July 29, I871.] JTHE BRITISH MEDICAL OURNAL. 131 close by the Plymouth Railway Station. Members and others who re- quire information with respect to the meeting are requested to make ASSOCIATION INTELLIGENCE, application in this room. Information as to Lodgings will be furnished there. BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Members are requested to proceed to the Reception-Room imme- diately on their arrival, to enter their names and addresses, and to ob- ANNUAL MEETING. tain the tickets necessary to secure admission to all the proceedings. THE Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association HOTELS.-The principal hotels are, at PLYMOUTH, the Royal Hotel, will be held in on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and the Duke of Cornwall, the Globe, the Albion, Chubb's Hotel, Farley's Plymouth, Hotel, Harvey's Hotel; at DEVONPORT, the Royal Hotel, Thomas's Friday, the 8th, gth, zoth, and i ith of August next. Hotel, and the Crown Hotel. President-E. CHARLTON, M.D., D.C.L., Physician to the New- The GUIDE-BOOKS FOR DEVON AND CORNWALL are: Murray's castle-upon-Tyne Infirmary. of Devon and Black's Guide to Dezon and Corn- President-elect-JOHN WHIPPLE, Esq., F.R.C.S., Consulting Sur- Handbook Cornwall; wall; Blight's Week at the Land's End; Rev. - John's Week at the geon to the South Devon and East Cornwall Hospital. Lizard; and, for Plymouth and the neighbourhood, Brendon's and An Address in Medicine will be delivered by GEORGE JOHNSON, Luke's Guide-books-both by Li. Jewitt, F.S.A. M.D., F. R.C. P., Professor of Medicine in King's College, London. ." GENTLEMEN INTENDING TO VISIT PLYMOUTH during the meet- An Address in Surgety will be delivered by JOSEPH LISTER, Esq., ing are requested to send their names to Dr. Littleton, the Local Secre- F.R.S., Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University of Edinburgh. tary, i, Lansdowne Place, Plymouth. The business of the meeting will be conducted underfour Sections. NOTICES OF MOTION. -The following notices have been given. SECTION A. MEDICINE.-President, Dr. Barham, Truro. Vice- The PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL: Rule 4 To insert " President- Presidents-Dr. Quain, F.R.S., London; Inspector-General Smart, elect", and to omit " Secretary".-Rule 6. To expunge this rule, and M.D., C.B., R.N., Penge, Surrey. Secretaries-Dr. Clay, Windsor to substitute the following: "Each retiring President of the Association Villas, Plymouth; Dr. Wade, Temple Row, Birmingham. and President of Council shall be appointed a Vice-President for life by SECTION B. SURGERY.-President-Joseph May, Esq., Stoke, a vote of the members at the Annual Meeting."-Rule 7. To add Devonport. Vice-Presidents-P. C. De la Garde, Esq., Exeter; De- " the Vice-Presidents" after President-elect; to insert the word "and" puty-Inspector-General Longmore, C.B., Netley. Secretaries-W. P. between President of the Council and Treasurer, and to erase " and the Swain, Esq., Ker Street, Devonport; C. Steele, Esq., Meridian Place, Secretary". -Rule 8. In this and every rule where "District" is prefixed Clifton, Bristol. to Branch, to erase the word "District", and to erase the words SECTION C. MIDWIFERY.-President-Dr. Beatty, Dublin. Vice- "the Secretary of the Association".-Rule 9. To omit the words Presidents-Dr. Swayne, Clifton, Bristol; Dr. Alfred Meadows, Lon- " Dr. Phillips, between "The President of the Council" and shall be elected"-Rule don. Secretaries-Dr. John Rolston, Stoke, Devonport ; IO. To omit the words between "The Treasurer" andI"shall be 26, Finsbury Square, London, E.C. elected".-Rule I. To erase the words after "There shall be one paid SECTION D. PUBLIC MEDICINE.-President-Dr. A. P. Stewart, Secretary" in first section, and to substitute "who shall reside in London. Vice-Presidents-P. W. Swain) Esq., Stoke, Devonport; Dr. London, and devote his whole time to the business management of the Beddoe, Clifton, Bristol. Secretaries-Dr. Row, Ker Street, Devon- Association and of the JOURNAL office". To erase the words " other- port; David Davies, Esq., 2, Queen Square, Bristol. wise" in seventh line and "an annual or special" in eighth line, and to TUESDAY, August 8th. insert " each Annual Meeting". -Rule I3. To erase the words " Secre- The meetings this day will be held at the Royal Hotel, PLYMOUTH. tary shall call", and to substitute " President of Council shall direct to I P.M.-MEETING OF COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL. be called".-Rule I4. Between "shall" and " be recommended", to 3 P. M.-MEETING OF GENERAL COUNCIL. insert " express his desire in writing, and shall be".-Rule I5. To add 8 P.M.