HARPO MARX, COLUMNIST TO HEAD 1956 KICKOFF BANQUET FOR FUND CAMPAIGN NEWS OFFERS War Peril Strikes Urgent Note - 4 FREE ISSUES On Eve Os Drive Opening This issue of the Phoenix Jew- United Jewish Welfare Fund directors, determined to go over the ish News and the next three are top on a vitally needed Phoenix quota of $130,000 plus a special goal of being distributed to all mem- bers of the Phoenix Jewish $30,300 for the North African emergency, have enlisted the aid of a community free of charge. trio of celebrities, headed by Harpo Marx, for a giant community ban- The aim is to provide the full- quet this Sunday. the est possible coverage of pro- 1956 din- gress The campaign’s kickoff and requirements of the ner, announced Chairman Har- current all-out United Jewish by old H. Alpert, will start at 7 p.m. Welfare Fund campaign. Thunder- in- in Hotel Westward Ho’s The News also provides bird Room. VOL. IX Phone ALpine 4-7494 Phoenix, Ariz., January 27, 1956 No - 10 formative articles on the acti- ™iwto. your Phoenix friends fSIIHS vities of HARPO, WHO never had a word you and neighbors. We hope will to say in of JKBE your dozens Hollywood film Western Reform Rabbis Elect Officers At Tucson welcome its addition to productions as silent partner in a — ™ —’ 11 household. history-making comedy 7-*” 1 coupon brother You may fill in the trio, expected to turn eloquent page is at the bottom of this and Sunday. at the special rate subscribe He will be joined program of $3 per year if you act be- on the fore March 1. by vocalist Lucille Smith and Dr. Ralph Kaplan, hard-hitting colum- nist for the Los Angeles Times. Harpo will appear with his $12,- 000 harp which is unique in that , jbl l&Y Two Projects once he tunes it for himself, no other harpist can get music out of it. Under contract to NBC, where iSipl In Israel Get he does six telecasts a year, Harpo plays such important shows as the ¦ 111 I Comedy Hour and various “spec- m JUr mw. Bequests taculars.” He devotes much of his Two Hadassah-supported projects time to social work and his golfing HARPO MARX in Israel, the Jewish National Fund pastime. and Youth Aliyah, will receive $lO,- THE CAMPAIGN is especially the 900 each from the will of Mrs. KAPLAN, a resident of Israel for urgent this year because of Regina Foster, who died ap- tenselAmSmMiddle East situation, with Faerber 25 years, makes regular radio frequent Israeli - Arab border Reform were, from here last spring. pearances and has spoken through- ELECTED at the annual convention of the Western Association of Rabbis at Tucson from her clashes providing a constant and of Diego, Mrs. Foster bequeathed out the United States before Town left: Rabbis Albert T. Bilgray, Temple Emanuel of Tucson, treasurer; Morton J. Cohn San re- estate each to the serious threat of second vice Bernard Harrison of Bev- $48,000 $3,000 Hall audiences, universities, and so- war. cording secretary; Leonard I. Beerman of Los Angeles, president; Children’s Colony at Randolph, City cial In Israel, young men needed erly president; Max of Hollywood, vice president, and Meyer Heller of San Fran- and service clubs. He is a for Hills, Nussbaum first of Hope, Ladies Bikkur Cholim, and foreign correspondent production must in the armed cisco, corresponding secretary. former and serve the National Foundation for Infan- educator. forces, compelling Israel to import tile Paralysis plus SB,OOO to a sis- Miss Smith appeared for four food and other consumer goods. ter, Anna Faerber of Phoenix. weeks with the Marx brothers at The resulting poor trade balance ANNUAL MEETING These bequests were settled and the Desert Inn in Las Vegas in has again placed Israeli families ERSATZ FOLK IN other expenses paid to determine 1954. She appeared in the Martin on an austerity program of great the residue, which the Jewish Na- “Living It Up” and severity. Aliyah are and Lewis movie DEMAND TOO tional Fund and Youth is presently filming “Vagabond In spite of this, Israel is pre- to divide by terms of the will. pared accept immigrants Can you sing, King” at Paramount. to 30,000 Members dance, act, or Mrs. Foster, a longtime member in 1956 from Center North and to look a The community dinner opens the Africa, like human being? of Hadassah here, named Ivar this humanitarian effort will go the Ifyou meet any of these quali- Hodesh as administrator of the will 15th annual drive in Phoenix. Bene- fitting from campaign are proceeds of the special United fications, the Beth El Men’s and the Jewish Social Service se- the 32 local, national, and Jewish Appeal fund. Club would like to have you lected Samuel Langerman to exe- overseas To Elect Board try out its agencies. for annual