HORTSCIENCE 45(7):1116–1119. 2010. Sierra 3–4 month release fertilizer (18N–6P– 12K) (Peters Professional, Allentown, PA) was added. The grafted trees were grown in Response of Hazelnut Accessions to a greenhouse under optimal conditions (24 °C day/18 °C night) for a few weeks Greenhouse Inoculation with until they were ready for inoculation. Disease inoculation. Cankered shoots Anisogramma anomala with mature stromata were collected in De- cember annually from diseased trees from Vidyasagar R. Sathuvalli, Shawn A. Mehlenbacher1, and David C. Smith various orchards in the Willamette Valley Oregon State University, Department of Horticulture, 4017 Agricultural and over 5 years (2003 to 2007). They were stored Life Sciences Building, Corvallis, OR 97331 at –20 °C until used. Inoculation chambers were set up in the greenhouse using polyvinyl Additional index words. Corylus avellana, eastern filbert blight, disease resistance chloride tubing (1.27 cm diameter) placed on top of benches (2.44 m · 0.88 m) and covered Abstract. Eastern filbert blight (EFB), caused by the pyrenomycete Anisogramma with white 4-mil polythene sheeting. In the anomala (Peck) E. Mu¨ller, is a devastating disease of European hazelnut (Corylus first 3 years (2003 to 2005), the chamber’s avellana L.) in the Pacific Northwest. Host genetic resistance from ‘Gasaway’ has been roof was closed and high humidity was used extensively for breeding hazelnuts at Oregon State University. Concern over the maintained using humidifiers as described durability of this single-gene resistance prompted a search for new sources of resistance. by Chen et al. (2007). In the next 2 years In this study, 86 accessions from 11 countries were evaluated for their response to (2006 to 2007), the roof was open and greenhouse inoculation with the pathogen. Nine accessions showed complete resistance, humidifiers were replaced with mist nozzles. including one from Chile (‘Amarillo Tardio’), two from Serbia (‘Crvenje’ and ‘Uebov’), Three misters (7.57 LÁh–1) per bench were one from southern Russia (OSU 495.072) and five from Moscow, Russia. These new placed 0.3 m apart, 0.9 m above the bench sources of EFB resistance have geographically diverse origins and will broaden the top, and set to operate for 10 s every 30 min genetic base of EFB-resistant hazelnut germplasm. The previously reported resistance of during the day time (0800 HR to 1900 HR) and ‘Grand Traverse’ from Michigan and the susceptibility of ‘Closca Molla’ from Spain 10 s every hour during the night (1900 HR to were confirmed. 0800 HR) using an automated misting unit (Model No. DE 8 PR2; Davis Engineering, Canoga Park, CA). Grafted plants were in- European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) Concern over the durability of this single oculated when the shoots had four to five is an important world crop. In the United resistance gene prompted this search for new nodes (Coyne et al., 1998) and actively grow- States, hazelnuts are produced primarily in sources of resistance to EFB. Inoculations by ing shoot tips. the Willamette Valley of Oregon and repre- Molnar (2006) with different isolates of A. Perithecia from the diseased twigs were sent 4% to 5% of the world total (FAOStat, anomala showed that an isolate from Mich- dissected, ground with a mortar and pestle to 2009). However, the Oregon hazelnut indus- igan produced a few cankers on ‘Gasaway’ release ascospores, and diluted in water to try is threatened by the disease eastern filbert and suggested genetic diversity among iso- a concentration of 1 · 106 spores/mL. Two blight (EFB) caused by the pyrenomycete lates of the pathogen. A series of studies inoculations at a 3-d interval were carried out Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Mu¨ller. (Chen et al., 2007; Coyne et al., 1998; Lunde either in the evening (2000 HR to 2200 HR)or The fungus, an obligate biotroph with a 2- et al., 2000) has identified several new early morning (0500 HR– to 0700 HR) to re- year life cycle (Pinkerton et al., 1995), causes sources of resistance. Molecular markers duce the risk of escapes. The spore suspen- severe stem cankers on commercially impor- linked to resistance have been identified for sion was sprayed on shoot tips until they were tant European hazelnuts. Ascospores are re- some of these (Chen et al., 2005; Sathuvalli, visibly damp but not dripping wet. The inoc- leased from perithecia during periods of 2007). In this study, the response of 86 ulated trees were moved out of the inocula- branch wetness in winter and spring and hazelnut accessions recently introduced from tion chamber 3 d after the second inoculation dispersed by splashing rain and air currents. several countries was evaluated after green- and grown in the greenhouse at optimal tem- The spores germinate and produce hyphae house inoculations with the EFB pathogen. peratures (24 °C day/18 °C night). In October, that directly penetrate young growing shoots the trees were planted in a nursery row at the in the spring. The hyphae permeate and Smith Farm. ‘Gasaway’ was included as the destroy the cambial layer, and cankers bear- Materials and Methods resistant control, and ‘Ennis’, ‘Daviana’, and ing stromata become visible 16 to 18 months Plant materials. The tested accessions ‘Tonda di Giffoni’ were the susceptible con- after initial infection (Johnson