The Voice of Zion • 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 Volume XLV Number 10 October 2018 Give us strength, dear Lord, to obey Thy Word. Make our small home congregation be a joy and consolation. Nothing need we fear when within Thy care. Bless and shield us all, each and ev’ry home. Grant us escorts in Thy kingdom. Lord, we ask for guiding wisdom; may we always be in Thy unity. SHZ 431:3–4 The Home Zion Mission Work In Childlessness A Visit in the Field Notes and in Parenthood, Barley Field Trust in God’s Will Editorial, Page 2 Page 4 Home & Family, Pages 6–7 Page 10 PHOTO: BRITA FREDRICKSON ~ Home – a miniature congregation ~ PAGE 2 OCTOBER 2018 editorial The Home Zion BOTH “HOME” AND “ZION” are familiar and comforting words to believers. This can’t live differently than what the congregation teaches. When Christ is with His has always been evident in God’s kingdom. Millennia ago Joshua said of his home congregation, the congregation endeavors in one faith, one doctrine and one hope. and family, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh. 24:15). In this Christ is the way and the truth and the life. The congregation of God holds fast to way Joshua made the same connection to home and Zion as God’s children do today. God’s Word and Christ’s gospel of the forgiveness of sins. Initially, the Holy Spirit kindles faith in an individual through the living gospel. Jesus Thus we see the role of our home and mutual congregations in Christianity. Accord- says, “The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my ing to God’s Word these matters never alter nor pass away with changing times: name, he shall teach you all things” (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit guides life in the “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matt. 24:35). Christian home, where the gospel of the forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name and blood In a spiritual sense we see God’s intentions for all believers. Jesus expressed it very blesses and carries faulty yet pardoned sinners in mutual grace, love and truth. simply, “Follow me” (e.g. Matt. 16:24, Mark 8:34). He also says, “It is your Father’s The Holy Spirit calls, gathers and enlightens in the name of our Lord and Savior good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32). Jesus Christ (cf. Luther’s explanation of the Third Article of the Creed). This is a Just as we share roles and responsibilities in our own homes, so God also function of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers in our homes and local congrega- arranges for the orderly functioning of His congregation. “And he gave some, tions. The Holy Spirit also works in this way in the mutual congregation, which apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teach- includes all believers everywhere and crosses all human boundaries, imagined or ers” (Eph. 4:11). In our local congregations and mutual Zion, in obedience of faith actual. God’s love—the love of Christ—joins believers together in one faith, one we are able to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It helps us on our journey to hope, one God (Eph. 4) and in one love. Jesus says, “For by this shall men know that personally hear and believe the good tidings of the gospel of the forgiveness of ye are my disciples in that ye have love one for another” (John 13:35). sins. We are also supported through gifts God bestows on those who serve the The congregation has the God-given congregation, upbuild His kingdom, GXW\WRWDNHFDUHRIWKHRIÀFHRIWKH offer salvation to undying souls by keys here on earth. Believers use God’s preaching the gospel and call those Word, communion, prayer and mutual without living faith to repentance. fellowship to remain in and become Through the guidance of the Holy strengthened in faith. We support and Spirit, local congregations and our encourage one another, advise one mutual Zion appoint servants to help in another and rebuke one another with lov- the work of God’s kingdom quite the ing instruction (2 Tim. 4:2, 1 Thess. 