6216 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBJ3K 20, 1866. erections and general .purposes connected with ships, parishes, or places following, that is to the undertaking of the Blyth and Tyne Hallway say:—Earsdon, Seaton Delaval,. and Hartley, or Company, or for the accommodation of the traffic some of them, all in the county of Northumber- thereof, and to enable the said Company to apply land, and from the commencement of the Tyne- . the" same for those purposes respectively, that is mouth "extension, at or near the Dairy House to say, the lands on which the portion of the aforesaid to the termination thereof, at or near to Warkworth Extension has been constructed the Tynemouth Station, in the parish and town- extending from or near the southern shore of the ship of Tynemouth, such lands being situate in River Wansbeck, in the parish of Bedlington, in the following parishes, townships,, .or places, .the township of West Sleekburn, to the junction that is to say :—Earsdon,, Seaton Delaval, Hart- of the branch to North Seaton Colliery with the ley, Holy well, Tynemouth, Whitley, .Monkseaton,. said Warkworth Extension, in. the parish of Chirton, Preston, C.ullercoats, and North Shields, Bothal and township of Bothal Demesne, situate all in the said county of Northumberland. "....; in the following parishes, townships, or places, Lands upon which the branch of the said Blyth: that is to say, Bedlington, West Sleekburn, and Tyne Railway, from Hotspur-place to MonW Bothal, Bothal Demesne, North Seaton, and seaton, has been constructed, and situate between;, Woo.dhorn, or some of them, all in the county of the commencement thereof, at or near Backworth Northumberland. Station! in the township of Monkseaton, in the Also the lands on which that portion of the parish of Tynemouth, and the termination there- branch to North. Seaton Colliery has been con- of, at or near Whitley Station, in. the township.. structed, extending from the junction of the said of Monkseaton and parish of Tynemouth, such branch with the Warkworth Extension, in the lands being situate in the following townships,. parish of Bothal and township of Bothal De- parishes, and places, or some of them, that is to mesne, to a certain point on the said branch to say:—Earsdon, Backworth, Tynemouth, Monk- North Seaton Colliery, twenty yards or there- seaton, Murton, Whitley, Holy well, Preston* or, abouts to the eastward of the boundary between some of them, all in the county of Northumber- the townships of Bothal Demesne and North land. Seaton, in the parish of Woodhorn and township Lands upon which a portion of the branch of of North Seaton, and situate in the following the said Blyth and Tyne Railway, from Hotspur- parishes, townships, or places, that is to say, place to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, has. been -con- Bothal, Bothal Demesne, Woodhorn, and North structed, between the junction thereof with the Seaton, or some of them, all in the county of main line of the said Blyth and Tyne Railway, in. Northumberland. the township of Earsdon, in the parish of Earsdon, Lands upon which that portion of the Morpeth and a certain point on the said branch, in the Branch is constructed between a point in the parish of Long Benton, and township of Killing- township of Cowpen and chapelry of Horton, in worth, at or near where the said branch ia the parish of Woodhorn, eleven chains or there- crossed by the railway or waggon-way called the. abouts northwards of the mile post indicating the Killingworth Waggon-way, from Killingworth. distance on the Blyth and Tyne Hallway to be Colliery to the River Tyne, such lands being eleven miles from the Tyne, and six miles and situate in the following parishes, townships, ,or three-quarters from Morpeth, and the commence- places, or some of them :r-Earsdon, Tynemouth, ment of the said Morpeth Branch,, at or near to Whitley, Monkseaton, Backworth, 'Holywell, the Newshatn Station on the main line of the Long Benton, Killingworth, Chirton, all in the Blyth and Tyne Eailway, in the parish of Ears- county of Northumberland. j don, "in the township of Newsham- and South To authorize the Company to purchase compul- Blyth, situate in the following parishes, town- sorily lands and houses, and any interest inlands,., ships, or places, namely, Woodhorn, Horton, or, rents or profits issuing thereout; or arising Cowpen, Bebside, Earsdon, Newsham, and South therefrom, for the purposes of the said intended Blyth, all in the county of Northumberland. and substituted railways and works, and other, Lands on which that portion of the main line objects of the Bill, and for or in connection with of the Blyth and Tyne Railway has been con- the present undertaking of the Company, and to structed, situate between a certain point in the purchase lands by agreement; to levy tolls, township of Newaham or South Blyth, in the charges and duties for the use of the intended parish of Earsdon, at or near the commencement and substituted railways and works, and also of th'e Morpeth Branch and the termination of tolls and dues for the use of the shipping places, the said main line in, at, or near the Northum- staiths, quays, sidings, and'works, and to vary or berland Dock, in. the parish of St. Nicholas, in extinguish exemptions from tolls, rates, and the borough and countj'of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, duties, and grant other exemptions ; also to stop or in the' township of Chirton, in the parish of up,; alter, and divert turnpike and public roads, Tyne-nouth, such lands being situate in the fol- railways, navigations, sewers, and drains, which . lowing parishes or townships, that is to say, it• may be necessary or expedient-to stop up, Wood horn, Horton, Cowpen, Earsdou, Newsham, alter, or divert for any of the objects of the Bill. and South Blyth, Seaton Delaval, Seghill, Cram- To extend the time limited for completing the lington,Backworth, Holy well, Tynemouth, Monk- railways and works authorized to be made by the Beaton, Whitley, Preston, Chirton, Murton, Company's Acts hereinafter mentioned, or any of North Shields, or some of them, in the county of them. Northumberland, in the parish of St. Nicholas, To authorize the Company to raise additional in the borough and county of Newcastle-upon- money by the creation and issue of new shares : or .stock in the capital of the Company, and to The whole, of the lands upon which the Dairy attach, if they think fit, a preference or priority ' ;House and Tynemouth Branches of the said in the payment of dividend, over the ordinary Blyth and Tyne Railway have been constructed capital of the Company, to the new shares or rfronvthe commencement of the said Dairy House stock so created and issued, or such other privi- Branch, near Hartley Station, in the parish of leges or advantages, or subject to such conditions Earsdon and township of Seaton. Delaval, to the as may be authorized by the Bill, and to autho- •termination thereof near the;Dairy House, in the rize the Company to raise further sums of money ^township of Hartley; 'in the parish- of Earsdon, on: mortgage or by bondj or debenture stock, lands being situate in.the following town- and to make other arrangements, with reference.
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