et al., 1994; were obtained from 11 countries (Tables 1 trols. ‘Ennis’ and ‘Daviana’ are highly sus- Pinkerton et al., 1998; Stone et al., 1992). and 2) and included 35 from Russia, 21 from ceptible to EFB, whereas ‘Tonda di Giffoni’ Control measures include scouting and prun- Azerbaijan, seven from Georgia, and six each has a high level of quantitative resistance. ing infected branches below the cankers plus from the Ukraine and Serbia. One was Disease susceptibility evaluation. The in- fungicide treatments at 2-week intervals a selection from imported seeds, and 85 were oculated plants were visually evaluated for starting at budbreak (Pscheidt, 2006). received as scions. After their introduction, the presence of cankers 16 to 20 months after Host genetic resistance is a desirable way scions were grafted to rooted layers of C. inoculation. A genotype was scored as sus- to avoid the expense and time involved in avellana, and the trees were held in postentry ceptible if cankers with stromata were ob- scouting, pruning, and spraying to control quarantine in the greenhouse for two growing served on one or more of the three trees and this disease (Mehlenbacher, 1995). The re- seasons. The trees were then planted in the scored as resistant if all three trees remained sistance from ‘Gasaway’, an obsolete pollin- field at OSU’s Smith Horticultural Research free of infection. Tests were repeated a second izer (Mehlenbacher et al., 1991), has been Farm in Corvallis, OR. For disease inocula- year for nine of the accessions scored as extensively used in the hazelnut breeding tions, scions were collected in the field or the resistant, but ‘Amarillo Tardio’ was tested program at Oregon State University (OSU). lathhouse in December to January over a 5- only once. year period (2004 to 2008), stored at –1 °C, Description of resistant accessions. The and three scions per accession were grafted to newly identified resistant accessions were Received for publication 4 Mar. 2010. Accepted C. avellana rooted layers in May to June. The described using standard descriptors used in for publication 27 Mar. 2010. grafted plants were potted in 5-L pots con- the OSU hazelnut breeding program (Table 1To whom reprint requests should be addressed; taining a mixture of equal volumes of peat, 3). Most of these descriptions are based on e-mail [email protected]. pumice, and fine bark dust to which 9 g of a single tree and 1 to 6 years of observation. 1116 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 45(7) JULY 2010 MISCELLANEOUS Table 1. Response of 52 hazelnut accessions to greenhouse inoculation with Anisogramma anomala. Table 2. Response of 34 hazelnut accessions from Accession Origin Yr of inoculation Disease response the Russian Research Institute of Forestry and Mechanizationz to greenhouse inoculation with Amarillo Tardio Chilla´n, Chile 2008 Resistant Anisogramma anomala. Crvenje Cˇ acˇak, Serbia 2003, 2006 $ Grand Traverse Lansing, MI 2005, 2006 $ Selection Yr of inoculation Disease response OSU 495.072 southern Russia 2005, 2007 $ N01 2005, 2007 Resistant Uebov Cˇ acˇak, Serbia 2003, 2006 $ N02 2005, 2007 $ Anakliuri Vani, GA 2004, 2007 Susceptible N26 2005, 2007 $ Arzu Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2007 $ N27 2005, 2007 $ Ashrafi Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2007 $ N37 2005, 2007 $ Aslan Baba Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2007 $ N01-08 2005, 2007 Susceptible Ata Baba Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2006, 2007 $ N01-13 2005 $ Ata Ula Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2007 $ N05 2005 $ Azeri Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004 $ N06 2005 $ Barli Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2007 $ N07 2005, 2007 $ Bomba Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004 $ N08 2005 $ Borovskoi Kharkiv, Ukraine 2003 $ N09 2005, 2007 $ Catalan Krakow, Poland 2003 $ N10 2005, 2007 $ Chikvistava Vani, GA 2004 $ N11 2005 $ Closca Molla Reus, Spain 2005, 2006 $ N12 2005 $ Dalian 83-81 Dalian, China 2006 $ N13 2005 $ Dalian 84-161 Dalian, China 2006 $ N14 2005, 2007 $ Dalian 84-349 Dalian, China 2006 $ N15 2005 $ Dalian 84-75 Dalian, China 2006 $ N21 2005, 2007 $ Dedoplis Titi Vani, GA 2004 $ N22 2005 $ Dnepr1 Kharkiv, Ukraine 2003 $ N24 2005 $ Ducˇalovic´i 30/96 Cˇ acˇak, Serbia 2003 $ N28 2005 $ Elbari Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2006 $ N30 2005 $ Firavan Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2006 $ N31 2005 $ Galib Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2007 $ N33 2005, 2007 $ Ganja Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2006, 2007 $ N34 2005, 2007 $ Gauna Viedma, Argentina 2008 $ N35 2005, 2007 $ Gizil Findiq Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004 $ N36 2005 $ Gobekli Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004 $ N38 2005, 2007 $ Gulshishvela Vani, GA 2004, 2007 $ N39 2005 $ Khachapura Vani, GA 2004, 2007 $ N40 2005 $ Lozovskoi Sharovidnii Kharkiv, Ukraine 2003, 2005, 2006 $ N43 2005 $ Mar del Plata Viedma, Argentina 2008 $ N44 2005, 2007 $ Nasimi Zaqatala, Azerbaijan 2004, 2007 $ N45 2005 $ Nemsa Vani, GA 2004 $ z15 Institutskaya Street, Pushkino, Moscow Pirosok Kharkiv, Ukraine 2003 $ Province 141202 Russian Federation.
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