould Clarify Ownership Of All S o u t h Bergen's Meadowland Acreage SCR 3* became a battlecrv in In thr state is leaponttaed. year. In the interest ol New care and deliberation by a would. In South Bergen and West Hud*nn As a result title guarantee Jersey's continuing economic de- group of attorneys who are en­ th* law consistent with th# 1 tht* week. », companies ar# now refusing to velopment. w* hope you will let pert in the ft#!d of riparian law established conduct in i Following the lead of th# New issue guarantees where such your senators and Governor and who have designed the lands ar* concerned Hughes hsve your views and measure so at to overcome ob- by the public, by tho* Jersey Chamber of Commerce ln the state hundreds of in­ the We* Hudson-South B#rgen urge them to actively support J#ct!ons voiced by Governor ienced in th# law of till## dustrial tracts are not being this measure. Most importantly Hughes last year when he v#- by tht state i administrators Chamber of Commerce trained [Hcxewed Million III heaviest guns on th* mea­ of dollars In you should contact Senator Ri- toed Ms antecedent — AnaemMy rtp#ri#n lands." investments and thousands of dolfi and other members of the No BOS — on the grounds of dowland title problem. Pointing out that tt jobs arc involved. Senate Judiciary Committee, unconstitutlonality *■ The chamber did this by urg­ Hlarlng last year Introduced have salt meadowlaadt within ing every member to gather aad urge them lo call a public Further explaining the meas- a bill that would hav# settled hearing on his measure (a pro- ure, the chamber takl: "This their borders, the chamber said strength, behind Senate Concur­ the question. It was vetoed by cedure required for resolutions measure proposed to submit to rent Resolution at. now pending the iltuttton Is state-wide. Governor Richard J. Hughes. ol this nature. I Members of the the citizen*. Ka- their approval, In the State Legislature. Th# chamber said: ‘Not only Now Hiering. wl h the backing committee are; (ChairmanI Ri- The resolution would place on a constitutional amendment do#*; tbe present situation ##rv* nl Hudson Democrats, Is asking fold, Grossi, Femicola. Kelly. which would eliminate tbe po# to suspend economic d*veiop- a* lMlMir7Mf IM—IMhml „ . ^ ^ ttenal amendment A great, new induitrial park in WsitdmgtCTi. tk a n l, rgrtey itttBry tif IW I jfflvAmment ifttm of i^ttohtfV# landii, hurst official# wera told that amendment which would «me thll w>1, , IJow the t0 Stout the L ynA urii meadow Unda Ka* once and lor all the question of th(, claiming ownership of any pro- H also cause* many municipal*, many companies are interested "Your chamber has already perty (excluding true riparian tlet to mfftr becauae ownership been planned by Be Hem mead ownership of the meadowlan.i. , vole of two Development Corporation which in th* site. written to all legislators in­ lands) that, some time M his- and taxability of such lands art The concurrent resolution wm tojr(to * ttw #nd of the volved urging your support of tory, may have been flowed by In doubt, •■pacti the toon-to-b# finished Holiday Inn ia th* first struc­ introduced In the senate by Sen aatembl>. Holiday Inn to provide graat im­ ture to be built in th* park. Th# SCR-26.” , , tidewater, but which has been "Nor to •tor William Hiering. Ocean The Bergen delegation has y#t In its bulletin the chamtxr de­ petus to th# program. Mg motel, which will f#atur# a County Repuhlkian, and Sena in private ownership lor gener- soiry to to make its position known. clared: Senate Concurrent Rfs atlora, and which has been at- Bellemead made ita inveitment swimming p «k>1, mee ting rooms 1mm K<*lly Muito Midi CeWMMFtvti in tha Lyndhurat - Rutherford tn a bulletin to members Hie olutlon No. 26, which is de- sensed lor taxes for upwards of and a restaurant, is *xpect*d to Hudson Democrats. West Hudson-South Bergen meadowland# years ago. For the help attract n«w industry to th* signed to reopen New Jersey's 100 years The amendment alao Hiering has a heavy stake bi chamber s#ld; vast meadowland areas lor eco- defines true ‘riparian lands' as Im I live years it ha# been work­ •ntire area. It is scheduled for tty action because thousands df ing on a development plan for opening next month. ''We |*el thatSCR-26 Is one nomir development, was