7 Madrid, SPAIN 7 2013 7 Madrid, SPAIN Madrid , Spain September 19-20, 2013 EDITORS Ignacio Blanquer Isabel Campos Gonçalo Borges Jorge Gomes ISBN 978-84-9048-110-3 http://www.ibergrid,eu/2013 [email protected] GOBIERNO MINISTERIO DE ESPAÑA DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD 2013 IBERGRID 7th IBERIAN Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings Madrid, Spain September 19th20th 2013 Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València The contents of this publication have been subject to revision by Scientific Committee First edition, 2013 Editors Ignacio Blanquer Universitat Polit`ecnicade Val`encia Isabel Campos Instituto de F´ısicade Cantabria Gon¸caloBorges Laborat´oriode Instrumenta¸c~aoe F´ısicaExpermiental de Particulas Jorge Gomes Laborat´oriode Instrumenta¸c~aoe F´ısicaExpermiental de Particulas ©of this edition: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València Distribution: Tel. +34 – 963 877 012 / http://www.lalibreria.upv.es / Ref.: 2241 ISBN 978-84-9048-110-3 (Versión impresa) Print on demand This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. IBERGRID'2013 III Contents Message from the conference chairs ....................... V Chairs ......................................................... VI Session I: Energy Efficiency Infrastructures SPARKS, a dynamic power-aware approach for managing computing cluster resources .................................................. 3 J. Martins , G. Borges, N. Dias, H. Gomes, J. Gomes, J. Pina, C. Manuel Performance and Energy Aware Scheduling Simulator for High-Performance Computing ...................................... 17 C. G´omez, M. A. Vega, J.L. Gonz´alez,J. Corral, D. Cort´es Session II: Interoperability and Federation of Infrastructures Towards Federated Cloud Image Management ........................ 33 A. Sim´on,E.Freire,R.Rosende,I.D´ıaz, A. Feij´oo, P. Rey, J. L´opez-Cacheiro, C. Fern´andez,O. Synge Infrastructure-Agnostic Programming and Interoperable Execution in Heterogeneous Grids .............................................. 45 E. Tejedor, J. Alvarez,´ R.M. Badia Session III: Advanced Data Processing Graph Database for Structured Radiology Reporting .................. 61 L. D´ıaz, D. Segrelles, E. Torres, I. Blanquer Big data and urban mobility ....................................... 75 A. Tugores, P. Colet Analyzing File Access Patterns in Distributed File-systems ............. 89 J. Gomes, J. Pina, G. Borges, J. Martins, N. Dias, H. Gomes, C. Manuel IV IBERGRID'2013 Studying the improving of data locality on distributed Grid applications in bioinformatics .................................................. 103 J. Herrera, I. Blanquer Session IV: Scientific Clouds Service Construction Tools for Easy Cloud Deployment ................ 119 J.Ejarque,A.Sulistio,F.Lordan,P.Gilet,R.Sirvent,R.M. Badia Platform to Ease the Deployment and Improve the Availability of TRENCADIS Infrastructure ........................................ 133 D. Segrelles, M. Caballer, E. Torres, G. Molt´o, I. Blanquer Analysis of Scientific Cloud Computing requirements .................. 147 A. L´opez,E.Fern´andez Easing the Structural Analysis Migration to the Cloud ................. 159 M.Caballer,P.delaFuente,P.Lozano,J.M.Alonso,C.de Alfonso, V. Hern´andez Session IV: Scientific Applications in Distributed Infrastructures Leveraging Hybrid Data Infrastructure for Ecological Niche Modelling: The EUBrazilOpenBio Experience .................................. 175 I. Blanquer, L. Candela, P. Pagano, E. Torres An unattended and fault-tolerant approach for the execution of distributed applications ............................................ 189 M. Rodr´ıguez-Pascual,R. Mayo-Garc´ıa Calculation of Two-Point Angular Correlation Function: Implementations on Many-Core and Multicore Processors .............. 203 M. C´ardenas-Montes et al Performance Assessment of a Chaos-based Image Cipher on Multi-GPU .. 215 J.J. Rodr´ıguez-V´azquez, M. C´ardenas-Montes Operation of the ATLAS Spanish Tier-2 during the LHC Run I ......... 227 E. Oliver et al The LHC Tier1 at PIC: experience from first LHC run and getting prepared for the next .............................................. 241 J. Flix et al Author Index ................................................ 255 IBERGRID'2013 V Message from the conference chairs 2013 is becoming a challenge year for the research in Europe in general and both in Spain and Portugal in particular. Reduction on investment is making scientist to become more and more efficient on the use of resources and international cooperation will become a key target. These major aims are clearly reflected on the activity of IBERGRID. The usage of the resources of the IBERGRID NGI has increased in a 18% from last year reaching almost 180 million KSI2K hours from July 2012 until June 2013. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments continue representing the major share of these usage, but multidisciplinary Virtual Organizations keep the same share as previous years, being IBERGRID one of top NGIs in EGI dedicating a major share to non-LHC scientists. On the other side, the usage of the EGI infrastructure by Spanish users have increased up to 161 million KSI2K hours from July 2012 until June 2013, 20% more than in the same period of the previous year. The participation of Spanish institutions in European projects in Research Infrastructures has increased up to 12 European projects, some of them showing their result on this book. This year’s edition specially addresses cloud computing and expertise from user communities. Challenges such as the federation of virtual infrastructures and the easy deployment of services and virtual appliances constitute a major trend in today’s research. The Spanish participation in the EGI’s Virtualized Clouds Task Force has been important and relevant. Regarding the use cases, experiences in the LHC, energy, biodiversity, en- gineering and security will be presented and discussed, surely showing many common points for exchanging approaches and solutions. ICT advances in dis- tributed systems in terms of data, fault-tolerance and interoperability will also be presented. Finally, it is important to mention that IBERGIRD organizes the 2013 Tech- nical Forum of EGI in Madrid, Spain. This event will bring over 400 of par- ticipants with interest on distributed infrastructures for research, including top members of the European Commission. This seventh IBERGRID conference has been co-located with this major event. We believe that attendees to IBERGRID will strongly benefit from the wider scope of the technical forum while increasing the changes of impact to their presentations. IBERGRID is a mature and lively community that seamlessly work with a wide impact on the Spanish and Portuguese research communities. It constitutes a major example of bi-lateral cooperation and a solid partner for international cooperation. The Conference Chairs Ignacio Blanquer, Isabel Campos Gon¸calo Borges, Jorge Gomes VI IBERGRID'2013 Chairs Conference Chairs Ignacio Blanquer, Universitat Polit`ecnicade Val`encia- UPV Isabel Campos, Instituto de F´ısicade Cantabria - IFCA-CSIC Gon¸calo Borges, Laborat´oriode Instrumenta¸c˜ao e F´ısica Expermiental de Particulas - LIP Jorge Gomes, Laborat´orio de Instrumenta¸c˜ao e F´ısica Expermiental de Particulas - LIP Scientific Advisory Committee Ignacio Blanquer Andreu Pacheco Tom´as de Miguel Isabel Campos Ant´onioPina Victor Castelo Carlos Fern´andez Eduardo Huedo Carlos Redondo Francisco Castej´on Enol Fern´ndez Rosa Badia Jesus Marco Gaspar Barreira Miguel C´ardenas-Montes Vicente Hern´andez Gonzalo Merino Germ´an Molt´o Jorge Gomes Ignacio L´opez Erik Torres Gon¸calo Borges Javier G. Tobo Dami´an Segrelles Mario David Javier Lopez Carlos de Alfonso Jo˜ao Pina Jose Salt V´ıtor Oliveira Alvaro Fern´andez Josep Flix Helmut Wolters Local Organizing Sponsors Committee Jointly promoted by Ignacio Blanquer Spanish Ministry of Isabel Campos Science and Innovation Carlos Fern´andez Funda¸c˜ao para a Antonio Fuentes Ciˆenciae Tecnologia Francisco Castej´on Miguel Caballer Enrique Bayonne With the Support of Instituto de F´ısica de Cantabria - IFCA-CSIC Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia - UPV IBERGRID'2013 3 SPARKS, a dynamic power-aware approach for managing computing cluster resources J. Martins G. Borges, N. Dias, H. Gomes, J. Gomes, J. Pina, C. Manuel Laborat´oriode Instrumenta¸c˜ao e F´ısica Experimental de Part´ıculas, Portugal [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. SPARKS is a new flexible and modular solution to optimize the execution of computing tasks with the minimum of available resources, focusing on power consumption reduction. SPARKS acts as a third party agent inter playing with the Local Resource Management System (LRMS) and the cluster resources. The agent tries to influence the resource al- location decisions with the objective to concentrate executing tasks in non-filled hosts, minimize the necessity to wake-up new resources, and power down unused hosts. The proposed approach provides the necessary resources to the LRMS without really interfering on any of its scheduling decisions guaranteeing that the resource allocation policies are never in- fringed. 1 Introduction High Energy and Particle Physics research institutions are well known to host scientists performing state of the art research with extraordinary computing power requirements. Such researchers are normally part of wider worldwide col- laborations focused, at a technical level, on the processing of large amounts of experimental data collected at big
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