THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER. VOL XX NO. 4(>. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1894 WHOLE NO. 1038 Burned to Death. Death of Zachary ICouili. BURNED TO DEATH. Last Tuesday night at about half Evf ry body in Ann Arbor knew Zaoh WHILE CALLING YOUR ATTENTION past eleven o'clock, two students, who Roath, of the firm of Bach & Roath- TO OUR FATAL ACCIDENT TO HENRY tt. room at the Missea Cowans," at the corner It was generally known that Mr. Roath BINDER. of S. Main and Willianis-st., heard loud had been quite ill during the past two cries of "help" coming from the barn weeks. He was, however, rapidly re- just east of the house. The bovs. sup-covering from his illness when last FALL AND WINTER STOCK Youuy; IVIau (i»nr \\ i-oni;. Hr.uti of posing that some one was being assault Thursday he was suddenly taken worse T1I».«;JI j !«•> -llr-rHin-. Ill ii l.i I Axsaillt ed, rushed down the street and fount !Vear Cl»el»i»ii.—Mrn. Mummery Dead again and sank rapidly until Friday University Kccor<l.-Pr«l'. >VIllett's partrolman Collins who went at once afternoon at three o'clock, when he Lecture.—Death of Zacli ltoatli I n to the barn and found at the foot o succumbed. The death of Mr. Roath FUR LI-.II.I1 Record.— (oiiucil ^Ieetlns, Etc. the stairway leading to the loft th< was a great shock to the community and body of Henry G. Hinder lying on theMr Roath had grown up in Ann Arbor Special Resting City Council. floor with his clothing afire and his and was well and favorably known. He The special meeting of the council body badly burned. When found, lif< was a hard worker and was noted for his held last Thursday night was an inter was extinct. Just what had happened strict attention to business. Starting as esting one. The first thing that came can only be surmised. It is believed a clerk with Mr. Bach while a mere boy up was the election -commissioners' re- that Mr. Binder had gone to feed his Overcoats he stuck faithfully to his work until some port which was promptly accepted. horse which he keeps in this barn, and years ago he had saved enough to buy a We wish to impress upon your mind the fact that we carry a super- E. Gibson was then declared elected which it was his custom to look after fourth interest in the firm of Bach, Large purchases of Fur Gar- ior quality of ready-to-wear Clothing. Every man in Washtenaw Justice of the Peace. The committee at this late hour, and that, in coming Able & Co., and later, upon the death ments received this week. County, no matter what his occupation, will find it to his interest that was appointed last September to to examine our immense stock of suits and overcoats for fall anc down the stairs from the loft, he must of Mr. Able, he bought another quarter Real Marten Beaver, Electric winter. look up and propose some method of have, in some way broken his lantern interest. He was always frank and Seal, Wool Seal, Monkey, heating the city offices reported in fa causing it to explode. Dr. Georg be- square in his dealings with all with Astrachan, and Coney Ages vor of the use of coal stoves and the lieves that suffocation followed from whom he had to do. He was not IN CHILDREN'S SUITS, \ ? &e Carrj hiring of a janitor at $15.00 per month. gas which was generated by the ex-ashamed of his opinions, yet he wasJackets and Capes. Never 1 This report was not accepted. Mr. plosion. After this the clothes caught not in the least offensive about letting have the ladies of this county THE LITTLE GIANT, THE COLUMBUS and the B. 0. E. Green had made a proposition to heat tire and badly burned his body. people know where he stood. purchased Fur Garments with the city offices for $150.00 per year. (Best on Earth) Double-Breasted Coats, Pants made double seat Mr. Binder was an old and well Mr. Roath remained conscious to theso much advantage to them- and knee. We call special attention to our all wool combination During the discussion on this subject known resident of Ann Arbor, having very last, bidding farewell to the many selves as now. Aid. Prettyman remarked that he did Suits, Double-Breasted, two pairs of Pants and Hat to match at come here from Wurtemberg, Germany, friends who called and the few relatives $3.75. not think the city wanted to pay forabout 40 years ago. He was about 63 who were able to reach here, before the We guarantee every Far heating the