VALÉRIE SERDON-PROVOST THE CONSTITUTION OF ARTILLERY PARKS AND FORTIFICATIONS FOR DEFENDING CITIES DURING THE LATE MIDDLE AGES. THE DUKES OF LORRAINE IN NANCY: A CASE STUDY INTRODUCTION The interest French researchers have for gunpow- as Saint-Nicolas and La Craffe and posterns, probably der weapons was born in the middle of the 19th cen- less accessible, support the defensive system (Elter tury (Gaier 1979, p. 11), especially since the work of 1999, p. 7). The medieval ring of fortifications was would-be Napoleon III was published as Etudes sur modernised several times during the 15th century by le passé et l’avenir de l’artillerie in Paris, between advanced buildings and ditches1 which complete the 1846 and 1871 (Bonaparte, Favé 1846–1871). But defensive system (Elter 1999, p. 7; Duvernoy 1898, p. few historians have highlighted the importance of 202–205; Des Robert 1882, p. 82–83). The artillery studying artillery parks during the late Middle Ages park appears at that time in the heart of the city and in Lorraine. In studies made on this area, especially provides weapons to the duchy. through the chronicles of the Société d’archéologie From 1473, the Duke of Lorraine René II is at the Lorraine, the works concern arsenals of the late 16th head of a small principality. The fortifications and and early 17th centuries, which reflects the relative the new artillery park explain the duke’s decision to abundance of later sources. Rather than using the focus most of his artillery in the capital of the duchy word “arsenal” (adapted to the modern period), I when troops of Charles the Bold approached in 1475 will use the term “artillery park.” The word “artil- (Fig. 5). But what were the military resources of the lery” should be taken here in its medieval accepted Duchy of Lorraine? Did he receive aid Louis XI had meaning: various war materials, cannons and other promised and those of opponents of the House of gunpowder weapons but also any other projectile Burgundy? Indeed, the late Middle Ages is marked weapons and ammunitions. by the wars against Burgundy: for Charles the Bold, In the second half of the 15th century, Nancy Duke of Burgundy, the duchy was a corridor to travel owes its importance only to the fact of being the between his possessions in the north and south of capital of the Duchy of Lorraine: it becomes a place Lorraine (Fig. 1) (Marti et al. 2008, p. 340). The of residence and is where the court and the ducal ad- campaign of winter 1476–1477 is the most difficult ministration are located. The reputation of cities such one and results in Charles the Bold’s death at the as Metz and Toul is great and Saint-Nicolas-de-Port famous Battle of Nancy, on 5 January 1477 (Figs. and Pont-à-Mousson have a greater economic weight. 3, 6, 7) (Pfister 1902–1909, pp. 385–525). Its ends Nancy only plays a political role. At the beginning of the conflict between Burgundy and the Confederates the modern period, it is an average city in size and after 16 months of war and three sieges that severely demographics (Fig. 4). Its layout has the form of an irregular quadrilateral (Fig. 2). More or less twenty 1 Regional archives, Meurthe-et-Moselle, B 1013, Receveur towers flank the surrounding wall. Town gates such Général de Lorraine, 1509–1510. 189 VALÉRIE SERDON-PROVOST Fig. 1. The House of Valois-Burgundy during the reign of Charles the Bold (1465–1477), adapted from Marti et al. 2008, p. 25 hit the city. This event was a crucial step for the permanent gunners (Delcambre, 1949, pp. 280–281, recapture of Lorraine by René II. The incorporation quoted in Contamine 2005b, p. 234). of the Duchy of Bar in 1484 enables to reorganise The principal interest of this work is to show the the tax system and enhance military capabilities evolution of this artillery park during a long time. The (Contamine 2005b, p. 234). Under Charles VIII, the question is the correlation between political situations duchy receives financial aids from the monarchy that and an increase in the purchase and manufacture of allow it to be equipped with gunpowder artillery and weapons. 