www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com Publishing news & views of Lancaster, Groveton, Whitefield, Lunenburg & other towns of the upper Connecticut River valley of New Hampshire & Vermont [email protected] VOL. CXLVII, NO. 51 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2014 LANCASTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE TELEPHONE: 603-788-4939 TWENTY-SIX PAGES 75¢ Millsfield camp owners on Bayroot lease lots object to tax bills BY EDITH TUCKER cussed at the public bud- Reliable Power (GRP) to [email protected] get hearing on Friday, receive payments to off- Dec. 12. set any increase in their WEST STEWART- A contingent of Mills- taxes on land and build- STOWN — The effect field camp owners who ings that are entirely in of the Granite Reliable lease lots from Bayroot their own name. Power wind farm on LLC, came to the hear- Long before the wind property taxes in the ing and had one of their farm was permitted and Unincorporated Place of number – Emile Croteau built, he recalled, some Millsfield is on the coun- of Berlin — serve as lease camp owners had ty commissioners’ agen- their spokesman. gone on a trip arranged da this morning (Dec. Croteau explained and guided by then-GRP 17) at their public meet- that he was speaking for employee Pip Decker to ing at the Berlin Nurs- camp owners who had see a working wind farm ing Home at the request not signed or, until re- in upstate New York. of Commissioner Rick cently, even heard of the After that bus trip, they Samson of West Stewart- secret agreement that a concluded that a wind stown. dozen property owners Millsfield was dis- had signed with Granite Millsfield, PAGE A12 PHOTO BY EDITH TUCKER A quarter of the 24-member state Senate, plus District 1 Executive Councilor Joe Kenney, right, a Republican of Wakefield, posed before dinner on Monday, Dec. 8, in front a Christmas tree at the Omni Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods after touring sites in Coös County earlier that day: District 15 Sen. Dan Feltes, left; tour host District 1 Sen. Jeff Woodburn; District 2 Sen. Jeanie Forrester; Majority Leader and District 22 Sen. Chuck Morse; District 17 Sen. John Reagan, and Dist. 9 Sen. Andy Sanborn. Senators from both parties tour Coös sites with Sen. Woodburn BY EDITH TUCKER Democrat of Concord. been for some time, and [email protected] Senator Nancy Stiles, a the place is overcrowd- Republican of Hampton, ed, Woodburn said. BRETTON WOODS was only able to stay for The total number of — Second-term state the daytime tour. inmates that day was 673. Senator Jeff Woodburn It was an opportunity Of these, 580 were me- of Dalton, who was re- for everyone to see “on- dium-custody inmates cently elected minori- the-ground” examples and 54, minimum-secu- ty leader of the Senate that illustrate issues rity. Thirty-nine were PHOTO BY BEN GAETJENS-OLESON Democratic caucus, that legislators must reg- inmates in Close Custo- Lancaster Rotary member Tyler Rancourt of Lancaster, vice president of the Herbal Dental invited his colleagues ularly address: health dy — a restricted hous- Company of Lancaster, presented Patricia Foster, center, and Sierra Lamphere with their to visit District 1 for a care, education, econom- ing level one step higher Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) certificates. Sierra and Patricia, both students daylong tour on Mon- ic development and the than medium custody, at WMRHS, were chosen from among several applicants to attend the multi-day RYLA day, Dec. 8, followed by state corrections system, generally short term for Conference at Lyndon State College. The students recently reported to Club members on an evening reception, Woodburn pointed out what they had learned at the student leadership program. dinner and overnight in a telephone interview. Tour, PAGE A12 stay at the Omni Mount The group toured the Washington Hotel. Northern New Hamp- Five senators were shire Correctional fa- WMRSD school board & support able to spend the night cility in Berlin, built to at the Grande Dame: house 500 male inmates Majority Leader Chuck to start but designed staff reach contract agreement Morse, a Republican of with common facilities Salem; Finance Com- adequate for 1,000. The BY EDITH TUCKER contract from July 1, and dental insurance would also go into effect mittee chair Jeanie site could accommodate [email protected] 2015, to June 30, 2016. costs and the District, 85 if voters approve this Forrester, a Republican double the number of Voters will be asked percent. proposed contract. of Meredith; Sen. John precast concrete cells, WHITEFIELD — The at the March 10, 2015, In contrast, under the Step increases would Reagan, a Republican allowing another 500 in- WMRSD school board school meeting to vote current one-year teach- also be granted to those of Deerfield; Sen. Andy mates to be incarcerated voted