DOCUMENT RESUME ED 087 527 .PS 006 868 t . AUTHOR Caylor, Florence Byrens . TITLE : ContemporPrKPractices and Problems in Music Education in4the Elementary Public Schools of the United States:.A Stirvey and"Study. PUB DATE , Jul 73 NOTE 375p.; P.b.14 Dissertation, Walden UniversIty 6. EDRS PRICE . MF-S0.65 HC7$1316 DESCRIPTORS Administrator Attitudes; '*Curriculul Problems; Educational ObjeCtivest Educational Philosophy; *Elementary School Curriculum; Instructional Innovation; *Music Education; 'Quebtionnaires; *School Surveys; Tables (Data); *Teaching Methods ABSTRACT . This status study ivestigated elementary schooA m' sic educat'ion in the United in 1972 as reflected in: (1) the oioinIons.and attitudes of practicihi music educators in representative districts throughout the nation;(2) the literature and publications of music eslucators; and (3)ti.: opinions of elimentdry schobl administrators. Informaiou-was gathered using a random. sample questi naire, observa-tions of elementary classroom music and instriment training, a study of'interests and trends.in professional publications,;I and personal interviews: Appendices include statistical .information.(SET) . I S LEsstmest.r.amisarm. a cacst.afto. I s.MIS waTi.)".e...M1T.TTE OF f 24Tro S ....EN"4-AStEEN *E140 4 LKC°., 41.CE.VErd F4CAA "7.E E Lk r...1.ZA'CAGI4G.441 4.1.: 4.*StgE444C.11 00.4. CAC vTED ;ea 'OT EcEise014. ItERE SEWT iIT4Tuilf OF co 1041CTA:. POL. TIO 0* POL.( C) 0 CONTEMPOEARY PRACTICES AND PROBLEMS IN MUSIC EDUCATION Li IN THE I;LEMLNTARY runic SCHOGL6 OF THE UNliED STATES:ASURVEY AND STUDY By Florence Dyrens Caylor, . --176-:Ed.,Vniversity.of California at Les .Angeles lt30 S M.. S. inEd.:Oniversity of Southern California, 1933 4 Abraham A. Schwadron, Mus. A. D., Admpor Professor of Musid . University of California at Los Angeles Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of 'Philosophy Walden University July, 1973 Advisor's Approval UALDEN UNIVERSITY This doctoral. dissettatiOn has been Completed under advisement of: NAMe: 4. Se-iktoppepf DpArce held: 11706, Present 19?tisic (2221C122: PA'-e-pc.ssetz of Address: afinfcb7 /it elf 614:01,4"-1vrifi 4/1/6615 , Elluaturc: C tfr,ft, -11+1%." Dote: . / ?ate c-1./ /f73 AP' 4. t 10, Cf.:NtflI1OK10.`i It MUSIC .PVCATION IN THE EI.J...r:1TrtRY1"..17,1.7C SC11.001.5 OF V.'6. nuurD ASUVCY AND STOY . , By Plorfedoe Byrens Caylor Itivi-versity\of-C,hlifornia at Los Angeles, 1930 U. S. in Ed.,..-University of SouthernCalifornia, 1932 /I /7 Abrahsto A.' Schwadron, Plus. A. D., Advisor Professor of Music University of California at kos Angeles DisiertLtion SuLmiteed in Partial Full-lilt:tent of .° The P.equixeuents for the' Degree of Doctor of Philosoi..hy 1 4. Walden University July, 1973 APSTUCT The survey wis designed to rerve as an initial step in needed statussstudies of contemporary music tducat:Gn programa in the elementary schools of the United Status.. The firm position bele by music in the elementary school curriculum as repented in the 1961-6n survey of the recerFh -division of the National Education Aisoaction was not in evidence in tlie.1972 survey. CurtdilmCut of elementary music education in r.he latter studywas found, attributable to much more than financial:problea:a. Basic educators elementary school administrators agreed on rainy of the.basic problemi. According:to the data rbsealed by the some study, neither of two important elementary music education recolemendaticas of C.w. n!sio. Educators National Conference (.July,l9721) are currently ;edomiwnt: (1) that the Minimmamonnt of time for music in the-classroom'be 90, minutes per Week, and (2.)that elementary'clessroom music be taught by a ; !specialist in music. Still significantly related to.a number of pro lem.5 vas the size of 4 the school district; pecbleMs new;to.thelargest districts have-developed. The date revealed' that contemporary concepts of philosophy were nebuo...Is ind-innovative-muric-progians-wremyriad-andJecking-in comon 'bases.- Music reading was stated to be taught by a larg4, majority of the . respondents, but the methods by which it was eeught were Varied and unrelated to statedgcals. The largest strides revealed trithe dita were made in ths development of instrumental training and choral' programs. S 4 S S. 0 CONTEMPORARY PRACTICES AND PROBLEMS IN MUSIC EDUCATION IN THE ELEMENTARY PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE UNITED STATES:A SURVEY AND STUDY 4V By 'Florence Byrects Caylor B. Ed., University.of California at Los Angeles, 1930 i M.SJ in Ed., University of Southern California, 1933 ti Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of 7The Requirements for-the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Walden University - July, 1973 al ti Mg. ACKNOWI.EDGEMENTS The investigator wishes.to express sincerest appreciation to David Kimble for statistical and computer assistance in tabulatillg the data of this survey, to Linta Marchenko 'for inaluable assistance in typing this study, to Drs. John Vincent and HaroldHodgkinson for their continuous swport and assistance, and to Dr. Abraham A. Schwa4ron for penetrating analysis and constructive suggestions in the preparation of gy this dissertation. 