LIME ROCK GAZETTE, DEVOTED TO COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY RICHARDSON & PORTER. Terms, $1,50 in Advance, $1.75 in six monllis $2,00 nftcr-Advcrtiscnirnls inserted at tile customary prices. VOL. I2AST--THO1I ASTON, JI1LRSDAV, APRIL 1, I S ir. [From the Philadelphia Inquirer ] lie hnd turned nnd walked to n distant deeply interested my feelings. Rut his cicd her face with her hands, after one From the Christian Reflector. window, that she might not see tho strug­ love must triumph over his pride, nnd in­ hasty glance to conceal the confusion . J ,f J ■ ’ PALM ER, is our A uent lor obtain­ THE COQUETTE SUBDUED: gle it cost him to maintain his self-posses­ duce him to overlook tny follies, or I can and humiliation, the conciotisness ot the Lellers from Hayti. ing Subscribers and Advertisements in Boston ami OR THE New York. His Office in Boston, is No. 20 Slate sion, whilst combating (he feelings which never feel satisfied of his entire devo­ bold and passionate, avowal, which Street. In New York, Tribune Buildings. REWARD OF FIRMNESS. would have impelled him to full a slave tio n .’ brought him to her presence, occa­ IIV R EV . 11. A. G RAVES. A G E N T S .—.Titoft.isTOM, J. D. Barnard. S S nt her feet. Tho closing door startled Days nnd weeks passed on, without sioned. Singer ; Belfast, Washburn A- Jordan ; Union I.VCV HAMILTON. ! him. I le turned in chagrin and rnortilica- W hile he ennnllv overcome nt the I roleMant Missions in H ayti— Wesleyan Mis- nny overture on the part of the offender . , ,1C- eT iallJ overcome nt the H„ns-American Methodius—Rev. Mr Bird’s , Henry Fossett, Jr. E. Cobb, H ope, Asa Payson' | tion to discover that he was shunned, Goose River, A. Martin; W arren, S. B. Wether- lo ve r. sight ot Iter almost emaciated appearance church -B ap tt.t Mission— Rev. W. M. Jones, uee; Cavoen, George Pendleton ; A it i.eton. John c h a p t e r I. I abandoned, perhaps forever, the only he- Emma began to dioop, the prospect of stood suspended nea r the entrance, gn- nn(l Miss Young - English Baptists, M. F u lle r; \\ .u.nuRORo,’ Isaac T. Hall; Win II 'W hy really you require so many al- 'nR,. w,'° l,ad '’var deeply interested his meeting him oiit, had led her out, to fre­ cing in ularm slit unken outiine of her once In our last letter we presented a view Barnard. Iterations in tny character, before I can 'crdmgs> and he reflcctcded, not without quent parties nnd other places of nrnuso­ rounded figure— mistaking his silence, ! of Rotnnnistn its it exists in Hayti, and approximate to the perfection of your rt passing pang, that ho had precipitated , incut, than Imd ever been her habit Em,mi exclaimed— ! promised to notico in this, the condition From the Christian Reflector. ideal, that I am inclined to believe that my an event which overthrew all his hopes. One evening, at a soiree, she met with ‘Forgive nty unmttidenly nttepmt to re-1 nnd prospects of Protestanism. Notwith- Intelligence from Dr. Judson. unworthy self had but slight hold upon the “ I have been to harsh,” he mentally M r. XXillintn Stewart, an intimate associ­ cnll a heart, lost to me perhaps forever; | standing the remarkable character and heart you so recently vowed was all my exclaimed. “ If the beauty, the winning ate of Ilenry Seaton, and from him she nnd suffer no feeling of mere compassion! history of this island, little has been done By the arrival of the Hibernia at this port, on o w n .’ graces of a girl, exact their tribute from learned, that his friend would set off on to opperate in nty favor.’ ' for its moral renovation and improvement Saturday last, we have the pleasure of announcing “ No dearest Emma," said Ilenry Sea­ each pussing admirer, it is, ufter all, a ti continental tour, in a few days. These words, coming as it were from i by evangelical Christ inns. Many of tho the receipt of intelligence from Rev. Dr. Judson, ton, to whom tho young girl nddresecd vanity which the customs of society ren­ ‘I did hope’ he added, that a fair lady the depths of nn agonized heart, inspir-I smaller West India islands have, for half der excusable, and that all men are com­ and the beloved co-laborers by whom he was ne- the above remarks, in a tone of pique, “ I would have accompanied him, hut 1 littd cd the lover with sudden energy to spring a century and more, enjoyed the mission­ companied. They arrived in safety and health at require no transformation of your natural pelled to hear with. But 1 would rather that I have erred in my calculations.