uniform. Regiment shouldaspiretosetthehigheststandardsofturn-out and bearingwhenwearing standards ofdress,turnoutanddisciplineismaintainedbyallranks. Allmembersofthe OfficersandSeniorNonCommissionedtoensurethatthehighest Officers, Warrant The RoyalRegimentofScotlandarecorrectlydressedforeveryoccasion. Itisthedutyofall These DressRegulationsaredesignedtoensurethatallOfficers and Soldiersservingin Regiment especiallywhenwearingtheQueensuniform. duty tobeagoodambassadorforhiscountryandpromotethe goodnameofthe hasa inner spiritofgooddiscipline.EverysoldierintheRegiment,be heOfficerorsoldier, The higheststandardsofdressandturn-outareconsideredtobe theoutwardsignof When soldiersareinuniformtheyambassadorsfortheirnationandRegiment. generations intheRegimentsdress,TheRoyalRegimentofScotlandisnoexception. maintain itsgoodname.IntheBritishArmymanytraditionsarehandeddownthrough reputation butittakesgreateffortandattentiontodetailbyallranksofaRegiment uniform, standardsofdisciplineandturn-out.ItisalltooeasyforaRegimenttogetbad Through outhistoryRegimentsandindividualsoldiershavebeenrespectedfortheir introduction I’m twentythreeand fivefeetnine,I’llgoandbeasoldier. O why thedeuceshould I repineandbeanillforeboder , 3 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations contents No.1A Dress Ceremonial Page 6 Illustration of Officer in No.1A Dress Page 7 Illustration of WO2/SNCO in No.1A Dress Page 8 Illustration of JNCO in No.1A Dress Page 9 No.1B Non-Ceremonial Page 10 Illustration of No.1B Non-Ceremonial Dress Page 11 No.1C Levee Dress Page 12 Illustration of Officer in No.1C Dress Page 13 No.2A Dress Ceremonial Page 14 Illustration of Officer in No.2A Dress Page 15 Illustration of WO/SNCO in 2A Dress Page 16 Illustration of NCO in No.2A Dress Page 17 No.2B Dress Non Ceremonial Page 18 Illustration of Officer in No.2B Dress Page 19 Illustration of WO2/SNCO in No.2B Dress Page 20 Illustration of JNCO in No.2B Dress Page 21 No.2C Dress Non Ceremonial Trews Page 22 Illustration Officer in 2C Dress Page 23 Illustrated of WO2/SNCO in No.2C Dress Page 24 s n Illustration of JNCO in No.2C Dress Page 25 o i t a l u No.8 Dress Combat Order Page 26 g e R s s Illustration of No.8 Combat Dress for All Ranks Page 27 e r D - No.10A Dress Mess Dress Page 28 d n a l t Illustration Officer in No.10A Mess Dress Page 29 o c S f o Illustration WO2/SNCO in No.10A Mess Dress Page 30 t n e m No.10B Mess Undress Page 31 i g e R l Illustration Officer in No.10B Mess Undress Page 32 a y o R e h T 4 Illustration WO2/SNCO in No.10B Mess Undress Page 33 Illustration JNCO in No.10B Mess Undress Page 34 No.13A Dress Barrack Dress Page 35 Illustration Officer in No.13A Page 36 Illustration WO2/SNCO in No.13A Dress Page 37 Illustration JNCO/PTE in No.13A Dress Page 38 No.13B Barrack Dress, Trews Page 39 Illustration Officer in No.13B Dress Page 40 Illustration WO2/SNCO in No.13B Dress Page 41 Illustration JNCO in No.13B Dress Page 42 No.14A Shirt Sleeve Order Dress Ceremonial Page 43 Illustration Officer in No.14A Dress Page 44 Illustration WO/SNCO/JNCO in No.14A Dress Page 45 No.14B Shirt Sleeve Order Barrack Dress Page 46 Illustration Officer in No.14B Dress Page 47 Illustration WO2/SNCO in No.14B Dress Page 48 Illustration JNCO in No.14B Dress Page 49 No.14C Barrack Dress Trews Shirt Sleeve Order Page 50 Illustration Officer in No.14C Dress Page 51 s Illustration WO2/SNCO in No.14C Dress Page 52 n o i t a l Illustration JNCO in No.14C Dress Page 53 u g e R s No.15 Dress Blue Patrol Page 54 s e r D Illustration Officer in No.15 Dress Page 55 - d n a l Leg Dress Page 56 t o c S f The History of Our Uniform Pages 57-60 o t n e Dress Miscellany Page 61 m i g e R Record of Amendments Page 62 l a y o R e h T 5 6 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations when carryingoutthedutiesofEquerryatCourt. as No.1A CeremonialorderofdressistobewornonallState,ceremonialandformaloccasionssuch n 1DRess NUMBER Royal Guards,GuardsofHonour o. 1A -Ceremonial , Quarter GuardsandPublic Duties.ItisalsowornbyOfficers OFFICER N OFFICER o. 1A -Ceremonial 7 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 8 8 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations wo2/SNCO N wo2/SNCO o. 1A -Ceremonial JNCO N JNCO o. 1A -Ceremonial 9 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 10 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations n spectators at Sovereigns Parades, ushersandescortsatformalparades. spectators atSovereignsParades, as No.1B NonCeremonialorderofdressistobewornatState,andformaloccasionssuch investitures whenthereisnorequirementtocarryswords,riflesorsidearms.Itbewornby o. 1B - NON Ceremonial 1B -NON N o. 1B -no n Ceremonial 11 9 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 12 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations n attending toCourtInvestituresandRegimentalweddings. No.1C LevéeOrderofdressistobewornwhencarryingoutdutiesasanEquerryRoyalty o. 1C - Levee dress o ffi cer N o. 1C -Levee d ress 11 13 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 14 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations n 2DRess NUMBER Guards, CourtsMartialduties,CommandingOfficersOrders,formalinterviewsanddrillparades. No.2A CeremonialorderofdressistobewornwhilstcarryingoutRegimentalduties,Quarter o. 2A -Ceremonial o ffi cer N o. 2A -Cerem o nial 13 15 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 16 16 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations wo/SNCO N wo/SNCO o. 2A -Ceremonial nc o N o. 2A -Cerem o nial 17 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 18 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations n inspections. No.2B NonCeremonialistobewornforBattalionandCompanydrillparades,cadres,visits o. 2B - Non Ceremonial Non officer N officer o. 2b - non Ceremonial 2b -non 17 19 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 20 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations wo2/snco N wo2/snco o. 2b - non Ceremonial 2b -non jnco N jnco o. 2b - non Ceremonial 2b -non 21 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 22 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations n Retreat-Staff Parade after1800hrsdaily. Retreat-Staff Parade discretion ofCommandingOfficers.ItistobewornbyallranksonRegimentaldutiesat istobewornonBattaliondutiesduringcoldweatheratthe No.2C NonCeremonialwithTrews o. 2C - non Ceremonial trews Ceremonial 2C -non OFFICER N OFFICER o. 2c - non Ceremonial trews Ceremonial 2c -non 21 23 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 24 24 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations wo2/snco N wo2/snco o. 2c - non Ceremonial trews Ceremonial 2c -non jnco N jnco o. 2c - non Ceremonial trews Ceremonial 2c -non 25 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 26 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations n 8DRess NUMBER Commanding Officers,OfficersandDetachmentCommanders. No.8 CombatDressistobeworninbarracks,onfieldtrainingandoperationsasdirectedby o. 8 dress - combat order -combat dress all ranks N all ranks o. 8 - Combat dress Combat 25 27 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 28 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations n 10DRess NUMBER Regimental messfunctions. No.10A MessDressistobewornatStateandRegimentalDinners,SummerBallsallformal o. 10A -messdress officer N officer o. 10A -mess dress 27 29 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 30 30 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations wo2/snc o N o. 10A -mess d ress Regimental BoxingnightsandBurnsSuppersasdirectedbyCommandingOfficers. No.10B MessUndressistobewornatinformalmessfunctionsandsportingeventssuchas n o. 10b -messundress 31 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 32 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations officer N officer o. 10b -mess undress wo2/snco N wo2/snco o. 10b -mess undress 33 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 34 34 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations jnco N jnco o. 10b -mess undress n 13DRess NUMBER Commanding OfficersandCommanding. No.13A BarrackDressistobewornasroutinedressforallranksinbarracksdirectedby o. 13a -barrackdress 35 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 36 36 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations officer N officer o. 13a -barrack dress wo2/snco N wo2/snco o. 13a -barrack dress 37 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 38 38 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations jnc o/pte N o. 13a -b arr ack dress directed byCommandingOfficers. at1800hrsdailyandduringcoldweatheras and SNCOsinbarracksafterRetreatStaffParade Officers No.13B BarrackDresswithtrewsistobewornasroutinedressforallOfficers,Warrant n o. 13b - barrack dress, trews13b -barrackdress, 39 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 40 40 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations officer N officer o. 13b - barrack dress, trews13b -barrack dress, wo2/snco N wo2/snco o. 13b - barrack dress, trews13b -barrack dress, 41 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 42 42 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations jnco N jnco o. 13b - barrack dress, trews13b -barrack dress, formation andCommandingOfficers. as No.14A ShirtSleeveOrderCeremonialistobewornonallandformaloccasionssuch n 14DRess NUMBER Guards ofHonourandQuarterduringextremelyhotweatherasdirectedbyhigher o. 14a - shirt sleeve order ceremonial sleeveorder 14a -shirt 43 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations 44 The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Dress Regulations o fficer N fficer o. 14a -shir t sleeve order ceremonial sleeve order N o. 14a - shirt sleeve order ceremonial sleeveorder 14a -shirt wo/snco/jnco wo/snco/jnco 45 The Royal Regiment
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