Date Printed: 04/09/2009 JTS Box Number: IFES 61 Tab Number: 16 Document Title: Be Sure You can Vote! Document Date: 1999 Document Country: Canada Document Language: English IFES ID: CE00428 ON'TARIO " 'PROVINCIAL , .'-- , .,,'- ' .. LECTION " To' vot~ on June" 3rd, yourn~me must be on'the List of Voters. .' - . '; .. - :'" Hyou' are qualified to vote and ha;e 'NOlII' you have r~cently moved and Canada Use the map to locate your electoral '. received your 'Notice of Registration card f9sthJ!l' forwarded your card from your district and ,the telephone number for your current address, be sure to apply .. pJ;eTIoils address, please note that you of your Returning Officer. Call for in{or­ for a'Certificate to Vote by 8 P'ln' .on JlIll~J; shQUld register and vote in the erec- mation on how to protect your right to 2nd, the day before election day. "\;, i,p[#l district where you will be vote . ' .. i;.~~id(ugon election day, Juui!$rd.. Office Hours: f. 10 a.in. to 8 p.m. (Sundays' excluded) ~"!,,,.J!,":";:=... .. ,~,~",- ' --=':.:~::"""-:.:"'- -""',_.,.., .... """" ~I::,,=,:==, P<lll.S""'<>'I3,,,,,E.B:JiO._- U'.Jou""-""""""u."""",,,, RW,A""'H'?>I llE=SOH!~"''''''''bE.,,"'."' ...... NEW'ELECT6fu OIsfrucTS' , ~ QUALIFICATIO~S TO VOTE ,. The boundaries for electoral districts'in Ontario proviU~ial'e1ec- .' To be eligible to vote, on polling day a person must be: • 18 years of age, . .' ' .. tions have changed. The number ofel~tora)djstri~t~ ltas gone,. '. from 130 to 103 an4 boundaries akh()w the same'asthose for '. • a Canadian citizen, and federal elections. .... ~,: . • a resident of the electoral district. ., 'You maycQufirm your electoral districfby calling Elections Persons who ceased to live in Ontario wi1hin the two years before Ontario or by visiting our website. polling day may be entitled to vote under certain conditions. Call us for further information. , '.. '. f\\O ON~ J>I., , • Beaches-East York • Etobicoke North • Scarborough East • York South-Weston '416 690-6i57 . .' 416746-2245 . 416 724-1703 416 247-5652 o Brl!lUalea-Gore-MaIton- , o~arliliam .. ', . '. • Scarborough-Rouge River • YorkWest Springdale . ~, . 905294-3844 416 332-3737 416 742-2519 90; 789-8576 . <?llliss~sauga Eilst • Scarborough Southwest ' • Broadview-~reenwQod '. 905 206-0426 416 264-7185 Not Shown . 416 462-6140 .0 Mississauga South o Thornhill . • Brampton Centre . • Davenport .... .905 891-0410 . 905 731-4667 905 .866-6968 , 416 651-58.29 ... , '. '" Parkdale-H.igh Park • Toronto Centre-Rosedale • Brampton West­ -Don Valley East " " . 416767-4554 .' 416 591-3740 Mississauga 416 386-0849 . '.' 0 Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge' • Trinity Spadiua 905 866-6263 • Dob, Valley West ' .. '. 905 4.27-9508 .. 416 535-8056 • Mississauga Centre 416 391-5028 . 1 800959-9668 o Vaughan-King-AIu'ora 905 270-6227 .• • Eg!futon-Lawrence· " ," • Sf. Paul's . 905 303-7107 II Mississauga West 416 780-0249 J . •. 416 489-5015 . 1800686-6987 905 542-1473 • Etobicoke Centre •• Scarborough:Agii!court • Willowdale 416 695-7417 . c.· 416 490-6398 ' . 