— forward nnd prostrate at her feet. ary labors pf the Moravians; and British Mattlmain on the 5lh of December. This is the self, only that you would not suffer the feel the tie between us broken, than to Poor fellow, his health and spirits are ‘Idol of my soul!’ he replied, ‘mar not Christains have delegated faithful men by first intelligence received from them since their vanities the frivolities, nnd the affections know. again the doubt, the agony of wntch- both bnd. I have half a mind to the ecstatic joy of his re-union, by doubts, hundreds to Jamaicn, and other islands, departure. He who maketh the winds and the of fashionable life, to mar the loveliness of over n heart. No sooner wander with him, in order to nfford hint which shame your lover’s manly truth!— nnd some to almost every part of tho waves his messengers, and who hath given them a spirit, which, rich in natural fragrance. docs Vil,’">' a,,d. Prlde of conquest creep the benefit of my cheerful companion­ This Inst generous proof of your affec­ world, while H a y ti bus been sadly— al­ charge concerning this company, is greatly to be first won tny worship.’ inte n woman’s heart, than all true affec­ s h ip .’ ’ tion is worth the sacrifice of my life in re­ most entirely, neglected. W hat little has praised. ‘You are unreasonable,’ persisted the tion is overthrown, to allow of the selfish He glanced nt Einma, nnd observing q uital. been done, the Weslcyans have the honor The following, from the ever welcome pen of unappeased lady, ’in urging me to re­ monopoly which such baleful passions her ctnbarrasment continued— W ith tender freedom, he withdrew tho ot doing; a denomination whose repre­ Mrs. Judson, written at sen, is an early earnest of nounce the enjoyments, which my youth, claim. Though I might still hope to win “ You ladies have to answer for the hands which covered her face, and strove sentatives here would lead us to charac­ this cherished object of my love, can I what our columns, not unfrequently, we trust, w ill my sex, and need I add, tny altered posi­ procrastination of many a proud intellect to sooth the agitation which successive terize, us resembling the quiet nnd order­ receive at her hand. tion in society, render imperatively neces­ e’er again expect to satisfy her desires? for the breaking of many a noble heart. revulsions of feeling caused. ly Presbyterians, rather than the zealous lias she not acquired a woman's fondness sary, that I should participate in during God defend me from the fascination of Need I add lie was successful in his nnd noise-loving Methodists of America. A Reply. the brief period of my girlhood. for that most frivolous and dangerous the arch-cnchantrcsses .’ efforts, anti that a perfect reconciliation They have for several ycurs sustained ‘True, true,’ rejoined the gentleman pastime of her sex, coquetry? The in­ ‘Y’oti nre in no danger1’ said Emnta re­ and closer re-union of heart, proved the missions nt Port an Prince and Cape BY MRS. EM1I.YC. 1VDSON J bitterly’ ‘I had forgot that the meek claims cense of the many will henceforward be covering herself, ‘your stoicism is ptoof policy of the gentleman’s itidepcndunce Haytien; but having only one man at of the Clergyman’s daughter were merged preferred to the loyal faith of Ihc one. against their united powers.’ of spirit? For hud he been content to hu­ each place, whose efforts, both popular 1 Does she deem that stern duty calls her to re­ in the higher ones which the adopted Fitted by her beauty, grace and accom­ “ Yes,’ he replied, gaily, ‘because such mor this mischicvious and coquettish pro­ indifference and civil commotions have sign the home and friends of her heart,— the fame plishments (o play a conspicuous part in ■which she has so gloriously won,— nay, perhaps child of a ucalthy fashionable now ad­ ns have grace, beauty, nnd wit, to win pensities of the fair one, by making him­ combined to paralyze and render ineffec­ even life itself, for the far off heathen ? Methinks vance. fashionable society, she may not pause in my admiration, prefer (littering away self subservient to her whims, he would tive, it is not to be supposed thut they ‘ the orphans of the heart’ are gathered in crowds •But my taste and prediliclions never­ her career ol levity, until experience has their feelings in numberless coquetries, undoubtedly have lost her respect, and have yet witnessed such results as they about our very doors.’— National I ’rtss.
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