-FIRST GENERAL MEETING. Business: a. Reception of Con- " Members may be admitted on and after July Is; in each year, and gratulatory Address from Plymouth Corporation; b. President's Ad- the subscription for such part of a year shall be half a guinea". To dress; c. Vote of thanks to the President; d. Report of Council, and erase the words after " such member" in eigbth line, and to substitute Discus-sion thereon; e. Election of General Secretary ; f Election of " as long as his subscriptions remain unpaid, provided due notice shall Auditors; g. Report of Medical Benevolent Fund; h. Presentation of bave been given of such withholding".-Rule I6. To erase the words Hastings Medal. after "from his" in fourth line, and to substitute "liabilities to the WEDNESDAY, August gth. Association".-Rule 24. In tenth line, to insert " a copy of the laws" 8.30 A. M.-PUBLIC BREAKFAST-Royal Hotel, DEVONPORT. between "IAssociation" and " and". 9.30 A. M. -MEETING OF NEW COUNCIL-Royal Hotel, DEVONPORT. Dr. STEELE (Liverpool): Election of Committee of Council. Every II A.M.-SECOND GENERAL MEETING-Town Hall, DEVONPORT. associate, who is a member of the Council, and desirous of a Business: a. Reception of Congratulatory Address from Devonport Cor- seat on the Committee of Council, shall send to the General poration; b. To appoint place of meeting for I872, and President-elect; Secretary, not later than months prior to the Annual Meeting c. Address in Medicine by Dr. GEORGE JOHNSON. of the Association, a declaration signed by himself, and in the I P.M.-Adjourn. following terms: "I, A. B., of C., member of the British Medical 2 P.M.- MEETINGS OF SECTIONS-Royal Hotel, PLYMOUTH. Association, hereby declare that I am a candidate for a seat on the 9 P.M.-PRESIDENT'S SOIREE -Assembly Rooms, Royal Hotel, Committee of Council of the said Association. (Signed) ." PLYMOUTH. Together with a nomination-paper signed by six members of the Asso- THURSDAY, iotA. ciation, in the following terms: " We, the undersigned, members of the August British Medical Association, certify that A. B., of C., is a fit and proper 9.30 A.M.-MEETING OF COMMITTEE ON REGISTRATION OF DIS- person to be a member of the Committee of Council of the said ARso- EASE-Public Dispensary, Catherine Street, PLYMOUTH. ciation." The names of the eligible candidates, with the names of the 10 A.M.-THIRD GENERAL MEETING. Business: Reports of Com- six associates by whom they shall have been respectively nominated, mittees-Royal Hotel, PLYMOUTH. shall be published in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL not later than II A.M.-ADDRESS IN SURGERY, by Professor LISTER, F.R.S.- months prior to the Annual Meeting of the Association. Royal Hotel, PLYMOUTH. Mr. NICHOLSON (Hull): To alter Law I6, line 2. For "three", 2 P. M.-MEETINGS OF SECTIONS-Royal Hotel, PLYMOUTH. " 6.30 P.M.-PUBLIC DINNER-St. George's Hall, STONEHOUSE. For insert two". should be Dr. WADE (Birmingham): In Law 8, Paragraph No. 3, of the duties Dinner Tickets, an early application (enclosing One Guinea) of Council, to alter " ten" into " twenty-five"; and to omit the words made to P. W. Swain, Esq., F.R.C. S., Stoke, Devonport. The ser- vices of the far-farmed Band of the Royal Marines have been engaged ' and one Secretary from each Branch". for this occasion. INVITATION TO TORQUAY.-The members of the medical profession at Torquay request the pleasure of the company at luncheon, on Satur- FRIDAY, Auigust I Ith. day, August 12th, at 3 o'clock, of any member of the British Medical 10 A.M.-MEETINGS OF SECTIONS-Royal Hotel, PLYMOUTH. Association residing beyond fifty miles from the place. Their object in 2 P.M.-CONCLUDING GENERAL MEETING Royal Hotel, PLY- this limitation as to distance is that of furnishing an opportunity to MOUTH. strangers unfamiliar with Devonshire to become acquainted with Tor- quay and its immediate neighbourhood. Any member who may wish A RECEPTION ROOM will be opened at the Royal Eye Infirmary, to favour them with his presence, will oblige by notifying the same at 132 THE BRITISH MEDICAL _OURNAL. [JUly 29, i871. his early convenience-and not later than on the Wednesday of the scription attached. Parcels for the Museum should be addressed- Plymouth meeting -to the Honorary Secretary, Dr. Powell, Infirmary, " British Medical Association, the Assembly Rooms, Royal Hotel, Torquay. Plymouth; care of H. Greenway, Esq." They must he delivered on SPECIAL RAILWAY ARRANGENIENTS.--First and second class ordi- or before July 3Ist, and be removed within three days after the ter- nary and express return tickets issued at any Station on the Bristol and mination of the meeting. Expenses of carriage and all risk must be Exeter Railway, or on the South Devon, Cornwall, or West Cornwall borne by the exhibitors. All instruments and other articles intended Railways, on August 7th and following days, will be available for the for the Local Museum will be conveyed at owners' risks for zalf lize return journey to and from Plymouth any day up to and including Mon- utsutal fai-es on the Bristol and Exeter, South Devon, and Cornwall day, Aug.
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