--------------------------------------------------------------. THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 43: ISSUE 107 MONDAY, MARCH 23,2009 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Obama to speak at undergrad commencement Jenkins: Obama 'honored' Some applaud, others University by accepting condemn announcement ByJENNMETZ By MADELINE BUCKLEY News Writer News Editor University President Fr. John Jenkins responded to criticism regarding the The University's announcement that announcement of President Barack President Barack Obama will deliver Obama as the 2009 Commencement the 2009 Commencement address has speaker by clearly making a distinction inspired strong responses - both pos­ between honoring the president and itive and negative - from seniors and supporting his political views. student groups. Jenkins made it clear in an interview Students are vocalizing support as with The Observer Sunday the well as condemnation of the University does not "foresee circum­ University's decision through numer­ stances" that would cause Notre Dame ous Facebook groups, blogs and other to rescind the president's invitation. outlets. "We have invited the president and Junior Mary Daly. president of Notre he's honored us by accepting," he said. Dame's Right to Life club, said she is The White !louse and the University disappointed in the University's choice announced March 20 the president will of speaker. speak at the May 17 Commencement Although she said she believes it is President Barack Obama spoke at Wesleyan University last May in place of Sen. Edward see 0 BAMA/ page 10 Kennedy. He will deliver the Commencement address at Notre Dame on May 17. see REACTIONS//page 6 Forn1er ambassador to Vatican will receive Laetare Medal 'Most prestigious honor given to American Catholics' to be presented to Mary Ann Glendon at commencement since 1883 to a Catholic "whose Academy of Social Sciences, Jenkins said. spokesperson for the Catholic By AARON STEINER genius has ennobled the arts and appointed to that position by Pope In a press release, Jenkins said viewpoint than Mary Ann News Writer sciences, illustrated the ideals of John Paul II in 1994. She was the Glendon is "a compelling expositor Glendon," Jenkins said. "We're the Church first woman to be named presi­ of Catholic social teaching who very honored to have her." Former U.S. ambassador to the and enriched dent of one of the major pontifical exemplifies our University's most A scholar of law and philosophy, Holy See Mary Ann Glendon will the heritage academies. She also served on the cherished values and deserves its Glendon's areas of academic be the 133rd recipient of the of humanity." President's Council on Bioethics highest praise." research include bioethics, com­ Laetare Medal, the highest award Glendon, under President George W. Bush Jenkins said Sunday that parative constitutional law and given by Notre Dame. She will who served from 2002 to 2005. Glendon's presence at international human rights. She is receive the Medal during the 2009 as ambassa­ University President Fr. John Commencement where the author of numerous books, Commencement ceremony on dor to the Jenkins called Glendon "a President Barack Obama is sched­ including "A Nation Under May 18, the University announced Holy See in remarkable woman" who "has uled to give the main address - Lawyers: How the Crisis in the Sunday. 2008, is cur- lived a life of service to the will be a strong representation of Legal Profession is Transforming The Laetare Medal is called "the rently the Glendon Church" in an interview with The the Catholic viewpoint. American Society," and "A World oldest and most prestigious honor Learned Observer Sunday. "In inviting President Obama, Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and given to American Catholics," Hand Professor of Law at Harvard "She's probably the most power­ we will listen to him. But I think the Universal Declaration of according to a University release, Law School. She is also the cur­ ful spokesperson for the Catholic it's important he will listen to oth­ and has been awarded annually rent president of the Pontifical viewpoint in our world today," ers. And I can't think of a better see MEDAL/page 6 Bald for a cause Patriotic Holy Cross By SARAH MERVOSH Brother Courtney dies News Writer Wear_in9. a pink. bandan~ that satd Cancer !ears me, later, made his final vows at Notre 6-yPar-old Lauren Pollock. By ROBERT SINGER Dame's Basilica of the Sacred who lost her hair to News Writer Heart, according to the South chPmotherapy, pnered Bend Tribune. around lwr mother's shoul­ Brother Edward Vincent llolv Cross Brother Bolwrt dPr to watch as Notre Dame Courtney. who was a nwmber of Fillm~re, provincial of the studPnts shaved