DATE: February 26, 2019 SUBJECT: DETERMINATION PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 20194.5 AND CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15183.3 RE: INFILL ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST PROJECT: Arden Gateway (DR18-209) The City of Sacramento, Department of Community Development, Environmental Planning Services has determined, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 20194.5 and CEQA Guidelines section 15183.3, and on the basis of the review and discussion in the Infill Environmental Checklist that the proposed infill project would not have any significant effects on the environment that have not already been analyzed in the Master EIR prepared for the City’s 2035 General Plan or that are more significant than previously analyzed, or that uniformly applicable development policies would not substantially mitigate. No further CEQA review is required. A copy of the Infill Environmental Checklist is attached to this Determination. The Master EIR and Infill Environmental Checklist for the project are available for review online on the City’s web site at http://www.cityofsacramento.org/Community-Development/Planning/Environmental/Impact-Reports. The documents are also available for review at the offices of the Community Development Department, 300 Richards Boulevard, Sacramento, California during public counter hours. The proposed project entails the construction and operation of up to 731 multifamily apartment units on approximately 24.29 acres in the Arden Gateway area of the City of Sacramento, roughly north of Arden Way between Interstate 80 Business (Business 80) and the Arden Fair Mall. Offsite improvements would be limited to connecting to nearby water, stormwater, and electric utilities, with all other development occurring within the footprint of the project site. A detailed project description is included in Section III of this document. Attachment: Infill Environmental Checklist ARDEN GATEWAY (DR18-209) INFILL ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST This Infill Environmental Checklist has been prepared by the City of Sacramento, Community Development Department, 300 Richards Boulevard, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95811, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21094.5 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.), and implementing regulations in CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, Section 15000 et seq. of the California Code of Regulations), sections 15183.3 and Appendices M and N, and the Sacramento Local Environmental Regulations (Resolution 91-892) adopted by the City of Sacramento. ORGANIZATION OF THE INFILL ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST This Infill Environmental Checklist is organized into the following sections: SECTION I – BACKGROUND: Provides summary background information about the project name, location, sponsor, and the date this Infill Environmental Checklist was completed. SECTION II – SATISFACTION OF APPENDIX M PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Includes description of project conformance to State CEQA Guidelines Appendix M standards and project eligibility for infill streamlining. SECTION III – PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Includes a detailed description of the proposed project. SECTION IV – INFILL ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST AND DISCUSSION: Reviews proposed project and states whether the project would have additional significant environmental effects (project-specific effects) that were not evaluated in another EIR. SECTION V – ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: Identifies which environmental factors were determined to have additional significant environmental effects. Arden Gateway 1 ESA / D180568 Infill Environmental Checklist March 2019 Section I - Background SECTION VI – DETERMINATION: States whether environmental effects associated with development of the proposed project are significant, and what, if any, added environmental documentation may be required. PURPOSE OF THE INFILL ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Public Resources Code section 21094.5 (Senate Bill 226), along with its implementing regulations (Section 15183.3 and Appendices M and N of the CEQA Guidelines) (Infill Streamlining provisions) provide a streamlined CEQA process for projects that qualify as infill development. In order to qualify for coverage under the Infill Streamlining provisions, a project site must either be in an urban area that has been previously developed, or the project site must have qualifying urban development, defined as one or a combination of residential, commercial, public institutional, transit or transportation passenger facility, or retail use on at least 75 percent of the site perimeter. The CEQA Guidelines, in Appendix M, include a set of performance standards, as required by SB 226, which a qualifying project must satisfy in order to be eligible for the Infill Streamlining process. If a project meets the Appendix M performance standards, the lead agency may prepare an environmental checklist based on CEQA Guidelines Appendix N. The Appendix N Infill Environmental Checklist provides a tool to evaluate a development project and provide substantial evidence of its eligibility to use the infill streamlining process. The Infill Environmental Checklist also assists the lead agency in identifying and summarizing project-specific effects and how those effects are or are not addressed in a prior programmatic level document, or by uniformly applicable development policies: Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur as a result of an infill project, then the checklist answers must indicate whether that impact has already been analyzed in a prior EIR. If the effect of the infill project is not more significant than what has already been analyzed, that effect of the infill project is not subject to CEQA. The brief explanation accompanying this determination should include page and section references to the portions of the prior EIR containing the analysis of that effect. The brief explanation shall also indicate whether the prior EIR included any mitigation measures to substantially lessen that effect and whether those measures have been incorporated into the infill project. For purposes of this Environmental Checklist, “uniformly applicable development policies or standards” include policies and standards adopted or enacted by the City of Sacramento or State of California that reduce one or more adverse environmental impacts. Such policies and standards can include, without limitation, local and state building codes, design guidelines, impact fee programs, traffic impact fees, policies for the reduction of greenhouse gasses contained in adopted land use plans, policies or regulations and ordinances for the protection of trees or historic resources (see CEQA Guidelines Section 15183.3 (f)(7)). This checklist identifies uniformly applicable development standards, such as measures set forth in the City Code or general plan, to substantially mitigate effects of the proposed project. All general plan policies identified Arden Gateway 2 ESA / D180568 Infill Environmental Checklist March 2019 Section I - Background herein as applicable to the proposed project would be implemented through project design or conditions of approval. The City, as CEQA lead agency for the proposed project, has determined, based on substantial evidence contained in the documents and records regarding the proposed project, that the proposed project is eligible for infill streamlining pursuant to Public Resources Section 21094.5. This Environmental Checklist confirms that the proposed project qualifies for infill streamlining and provides documentation showing that the impacts of the proposed project fall within the impacts evaluated in prior EIRs, in this case, the City of Sacramento 2035 General Plan Master EIR, or can be substantially mitigated by uniformly applicable development policies or standards. Arden Gateway 3 ESA / D180568 Infill Environmental Checklist March 2019 Section I - Background Section I - Background 1. Project Title: Arden Gateway 2. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Sacramento 3. Contact Person and Phone Number: Tom Buford Community Development Department City of Sacramento 300 Richards Blvd, 3rd Floor Sacramento, CA 95811 (916) 808-7931 [email protected] 4. Project Location: 1401 Arden Way, 2160 and 2211 Royal Road, and 1600 Cormorant Way Sacramento, California, 95815 5. Project Sponsor’s Name and SKK Developments / Grupe Company Address: 1121 18th Street Sacramento, California 95811 6. General Plan Designation(s): Urban Center High 7. Zoning: C-2 General Commercial 8. Prior environmental document(s) analyzing the effects of the infill project (including State Clearinghouse number if assigned): 2035 General Plan Master Environmental Impact Report (SCH # 2012122006) 9. Location of prior environmental document(s) analyzing the effects of the infill project: The 2035 General Plan Master EIR is available on the City of Sacramento website: https://www.cityofsacramento.org/Community- Development/Planning/Environmental/Impact-Reports 10. Description of Project: The proposed project entails the construction and operation of up to 731 multifamily apartment units on approximately 24.29 acres in the Arden Gateway area of the City of Sacramento, roughly north of Arden Way between Interstate 80 Business (Business 80) and the Arden Fair Mall. Offsite improvements would be limited to connecting to nearby water, stormwater, and electric utilities, with all other development occurring within the footprint of the project site. A detailed project description is included in Section III of this document.
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