15 Context and key drivers 02 16 2.1/ Current policy objectives The strategic masterplan Strategies and policies operative at Key issues and objectives in respect of • Eden District Council Strategic acknowledges and responds to a national, regional and local scale will these policy drivers are identified in the Housing Land Availability Assessment wide range of contextual factors continue to shape development and following key documents, which (2009) (SHLAA) regeneration activity in and around developers are urged to research when • Eden District Council Five Year Supply that represent both constraints to Penrith. The strategic masterplan is preparing proposals. of Deliverable Land (SHLAA Update) and opportunities for growth and based on a clear understanding of (2010) development. Planning for these, demonstrating strategic alignment • Local Investment Plan for Cumbria • Annual Monitoring Data 2009-2010 significant scale of change and a holistic approach to sustainable 2010 / 2011(Cumbria Coordination – Eden District Council (2010) demands that a wide range of development. Group/Homes and Communities • Cumbria Housing Strategy 2006/2011 existing and potential issues be Agency 2010) • Strategic Housing Market Key objectives fall under the following • Eden District Council adopted Core Assessment: Eden Valley North appreciated, and that appropriate broad policy drivers, as explored over Strategy DPD (2010) Housing Market Area – Cumbria response to these be embedded in the following pages; • Eden District Council Housing Sub-Regional Housing Group (2009) the plan. Development Plan Document: Issues (SHMA) • Housing, Housing Need and and Options Paper (2007), and • Penrith Housing Study – Penrith Extensive baseline research has Affordability Housing Development Plan Document: Partnership (2006) been produced to identify the key • Regeneration and Economic Issues and Options, Alternative Sites • The Penrith Masterplan – Penrith Development Consultation (2008) Partnership (2007) drivers behind the plan. These are • Employment Land Study – Eden summarised as; District Council (2009) 2.1 Current policy objectives 2.2 Property market trends 2.3 Quality of place 2.4 Environmental constraints 2.5 Movement and transport A strategic masterplan for 02 Penrith / Context and key drivers / 17 2.1.1/ Housing, Housing Need and Council’s Core Strategy (CS), and development on greenfield sites around base on the County’s housing market. Affordability reflects EDC’s commitment to the Penrith. While both the SHLAA and Key concerns and issues arising housing target numbers set out in the Housing DPD issues and options papers - identified in the LIP – include the The Local Investment Plan (LIP) for now revoked RSS. Policy CS2 – suggest that sufficient housing land growth in house prices by 90 percent Cumbria is based on the vision of; Locational Strategy states that Penrith is would be available, a key challenge is seen in the period 2002-2007 (prices in the Key Service Centre for Eden and will the rate of delivery, as past completion Eden and South Lakeland are amongst “Building on the county’s be the focus for large scale rates have not achieved 164 dwellings/ the highest in the North West of attractiveness as a place to live, work development, town centre regeneration, pa. England). High prices combined with low and visit; the delivery of a range of new housing and strategic employment Indeed, other studies suggest that even incomes produce unbalanced house innovative and sustainable projects sites. Accordingly, Penrith is set to higher targets are required, notably the price to income ratios, and severe will secure a better quality of life for accommodate 60 percent of Eden’s total SHMA which indicates an average affordability problems. current and future generations. housing growth through to 2025. This annual requirement for 337 market-led Cumbria will work towards balanced equates to a need to provide 2600 new dwellings/pa and 83 affordable The SHMA reiterates the affordability housing markets which support the homes in Penrith within the plan period, dwellings/pa. The SHMA suggests an gap - house prices being recorded at social and economic changes that the at a rate of 164 dwellings/pa. additional 844 market-led properties seven times median income and nine county will undergo over the next (182 affordable properties) are also times lower quartile income in 2007, and twenty years.” Policy CS10 Affordable Housing sets a needed to address previous shortfalls. entry level properties are £43,000 more minimum target of 92 new affordable expensive in Eden Valley North than The LIP identifies that Cumbria needs dwellings/pa, requiring 30 percent of Affordable housing is a major issue in County averages. an increased supply of high quality open homes on each new development be Eden. As one of four sub-regional Vision market and affordable housing to attract affordable. This is seen as comprising Boards ‘Eden and South Lakeland 2.1.2/ Regeneration and Economic and retain those with the skills to 83:17 split between social rented Forward’ has developed a strategic Development support economic growth. housing and intermediate designation. programme of investment, a key theme The Core Strategy, reflecting the Local occupancy clauses should be of which is the provision of Affordable Housing need is embedded in the attached to affordable homes. Housing on the basis of a recognised shortage. The Cumbria Housing The CS accepts that meeting these Executive Group has a strong evidence targets will require significant 18 district-wide Employment Land Study, three major road routes (M6/A66/A6) development of the town including its together more effectively and the principle of 60 percent of and its access to the West Coast adjacent attractions and amenities. The • Promotion of well designed and development being directed to Penrith, mainline railway. Masterplan sets out a “preferred spatial compatible new development on key promotes a target of 30 hectares of land approach” to town centre development sites supply provision through to 2025. The distribution and logistics industry and intends to provide the context for However, there is limited scope as to sector is therefore very important to the the preparation of more detailed The Masterplan includes development where such supply could be delivered in local economy, as is public sector development briefs. briefs for four key Town Centre areas. Penrith and thus Eden Business Park is employment associated with health and One of these is Ullswater Road. The seen as critical to meeting the target. emergency services; education and The Masterplan finds that Penrith has a Masterplan notes that the west side of public agencies. strong identity as a historic market town Ullswater Road is an established Penrith’s role as an employment centre and rural service centre, offering a mixed-use area. Priority should be given reflects two particular aspects. Firstly its There is policy support for the growth of range of independent businesses and to improving the quality of the buildings function as a key service centre for a the University of Cumbria’s site at facilities for residents and visitors. and creating higher value business, wide rural hinterland. Secondly, its Newton Rigg, including the development Future challenges include; leisure or service uses in this area. Poor geographic location at the intersection of of complementary uses and the growth quality industrial or open storage uses of knowledge based industries. Retail • The movement of the town’s ‘centre of should be discouraged. developments, appropriate to Penrith’s gravity’ to the south as the New role as the dominant retail centre of the Squares development is brought District will also be supported. forward • The need for mixed-use investment in The Penrith Masterplan (2007) the north to counteract this • Increased diversity and quality of The Penrith Masterplan was produced better paid employment opportunities as an initiative by the Penrith • Encouragement of independent Partnership to provide a robust but businesses to collaborate and work flexible blueprint for the future Right: View south across the town showing Penrith and Gilwily industrial estates A strategic masterplan for 02 Penrith / Context and key drivers / 19 20 2.2/ Property market trends Marketing intelligence has been population, economic activity, properties. Demand is from local first gathered regarding supply, demand, educational attainment, deprivation and time buyers, people moving up the Stakeholder discussions suggest there need, and market drivers. This has commuting. property ladder and older people may be a challenge of the identified sites included discussion with twenty four wishing to downsize. The demand for delivering the capacity figures suggested regional and local stakeholders, many of These statistics have been compared flats is considered to be low, although by the SHLAA and Economic Viability whom have been consulted via face-to- with district-wide, regional and national some new build apartment schemes Assessment. This is illustrated at face meetings. figures to enable fuller comparison report reasonable rates of sale. Carleton Fields (option area 4) where (although many ward level indicators are the SHLAA suggests potential for in This has included consultation with only available from the 2001 Census). The demand for affordable housing is excess of 800 units, but developer Cumbria Vision about the Local The population of Penrith for the well documented and
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