416 221-5520 • Iltobl~oke-"3keshore ". .... • Scarborough Centre • York Centre ,416 251-3716 " 416 759-4835 .416 665-5166 . GM/37a ~24 • SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1999 ~PUHTS THE GLOBE AND MAIL STANLEY CU~ PLAYOFF$ GOLF NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION PLAYOFFS Conference finals PGA Tour LPGA Tour =Se~n~io~r~T~ou~r~.\~··__ ~;.=C~on~re~r~en;c=e=se=m~~;fi=na=ls~ ______________~ ________-c __ ~~ .~ r Best-of-seven All Ti~es Eastern x-H necessary At FORT WORTH, Tx. At AUSTiN, Tx. At AVONDALE, Pa. Best-af-seven All Times Eastern x-If necessaryl , ~"~'--~~~~7-~~~ -~--~~----~---- Leading sc.ores yesterday from the leading scores yesterday from the Leading Scores ye~lerday from the second rounc!. of the $2.B miHion second" round of !he $BOO,OOO firEt round of the Bell Atlantic Clas­ ~~stem Conference . Western Conference M~tercard Colonial on the !.PGA Philips Invitational on !he sic, played on the 6,949 yard, par Eastern Conferenc~ Western Conference 7,010-yard, par-70 Cofoniaf Coun­ 6,"f01-yard, par 70 Onion Creek 36-36-72, Hartefeld National Golf : Toronto v. Buffalo ,,"'J DaUas v. Colorado try Crub Course: Club Course (a-denotes amateur). Club. Philaderphi~ v.lndiana San Antonio v:LA lakers future games Future games , Corey Pavin 69-64-t33 Akiko Fukushima 64-67-131 Frank Conner , . (Indiana leads 3-0) (San Antonio leads 2.p) , .. ,' ~ qrnorrow at Toronto, 2 p.m.; Tuesday, Today at Dallas, p.m., Monday at .,Wednesday·s result ',- - 7:30 John Cook 68-66-134- Belfl Daniel 70-62-132 Jim Hoitgrieve 0', Yesterday's result ';­ t 1'orohto, 7,:30 p.<rn.; Thursday at BuJ­ Dallas, 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, at CaTa­ Scott Hoch 69-66-135 Peart Sinn 66-66-132 RockyThompson Indiana 97, Philadelphia 86 San Antonio 79, LA lakers 76 fa, ~:30 p.m~~ Saturday, May 29, at Buf- , rado, 7:30 p.m.; Friday at Cqlorado, 7:30 Phil Mickelson 72-63-135 CharlotraSorenstam 69-65-134 JIm fhorpe Future games y,,~ Future: games ,"~ ',. _ J9 7.30 p.m., x-Mond~y, May 31. at To-. p.m.; x-Sunday, May 30 at Dallas, 2 Joe Durant 69-66-135 Mi Hyun Kim 69-ll6-135 Bob Charles Tomorrow at Philade!phia, 12:30 p.m.; x­ Today at LA lakers, 5:30 p.m.; lamar-: 1mnta, 7:30 p.m.; x-Wednesday, June ~ Bilty Mayfair 68-67-135 Eva Dahnor 69-66-135 John MahaJfey p.m.; x-Tuesday, June 1 at CaTaracta, row, at LA Lakers, 5:30 p.m.; x-1uesday, Mark Calcavecchia 69-67-136 Ma[in Burstrom 68-68--136 Dan Wood Wednesday, at Indiana, TBA; x-Friday, Buffafo 7:30 p.m., x-Saturday, Jl:lne 7:30 p.I)l.; ~ it 5- X-Friday, June at Dallas, Steve Elkington 68-68-136 Nancy Scran!on 67-69-136 Jesse Patino at Philadelphia, TBA; x-Sunday, May 30, at San Antonio, TBA; x-Thursday, -at LA f~'1Toro'1to, 1:30 p."1- . 