CITY OF LOS ANGELES INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: July 27, 2012 TO: The Honorable City Council c/o City Clerk, Room 395, City Hall Attention: Honorable Bill Rosendahl, Chair, Transportation Committee FROM: Jaime de Ia Vega, General Manager Department of Transportation SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF TEMPORARY PREFER TIAL PARKING DISTRICTS NO. 72 AND 112 SOUTH OF LOWER RUNYON CANYON PARK IN COUNCIL DISTRICT4 SUMMARY This report recommends the renewal of Temporary Preferential Parking District (TPPD) Nos. 72 and 112 south of Runyon Canyon Park ( CF 11-1987-S 1 and CF 11-1339). RECOMMENDATIONS 1. FIND that the parking problem that led to the establishment of TPPD Nos. 72 and 112 south of Lower Runyon Canyon Park in Council District No.4 still exists and that no permanent solution has been found. 2. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTIONS renewing TPPD Nos. 72 and 112 for 12 more months, until September 29, 2013 and August 17, 2013, respectively, pursuant to Section 80.58.d of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC). DISCUSSION On June 23, 1998, the City Council adopted a Resolution (CF 98-0873) establishing TPPD No. 72, which is due to expire on September 29,2012. On August 17,2005, the City Council adopted a Resolution (CF 05-1624) establishing TPPD No. 112, which is due to expire August 17,2012 (See attached maps). Both TPPDs have been renewed annually. The authorized parking restrictions were amended as part of the 2011 renewal of the districts, to restrict non-residential parking on Saturdays and Sundays in response to the increasing popularity of Runyon Canyon Park. BACKGROUND The renewal of TPPD Nos. 72 and 112, pursuant to LAMC Section 80.58.d, is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, under Article IlL 1.a.3 of the 2002 Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines. The Honorable City Councii July 27, 2012 The City Council has the authority, pursuant to LAMC Section 80.58.d, to renew TPPDs by resolution "to provide relief for residents who suffer an excessive parking impact ... as the result of any conditions which impact fewer than six blocks and which, in the judgment of the Council member of the District and after consultation with the Parking Administrator, deserve immediate relief until a permanent solution can be found." COORDINATION LADOT has received several letters in opposition to the renewal of TPPD No. 112 from the clergy and others on behalf of StThomas the Apostle Episcopal Church, because of signs restricting parking by non-residents during weekends (copies attached). Council District 4 has been engaged in discussions with the neighborhood leaders, as well as representatives of StThomas the Apostle Episcopal Church, to identify alternatives to satisfy concerns expressed by the church representatives. These efforts continue at the present time and include measures to increase the supply of available parking spaces in the area. Councilmember LaBonge requested the renewal of TPPD No. 72 and 112, in a letter dated July 24, 2012, to continue providing relief to the residents of the districts. PARKING OCCUPANCY STUDIES Several parking occupancy studies were conducted by LADOT on various days, throughout July 2012, pursuant to council approved "Rules and Procedures for Preferential Parking Districts," Section E. 19, to determine the number of visitor and daily permits that could be made available to the Church. As a result, a total of 11 visitor permits are being offered for use on any day by the parishioners on certain streets within TPPD No. 112. In addition, the Church may obtain 15 daily permits for use on weekends on any street within TPPD No. 112 streets. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT Revenue from the sale of permits will cover the costs associated with maintenance, administration, and enforcement of TPPD Nos. 72 and 112, Furthermore, the City will gain additional General Fund revenue from the issuance of parking citations to violators of the Districts' parking restrictions. JTV:YH Attachments: Resolutions Maps of TPPD Nos. 72 and 112 Letter from Counci!member LaBonge Letters from St Thomas the Apostle Church RESOLUTION RENEWAL OF TEMPORARY PREFERENTIAL PARKING DISTRICT NO. 72 SOUTH OF RUNYON CANYON PARK WHEREAS, on June 23, 1998, the Council adopted a Resolution (CF 98-0873) establishing Temporary Preferential Parking District (TPPD) No. 72, which was subsequently renewed annually, and is currently due to expire on September 29, 2012; and WHEREAS, Councilmember LaBonge believes that the conditions that originally justified the establishment of this TPPD, which include regular intrusion of vehicles assoclated with the patrons of Runyon Canyon Park still exist, and no other viable measure to resolve the resulting parking shortage in the neighborhood is available at this time; and WHEREAS, Councilmember LaBonge has requested the renewal of TPPD No. 72 for 12 more months to provide continued relief to the residents of the District from the adverse parking impact they were experiencing prior to the establishment of the District; and WHEREAS, Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.58.d authorizes TPPDs to be renewed on an annual basis by resolution until either a permanent solution is found or the problem ceases to exist. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.58.d hereby renews Temporary PPD No. 72 for 12 more months until September 29, 2013; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and conditions of TPPD No. 72 remain unchanged. PREFERENTIAL PARKING DISTRICT NO. 72 COUNCIL DISTRICT NO.4 Hollywood Enforcement (TEMPORARY) / ,-- .; {G.. 0-{) ~ ~"" HILLSIDEAV -- 0 0:: ~ w I :2 ~ --' z <( 0... :2 <( u a:: ij£ ------ [ /) ... - ~<\. r---· I I 1&1 I I FRANKLIN AV z --I en I iTi I- ::0 (/) I 0 ><( a:: a:: ~ w I w 0:: OJ z :2 w 0 0 I --' --' z <( --' 0:: ;::) <( I 0... lL ~ (9 :2 z I u ~ I lz I ~ _:- -. I ~ '------ ---t•r-.-r '• .. • • • ' • • I •x., I ' HOLLYWOOD BLVD LEGEND: PPD Boundary • • • PPD No. 112 Boundary N Wfffl/1 No Parking Anytime; Vehicles with District no.72 permits exempted. r?6060) No Parking 7pm - Bam; 2 Hrs Parking Bam - 7pm Vehicles with District no. 72 permits exempted. A RESOLUTION RENEWAL OF TEMPORARY PREFERENTIAL PARKING DISTRICT NO" 112 SOUTH OFRUNYONCANYONPARK WHEREAS, on August 17, 2005, the Council adopted a Resolution (CF 05-1624) establishing Temporary Preferential Parking District (TPPD) No. 112, which was subsequently renewed annually, and the authorized parking restrictions amended pursuant to Council Motion in 2011 to include an additional parking restriction, and is currently due to expire on August 17, 2012; and WHEREAS, Councilmember LaBonge believes that the conditions that originally justified this TPPD, which include regular intrusion of vehicles associated with visitors to Runyon Canyon, still exist and no other viable measure to resolve the resulting parking intrusion into the neighborhood is available; and WHEREAS, Councilmember LaBonge has requested the renewal of TPPD No. 112 to provide continued relief to the residents of the District from the adverse parking impact they were experiencing prior to the establishment of the District; and WHEREAS, Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.58.d authorizes TPPDs to be renewed on an annual basis by resolution until either a permanent solution is found or the problem ceases to exist. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.58.d, hereby renews TPPD No. 112 for an additional 12 months until August 17, 2013; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and conditions of TPPD No. 112 remain unchanged. PREFERENTIAL PARKING DISTRICT NO. 112 COUNCIL DISTRICT NO. 4 Hollywood Enforcement (TEMPORARY) / ,......., ,..--, I KUI'I "VI'I!.;AN_j N RD. .; I c ~<v HILLSIDE AV v -., ~v [ HILLSIDE AV 0 1"5"1 <( a:: <( UJ ~ 1- --l z <( I 0 0.. ~ [!) ~ <( u a:: a:: UJ 11/18/09 /) r-- I ~;'~~ FRANKLIN AV L " ..I 1- ~ (/) <( z 1- (/)m (/) ;u I > z 0 ><( ?; I!) a:: UJ a:: OJ e ~ UJ 0 1'-- --l --l z ~ <( --l ..-- 0.. ::::> ..-- u. ~ ~ ~ u z < - I I f@J HOLLYWOOD BLVD LEGEND: PPD Boundary • • • PPD No. 72 Boundary N I)(")(5())l No Parking 7pm - Bam; 2 Hrs Parking Sam - 7pm Vehicles with District no.112 permits exempted. 1'0;//& No Parking Any Time Except; 2 Hrs Parking Sam- 7pm Mon. - Fri.; Vehicles with District no.112 permits exempted. A CITY CoUNClL OF THE CnTY oF Los ANGELES ROOM 480, CITY HALL TOM LABONGE LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 COUNCILMEMBER 4TH O!STRICT (2.13) 485-3337 FAX (213) 62.4-78!0 July 24, 2012 Mr. Jaime de Ia Vega General Manager City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation 100 S. Main Street, 1oth Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 Dear Mr. de la Vega: RE: REQUEST FOR RENEWAL OF TEMPORARY PREFERENTIAL PARKIN'G DISTRICTS (#72) (CF 11-1987~S1) AND 112 (CF 11-1339) Temporary Preferential Parking District Nos. 72 and 112 south of Runyon Canyon were established by the City Council to address the situation where the residents of these streets experience daily intrusion of vehicles. attempting to park in the neighborhood while using Runyon Canyon Park which has resulted in an excessive and well documented parking impact on the residents of both of these Temporary Preferential Parking Districts, The park's popularity continues to grow and parking has and remains a problem, Until some off-street parking facility can be developed, -there does not seem to be any other pennanent solution to this problem other than the continuation ofthes~ two Temporary Preferential Parking Districts, I request that the Department of Transportation proceed with the renewal of these Temporary Preferential Parking Districts for an additional year, Thank you for your prompt attention to this rriatter.
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