29 July 2006 Nudibranch Systematic Index page - 1 This is an index of my approximately 6,200 nudibranch reprints and books. I have indexed them only for information concerning systematics, taxonomy, nomenclature, & description of taxa (as these are my areas of interest, and to have tried to index for areas such as physiology, behavior, ecology, neurophysiology, anatomy, etc. would have made the job too large and I would have given up long ago). This is a working list and as such is bound to contain errors, but it should allow you to quickly find information concerning the description, taxonomy, or systematics of almost any species of nudibranch. The phylogenetic hierarchy used is based on Traite de Zoologie, with a few additions and changes (since this is intended to be an index, and not a definitive classification, I have not attempted to update the hierarchy to reflect recent changes). The full citation for any of the authors and dates listed may be found in the nudibranch bibliography at http://repositories.cdlib.org/ims/Bibliographia_Nudibranchia/. Names in square brackets and preceded by an equal sign are junior synonyms which were listed as such in at least one of the cited papers. If only a generic name is listedin square brackets after a species name, it indicates that the generic allocation of the species has changed, but the specific epithet is the same. (e.g.: C. batava Kerbert, 1886:CXXXVIII [=C. obscura; =C. sargassicola; =Doridella]) indicates that at least one of the listed papers considers C. batava to be a junior synonym of C. obscura and another paper lists C. batava as a junior synonym of C. sargassicola; and yet another paper considers that proper name to be Doridella batava. A generic name within vertical bars indicates the genus in which the species was originally described. (e.g.: C. burchi (Marcus & Marcus, 1967) |Doridella|) indicates the C. burchi was originally placed in the genus Doridella. An * preceding a species name indicates that the species is the type of the genus. A † indicates that the publication contains a color illustration of the species, this is included only for articles of which I have original reprints or color photocopies. Articles which contain color illustrations but for which I have only black and white photocopies are not marked as having color illustrations, as I cannot be sure whether an illustration is in color if I have access only to a black and white copy, and this feature was added to the list so that I could quickly determine where to find a color illustration in my library, so indicating that an article has a color illustration when I have only a black and white photocopy is not useful for my purposes. Gary McDonald, Long Marine Lab, 100 Shaffer Rd., Santa Cruz, Cal. 95060 29 July 2006 Nudibranch Systematic Index page - 2 Order: Nudibranchia Blainville, 1814 [Dermobranches Dumeril, 1806; Gymnobranchia Schweigger, 1820; Hydrobranches Lamarck, 1819; Notobranchia Bronn, 1862] Adams & Adams, 1858:47; Bergh, 1892:4(996); Chenu, 1859:400; Gould, 1870:225; Hayward, Wigham, & Yonow, 1990:696 (key to European families); Hoffmann, 1926:7 (key to families); Jensen, 2000:432; Odhner, 1907:8 (key to families); Parker, 