unanimously, 7 “yes” to approve $135,616 ers’ contract, school- who are on steps, and Sanborn, a Republican there. to 0, at its Monday, Dec. under an-as-yet-unnum- year employees pay 12.5 a 2.5 percent increase of Bedford; and Sen. Bunks are set up in 8, meeting to approve a bered warrant article. percent — an increase for those employees “off Dan Feltes, a first-term the gym as they have one-year support staff One significant from five percent two step.” change would apply only years ago and 10 percent Additional steps to Unit B employees who last year. Teacher con- would also be added to work 30 hours a week for tract talks had not been certified speech assis- an academic year. concluded when this was tants and non-certified ‘Tis the season… If voters approve the written. speech assistant-com- contract, these employ- Administrators and puter assistant sched- ees’ cost for medical and Central Office employ- ules. A registrar’s sti- for early deadlines dental insurance would ees, all year-round em- pend would be deleted. drop to 20 percent from ployees not represented The proposed $135,615 LANCASTER despite this change in tion on the 30th will the current 30 percent, by a union, now pay 15 increase would be made — With the holiday our usual publication be Tuesday, Dec. 23 at and the District’s cost percent of their medical up as follows: salaries season in full swing, schedule, the submis- 4 p.m. Once again, any would rise to 80 percent and dental insurance of administrative assis- there will be some sion deadline for any submissions received from the current 70 per- costs and the District, 85 tants and secretaries, changes in our publi- press releases, letters after 4 p.m. on the 23rd cent. percent. $6,712; salaries of main- cation schedule over to the editor, and obitu- will be held for publica- Year-round employ- A new salary sched- tenance-custodians, the next few weeks aries intended for pub- tion in the next avail- ees, however, would ule for support staff — a $16,475; salaries of para- that readers and adver- lication that week has able edition. continue to pay only 15 one percent increase to professionals, $34,884; tisers should bear in also been moved up a For information percent of their medical the 2014-2015 schedule — salaries of cooks, $5,144, mind. full business day, to regarding the holiday and the additional cost Due to the fact that Friday, Dec. 19 at noon. deadlines for display for health insurance, our offices, located at Any submissions re- advertising, please $72,401. 79 Main St. in Lancast- ceived after noon on contact our Sales Rep- er, will be closing at the 19th will be held for resentative, Bruce noon on Christmas Eve publication on Dec. 30. Pelletier, at 788-4939 INDEX (Wednesday, Dec. 24) We will also be on or bpelletier@salmon- and will remain closed an accelerated publi- press.com. Business Directory ......... B6 through Friday, the cation schedule for the For information on Calendar ........................... B5 26th in observance of week of New Year’s Classified deadlines, Classified ....................B7, B9 Christmas, that week’s Eve, when the Demo- please call 1-877-766- Editorials & Letters ....A4-5 edition of The Coös crat will be hitting the 6891 or e-mail jumbo@ County Democrat will streets on Tuesday, salmonpress.com. Obituaries .............. A2, A15 be arriving on local Dec. 30. Due to the clo- The staff of The Real Estate ..................... A14 newsstands and in sub- sure of our offices over Coös County Democrat Sports .............................B1-3 scribers’ mail boxes a the Christmas holi- thanks our readers for COURTESY day earlier than usual, day, the submission their cooperation with The calm before the storm on Tuesday, Dec. 23. deadline for any press our accelerated sched- Rep. Leon Rideout of Lancaster and Rep. Brad Bailey of To ensure that the releases, letters to the ule, and wishes one Monroe chat on the floor of the New Hampshire House of production of our Dec. editor, and obituaries and all a very safe and Representatives on Dec. 3 before the contentious vote for 23 issue runs smoothly intended for publica- happy holiday season. Speaker of the House. A2 COÖS COUNTY DEMOCRAT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2014 ••• Kathleen G. Belanger, 74 Patricia Allen, 72 CANAAN – Kathleen drea Germond of Bel- COLEBROOK — Pa- called “Spirit of the Mo- G. Belanger, 74, of Ca- lows Falls, Vt., Annette tricia Allen (neé Doo- hawk.” Pat was a mem- naan, passed away on Barratt of Lebanon, dy), 72, of Colebrook, ber of the Education As- Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014, at Tenn., and Trena Lucas passed away peacefully sociation on local, state, the Springfield Hospital of Richmond, Va.); 13 late Wednesday morn- and national levels, as in Springfield, Vt., after grandchildren; and 12 ing, Dec.
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