MICHAEL K. DEAVER: The concept of the Manhattan Project had, to reach President Roosevelt from Alexaneer Sachsi over the heads of all of his closest nationa security and military advisors. This concept has to reach President Reagan, over the heads of the National Security Council. We have condensed 30 years study into an hour-long audio-visual briefing. Two hours is minimum to set aside. I will make the briefing available to you personally any time ofi day, evening or week­ end, any place you select, for you to decide if it warrants the personal attention of the President. Howard G. Kurtz Attached excerpt from October 27,1983 issue of ROLLING STONE appeared on Washington news stands day before yesterday. The article by William Greider, former Assistant Managing Editor of the WASHINGTON ~~~ith our efforts to help the President. ••a•• SPECIAL DELIVERY \\'Al~ c:c>NTl~()I. 1>1.;.\NNIEl~S' INC:. October 21 Box 19121 Washington,D.C. 20036 1983 202/785-0708 My previous attempts to help President Reagan by writing to you December 31,1981, June 13,1982, and February 14,1983 failed to earn your personal attention. Time may be running out and this is one more, final, attempt. Soon it may be too late. Hon. Michael K. Deaver The White House cc: Mr. Larry Speakes Assistant to the President Dear Michael K. Deaver: Press Affairs A war is not lost on the battlefield. It is lost long in advance in the mind of one person, the Commander-in-Chief .•• the Napoleon, the Hitler, the President of the United States totally unfamiliar with the character and magnitude of approaching world chaos, waiting for the National Security Council Staff to bring him the right script. With Judge William P. Clark, a man of vast integrity and loyalty to the President, completely unfamiliar with the utter complexity of the global crisis, no creative concepts have eeen able to reach the mind of President Reagan. Eleanor Roosevelt cautioned my late wife Harriet and me that breakthrough strategic power concepts can never move upwards in a political chain-of-command, and that the concept of the Manhattan Project had to reach President Roosevelt over the heads of all of his closest national security, military and foreign affairs advisors. That is why I have tried to break through to you, with conclusions from our thirty year new-depth study of the endless cycle of WAR-PEACE-WAR-PEACE-WAR-PEACE-WAR which has plagued all human history, and once again is epidemic and threatening the future of humankind. At Pearl Harbor Japan illustrated that a nation ( the U.S.) threatened by foreign military power1 in its anxiety willingly turns itself over to an authoritarian leader(Roosevelt) and willingly suffers and sacrifices to follow his leadership. Every U.S. initiative developed by the National Security Council for a generation for Presidential action has further threatened the Soviet people, causing them te turn themselves over more completely to their leader in the Kremlin, and to suffer and scarifice to fight back. Every Soviet defensive expansion has increased the threat to the U.S. and has increased budgets to expand U.S. global military power. Presidential advisors in this field come mostly from financial/industrial/military interests prospering from the Kremlin expansion. Today every new initiative by President Reagan not only threatens the Soviet people, but threatens the future of the people of all 157 nations. The President has been led by inadequate advice, into a deadly, dead-end strategic trap. In their anxiety the American people are now destroying themselves in the destructive debates among the "DIS-ARMERS" the "RE-ARMERS" and the "FREEZERS". There are initiatives the President, personally, could take which would place him in orbit as the Great World Statesman of history. These initiatives have been blocked and killed in the National Security Council for nearly twenty years. We invested ~_r_:~,......... than thirty years and somewhat more than available resources in the study. ~·~I1 CONTRIBUTIONS DEDUCTIBLE FOR INCOME, GIFT OR ESTATE TAX PURPOSES HOWARD G. KURTZ Incorporated in New York State; Box 35, Chappaqua, N. Y. 10514 :;; co • Ill 111111 ••• 0 .. ; a e $ •sss • • 0 ¥ , NEWSLETTER FROM THE FRONTIERS OF A FUTURE CIVILIZED WORLD ORDER A Project of War Control Planners, Inc. Checkpo I nt Box 19127. Washington. D.C. 20036 Phone (202) 785-0708 Harriet 8. Kurtz (1915-1977) Founding Editor Howard G. Kurtz - Editor 0 • 0 0 aS 0 Si • • • Si s: .. aSSSS·S · Si SS SSS ¥ • s == Nat'ionlll Affa,i;n; *' THE SHOOTOUT FALLOUT ....... Looking beyond the deadly,dead-end debates of the "DIS-ARMERS", the "RE-ARMERS", the "FREEZERS" and the "STAR WARRIORS" . By William Greider .... an excerpt Meet Dr. Robert Muller, Assistant Secretary General, United Nations, New York 10017, USA, the unofficial earthly prophet of a future civilized world order. Also William Greider the rare editor­ Cockburn puts