190 THE CONSTITUTION OF ARTILLERY PARKS AND FORTIFICATIONS FOR DEFENDING CITIES Fig. 2. Nancy at the beginning of the 15th century, adapted from Fray 1986, p. 92 SOURCES As early as the end of the thirteenth century, the These documents are, to a large extent, unpublished2 County of Bar seems to have possessed a Chambre but are less rich than those for the principality of des Comptes at least in an embryonic stage (Collin Burgundy. This study will be completed by a study 1984, p. 76). The accounts of the Duchy of Lorraine of cellerier’s accounts. These sources throw light on come long later (Rivière 1999, pp. 151–157); indeed, the war economy, weapons and ammunition require- the fact of centralising the administration appears ments of the ducal house. only at the dawn of modern times and is a bit archaic These documents help us to understand the in- (Collin 1984, p. 76). This study is based on archives ternal organisation and the management of artillery, of the ducal financial administration. For this tran- more than accurate data on the quality, size and sitional period, these kinds of sources are relatively calibre of each piece of artillery such as cannons. impoverished and strewed in different types of ac- Secondly, they inform about foundry workers and counts. The most valuable information from accounts craftsmen, in the artillery staff of the Dukes (artil- are those of the Receveur Général de Lorraine and lerymen, cannons master, artillery master). the Trésorier Général des Finances held in B Series of the Departmental Archives of Meurthe-et-Moselle. 2 Except some papers (Girardot 1983, pp. 67–76). 191 VALÉRIE SERDON-PROVOST 1. THE ARTILLERY PARK AND ITS INFRASTRUCTURE Acquiring or manufacturing numerous weapons Christine of Denmark built a new arsenal, a pride forced the dukes of Lorraine to take measures to en- of the ducal court in 1550 (Marot 1993, p. 256).5 A sure their maintenance and conservation. In Nancy, builder is responsible for rendering a barn’s wall in a spacious “public” building is the urban warehouse. front of the ditch outside the tower of the artillery. In 1458 the Duke had a “barn for the artillery” built. In the same year crossbow bolts in the tower of the A later text mentions it and is traditionally located artillery are mentioned: is it one of the park’s towers near the “Big Tower” (Fray 1986, p. 255).3 Was this between the Great Tower and the Terreau Tower? In tower part of the park, as it frequently happens in 1487, there are new significant works in masonry the Middle Ages? Its construction and maintenance and carpentry. Indeed, few buildings were spared are undertaken by craftsmen from Nancy: builders, during the various city sieges during the war against carpenters in particular to raise the walls and build Burgundy. the barn where gunpowder and saltpetre are stored, In the early 16th century (1521), it is mentioned but also to manufacture carts and barrels (Fray 1986, that a forge was installed. The lodge is moved very p. 256).4 quickly because of the risk of fire and its proximity There will be regular work in the arsenal, which to a gunpowder store. In 1525, beams and hooks for demonstrates how important the park gradually hanging hacquebutes (harquebus) are arranged to becomes at that time. More than buildings, which protect weapons repaired by Claude the Locksmith. are never described, accounts provide information The founders had to work outdoors and furnaces to on the management and rationalisation of space. In melt bronze were built near the pit receiving mould particular, attics and shelves are mentioned for stor- and cast metal. No archaeological remains of this ing sulphur and saltpetre in 1463, but also strings park are known. However, in 1976, destroying the of bows and crossbows and related ammunitions. building at Gustave Simon street helped to uncover In the same year, construction work is done on the the tower’s circular base which can be identified main barn of the artillery park. These accounts also with the Great Tower mentioned by sources in the give indications on the location of this park, which late Middle Ages. historians know badly, in any case before the Regent 2. PARTS PURCHASED OR REPAIRED: TYPOLOGY AND VOCABULARY PROBLEMS Artillery is the most important work done in the park, but the Receveur Génér al records little evidence THE LARGE BOMBARD on items stored or used in the arsenal. Few refer- A large bombard is mentioned several times in ences to weapons are made when going on military the account books dating from 1471 and 1472. In the campaigns, about repairs or when wheels or carriages first year, it was prepared for use in the field. A cart are made to move them. Details are given on the is made for transport and wheels are rimmed with purchase and manufacture but they are relative to steel (by a locksmith). It is also cited in the following their price, not to their sizes, calibres or materials. year during the siege of Chatel-sur-Moselle during The reasons are both lacunas in the sources and also which it is damaged: carts and carriages are repaired technical incompetence of the Receveur Général and by a cart maker who brings wood. The quality of the Trésorier Général: it seems that they do not use the repairs is tested: the labour force is important because same word in a single register for the same thing.
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