tlwir hnads tlw Congregation of the Holy Cross Midwest Province. told The to show support !'or child­ for more than five decades. died Observer that Courtney's experi­ hood eancer. last Monday in the Dujarin I louse ences in World War II motivated OvPr 100 people shaved at Notre Dame. He was 90 years him toward a religious voration their heads and raised an old. and a lifetime of patriotism. estimatl•d $24.000 for the St. Courtney, a veteran of World "After the war. he made this Baldrick's Foundation at the War II. entered St. Joseph decision, which was verv eommon Freshman Class Council's St. Novitiate in Rolling Prairie, Ind. to for W\VII veterans," Fillinore said. Baldrick's Day event. which begin his religious training follow­ 'They joined because they saw life took place on Thursday and TIFFANY ROBAKffhe Observer ing the war. He made his first in a very different way, and they Junior Tiffany Robak had her head shaved last Friday to raise vows as Holy Cross brother on see BALD/page 8 money for the St. Baldrick's Foundation. Aug. 16, 1947 and three years see COURTNEYI page 4 ----------------- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Monday, March 23, 2009 INSIDE COLUMN QUES110N OF THE DAY: How DO YOU FEEL ABOUT PRESIDENT 0BA.MA SPEAKING AT THIS YEAR'S GRADUATION? Riding out the storm I had been looking forward to Saturday ever since December when I found out Gaelic Storm Brian Wysocki Cherie Ng Christian Chan Erika Hansen Mitchell Hemann was coming to campus. I'm kind of a groupie. sophomore freshman junior freshman freshman I know the Fisher McGlinn Stanford McGlinn Keenan names of Nora Kenney every one of their songs, News Wire 'Tm excited - "It's getting too "Why am /not "/ wish it was "Never heard even the Editor it makes me controversial." a senior this my of him." instrumental wish I had year?!" graduation!" ones. I have a picture of myself with the lead volunteered for singer, Patrick Murphy, in my Commencement dorm room. band.'' I've seen them play in my home­ town, Dublin, Ohio, many times. Despite the fact that my parents and parents' friends are always in Have an idea for Question of the Day? E-mail [email protected] the audience, and that, in fact, the majority of the audience is usually my parents' ages, their concerts get pretty rowdy. That's why I assumed that a Gaelic Storm con­ IN BRIEF cert on a college campus would be even crazier than one directed A lecture hosted by the towards baby boomers. Theology Department called Maybe my expectations were a "The Igbo and their Perception little too high, but how could I not of God, Human Beings and have expected a lot from a concert Creation," will take place of my favorite Irish band during Monday, Wednesday and the week of St. Patrick's Day on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the the campus of the Fighting Irish? Jordan Auditorium of Mendoza Just before the concert I put on College of Business. Nigerian a green shirt and some Gaelic novelist and poet Chinua Storm songs, and my friends came Achebe will deliver the Third to my room to get ready with me. Biennial Blessed Pope John But while I was trying to practice XXIII Lecture Series in Theology my jig to "Pina Colada in a Pint and Culture. The talk on Mar. 23 Glass," my friends were slightly will focus on "God," the talk on killing the buzz, so to speak. Mar. 25 will focus on "Human "Wait, are you seriously com­ Beings." and the talk on Mar. 26 plaining about Obama giving the will focus on "Creation." graduation speech?" I asked. And it went downhill from there The McBride Lecture: - two of us hate Obama and the "Protecting the Planet and other one loves him. Creating Jobs: A Win-Win In the end we all agreed to dis­ Proposition" on Tuesday will agree peacefully, and our Irish feature David Foster, executive eyes were smiling once again. But TOM LA/ The Observer director, Blue-Green Alliance, a the fact that I've been with my An ESPN cameraman films Irish quarterback Jimmy Clausen during spring coalition of labor unions and friends non-stop since January, football practice on Friday. environmental organizations. including over spring break, The lecture will take place in meant that tension was still in the Hesburgh Library auditorium air ... at 7:30p.m. At the concert, they refused to stand up and clap and dance. The 22nd Annual Romero What's a Gaelic Storm concert if OFFBEAT Lecture: "Now I Understand" you're sitting? So, we yelled and will take place Tuesday at 7:30 sang along from our seats. Clorox offers $5K to tion site toilets have been woman told detectives p.m. in the Eck Visitors' Center Apparently we were singing a wipe out toilet torcher set on fire in the city, "Satan had a big part in auditorium.
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