1982:1047; Pruvot-Fol, 1954b:229; Roginskaya, 1987d:155; Schmekel & Portmann, 1982:10 (key to groups); Thiele, 1992:691; Thompson, 1976:15, 103; 1988:106; Thompson & Brown, 1976:14 (key to British families); Thompson & Brown, 1984:3; Willan & Morton, 1984:60 Suborder: Doridacea Odhner 1934 [=Anthobranchiata Férussac, 1819; =Anthobranchia; =Ctenidiacea; =Cyclobranches Blainville; =Doridina Odhner, 1934; =Doridoidea; =Holohepatica Bergh, 1881; =Pygobranchia Gray; =Urobranches Lat.] Adams & Adams, 1858:48; Bergh, 1905a:88; 1892:79(1071); Burn, 1989:758 (key to families); Cattaneo-Vietti, Chemello, & Giannuzzi-Savelli, 1990:29; Fischer, 1883:518; Franc, 1968:856; Kay, 1979:457; Jensen, 2000:433; 2000b:621; Jensen & Clark, 1986:451; Nordsieck, 1972:51; Odhner, 1939:25; O'Donoghue, 1924a:542; Parker, 1982:1038; Pruvot-Fol, 1954b:231 (key to European species); Risbec, 1953:16 (key to families & genera); Roginskaya, 1987d:157; Rudman, 1998:990; Schmekel & Portmann, 1982:56; Thiele, 1931:420; 1992:692; Thompson, 1976a:35; 1988:154; Thompson & Brown, 1984:37 (key to British species); Vayssière, 1913a:312; Wells & Bryce, 1993:74; Willan & Morton, 1984:82 Dorid sp. 1 Hermosillo, 2004:109 Dorid sp. 2 Hermosillo, 2004:109 Dorid sp. 3 Hermosillo, 2004:109 Doride sp. 1 Trainito, 2005:66† Doride sp. 2 Trainito, 2005:66† Doride sp. 3 Trainito, 2005:66† Doride sp. 4 Trainito, 2005:66† Doridacea sp.1 Ono, 1999:137† Doridacea sp.2 Ono, 1999:137† Doridacea sp.3 Ono, 1999:138† Doridacea sp.4 Ono, 1999:138† Doridacea sp.5 Ono, 1999:139† Doridacea sp.6 Ono, 1999:139† Doridacea sp.7 Ono, 1999:140† Doridacea sp.A Suzuki, 2000:118† Doridacea sp.B Suzuki, 2000:118† Gary McDonald, Long Marine Lab, 100 Shaffer Rd., Santa Cruz, Cal. 95060 29 July 2006 Nudibranch Systematic Index page - 3 Doridacea sp.C Suzuki, 2000:118† Doridacea sp.D Suzuki, 2000:119† Doridacea sp.E Suzuki, 2000:119† Doridacea sp.F Suzuki, 2000:119† Doridacea sp.G Suzuki, 2000119:† Superfamily: Gnathodoridoidea Odhner, 1968:254 [=Gnathodoridacea Odhner, 1934] Franc, 1968:857; Marcus & Marcus, 1962a:269; Nordsieck, 1972:51; Parker, 1982:1039 Doridoxidae Bergh, 1900a:15 [=Doridomorphidae, =Doridoeididae] Eliot, 1906e:544; Franc, 1968:857; Just & Edmunds, 1985:44; Nordsieck, 1972:51; Parker, 1982:1039; Schrödl, Wägele, & Willan, 2001:83; Thiele, 1926:111; 1931:420; 1992:692; Willan, 1998a:1008 Doridoxa Bergh, 1900a:16 Nordsieck, 1972:51; Thiele, 1931:420; 1992:692 Doridoxa benthalis Barnard, 1963:443 Schrödl, Wägele, & Willan, 2001:892 *Doridoxa ingolfiana Bergh, 1900a:16 Bergh, 1906:pl. 31; Just & Edmunds, 1985:44†; Lemche, 1941a:18; Nordsieck, 1972:51; Odhner, 1907:19; Schrödl, Wägele, & Willan, 2001:84 Doridoxa ingolfiana var. Bergh, 1900a:18 [=Dermatobranchus walteri] Bathydorididae Bergh, 1891:126 Bergh, 1892:98(1090); Franc, 1968:857; MacFarland, 1906:113; Parker, 1982:1039; Thiele, 1926:111; 1931:422; 1992:695 Bathydoris Bergh, 1884a:109 Baranetz, 1995:71; Bergh, 1900a:7; Eliot, 1907b:12; Evans, 1914:191; Odhner, 1907:19; Thiele, 1931:422; 1992:695; Valdes 2004b:552; Valdes & Bertsch, 2000:177; Wägele, 1989f:273 *Bathydoris abyssorum Bergh, 1884a:109 Valdes, 2002a:1085; Wägele, 1989e:363 Bathydoris aioca Marcus & Marcus, 