intro- being Just what everyone exper- homes of his constlmentes In af the most Important pieces of duced in the aenste on May 9 Ienced in this field of law long In it# Rutherford acreage on the John I. Merritt, vie* president Ocean County are threatened by legislation to be considered thi* SCR-26 has been drafted with believed them to be. SCR-36 now repressed. north aid# of Route 3. of Bellemead, was the host at the state ownership claims. ’* But now the investment com- planning talk. In the above pic- * In a startling action the State pany believe# that the Lyndhurst tore Merritt is third from th* of New Jeraey it claiming bwn meadowland is ripe for develop­ left. To the left of Merritt tt ershlp, through riparian rights, ment. Plans of the company ara Thomas Idyk, Lyndhurst man re­ of all land which is covered with not yet formalised. cently namedna lo be innkeeper for tidal water s at high tide. In pre­ Sen. Case Predicts Republican Unity But Lyodhurit officials recent­ Holiday Inn. Mayor Horace R. vious interpretations it wai be- U. S. Senator afford P.Cate ly were invited to inspect a model Bo|!« it in th* center ahd to hie,,' C**f wMj.vito- regard to race, religion or na- Republican party at its strong- licved the state's claims were scored his customary triumph The past third of a centu- tional origin. est and Kb best. It Is natural of the industrial park which will right are Commissioners Joseph on land covered at low tide. laat week when h# addressed ry lor the most part has not ^ cover the 154 acres. The Lynd­ The other side of the coin to 1hH. Carucci and Peter Rutto. If the state claim Ja jeCv*^'o^er _____JJO^mcmbers df the new- been a happy time tor our„ . .par* that we must not permit a reia- • •* * * * * <*Ml«r nired over ISO,000 acres of lard 'ly organIred United Republican ty in the nation. Similarly, lively few people to r,™ r*» J**. ttwN fr •9m S. ' 4 ' ft Organization. the past derad* has generally publican party into an inttfu- b*t th# poopte. It has lithe I Cate, who will be th# Rapub been a gloomy one for our ment for the propagation of a dition and it hat a history and HOn candidate for reflection, party In New Jersey. And the particular Ideology or tor the experience of Republicanism at Helstoski Declares Vietnam May Deter inserted he bcllevei the new last couple ol years have been furtherance of any tingle in- its most effective. club is ttrivlng for unity in tho unhappy ones tor our party in tere*t group or for the satis I'm satisfied, too, for I’v* party and that its activity will Bergen County. faction of individual political talked with many of you, that Bigger, More Dangerous Conflagration p*w the way for Republican i m here tonight to express ambitions. As we have s##n you have the will to do thli Job victories In November. my conviction that thii Is a all too clearly. In that direction and that you are determined The bands played, men and Former Slat# Senator David thing of the past so far as Re- lies political madness. not to be diverted by faction- to regard the Vietnam conflict might do well to remember that been said that “peace can only Van Alstyne presided at th e publicans are concerned. N ot We’ve got to pay mem than women marched and there were as s deterrent to a more devas- force, as a deterrent, could a- come lh the hearts of men.” ' alitm, recrimination, or tmall- session attended by numerous only ia it high time for a chtnge lip service to the principles on nets ot spirit from the course prayers on Memorial Day in fating war. void any worldwide conflict. W# are Impressed by a state- Lyndhurst Helstoski said: South Bergen figures. U> th# Republican party it to which our party wat founded. that will l**d to tuccett. You We doubt if any .one man or ment written by a prominent Van Alstyne declared the Re- survive as a strong and effec- The Republican party was born will waste no asaett, you will Main speaker at the ceremon­ Many of ut remember we group of men can give us the theologian wherein it was made ies, which w ere given a deep publlcan organization is driving yve member of the two party of concern for human rights reject no resources, were promised that World War means of achieving permanent plain that Chrltt came on earth for 5*000 member#.
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