variety cute legal details. WITHDRAWAL of French troops Election of 16 board members ult center member in good stand- show at an 8:30 p.m. casting Feb. 2 at and the resulting terrorism in out- will feature the annual meeting ing is eligible for election to the call the Beth El Morocco board and to vote. lying communities has of the Jewish Community Center entitled Auditorium. Card Party Slated forced more than 65,000 North at 8 p.m. next Tuesday at the cen- Presentation of the Marvin Feld If you don’t meet these high register standards, give hope. African Jews to for immi- ter, 1510 E. Camelback Road. Re- Memorial Award for good sports- don’t up Cholim gration to Israel. Already many ports on progress and plans for manship will be made for the first Anyone who can hold a paint By Bikkur » lives have been lost, and reports for all age groups will brush or drive a nail has a role The Phoenix Bikkur Cholim will activities time at the meeting, it was an- 8 of brutality have begun to reach nounced Herman as a stagehand awaiting him. hold its annual card party at be given. by Miller, pro- p.m. 11 at Jewish overseas agencies. Board members nominated for gram Athletic commit- Feb. Congregation Ayn chairman. 333 E. Portland, with pro- Nat G. Silverman, Phoenix Jew- re-election include Maurice D. tee chairman Joseph Weinstein will Yaacov, Dreiseszun, Sam ceeds going to help the sick and ish Community Council president, Brown, H. M. make the presentation. needy. pointed out “locally, Fineberg, M. B. Goldman, Jr., Capital News that our serv- Sam THE PROGRAM will also in- Ticket chairmen are Mrs. Peggy ices are suffering with a deficit of Martin Horwitz, Sol Jaffe, SIO,OOO for Langerman, Ruth Marks, Sidney clude performances by the Center- Goldin and Mrs. Selma Siperstein. more than 1955. It is and Choral Group, directed Assisting hospitality chairman Mrs. no longer possible to support our Pickelner, Nat Silverman, Nat Hadassah social agencies Rheingold. by Lidabelle Guberman; center Ike, Eden Set Mollie Stein are Mrs. Sam Olsher, on previous levels. dance classes, directed by Wanda Mrs. Joseph Rabinowitz, Mrs. Ab- “Since 1949 the community has NOMINATED as new members Reeves; and the center drama raham Nobel, Mrs. Julius Morri- increased from 1,200 families to of the board are David Brown, group, under the direction of Mar- Israel Talks son, and Mrs. Benjamin Beiser. 2,100 families and is still growing. Morris Coleman, Irving Cantor, cia Lampe. During the period costs and serv- Gertrude Drey, A1 Freilich, Maur- Reports of progress and plans Phoenix Delegates ices have mounted but campaign ice Greenberg, Louis Kanne, Ber- for Center activities will be made For Monday Community delegates who re- receipts have decreased. We must give nard Morris, Dr. Mel Pollack, by vice-presi- (JTA) regional more generously than ever Tempkin, Brown; Ruth Marks, WASHINGTON The cently attended a meet- Chester Stoloff, Elliott dent; Michael Haskes, youth acti- ing of the Council of Jewish Fed- before to save and build lives, at Bernard world’s attention, focused by the HAROLD H. ALPERT and abroad.” Howard Tocker, and vities chairman; Hirsh Kaplan, march of ominous events on the erations and Welfare Funds in Los home Young. executive director, and Reuben tense Middle East, will be riveted Angeles were Nat G. Silverman, Additional nominations to fill the Bennett, director of activities. Maurice D. the board will be on the talks to be held by Presi- Harold H. Alpert, vacant seats on 0 dent Eisenhower Brown, Rabbi A. L. Krohn, and accepted meeting. Any and British Prime at the ad- Minister Sir Anthony Eden which Ethel Zachary. B'nai B'rith Players Name open here Monday. Volunteers' The decisions they take—and it Nozi Victims' Fund has already been made known that WELFARE FUNDS' Cast For Farce Production a major portion of their delibera- A 20-member cast has been an- Re if, stage managers; Molly Smy- Okayed In Austria Dinner Set tions will be concerned with the SPLIT DESCRIBED B’rith Yetta Leibovitz, your 1955 nounced for the B’nai Play- the, lighting; (JTA) Dr. Ralph J. Kaplan, Los Angeles smoldering Israel-Arab dispute—- Here is how United wardrobe mistress; Joe Boussard, VIENNA The Austrian was ers’ production of “The Gottke Times columnist, will address a may well hold the key to the top Jewish Welfare Fund dollar Game,” a two-act to be pianist, and LaVurne Marcus, pub- parliament has adopted a measure spent, figures released by 1956 comedy establishing a $22,000,000 fund for Feb. 8 dinner party at the Silver question of the day, whether there presented March 10 and 11 at Tem- licity chairman.
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