7:30p.m. Fred Funk 68-68-136 Janice MoodIe 67-69-136 Tam Jenkins at Indiana, TBA. Lakers, TBA; x-Saturday, May 29, at San· Mark Wiebe 70-66-136 Susie Redman 66-70-136 Jim Albus Atlanta v. New York Antonio, TBA. " Eastern Conference head-to-head Western Conference head-to-head ScotlVerplank 72-65-137 Annette DeLuca 68-69-137 Jay Sigel (New York leads 2-0) Utah v. Portland r. Tim Herron 68-69-137 Gail Graham &7-76-137 Wait Morgan Thursday's result ·(series lied 1-1) mparison of Toronto and Buffalo before tomor­ A comparfson of Colorado and Dallas before today's John Huston 72-65-137 Meg Mallon 66-71-137 Ed Dougherty New York 77, AUania 70 Thursday's result s firsf game oflhe Eastern Conference finaL first game of the Western Conference finaL Brian Watts 71-66-137 ' Connie Masterson 66-71-137 Mike McCullough Jeff Sluman 67-71~138 Tracy Hanson 72-66-138 Jose Marfa Canlzares Futu~e games ~ . - BUF TOR ~OL DAL Tomorrow at New York, 3 p.m.; Monday, ~~~;~~:~e~tah 81 ..... ". .l erage Hei~ht 6'1 6'0 Average Hei~ht, 6'1 6'0 Kirk Triplett 72-66-t38 Susan Ginter 'j 71-67-138 David Lundstrom tAve,rage Weigh! Obs.t 201.3 198.4 Average Weigh! (lbs.) 196.1 193.6 Davis love tU 72-66-138 Melfi;isa McNamara 69-69-138 Barney Thompson at New York, 8 p.m.~ x-Wednesday, at Today at Porttand, 3 p.m.; TOn:I9ITOW"at Average Age 26.0 'l74 Average Age . 28.1 29.2 Pau[ Goydos 7O-6S-f38 Vicki Fergon 69-69-13B Noel Ratcliffe AUanta, TBA; X-Friday, at New York, Portland, 8:30 p.m.; x-TueSday, at Utah, Plumber of Countries Represented 5 6 Number of Counlrfes Represented 6 5 Stuart Appleby 71-67-138 Juti Inkster 68-70-138 Bobby Nichols TBA; x-Sunday, May 30, at Atlanta, TBA. TBA; x-Thursday. at Portland, TBA; ·x­ ~ookies 2 5 Rookles ' Bob Estes 10-68-138 ,Jane Crafter 68-70-138 Gi! Morgan Saturday, May 29, at Utah, TBA. ",,-. ,- 3 3 , , Career Playoff Games BS9 706 Career Playoff Games ' 1570 1B19 Skip Kendal! 71-67-138 4ennyUdback 67-71-138 Jim Colcert . nley Cup Championships 0 2 Stanley Cup ChampIonships lB 10 Steve Lowery 72-66-13B Also; Dale DQuglass layoff Years' Experience 101 94 Playoff Years' Experience 1« lBI Vijay Singh 67-72-139 Dawn Coe-Jones 71-70-141 Terry Dill Indiana 97, Philadelphia 86 Portland 84, Utah 81 veral! Playoff Record B-2 8-4 Overall Playoff Record Justin Leonard 73-66-t39 ~J. Eatflorne 71-73-1~ John Schroeder rHURSDAY,AtSALTLAKE·crrv eading After 1st Period '5-0 2-0 leading After 1st Period ~i .~~ Clark DennIs 72-67-~39 Faifed to Qualffy ;fommy Aaron At PfUi;ADELPHIA ;"~ [lan Pohl 70-69-139 72-73-145 ' Portland \/ '-: ,. :-- ding After 2nd Period 6-0 3-1 leading After 2nd Period 6-0 3-0 'Nancy Harvey John Grace Indiana TrallingAfterlstPeriod~ 3-2 Tralling After 1st Period Len Mattiace 70-69-139 :rInaTombs 75-71-146 John D. Morgan WaUace 5-10 0-0 11, RGran! 7-12 9-13 23, Sabonis 1-1 0-2 1-0 Mullin 5-10 2-215, O.Davis 4-7 2-6 to, Smits 24 0-0 Also: f,izEarley 74-72-146 Also: 5-13 0-1 10, Rider 9-19 5-6 27, stOud~lrnire 1:.s o:.b 2, Trainng After 2nd Period 2-2 1-3 Trailing After 2nd Period 0-1 4-1 4, Mitter9-14 7-7 29, Jackson 5-10 0-0 11, A.Davis 3-6 Tied After 1st Period 2-1 6-2 Tied After 1st Period ·Mike Weir 71-69-140 Kim Brozer 75-n-152 Jack Nicklaus 38-36-74 Augmon 0-1 ()..() 0, O'Neal 0-0 Q-(TO, Anlhony 0-1 3-6 2-0 4-0 0-1 6, Best 2-4 2-2 6, R9se 5-11 0-1 10, Perkins 0-5 Tied After2ndPeriod 0-0 4-0 Tied After2nd Period "2-3 1-1 3, Williams 0-3 0-0 0, Jackson 3-10 2-2 8, Cato O~O 0-0 ~layoff Harne Record 5-0 4-2 Playoff Harne Record 0-00, McKey 3-5 0-0 6.
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