5:14). same way Jesus appointed disciples. It is Faith matters are cared for in the fel- so good and so important that services lowship of the congregation. If one are arranged and that we have opportuni- member suffers, all the other members ties to hear God’s Word and enjoy fellow- suffer too. In the same way, one’s joy is ship and activities with other believers shared joy (1 Cor. 12:26). The mind of “so much the more, as ye see the day Christ and atmosphere of peace are approaching” (Heb. 10:25). We are brought about by the love of God. blessed with this in our own homes, in Advice given in love is not meant to our home congregations and in unity demand, but rather to help the child of with our mutual Zion. “How good and God in his or her battle against the how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in power of sin. unity!” (Ps. 133:1). Christ and the congregation are insepa- rable. Therefore, a congregation member Tomm Stewart News & Notes from LLC A AS SUMMER FADESLQWRIDOOZHFDQUHÁHFWRQWKHPDQ\ meeting was held earlier than typical this year due to Song blessings God has given His children. God blessed our the amount of planning needed in using the Silver of My Summer Services and meetings. At the LLC Annual Meet- 6SULQJVSURSHUW\LQ0RQWLFHOORIRUWKHÀUVWWLPH7KLV Heart ing, congregation delegates offered support and gave clear gives planning committee members from both the GLUHFWLRQWRRXUZRUNKHUHDWWKHRIÀFH$QRWKHUVHDVRQRI hosting area congregations and the LLC opportunity camps has passed and we pray that God will give increase to support each other in the work. PSALM 107:31–32 to the seed that has been sown. Congregations are experi- • 2019 Summer Services update encing growth and God is blessing them with needed facili- ties. With the added growth and needs of our youth, camp ~ Final layout for the service grounds has been centers are being expanded and renovated. Prairie Shores completed. 31. Oh that men would praise HQMR\HGLWVÀUVWIXOO\HDURIDFWLYLWLHV:HDUHZRUNLQJFORVHU ~ Trees have been thinned and shaded campsites are the LORD for his goodness, than ever before with our sister organizations. God has being established. cared for the matters of His kingdom so well, and we pray and for his wonderful works for His blessings as we continue planning for 2019. ~'LUWZRUNKDVVWDUWHGWREXLOGÀHOGURDGVDQGOHYHO the areas planned for the service tents. to the children of men! Updates on LLC Activities ~ Plans are in place to bring permanent underground • 2YHU IRUW\ FRXSOHV KDYH VLJQHG XS WR DWWHQG WKH ÀUVW power to the site for utilities and RV camping. 32. Let them exalt him also LLC Ministers and Wives camp to be held at the Prairie ~:DWHUOLQHVDUHEHLQJEXULHGWRVSHFLÀHGORFDWLRQV in the congregation of the Shores Camp in Saskatchewan, October 12–14. ~ RV dump stations are being built utilizing the exist- people, and praise him in • Between 400–500 young believers attended Peace ing well and septic systems. Garden Youth Days. With thankful hearts, we con- the assembly of the elders. tinue to see God’s blessings on our young. May He ~ A local farmer will seed this fall to allow time for continue to give His increase. ample ground cover. • SRK minister Eero Nuolioja and his wife Hillevi • At SLC, new patios and sidewalks have been com- arrived October 1 for a month-long mission tour on pleted around the main lodge. Work on the new bath- • The annual ministers teleconference, originating from the SRK-LLC speaker exchange. We wish them God’s house and bunkhouse continue with exterior siding WKH//&RIÀFHZLOOEHKHOG1RYHPEHU7KLVJLYHV blessing for their trip. and painting being completed. At the same time, opportunity for ministers to gather around matters installation of sheet rock and painting is progressing • Fourteen scholarship recipients for the 2019–20 opisto central to the work and serves as a tool to maintain on the interior of the buildings. year will be chosen in October. It has been an impor- unity and love of the Spirit, which is so important in tant work form in God’s kingdom, as over 500 North • This year there is a change in the long-standing Pub- these times. American students have attended an opisto since the lications Week, which was earlier planned for October program began in the early 1980s. 22–28. Rather than designate a week-long event, pub- We ask for your prayers that God would continue to lications updates will be communicated on a regular guide and bless His work. • The 2019 LLC Summer Services kickoff planning basis to LLC congregations throughout the year. Eric Jurmu meeting was held in Rockford on September 19. The OCTOBER 2018 PAGE 3 The Sabbath Word 1 A text for the 1st Sunday of the Month Jesus Offers Living Water to All have wanted to drink of the water of life Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said, Of a truth this is the Prophet. Others said, This is but those who have, such as the Samaritan the Christ. But some said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee? Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the woman at the well of Sychar, have found seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was? So there was a division among the people Christ, the Savior of the world.
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