whole Green block. A Garment sold. Our Men's $7.00 All Wool Suits, Our Men's $8.00 All Wool Suits years of age. He leaves a wife and end came. He was able to make a willi and our Men's $10 All Wool Suits are world beaters. We believe we committee, consisting of Aids. Wood, five daughters, Mrs. Martin Haller, disposing of his property among his Martin, Manly, Wagner and Kitson, was stand head and shoulders above all competition both iu variety and Mrs. John Lindenschmitt, Mrs. Walter relatives as he desired. value. We invite the comparison. Why not make it ? then appointed to look up the matter of S. Gaberelski, Mrs. Graf, and Miss The funeral was held Sunday from the cost of new offices and the expense of Emma Binder, and three sons, Henry Congregational church at 2 :30 P.M. Rev. moving the fixtures and report Binder, of Detroit, and Wm. and Fred Mr. Bradshaw conducting the services. at the next meeting. The council then Binder of this city to mourn his loss. Tne masons attended the services in a CLOAKS gave a unanimous vote of thanks to the WADHAMS'9, RYAN & REULE Funeral services will be held from the body, there being at least 120 in line. 200 New Coats and Capes ladies of Friendship Lodge, No. 70, D. O. residence at 51 S. Main st. tomorrow Company A also attended in full uni- 28 S. MAIN STREET. H. for the reception given the members (•(inie in this week, adding afternoon at 2 o'click. Rev. Maxform. The church was filled to the ut-many new and attractive fea of the council, Monday evening, Nov. 5. Hem will officiate. most by the friends of Mr. Roath, who The report of the special committee on wiihed to pay their last respects to the tures to our big stock. Our water supply was laid over again but Mrs. <*a} ley-Browne. deceased. At the grave the masonic Cloak Department, now in its Fine Art Goods will probably come up at the next The people of Ann Arbor were rites were observed. The floral dis- highest meridian, was never meeting Aid. Brown handed in a re- shocked on last Tuesday morning by play was exceedingly beautiful tho cas- so popular as it is at the pres port of the analysis of water made by the report that Mrs. Gayley Browne ket being literally covered with roses WASHINGTON BLOCK. the Michigan state board of hygiene, was dead. Death resulted from heart and beautiful worked keystones and ent time. which report was ordered placed on disease from which Mrs. Browne had BLAKE masonic emblems. file. It stated that the water was fit forlong been a sufferer. Last Sunday 1OO New Garments Etchings—Remnant Frames. A new and elegant drinking purposes. while on her way to church Mrs. Death of Mrs. nummery. line of Frames just received at Blake's, 13 E. WASHINGTON ST. Last year three "fence viewers" had Browne had an attack and had to be Sell fa (f at Mrs. Arthur E. Mummery, who has taken home. Monday she suffered a been appointed, according, to law but been ill for some months, succumbed to repetition and Tuesday morning at 5 had never qualified. H. C. Markham, a higher call last Sunday morning at therefore,asked that new ones be named. o'clock a third from which she died. tialf past six. The cause of her The following men were then appointed: Mrs. Browne came to Ann Arbor seven death was consumption brought on i=3 Off. It's A Bad Habit Ernest Ilehberg, Z. Sweet and M. Ivyears ago and ever since has taken a t>y an attack of pneumonia about one For a man or woman to get into the way of not looking about Crandall. Aid. Wood then moved that prominent part in the social life of the fear ago. Mrs. Mummery was at the and ascertaining what is going on all around them.—They fre- the board of public works report at theUniversity and city. One of her most home of Alderman Kitson at the time of quently lose good hard-earned dollars by not learning lo buy in next council meeting the cost of a sewer important works in the city was theier death. Some two weeks ago she the best market—tho cheapest market— on Depot-st. The motion was carried organization of the Woman's League ttad been wheeled to Mr. Kitson's to About a dozen or fifteen laboring men which has been so helpful to hundred's isit Mrs. Kitson, who is Mr. Mum-SILfYELYETS of college girls. Mrs. Gayley-Browne came before the council to complain aery's sistar. While there she became J, has also had a long experience as a D.
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