THE Subscription SINGLE $1.00 Kneipp mater Cure monthly COPIES a year. AND to Cents, G HERALD OF HEALTH. <A Magazine Demoted to Natural Healing Methods, Hydrotherapy and Kindred Topics, also the Development and Maintenance of Perfect Physical and Mental Welfare, to the Exclusion of Drugs and Non-accidental Surgery. PUBLISHED BY THE KNEIPP MAGAZINES PUBLISHING COMPANY. B. LUST, Editor and Manager. Office: III EAST 59TH STREET, bet. Tark and Lexington A<oes., NEW YORK. Vol. II. MARCH, 1901. No. 3. The Origin of Most Chronic Diseases. perhaps may frighten someone, who until now believed himself to do right, and what only was his duty, and Especially the Chronic Diseases of the Female Sex. he may look for reasons, to justify the old belief and his conduct; but let him only observe the animals, and By Dr. A. Rosch. from them he may learn what is right. Then let him go and do what instinct alone has taught them, with (Translated from the German by the "Kneipp Water- clear conscience that will help to dignify his position Cure Monthly.") more than the sullen pride, which lowers him much below the animal. II. The tree of knowledge is still standing in the For instance, bring a male animal in proximity to a pregnant female of his kind. If it is still in the garden of our earthly paradise, and reason has been very first stadium, after a still recent fertile pairing, given to man, so that he may recognize the prohibition the male animal may show some desire and might of our Lord, but this prohibition refers only to the try an attempt for a new pairing, but tne female will unripe fruit of the tree of knowledge, for the enjoy­ not allow it under any circumstances. She will de­ ing the ripe fruit has been allowed us by the com­ fend herself. I Only such animals like dogs, etc., which, mand : "Be fertile and multiply/' With other words after a first fertile pairing, are still able to receive a the fructification of the female blossom, when the time further fertilization and throw several youngsters, of is due, is natural. The misuse of sexual intercourse which each one is the picture of another father, only after conception and during the period of suckling, these animals allow the pairing act to be repeated however, is unnatural, and is the cause of all those several times.* evil consequences, which we perceive daily, for which Very shortly after the fertilizing act, there may we are not able to find a right name and proper reme­ in the sexual organs of the female animal still per­ dies ; about which there has been thought and written tain so much voluptuousness, that she does not resist so very much, and the principal cause of which has the second and third coupling. But already after a always been overlooked—because it was too proxi­ few days, nature takes another direction, or we might mate. say, the other direction, which she had taken imme­ This is a truth, which may astonish many a one, diately after the fertilization, is noticeable, the creatory but which should fill with joy the proper thinking, act seems to be accomplished, and the animal takes it judicious man, because he now will find it to be in to be so. Only reason-endowed man may err, and his own power to be happier in future—i. e., to remain does so. Man believes himself entitled to a continu­ longer in Paradise, if he so wishes. ous enjoyment, and he even believes it necessary to Many a great physician has in his writings passed demonstrate his virility by often repeated sexual in­ in great proximity to this great truth, so that it is a tercourse, and in the very first few weeks of connubial matter of wonder that they did not actually fall upon bliss, he lays the foundation of those later-appearing it, but they all eventually only passed by it. untold sufferings, which first attack the wife, and then Yes, man has even in his superior wisdom made according to how her constitution modifies these suf­ this unnatural sexual intercourse a law—and of course ferings, act enemically back upon him, anu his whole has to bear the consequences of this enormous mis­ household. Thus complications and deceptions arise, take—this is man's advantage before the unthinking which in vain one may endeavor to straighten, if one animal. does not recognize the above specified sinning against What should give man the sole privilege, to dis­ nature as the key to the whole situation. obey the strict rules of nature with impunity; and how could he be so blind to accept this trespassing upon the laws of nature amongst his duties, to enable this *The writer of this article locked up a bitch with voluntary destruction of health with the name of "con­ three male dogs of different races and colors, and the jugal duties," how could the lawgivers forget them­ bitch threw four young ones, two of which resembled selves so far to inflict punishments and legal penal­ the one dog, and the other two each one of the other ties for the omission of this unnatural crime? This dogs, not only in race, but also color* THE KNEIPP WATER CURE MONTHLY. The act of creation, by which a human being is It is true that by friction the female sexual organs formed, is celebrated by nature most- ceremoniously will get heated, and occasionally will apparently ap­ fey adding to its all those charms, whicii are worthy of proach the culmination-point of voluptuous sensation, such a moment, and by them she maintains the world. but that event does not arrive, because a real fertiliza­ This generative instinct is as powerful and as tion is now not any more possible, an,d the repeated important as the power which prescribes to all stars sexual intercourse becomes nothing but a pernicious their orbits around the sun. Therefore the greatest continuous irritation of the female nature without enjoyment contained in animal life is attached to same, natural result. and should on that account fall together with the sum­ I shudder before the name, which this fulfillment mit of life; the nuptials should be the pinnacle of of conjugal duties merits, but the seeker after truth human ambiguity. .. t must not recoil before her, even if she leads him to Therefore it is evident that the enjoyment which unpleasant other truths—and therefore it shall be pro­ lies in sexual intercourse, isnot the final aim, and nounced: It is nothing more and nothing less, but that this mighty, holy instinct is not a plaything for what we understand under the name of "Onanism." idle hours, but only the powerful medium for the ful­ filling of a great natural purpose. He who still doubts this, after what we have al­ Just as little as the good tas|te of food, or the ready said, should only compare the diseases, which result from onanism, with those that we here are sweet sleep are in itself the object, or as little as the talking about, and he will find that they are identically law commands man, always to eat or to sleep, just as the same. little is sexual intercourse in itself the object, but only a medium for the complete development of human It is even a worse onanism than the self-pollu­ nature. tion because it is at the same time pernicious to As soon as the fertilization of the female blossom three human beings, to the father, to the mother and has been accomplished, then with the wife the pur­ to the poor nascent child. The brooding hen does pose has been accomplished, and any further forcible not admit the cock, although she has nothing else to cohabitation is not only purposeless, but pernicious. do but to heat the eggs; but the wife, whose body The wife discontinues now to enjoy the sexual harbors the nascent human being, and who nourishes it intercourse, the female sexual organs lose their former with her own blood, shall vilify hersfclf by an act desire for pleasure, and the wife now has no more the which dishonors her motherhood, as it impedes the previous pleasant sensations from carnal relations. development of the fruit under her heart; and the All these are proofs that nature forbids further inter­ father is the first enemy of the child; and both do it course to her. because they think it their duty! With man it is different; he may at certain times Has the world at large ever harbored greater non­ continue to fructify, if he should find a momentarily sense than this, and may we talk of culture in a world suited woman. Sometimes even, through some other which has permitted such an evident, life-encroaching excitement, he gets strong inward longing after same. error to still exist? But the laws of monogamy are in his way to smooth It certainly is a humiliating sensation, when one this disadvantage, the law has instituted the conjugal has recognized this fact, and thinks of his past ac­ rights, and thereby condemned the husband as well tions. About the same sensations must have been as the wife to unnatural courses which are contrary felt by the first man and woman, when the punishing to the laws of nature. eye of the Lord searched for them, and they thought Through this error, which does not seem to be to be able to hide themselves and their shame.
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