Political and Social Change 3 3 Political and Social Change 3 Ben Dorfman (ed.) Ben Dorfman (ed.) Dissent! Refracted DorfmanBen (ed.) Dissent! Refracted This collection of essays addresses the fact is. Drawing on a range of authors and ongoing problem of dissent from a broad international problematics, the contribu- range of disciplinary perspectives: po- tions discuss the multiple ways in which litical philosophy, intellectual history, we refract memories of dissent in cultural, Histories, Aesthetics literary studies, aesthetics, architectural historical and aesthetic context. It also and Cultures of Dissent history and conceptualizations of the discusses the diverse ideas, images and political past. Taking a global perspec- phenomena we use to do so. tive, the volume examines the history of dissent both inside and outside the West, through events in the twentieth and twen- The Editor ty-first centuries both nearer to our own Ben Dorfman is Associate Professor of Dissent! Refracted times as well as more distant, and through Intellectual and Cultural History at the a range of styles reflecting how contested Department of Culture and Global Stud- and pressing the problem of dissent in ies, Aalborg University (Denmark). ISBN 978-3-631-67373-7 Political and Social Change 3 3 Political and Social Change 3 Ben Dorfman (ed.) Ben Dorfman (ed.) Dissent! Refracted DorfmanBen (ed.) Dissent! Refracted This collection of essays addresses the fact is. Drawing on a range of authors and ongoing problem of dissent from a broad international problematics, the contribu- range of disciplinary perspectives: po- tions discuss the multiple ways in which litical philosophy, intellectual history, we refract memories of dissent in cultural, Histories, Aesthetics literary studies, aesthetics, architectural historical and aesthetic context. It also and Cultures of Dissent history and conceptualizations of the discusses the diverse ideas, images and political past. Taking a global perspec- phenomena we use to do so. tive, the volume examines the history of dissent both inside and outside the West, through events in the twentieth and twen- The Editor ty-first centuries both nearer to our own Ben Dorfman is Associate Professor of Dissent! Refracted times as well as more distant, and through Intellectual and Cultural History at the a range of styles reflecting how contested Department of Culture and Global Stud- and pressing the problem of dissent in ies, Aalborg University (Denmark). Dissent! Refracted POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CHANGE Edited by Martin Bak Jørgensen and Óscar García Agustín VOLUME 3 Zu Qualitätssicherung und Peer Review Notes on the quality assurance and peer der vorliegenden Publikation review of this publication Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe Prior to publication, the quality of the erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der work published in this series is Publikation durch einen Herausgeber der reviewed by one of the editors of the Reihe sowie durch einen externen, von der series and blind reviewed by an external Herausgeberschaft ernannten Gutachter referee appointed by the editorship. im Blind-Verfahren geprüft. Dabei ist der The referee is not aware of the author's Autor der Arbeit dem Gutachter während name when performing the review. der Prüfung namentlich nicht bekannt. Ben Dorfman (ed.) Dissent! Refracted Histories, Aesthetics and Cultures of Dissent Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche NationalbibliothekThe Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de. Bibliographic An electronic Information version published of this bookby the is Deutsche freely available, thanks to the NationalbibliothekLibrary of Congresssupport of Cataloging libraries working-in-Publication with Knowledge Data Unlatched. KU is a Names: Dorfman,collaborative Ben, editor. initiative designed to make high quality books Open Title: Dissent!Access Refracted for the : publichistories, good. aesthetics More information and cultures about of dissent the initiative / Benand linksDorfman to the (ed.). Open Access version can be found at www. Description:knowledgeunlatched.org. 1 Edition. | New York : Peter Lang, 2016. | Series: LibraryPolitical ofand Congress social change Cataloging ; Volume-in- Publication3 Data Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche Names:Identifiers:Open Access: Dorfman, LCCN The 2016005555Ben,online editor. version | ISBN of this 9783631673737 publication is published on Nationalbibliothek Title:Subjects:www.peterlang.com Dissent! LCSH: Refracted Dissenters. and :www.econstor.eu histories, | Government, aesthetics under Resistance and the cultures international to. of dissent Creative / BibliographicBenClassification:Commons Dorfman License (ed.). LCCInformation CC-BY-NC-ND JC328.3 .D583 published 20164.0. Learn |by DDC the more 306.2 Deutsche on— howdc23 you can use and NationalbibliothekDescription:LCshare record this work: available 1 Edition. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016005555 | New York : Peter Lang, 2016. | Series: Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche Political and social change ; Volume 3 Nationalbibliothek All versions of this work may contain content LibraryIdentifiers: of Congress LCCN 2016005555 Cataloging | ISBN-in-Publication 9783631673737 Data Library of Congress CatalogingreproducedCover-in- underPublicationImage: license Data from third parties. Names:Subjects: Dorfman, LCSH: Dissenters. Ben, editor. | Government, Resistance to. Names: Dorfman,free Ben,images.com/Griszka editor.Permission to reproduce Niewiadomski. this third-party content Title:Classification: Dissent! RefractedLCC JC328.3 : histories, .D583 2016 aesthetics | DDC and306.2 cultures—dc23 of dissent / LibraryTitle: Dissent! of Congress Refracted Cataloging must: histories, be -in-obtained aestheticsPublication from and these Data cultures third-parties of dissent directly. / BenLC record Dorfman available (ed.). at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016005555 Names: Ben Dorfman Dorfman, (ed.). Ben, editor. Description: 1 Edition. | New York : Peter Lang, 2016. | Series: Title:LibraryDescription: Dissent! of Congress 1 RefractedEdition. Cataloging | New: histories, York-in- : aestheticsPeterPublication Lang, and 2016. Data cultures | Series: of dissent / Political and social change ; Volume 3 BenNames:Political Dorfman Dorfman, and social (ed.). Ben, change editor. ; VolumeISSN 2198 3 -8595 Identifiers: LCCN 2016005555 Cover| ISBN Image: 9783631673737 Description:Title:Identifiers: Dissent! LCCN 1 RefractedEdition. 2016005555ISBN | New: histories, 978 York -3-| ISBN631 : aestheticsPeter- 978363167373767373 Lang,-7 and(Print) 2016. cultures | Series: of dissent / Subjects: LCSH: Dissenters.freeimages.com/Griszka | Government, Niewiadomski. Resistance to. PoliticalBenSubjects: Dorfman and LCSH: social (ed.). Dissenters.E- change ISBN 978 ; |Volume Government,-3-653 -30662 9-6 Resistance (E-Book) to. Classification: LCC JC328.3 .D583 2016 | DDC 306.2—dc23 Identifiers:Description:Classification: LCCN 1 Edition.LCC 2016005555 JC328.3DOI | New 10.3726/ .D583 York | ISBN 978-3-6532016: Peter 9783631673737 | DDC Lang,-06629 306.2 2016.-6— |dc23 Series: LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016005555 Subjects:PoliticalLC record and LCSH: available social Dissenters. change at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016005555 ; |Volume Government, 3 Resistance to. © Peter Lang GmbH Classification:Identifiers: LCCN LCC 2016005555 JC328.3 .D583 | ISBN 2016 9783631673737 | DDC 306.2— dc23 InternationalerISSN Verlag 2198 der -8595 Wissenschaften LCSubjects: record LCSH: available Dissenters. at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016005555 | Government, Resistance to. ISBNFrankfurt 978Cover-3-631 am Image:-67373 Main- 20167 (Print) Classification: LCC JC328.3 .D583Cover 2016 Image: | DDC 306.2—dc23 freeE-iISBNmages.com/Griszka 978-3-653-0662 Niewiadomski.9-6 (E-Book) LC record availablefree atimages.com/Griszka http://lccn.loc.gov/2016005555 Niewiadomski. Peter LangDOI Edition 10.3726/ is an 978-3-653Imprint of- Peter06629 Lang-6 GmbH. Cover Image: Peter Langf –ree Frankfurtimages.com/Griszka© Peteram Main Lang ∙ Bern GmbH Niewiadomski. ∙ Bruxelles ∙ New York ∙ InternationalerOxfordCover ∙Verlag Warszawa Image: der Wissenschaften ∙ Wien ISSN 2198-8595 freeimages.com/GriszkaFrankfurtISSN 2198am Main-8595 Niewiadomski. 2016 ISBN 978-3-631-67373-7 (Print) ISBN 978-3-631- 67373-7 (Print) E-ISBN 978-3-653-06629-6 (E-Book) Peter LangE- ISBNEdition 978 ISSNis-3-653 an Imprint2198- 0662-8595 9-6of Peter (E-Book) Lang GmbH. DOI 10.3726/978-3-653-06629-6 DOIISBN 10.3726/ 978-3-631978-3-653- 67373--706629 (Print)-6 Peter Lang – Frankfurt amISSN Main 2198 ∙ -Bern8595 ∙ Bruxelles ∙ New York ∙ E-ISBN 978© Peter-3-653 Lang-0662 GmbH9-6 (E -Book) ISBNOxford 978-3- ∙ Warszawa631-67373 ∙- Wien7 (Print) InternationalerDOI 10.3726/ Verlag978-3-653 der Wissenschaften-06629-6 E-ISBNFrankfurt 978-3-653 am-0662 Main9-6 2016 (E-Book) Frankfurt© Peter Langam Main GmbH 2016 This DOIpublication 10.3726/ has978-3-653 been peer-06629 reviewed.-6 Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Peter Lang Edition is an Imprint of Peter Lang GmbH. Frankfurtwww.peterlang.com© Peter Langam Main GmbH 2016 Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Peter Lang – Frankfurt am Main ∙ Bern ∙ Bruxelles ∙ New York ∙ Frankfurt am Main 2016 Peter Lang EditionOxford is an∙ Warszawa Imprint of ∙ Wien Peter Lang GmbH. PeterP eterLang LangThis – Frankfurt publicationEdition
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