4.3 # 4 N iii p TABLE OF-MNTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGF.MENTS. ii LIST OF MLLES _+_ .vi TABLLS4,al.THE APITNDlItES , qii Chapter 4 4 THE PROBLEM' I 1/4 Statement of the.PrOblem ,Need for the Study a 11 'Scope of the Study 21 Summary ? 23 ELMENTARY MUSIC EDUCATION, 1950-1972 . 25 The Trends 26 Prevailing Attit*Ides 50 InnovatiA Programs in Elementary Music Education CI+ The Program of Carl Orff 54 The Program of Zolan.Kod;iy 60 The Program of Shinichi Suzuki 68 cmr (ContOporary Music Project) 76 MMCP (Manbattanville Music Curriculum Project) y '30 YNC (Yale Music Curriculum) 83 CEMREL.(Central Michoe.st Regional Educational . Laboratory', Inc.) SA JRL (Juilliord RepetOry Libraiy) 85 a . iv /, page The Hawaii Curriculum Center Music Project 86 , Music Education in Television. .... : . 89 , . .- Summary 95 III. REVIEW OF RELATED' LITERATURE 96 144sic Education 97 Educational Psychology s 116 m , ,. ... Psychology of Music 1,27 p.. .,, 0. Aesthetic Education fn,Music ... -1 135 Summary. )39 . .. IV. THE SURVEY:- PROCEDURE AND RESULTS 141 Analysis of Prohlema 149 The Questionnaire, 452 The Hypotheses i 152 ,Results ofthe QuestionnaiFe 155 Organigation of the Daea me Interpretation of the Data: Sets of Tables,1 "A" and "B" 170 Questions, Related to Public School:. Of the United States 171 Questions Related fo the Basle Philosophies of the Music Pr6gram.. 173 Questionelated to Financial Assistancd for the Music Program 191 Questions Related to the Music Teacher "in the Elementary Classroom 196 Page . Questions Related' to. Music Instructioi in I the Elementary Schools ' 199 : Questions Regarding Primary Goals as Relate) - to Other Factors 223 Interviews with Elementary Administrators 931 Results of the Interviews . l .. I! ( Summary . 241 V. 'SUMMARY AND OONCLDSIONS' 251 I Conclusions 254 RecommeLations .256 APPENDIX A, Schols in the Districts 2(1 APPENDIX 14- Basiernithsqphy of the Music Educailon Program 264 a ° APPENDIX C,' financial Assistance for tite Mtsic Progrtm 281 APPENDIX D, The Music Teacher in the Elemntary GlessrcoT . 2Ss1 292 APPENDIX E, Music Instruction in the Elementary Schools . APPENDIX F, Primary Goals as Related to Other Factors 4. 321 , APPENDIX G, Interviews with Elementary-Administrators 337 APPENDIX H, The'Questionriaire 346 343 .BIBLIOGRAPHY ' 42 0. LIST OF TABLES X -Tables Page 1, Number of Operating Local Publ ic Scliooli4Sysitems,by Grade Spah and Sitc of Systems: for the United States: 't..all, 1970-71 144 / .. Tabulation/Of OpeAKing School DistrfCts in the' / .1 / United States ' 146 4 OOO 4iO OOOO : 1/ .. -, 3. "Distribution:. 'Questionnaire Returks Accordln to . I Number o4 Schools in the Distridt '1i8 i ..--- 4.'ReSpondents' Voluntary Remarks Regarding TheiA , Programs 4. N 162 '5. comparison\ of Respondents'1!riaryi and Secondary 4 Goals (7 178' 6. Allotted Time and FrequenCY for Elementory .. Clasgroom MusiC 201 : 7. WeeklyTime Repot'teti for InstrumentalTraining Classes :213 , 8. -Administrators' Opiniqns Regarding' Elementary 0 Music Education (1972) 236 4. LI c. cs 4 TALLER °'11:1:; C-3 . APPEi,MIX A: SG14)0!..S IN '1`111:1 DISTITICTS 1 . L-_--........ TABLES: ;-,1. ),,,. B 1. II Initialpubli.0 instrutaVion , .., . > A 1.2 B 1.2- Initial music ,instruction t . -, t . 'I APPENDIX B: BASIC-PHILOSOP1111,,OF '1141;:' NILtSC 213tiee1'lON PRSGILAI4\*: ... TAIII,VS. : A 2.1 :3'2.1. Edycetional philosopher p, model A 22 ' Mut,lc program models \s. A11 Philosopher in Inueic amodel ..- ,- A 4.1 -Music educatlon philosopiticl estpo."te,1 [ . / . A_ -4.2 /Mtresses in the basic philoscpli:iez li- . / . - e A -5.1 -' Primary goals of themusic prog701as° - . , A 6. 1, ' Secondary goals oftie 'music programs . :A 7.1 B 7.14 Cqmposite of priraary. and secondmry. goals . B 7.2 :,.Analysis, of prim.aryand secondary goals. t - - , p A 8y1 . B8.1 The innovative'rogramarepor...ted t Po A 8.2 Different ideas of innovation ' A 8.3.. B 8.3 , Basis for,... innovative ideas , - A 9.1 B 9:1 \Need to upgrade\ the-music .priogrem_ ., ,) .- .,; , A 9.2 ., 'SpeCific ways to upgradg the icuzic program ' ' .1' .4 ? . A9.3 Number of different ideas called !_nntivative.., APPENDIX C: FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE MUSIC PROGRAM . TABLES: . A 10.1 B 10.1. Subsidized music ptograms All "A", tables in the appendixes 'chart the rev data; all "B" bles chart the statisticalanalysis. .- ; OJ " viii P A 13,2 Kinds of grants .A 10.3 B 10.3
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