Ml: " ' MW 300K t,„DEB, SPfilNCPORr. MICHIGAN 49234 The Grand Valley Ledger Volume 7, Issue 38 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 July 27, 1983 New mall proposed for Lowell's West Main St. A proposed 55.800sq. ft. mall architects being Cato Companies passed its firsi hurdle by gaining of Kalamazoo. No one at either l^owell Planning Commission company was available for com- approval for a wing change from ment on Tuesday. The mall will K3 (multiple family) (oC2 (com- be anchored at the west end by mercial) with a PUD (Planned 22.000 sq. ft. food store and on Urban Developmenl) cover. The the cast end b> an II .6000 sq. ft. PUD cover gives the city more drug store. Eight stores of vari- authority over the project with ous si/x: are planned along the in- the option of another public hear- side of the mall. The plans call ing and the right to review all ap- for 320 parking spaces. 41 more prove all site plans. The pro- than the required 279 for a build- posed mall is to be built on 6.7 ing this size. Three small con- acres on the north side of Main venience shops are planned for St .. west of Valley Vista Dr. and outside and in from of the mall west of the apartment buildings (kecys, photo service, etc.). The now under constmction. developers are not saying The mall is being proposed by whether they have any leases the East Lansing Realty and De- signed for any of the space. velopment Corporation with the Dam & power plant nearing completion The Ledger contacted officals crew of a half dozen or more will $29,000 per year over 35 years. generated by the dam to Con- from STS Consultants. Ltd. and monitor the flooding in an eftort STS in tum will sell the power sumers Power Compjj'y. the Kent County Road Commis- to avoid any problems. sion regarding the flooding of the Fresh paint, landscaping and Kent 4-H Fair starts Monday backwaters of the Fallasburg new generators have made the Dam and eventual startup of the power plant a real "showplace". It's Kent County Youth Fair in. Horse and pony judging will power plant currently being re- Officials are planning an open time - exhibits, activities, and begin on Monday with additional novated. We were told on Tues- house for sometime after the fun for everyone as the 48th an- horse contests and showmanship day that crews working still had a plant is operational. nual event gets underway at the classes each day through the few more days of work to finish The dam had not been opera- Lowell Fairgrounds on Monday, week. before the floodgates could be tional for 18 years, and the August 1. Tuesday is Ladies Day with closed. "A few days to two county was considering a propo- County 4-H members will special programs on wardrobe BLOUD DRIVE SCHEDULED weeks" was the closest answer sal of $500,000 to tear the struc- climax their project year as they planning and microwave cook- The I well Rotary Club and the Grand Valley Blood Program we could get The power plant is ture down. STS's proposal enter Unshed projects and the ing scheduled. Clowning p ,rfor- will hold a blood drive at the Utwcll First United Methodist Church expected to be started up shortly called for the county it) spend animals they've worked with mances are also a feature of on Wednesday. August 17 from 3:00 until K;(K) P.M. I)r Paul alter the flooding is complete. $250,000 to renovate the dam. Exhibits will be entered on Mon- Tuesday afternoon. gauthier is the Rotary chairman of the project, anil he suggests that Officials said that the water level and then lease it back to STS at a day with foods, clothing, gar- Judging of sheep, rabbils. those giving blood should schedule a time to donate Class should will be brought up to approxi- contract rate calling for at least dening. conservation and crafts be made to Drs. Gauthier and Lang Family Practitioners at Sy7- mately its prior level, and that a being judged as they are brought cont'd, on bock pg. 921W PHYSICALS FOR HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES Strand closes after 55 years here All athletes grades lOthru 12. planning on going out lor any sport during the school year should report to the Lowell High School on Alter 55 years as Lowell's en- the following times and dates: Boys cxams v, ill start at 7;(K( P. M. on tertainment center. The Strand Friday. August 5 and Girls exams w ill begin at 7:00 P.M. on Friday. Theater is closing its doors. August 12. Physical cards can be picked up at the high school office When built