1962a:270 Behrens, 2004:20; Lance, 1967:410; Valdes & Bertsch, 2000:172 Bathydoris argentina Kaiser, 1980:47 [=B. clavigera] Wägele, 1989e:361 Bathydoris browni Evans, 1914:192 [=B. hodgsoni] Wägele, 1989e:362 Gary McDonald, Long Marine Lab, 100 Shaffer Rd., Santa Cruz, Cal. 95060 29 July 2006 Nudibranch Systematic Index page - 4 Bathydoris clavigera Thiele, 1912:220 [=Prodoris] Troncoso, García, & García Gómez, 1997:20; Wägele, 1987a:183; 1989:81; 1989e:343; Wägele & Schminke, 1987:† Bathydoris hodgsoni Eliot, 1907b:12 Valdes, 2002a:1088; Wägele, 1987a:183; 1989e:353 Bathydoris inflata Eliot, 1907b:17 [=B. hodgsoni] Wägele, 1989e:362 Bathydoris ingolfiana Bergh, 1900a:8 Lemche, 1941a:19; Valdes, 2002a:1086 Bathydoris obliquata Odhner, 1934:233 [=B. clavigera] Minichev, 1972a:360 Bathydoris patagonica Kaiser, 1980:45 Schrödl, 2003:90†; Wägele, 1989e:362 Bathydoris violacea Baranetz. 1993:13 Bathydoris vitjazi Minichev, 1969:51 Wägele, 1989e:363 Prodoris Baranetz, 1997:64 Prodoris clavigera (Thiele, 1912) |Bathydoris| Baranetz, 1997:64 Superfamily: Anadoridoidea Odhner, 1968:254 [=Anadoridacea Odhner, 1934; =Onchidorididae Alder & Hancock, 1845; =Phanerobranchia Fischer, 1883 (non Ihering, 1876)] Barnard, 1927:190; Bergh, 1889:849; 1892:137(1129); 1905a:185; Eliot, 1906e:547; Franc, 1968:858; Nordsieck, 1972:51; O'Donoghue, 1926:201; Parker, 1982:1039; Rudman, 1998:990; Thompson & Brown, 1984:39; Vayssière, 1913a:332 Tribe: Suctoria Bergh, 1892:155(1147) Franc, 1968:858; Nordsieck, 1972:51 Corambidae Bergh, 1869, 1892 [=Hypobranchiaeidae Fischer, 1883:530] Bergh, 1892:165(1157); Eliot, 1910d:159; Franc, 1968:858; Jensen, 2000:434; 2000b:622; MacFarland, 1906:151; Martynov, 1994:4; 1994a:36; 1995:59; Nordsieck, 1972:51; Parker, 1982:1039; Pelseneer, 1892a:144; Pruvot-Fol, 1954b:304; Rudman, 1998:990; Schrödl & Wägele, 2001:10; Thiele, 1926:112; 1931:429; 1992:706; Valdes & Bouchet, 1997:17 (table of genera); Vayssière, 1913a:362 Corambinae Martynov, 1994:4 Corambe Bergh, 1869a:359 Bergh, 1871:1293; 1892:166(1158); Fischer, 1891:358; 1895:235; Franc, 1968:858; Kerbert, 1886:CXXXVII; MacFarland & O'Donoghue, 1929:3; Marcus, 1958:56; Martynov, 1994:5; McDonald, 1983:158; McDonald & Nybakken, 1980:40; Nordsieck, 1972:51; Pruvot-Fol, 1954b:304; Swennen & Dekker, 1995:102; Thiele, 1931:430; 1992:706; Vayssière, 1913a:363 Corambe baratariae (Harry, 1953) |Corambella| [=C. batava] Swennen & Dekker, 1992:104 Gary McDonald, Long Marine Lab, 100 Shaffer Rd., Santa Cruz, Cal. 95060 29 July 2006 Nudibranch Systematic Index page - 5 Corambe batava Kerbert, 1886 [=C. obscura; C. sargassicola; =Doridella; =Doridella obscura] Giard, 1886:136; Jutting & Engel, 1936:51; Swennen & Dekker, 1995:97 Corambe evelinae Marcus, 1958:53 [=Neocorambe] Corambe lucea Marcus, 1959:61 Schrödl, 2003:52†; Schrödl & Wägele, 2001:5; Schrödl, et al., 2005:27† Corambe obscura (Verrill, 1870) |Doridella| Redfern, 2001:171† Corambe pacifica MacFarland & O'Donoghue, 1929:5 [=Quasicorambe (Gulbinia); =Neocorambe] Behrens, 1980:58†; 1991:44†; 2004:34; 2005:†; Behrens & Hermosillo, 2005:50†; Farmer, 1980:55; Lamb & Hanby, 2005:257†; MacFarland, 1966:130†;
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