Catena 170 (2018) 108–118 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Catena journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/catena Alpine catena response to nitrogen deposition and its effect on the aquatic system T ⁎ M. Iggy Litaora, , K. Sudingb,c, S.P. Andersonb,d, G. Lituse, N. Caineb,d a MIGAL – Galilee Research Institute and Tel Hai College, 1220800, Israel b Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0450, USA c Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0334, USA d Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309-0260, USA e Western Colorado Research Center, Colorado State University, Grand Junction, CO 81503, USA ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Alpine areas are vulnerable to nitrogen (N) deposition because of low N-buffering capacity and limited ability to Nitrogen (N) deposition resist change. The objective of the study was to assess if > 30 years of N deposition have resulted in a decline in Catena exchangeable base cations (CB) coupled with an increase of exchangeable aluminum (Al). We used soil and Exchangeable base cations (CB) stream data sampled between 1982 and 2015 at Green Lakes Valley, Colorado Front Range to evaluate the Exchangeable aluminum (Al) change in an alpine catena. The CB in the surface horizons of the summit position decreased significantly from −1 −1 −1 45 cmolc kg in 1982 to 2.3 cmolc kg in 2015, while the exchangeable Al increased from 0.09 cmolc kg to −1 −1 −1 0.7 cmolc kg in the summit and from 8.9 cmolc kg to 10.5 cmolc kg in the toeslope. Spatiotemporal dis- tribution of soil moisture along the catena exhibited the lowest values during the winter months because the temperature was below freezing. The soil moisture increased in early spring as soil-temperature rose. A Seasonal − − Kendall test (SK) showed that the soil moisture decreased along the catena by −0.007 m3 m 3 yr 1(P < 0.001). − The soil moisture trend coincided with a soil temperature increase from the summit to toeslope of 0.68° yr 1. Segmental SK analysis of acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) measured in the outlet of the lake below the catena − − showed a decrease of −2.15 μeq L 1 yr 1 for the first monitoring period from 1982 to 1995, and an increase by − − 0.51 μeq L 1 yr 1 during the second monitoring period from 1995 to 2014. These trend analyses attest to the limited influence of the alpine soil system on the overall aquatic chemistry. Hence, a clear distinction should be made between the alpine soils and the terrestrial system (e.g., rock glacier, taluses, and screes). Most of the soils have little impact on the aquatic system, whereas other terrestrial features are more important in this regard. 1. Introduction such as the Southern Alps, high N wet deposition was observed with − − respect to critical loads (60–70 meq m 2 y 1), computed as the sum of Acid deposition of reactive N has affected a variety of environments ammonium and nitrate (Rogora et al., 2016). N deposition has also been globally, in particular pristine mountain areas (Burns et al., 2016; found in Asian alpine terrains such as the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Pannatier et al., 2011; Rice and Herman, 2012; Williams et al., 2015). studied by Zhao et al. (2017) and the base of Mt. Everest, which is Monitoring programs and experimental studies indicated that in re- exposed to N deposition from fossil fuel combustion (Balestrini et al., sponse to N deposition, many complex biogeochemical processes have 2016). caused shifts in chemical species, soil base-cation gains or losses, and The Long-Term Ecological Research site in Niwot Ridge (NWT changes in plant biodiversity (Bowman et al., 2014). Other studies LTER), Colorado Front Range provides an excellent opportunity to as- suggested that remote regions in western North America are exhibiting sess the impact of N deposition over time, since long-term compre- symptoms of ecological sensitivity because of N deposition (Fenn et al., hensive data sets have been collected there for over 35 years. Data 2003; Lieb et al., 2011). In particular, alpine zones are vulnerable to N collected by the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) deposition because of shallow soil cover with low N buffering capacity, from the Saddle grid, Niwot Ridge, Colorado (Fig. 1) suggest that N − + −1 causing insufficient biotic sequestration of N deposition. This, in turn, loading (NO3 +NH4 ) increased from 6.4 kg N ha in 1984 to a − results in acidification and soil base-cation loss. In other alpine areas, peak of 31.5 kg N ha 1 in 2000, followed by a steady decrease to ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Iggy Litaor). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2018.06.004 Received 19 October 2017; Received in revised form 27 April 2018; Accepted 4 June 2018 Available online 09 June 2018 0341-8162/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. M. Iggy Litaor et al. Catena 170 (2018) 108–118 Fig. 1. Green Lakes Valley and Niwot Ridge LTER site. The two study sites are the catena adjacent to Green Lake 4 and the area known as the Saddle grid. The D1 meteorological station is located on the ridge above Green Lake 4 at 3743 m. Climate and weather data have been collected since 1964. − 9.5 kg ha 1 in 2016 (http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/NADP/). The N loading on Niwot Ridge at elevation of 3500 m is significantly higher than an- other alpine NADP site (3112 m) located approximately 35 km away in Loch Vale, Rocky Mountain National Park (Fig. 2). The origin of these N − species is mostly summer upslope rain events carrying NO3 from the + urban corridor between Denver and Fort Collins and NH4 from agri- cultural activities on the plains east of the Front Range (Burns, 2003). The difference between the two sites is probably the proximity of Niwot Ridge to the Denver metropolitan area. Under such loading rates, the pristine alpine ecosystems of the Colorado Front Range have already shown evidence of N saturation, which has led to a change from non- exporting to exporting N (Williams et al., 1996; Williams and Tonnessen, 2000). On the other hand, a study by Mast et al. (2014) suggested that stream nitrate concentrations in Loch Vale just north of Niwot Ridge have declined by over 40% since the mid-2000s in re- sponse to a decrease in N emissions. A conceptual model developed by Bowman et al. (2014) suggests that elevated N deposition in an alpine ecosystem will change biotic composition and chemistry, which, in turn, will increase rates of N − − cycling and expand soil NO3 pools. The expansion of NO3 pools should decrease exchangeable base cation pools, increase exchangeable Al and soil acidity, and decrease soil pH and buffering capacity. The latter two processes would then cause a decrease in the net primary production rate of the alpine ecosystem. From this conceptual model, Bowman et al. (2014) developed a prediction for a worst-case scenario for alpine ecosystem change under N deposition, increasing from a − + −1 −1 −1 −1 Fig. 2. Total N deposition (NO3 +NH4 )kgha yr in Niwot Ridge and background rate of 0.2 kg N ha yr to a high loading of − − Rocky Mountain National Park. Data was extracted from the NADP-NTN ar- 40 kg N ha 1 yr 1. Their model suggests that significant leaching of chive. − NO3 will occur from an alpine ecosystem experiencing a deposition − − rate of 10–15 kg N ha 1 yr 1, and if N deposition rate were to reach 109 M. Iggy Litaor et al. Catena 170 (2018) 108–118 − − 28 kg N ha 1 yr 1, the alpine soil system will undergo major acid- The alpine catena study site slopes west towards Green Lake 4 on a ification coupled with an increase in aluminum toxicity. It should be till-mantled section of the valley floor and is 125 m long by 15 to 25 m noted, however, that in addition to anthropogenic loading, the ob- wide. The thickness of the till over the bedrock has not been measured served increase of stream nitrate concentrations in some alpine catch- but rough field estimation suggests 2 to 3 m. The GLV was deglaciated ments is also attributed to climate change impact on N transport and between 18 and 12 ka (Dühnforth and Anderson, 2011); hence the ca- internal changes in catchment hydrology (Baron et al., 2013). tena soils have begun developing sometimes after 12 ka. The Green Lake Many studies were conducted to ascertain the impact of N deposi- 4 (GL4) catchment extends to the Continental Divide at an elevation tion on the alpine ecosystem of the Colorado Front Range, in particular slightly above 4000 m and drains an area of 2.25 km2 above an eleva- in the NWT LTER site. For example, the impact of N deposition on tion of 3515 m (Fig. 1). The watershed is typical of the alpine en- vegetation composition, diversity, and productivity was clearly identi- vironment of the Colorado Front Range with long, cool winters and a fied by Bowman et al. (2006, 2012), Seastedt and Vaccaro (2001), and short growing season of one to three months. The soils along the catena Suding et al. (2008) among others. Alpine soil microbial community are classified as Typic Cryumbrepts (Litaor, 1987a). To further assess structure, function, and nutrient cycling were evaluated by Nemergut the impact of N deposition on alpine soil chemistry, additional soil et al. (2008), who found marked changes in the assemblage of bacterial samples were collected from an experimental site in an area known as communities and minimal changes in fungi.
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