by Harvey J. Calher between 9:00 A M and 3:00 P.M.. the cards must be signed by a in 1928. The Strand was parent or guardian and brought to the exam. heralded as "Michigan's most beautiful small theater". Present LAST CALL FOR REUNION RESERVATONS owner Robert DeNolf. has oper- ated the theater since 1972 as a Those who still haven't made reservations for the Lowell High family run business. DeNolf School class of '73 "s tenth reunion should contact Kathy (Kempker) blames the impact Low "s new Curtis at 897-8608 immediately The reunion is to be held at Deer Cable TV system has had on the Run Golf Club on Saturday. July 30. Call Kathy lor further informa- Strand's attendance as the princi- tion ple reason for closing. DeNolf has to keep attendance OFF THE BLOTTER records for liablility insurance reasons, and his records show a A car dnven by Julie Roth. 18. of Lowell was backed into by a ve- sharp decline since the introduc- hicle driven by Pamelia Malcom 28. also of Lowell on Wednesday tion of cable TV here. DeNolf evening. July 20. The accident happened at Broadway North of acknowledges the fact that he has Mam Street. There were no injuries never been able to get "first-run" Suzanne Lubit/. 17. of Lowell was injured when she lost control movies, but he said he used to ol the motorcycle she was driving and fell off. in a private property have a steady clientele of people parking lot Fnday. July 22. who didn't mind waiting to see Carolyn Priester 39. of Grand Rapids and Michael Lanier 40 ol the movies to avoid Grand Rap- loma collided in an alle> on private property between S Water and ids crowds and traffic, and "re- S. Broadway Street Saturday. July 23 There were no injuries pealers". who would come to Injured in an accident Wednesday July 20. shortly alter 8:00 in T)' Strand to see lavonte films the morning was Sandra O'Neill. 35. or Lowell when she rear that they had already seen in the ended a vehicle driven by Carl Chase. 21. ol Saranat on W Mam and Lincoln Lake Road Chase was not injured cont'd, on bock pg. l-ayle l^unhardo. 20. ol Lowell rear ended a vehicle driven by Lyman l-awrence. 74. ol Saranac on West Mam Street near Alden Nash at noon on Monday. July IK The I .aw re nee vehicle was at- tempting to make a lell turn ai the time ol the accident - NOTICE- (.odged in the Kent County Jail Saturday. July 23. tor driving The Strand Theatre has had a drastic decline of customers since Cable TV has come while license suspended was Gerold Felling. 19. ol Lowell STRAND ifooTv to Lowell With out the support of the people the theatre will be closed until further Cited into63rd District Court Monday evening July IH lor pos notice session ol Alcohol by a minor was Stuart Hoag. 20. ol Alto. »•. ( ... V PRECISION & FASHION \ppointmenls not always We wish to give a sincere Thank-you to all the people who have attend the theaiie HAIKSTVLING - For both nwded at Vanity Hair Fash- this year. Again Thank-You" men and women. Man's World »ons. Open fiye days Ixmell. Hairstyling. Phone 897-8102. 897-7506. Grand Vallry l-tdpr - Wcdne»d«y. July 27. 19113 • Pi|r 2 Obituaries Jeanne Kreiser, all of Wyoming; Rousseau of NY. I son. John P (irtnd Valley Icdjier • Wedneiday, July 27. 1983 • Page 3 July 23. I9K3 Mrs Taylor w.isa dam ol Gen John Stark of Lthun Oak. Stanley Smith and wife I hr Ix-dgi-r's crilcriu for run- a special friend. Gloria Keech. Jones ol SC. 14 grandchildren; I long time resident ol Chicugo. II Allen's (ireen Mountain Hoys Dons of Cadillac. Ml; 12 grand ning obituary noticcs is lo glean his aunls and uncles. Helen Kay. brother. Chester Jones and a sis cozy and Sarasota. IT. She is the be- and a fonner President of the children. 13 greal grandchildren. Kent County Librories sponsor code-crocking workshop from the (irand Kapids Press ol (irand Rapids. Bermce Wel- ter. Mrs Mildred Stauller both loved wile ol I homas J . adored Catholic Women's Club of Glen Many great greal grandchildren, obituaries that contain de- ter. ol Morgantown. NC. Ruth of Uiwell Funeral Services mother ol Laurence I (Jac- Kllyn. 1L; daughter of Mabel one brother, Claude Guilfoyle Codes, ciphers, and secret codes, pm men codes, etc. Infor- ceased persons or relatives of Chapman, ol Ypsilanti. Ml. L-d- were held Saturday al the Worksheets will be provided but Aug. 3 Lowell, 325 W Main at queline) ol Glen l-llyn 11, and (nee Weeks) and Claude Taylor; and wife Beatrice of Greenville.
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