bibl_Alphabetical GEORGIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS ALPHABETICAL LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS English Edition NAME HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leadership (with featured article “What Makes an Effective Executive,” by Peter F. Drucker) Harvard Business Review Center, 2011; 217 pp. A shifting landscape: The future of commodities trading Alexandre Kiss - Introduction to International Environmental Law World Gold Council (2012). Conflict-Free Gold Standard. World Gold Council 10 tactics for turning information into acrion l tactical technology collective 2009, 124 pp. 100 statistical tests by Gopak K. Kanji - Sage publication, 2006;250 p. 100 Years of Drug Control by UNODC; 2012 1100 words you need to know 13 bankers by Simon Johnson - Vintage books, 2011; 315 pp. 1491 by Charles Seaman - Second Vintage Books Edition, 2011; 550 pp. 1493 by Charles Seaman - Second Vintage Books Edition, 2011; 686 pp. 21st Century leadership. Dialogs with 100 top leaders. - by Lynne Joy Mcfarland/oth.- Senn-Delarey Leadership Consulting Group, Inc., 1993, 364 p 3rd Environmental Performance Review – Georgia. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. 2016. 3rd Environmental Performance Review – United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. 2016. Chapter 5; 4-H: An American Idea 1900-1980 A History of 4-H by Thomas Wessel and Marilyn Wessel National 4-H Council Chevy Chase Maryland 20815 4999 1982 5-Phase project management. A practical planning and implementation guide. - by Joseph W. Weiss and Robert K. Wysocki. - Perseus Book, 1999; 345 p. A brief history of the social security administration. President Clinton signs the SSA independence legislation. - March 31, 1995., 39 p. A century of spies, Intelligence in the XX century A citizen's guide to the federal budget. Budget of the United States Government. Fiscal year 1999. 39 p. A comparative analysis of economic reforms in Central and East Europe. - Edited by Carlo Frateschi&Gianni Salvini. - Darthmouth Publishing Company, Ltd., 1992., 209 p A concise economic history of the World. From Paleolithic times to the present. - by Rondo Cameron. - Oxford University press, 1997., 454 p. A Concise History of the Modern World palgrave mamillan 2002, 430 pp. A consumers' republic. The politics of mass consumption in postwar America by Elizabeth Cohen - Alfred A. Knopf, 2003; 567 pp. Page 1 A controlled trial of the adjunct use of D-cycloserine to facilitate cognitive behavioral therapy outcomes in a cocaine-dependent population. Addictive behaviors, 37. by Kennedy.A.P; 2012 bibl_Alphabetical A Course in Behavioral Economics by Angner, Erik ; 2012 A course in behavioral economics by Eric Angner - Palgrave, 2016; 318 pp. A Critique of Pure Tolerace - Beacon Press; 1969; 123 pp. A darkness more than night. - by Michael Connely - Warner Books, 2002; 470 p. A definite study of your future in publishing by Leonard Corwen - Richard's Press, 1973; 140 pp. A dictionary of accounting - Oxford University press, 1995; 375 p. A Dictionary or world history OXFORD university press 2000, 698 pp. A Different Democracy by Taylor, Steven L. - Yale University press, 2014; 378 pp. A Directory of US Resources on the Rule of Law for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union. US Institute of Peace Press, 1992, 270 p. A dream differed. America's discontent and the search for a new democratic ideal. - by Philip Slater - Beacon Press., Boston., 1991., 224 p. A duel of Giants by David Wetzel - The University of Wisconsin Press, 2001; 243 pp. A failed empire by Vladislav M. Zubov. The Soviet Union in the cold war from Stalin to Gorbachov - The University of North Carolina Press, 2007; 468 pp. A free and responsible press. general reports on mass communications, newspapers, radio, motion pictures, magazines and books. University of Chicago Press, 1947; 133 pp.1 A fresh taste of philosophy. Socrates café - Christopher Phillips, 2002; 241 pp A Glossary of terms used in the federal budget process. And related accounting, economic, and tax terms. March 1981. 135 p. A great wall. Six presidents and China: An investigative history by Patrick Tyler. - A Century Foundation Book, 1999; 464 pp. A Guide to Language Testing. Development. Evaluation. Research . - by Grant Henning - Library of Congress, 1987; 198 p. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), Project Management Institute (PMI) A guide to the project management body of knowledge. - Project management institute standards committee -, 1996; 176 p. A history of civilization by Fernand Braudel - Penguin Books, 1993; 600 pp A history of modern europe by John Merriaman;W.W norton and company, 2010; 1239 pp A History of modern europe by John Merriaman;W.W norton and company, 2010; 512 pp A History of Ostro-Goths. - by Thomas Burns - Indiana University Press, 1984; 300 p. A history of political theory. Rinehart and Winston, 1961; 948 pp. A History of Warfare -- by JOHN KEEGAN A Jeeves Omnibus. Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves The Inimitable Jeeves, Carry on Jeeves. - by P.G. Wodehouse - Dorset Press, 1963; 526 p. A journalist's guide to public opinion polls by Sheldon R. Gawiser and G.Evans Witt - PRAEGER, 1994,; 171 pp A Manual for Writing of Term Papers, Thesis and Dessertations - by Kate Turaleian - English Language Progr. Division; 1993; 203 p. A Manual of Assessment Keys for Plant Diseases By Clive James Canada Department of Agriculture Publ;ication N 1458 1971 A mathematician reads the newspaper J.A.Paulos Anchor books DUBLEDAY 1996, 212 pp. Page 2 A Memoir - by I Asimov - Bantam House, 1995; 578 p. bibl_Alphabetical A Military History of the Western World: From the Defeat of the Spanish Armada to the Battle of Waterloo (From the Defeat of the Spanish Armada to the Battle of Water) - J.F.C. Fuller A Military History of the Western World: From the Earliest Times to the Battle of Lepanto (Da Capo Paperback) - J.F.C. Fuller A modern history of Japan from Takugava times to present by Andrew Gordon - Oxford Unversity Press, 2009; 400 pp. A more secure world: Our shared responsibility. 2004, Report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, United Nations Department of Public Information A Multi-Dimensional&Operational Poverty Measurement System for Intern. Devel.Practitioners - by George Shakarishvili - LGI, 2002 A new jeneration draws the line. Kosovo, East Timor and the standards of the West by Noam Skomsky- VERSO, 2000 - 154 pp. A people's tragedy. The russian revolution 1891-1924 by Orlando Figes - PIMLICO< 1988, 923 pp. A practical Guide for Local Government Training in Central and Eastern Europe - by Daniel Serban - LGI, 2000 A practical Guide for Local Government. For decision making - by David Ammons, - Co Press, 2002 A practical guide for policy analysis. The eighth old path to more effective problem solving. - by Eugene Bardach - Chatham House, 2000; 102 p A practical guide to graphics reporting. Information graphics for print, web and broadcast by Jennifer George Palilonis - Elsevier, 2006; 186 pp. A precarious balance. Democracy and economy reforms in Eastern Europe. - Edited by Joan M. Nelson. - International Center for Economic Growth.., 1994., 184 p. A primer for policy analysis. - by Edith Stokey and Richard Zeckhauser. - W. W. Norton & Company, 1978., 356 p. A Primer on Efficiency Measurement for Utilities and Transport Regulators - by Tim Coelli and Others - World Bank,2003; 134 p. A primer on organizational behavior by James L. Bowditch and others - Wiley, 2008; 482 pp. A question of method. Teaching in the social sciences at post-soviet universities. - Civic Education Project, 2002;162 pp. A right to childhood. The US children's bureau and child welfare. 1912-1946. - by Kriste Lindenmeyer. - University of Illinois Press., 369 p. A rulebook for arguments - 4th edition - by Anthony Weston - page: 88, published by: Library of Congress A Sense of The enemy by Zachary Shore; Oxford university press, 2014; 258 pp A Short History of Drug Policy, or Why We Make War on Some Drugs and not Others. In: University of North Florida: UNF Digital Commons. by Courtwright, D. ; 2012 A son of war by Melvin Bragg - Arcade Publishers, 2001; 426 pp. A spectacle of corruption: A conspiracy of paper by David Liss. - Abacus, 2004; 389 p. A spectacle of corruption: A conspiracy of paper by David Liss. - Abacus, 2004; 389 p. A spectacle of corruption: A conspiracy of paper by David Liss. - Random House, 2004; 379 p. A spectacle of corruption: A conspiracy of paper by David Liss. - Random House, 2004; 379 p. A Study of War (Midway Reprint) - Quincy Wright A survival kit. For school publications advisers. 1987; 199 pp. A system-based approach to policymaking. - Edited by Kenyon B. De Greene. Kluwer ACADEMIC Publishers., 1993., 355 p. A theory of justice. By John Rawels. - Harward University Press., 1971., 603 p. A Theory of Rational Addiction." The Journal of Political Economy96(4): 675-700. by Becker, G. S. and K. M. Murphy ; 1988 Page 3 A Time for Soldiers. - by Andrew Jolly - Dutton and Company, 1976; 304 p. bibl_Alphabetical A Trader’s Guide to Futures, Thought Leadership with a Global Perspective A vision for the Future.A report to the Lorain Country Group. - by Peter Szanton. - 37 p. A world Restored by Henry Kissinger; Echo point books and media, 2013; 354 pp A Writer's Ireland. Landscape in Literature. - by William Trevor. - The Wiking Press, 1984; 192 p. A Writer's Reference with Writing in the Disciplines by Diana Hacker , Nancy Sommers - Bedford/St. Martin's; Seventh Edition edition (April 8, 2011) A Writer's Reference with Writing in the Disciplines by Diana Hacker , Nancy Sommers - Bedford/St. Martin's; Seventh Edition edition (April 8, 2011) Abolishing Performance Appraisals Abolishing Performance Appraisals: Why They Backfire and What to Do Instead by Tom Coens, Mary Jenkins; 2002 Abraham Lincoln - Gettysburg Address - November 19, 1863 ACCA paper F7. Financial reporting.
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