tt this way: "The degree to which we are all in the power of harebrained journalist capable of reporting the realities of future Life Support people-that's the truly frightening thing, Systems for Planet Earth. whatever actually happened. What could the Americans really have fuund out? On the May they both hear from you direct, if you care. H.G.K. other hand, what was the Soviet Union really going to lose by letting the plane go? We have for permission to publish, contact to concern ourselves with the antics of buf­ fuons." Cl c r o s ER 2 7 • I i; r<, , AT THIS GWOMY MOMENT IN HISTORY, IT seems appropriate to introduce an interna­ wants to do this. tional diplomat who is a genuine optimist in They really don'twant to disarm." this dangerous world. He is Dr. Robert The idea fur an international sat­ Muller, an assistant secretary general of the ellite cooperative originated with Editor and Publiaher: JANN s. WENNER United Nations who has been working fur Americans - Howard Kurtz and international peace there fur thirty-fu..e years. his late wife, Harriet, and their Managing Edi-: DAVID ROSENTHAL Nacicmal Editor: WIWAM GREIDER And despite recent events, he belie\leS that Washington-based peace organiza­ modern nations may actually survive i:heir tion, War Control Planners. role that satellite monitoring could patient diplomacy to accomplish, own fullies. Thanks to Muller,Kurtz' proposal play in preventing or settling crises even ifoptimists like Muller prevail, "I see that the human species is trying to was passed to the French govern­ in various parts of ,the world and because it profuundiy threatens the save itself/' Muller reflects. "I think it will ment, which furmally proposed it as thus contributing to confidence­ status quo. Military interests both succeed. Ewn this Korean Air Lines incident a UN. initiative in 1978. building among nations." here and in the U.S.S.R. are abso­ is going to give us something positive. 1he The French won approval &om No one, of course, expects the lutely opposed to any sharing of Russians will see that they can never do this the UN. General Assembly fur a United States or the Soviet Union intelligence-gathering technology. again-that the 'WOl'ld will no long-er tolerate fuasibiliry study of the idea, but both or any other nation to abandon its Economic interests are likewise such violence. On the other hand, the United the U.S. and the U.S.5.R.abstained. own national intelligence systems. hostile to the idea, because the States will see that this situation is too dan­ After three years' worlc:,an inttma­ But a new international agency global satellite cooperative that gerous. Next time this happens, the United tional .. committee of twelve experts could cool off the superpowers' Howard Kurtz envisions could also States will have to call the Russians and warn produced a report in 1982 and asked rivalf)-; ensuring that clear interna­ share with poor nations valuable them." the General Assembly to approve tional warnings are sounded when · data collected on weather, mineral At the UN., Muller, a Frenchman, oper­ its publication and distribution. dangerous events occur. The report resources, crop production and ates as a kind offreelance thinlctt who collects Russia and eight Communist satel­ lays out a three-stage blueprint fur oceanic exploration. Fortunately, new ideas fur creating international stability lite nations voted no. The United creating a global monitoring agen­ satellite technology is now shared and peddles them to whichever nations seem States again abstained, joined by cy that calls fur the construction of widelyenough among nations that interested. A few years back, he came across such odd bedfellows as Cuba, ten ground stations and several any international agency can be cre­ an extraordinary proposal that would go a Afghanistan, Laos and Viemam. data-processing centers. Even­ ated without any technical coopera­ long way toward defusing the dangerous The 123-page report, now avail­ tually, it would employ interna­ tion from the two superpowers. But intelligence games played by the two super­ able through the UN. publications tionally owned satellites fur optical, they can block the idea politically. powers. The idea calls fur an international sat­ office in New York, concludes that infrared and radar scanning. Also, Robert Muller believes that epi­ ellite-monitoring agency operated through such an international system is both low-altitude satellites could, under sodes like KAL 007 will eventually the UN. that would use modern intelligence technically and legally fuasible. The the plan, be maneuvered over areas convince governments that they technology to prevent war. This global satel­ group of experts, chaired by Dr. of crisis fur close-up intelligence must embrace new international lite agency would look into every nation's Hubert G.
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