I' See Story Inside

I' See Story Inside

,. ....;' : I' See story inside AtheniaB @ OrionB %!,Shotguns From the elegant look of our Athenam series to the proven performance of the Orion,@you'll see why we confidently proclaim that no one offers you better value for your money - better wood, better balance and custom-fit internal parts - to deliver better performance in the field. ModifiedGreener cross bolt action - one of the strongest and most reliable mada.The cross bolt lockup actually "shoots in'wim use to retain its rigidity and tight fit. Shallower in depth and thinner in profile, our 12 gauge receiversare proponionateto mostather 20gaugeguns. generating that sought-afterrbetween the hands" balance for quicker pointing and target acquisition. Automatic ejectors - discharge spent shelis when receiver is opened. Untired shells are raised slightly for easy extraction. Special breeching system - provides seven points of engagement for astronger, safer action. Backboring to ,735 -on all Weatherby 12 gauge models - hslps to improve shot patterns, reduce recoil and shooter fatigue. Patented sear blocksafety design - prevents accidental dischargewhen loaded shotgun is closed when trigger is the'off' position. Sliding top satew- prevents firing unless top barrel release lever is fully Hammer regain - (L to R)."Field",''Classic Field and "English Field if trigger is pulled to near "letof? and men released. Sear to Australian Distributor hammer engagement is fully reset for NioaTrading a consistently crisp trigger pull. ACN.OIO108086 Single, selective inertia irigger- works independentlyof thesafetr This allows the shooterto select barrel GPO Box 28 I regardless of safety semng. Brisbane \" Queensland. 400 1 +. .~..NlOA. .- Phone: (07) 3262 5088 Fax: (07) 3262 6463 - f Enqu118 af your loca, gunshop .. - - ~ ~~ ~~ NATIONAL EXECUTIVE Executive Director MI Graeme Brorvn patron The Right Honourable Malcolm Fraser. A.C.. CH National Director of Coaching Mr MUriav Alexander PO Box 88, Maylands. WA 6051 President SHOOTING NEWS Ph: (08)9272 2205 Mr Glenn Woodhatch Chairman, Management Committee, ACTA Historian 43 3550 VOLUME NO. 51 Prouses Road. Bendigo. Vlc Mr George Biggs Ph: (03)5440 2538 BH ISSUE NO. 1 JANUARY 1998 4 Hugh Street, Knoxfield. Vic. 3180 Ph: (03)9801 2748 Management Mr Bill Jones (Vice-President). Chairman, Finance Designed and Typeset by Midland Typesetters OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE Committee. 30 Hubble Sleet. Maryborough, Vic 3465 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET 25 Links Cres. Poll Macquarie. NSW 2444 Printed by Newsprinters Pty Ltd. ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Ph: (02)6582 5662 Melbourne Road, South Shepparton, Vic 3630 Mr Mark Butluss Annual Subscription Rate: $25 16 Exmouth Court. Leanyer. NT0812 NO responsibility is accepted by the publisher for the accuracy of information contained in the text. Copy issue: Ph: (08)6948 2323 BH illustrations OI advertisements. The opinions February issue closes December 31 Mr Allan Kenny Chairman. expressed in this magazine do not necessarily 31 March issue closes January Promotion 8 Developmeol Committee, represent those of the publisher. 56 Warvga Road. Glenorchy. Tas 7010 Ph: (03)6272 4714 ISSN: 1321-3903 MI Robert Nugent PO Box 231. Roma. Old 4455 Ph: (07)4622 2507 MI Ron Traitl Chairman National Championships Commiltee PO BOX77. Rochester. Vic 3561 Ph: (03)5484 1356 MI Graham Michell Cha~rman. Shooting Committee. 12 lliman Awe. Murray Bridge. SA 5253 Ph: (08)8531 1394 CONTENTS 1 Mr ROSSSilvester Chairman. Coaching Council. PO Box 91,Boyanup. WA 6237 Ph: (08)9791 4200 BH Committee 1997 OD Nation Mr Antony Brown PO BOY1927. Alice Springs. NT 0870 Ph: 0419 817 360 Mrs Elaine Fonvard Chairman. RuIesiSaletylReferees Committee. PO Box 68. iambellup, WA 6320 Ph: (08)9825 1137 Mr Tom Meadows 180 Delancey Street. Ormiston. Old 4160 Ph: (07)3286 2607 Mr John Murphy PO BOX404. Kingsmeadow. Tas 7249 Ph: (03)8339 3236 Mr Andy Sanders 120 Feintelgh Road, Wagga Wagga. NSW 2650 Ph: (02)6925 3318 MI Vince Molt~ca. 2 Thistle Street. Essendon. Vic. 3040 Ph. (03)937-96016 Mr John H. Byrnes, 14 Jacobs Street, Waikerie, SA 5330 Ph: (08)8541 3209 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET Honorary Life Registrations ASSOCIATION INC. E. G. Biggs L. G. Connors (P.P.) 3 ESSEX ROAD (PO BOX 557). G. H. Hall (P.P.) N. Hardy E. F. Hawkins (P.P.) MOUNT WAYERLEY, VIC 3149 R. M. Holtfreler (P.P.) L. J. Martin (P.P.) C. Mot1 PH: (03) 9807 7577 R. H. MOySe R. Mules A, N. Rowe J. K. Scott (P.P.) J. M. Tyquin (P.P.) N Wells R.F. Buchan FAX: (03) 9807 2716 danualy 1998 Austrnliali Clay Target shoot in^ News Page 1 SOZP ZLZ6 (80) UI VJOUA awujjo [~ev!q!qu~omamo pun ~OOU~"UJJ~JUOJe apnlnu! 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Lpno!hald pauo!luam aneq I sv NV312I3NV SMV'I SWXV3BId -3 aNV dIHSNOI~3?La CI'IXOM 6661 ',qLa[qeo a!uuv, pu-e .aJuaj aqljo, lo ,xaq aql go, sa u~auy L[~omm03Sluaha pue squaha aSela)au padnor9 apnpu! lou saop 11 'Lluo sylem de>!pueq [e!>go qaql ma.~jlaoqs s.talooqs alaqnt Y3laYPooM '3 uual3 s! luana deJ!pueqv 'sLep Su!pods pue sdeqpuaq am ppasn aq Lam saSpulle~Bzg sluana L[uo aq& 'pasn aq Lnm saSpqrel (zag11 11 EZE uaqm 0%se Su!puap~apuns!m e aq ol smaas [l!ls a.raq& 3ZIS LOHS 'qluaa lgauaq [I!" auob~laha pue Bu!l!lxa s! Ll!l!aej IBUO!~EN xflo JU ?uamqs![qu%~aaqJ 's!seq a[qeuoseaz e uo s[euo!leN aq* paleJo[(e %u!aq e![egsnv lsa~aq plnofi L~!lod s!q? jo aldmexa uv 'slaloaqs pus saws mo [le 1gauaq 0%sanuah mqqo 0%p~)eao[le aq II!M am!$ ol am!% mo~js[ah!ula3 [euo!leN amos qnqq paSes!hua s! Manager: Bill Murray; Conches: Greg Chan, Luca Scribani Rossi, Claudia Kulla; Doctor: Sue Iiomolka; Masseur: Darian Roach.

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