THE WEATHER GET DAMAGES REPUBLICAN CLUB FOR AUTOMOBILE HURTS Hollywood Park Will DOCTOR TO ATTEND J udgmeiits totalling $500 were 150 STUDENTS REVIVES MOVE FOR awarded FlorenceHauqkfRuih Hauck Probe Forms O f Government and* Eleanor Donnelly, all of Hillside, BABY BEAL1U CLINIC against Jame^! Horvath, Sr., and James The Hollywood Park Improvement Education asking that in the event CENTRAL P .0 . HERE Horvath, Jr., of Newark by Judge H ealth Btfard Divided In Vote Association, meeting last night in the the Leslie Strbet Sphool is .:kpt. oohff OVER MAXIMUM Salvatore F. LaCorte in District Court! Saybrook School, named Walter Cog-! pleted this year the money laid aside O n Question; Dowd Boosts Standing Committees Named By Tuesday ..aftejcnop n—for.., injucies Ahe. lo wskl an d W il l iam So u tar as a Tpoxn* forr-the^ ’operation—of— the school. be Mentzer To Continue President Falk Which Will plain tiffs received in an automobile inittee'to further investigate the city •held over until next year and not Serve For Year accident'on June 3? 1930, in Keer ave­ managed form of government and spent for anv other purpose. The A physician Wili atteGd each o t the A T ONE SCHOOL nue, near Bergen street, Newark. other forma of government and report association opposed having two meet­ baby health: cltatesjheid ^very Thurs* CARD PARTY PLANNED Udder the- terms of the award, the back their Investigations at the next ings one of the Board, of Health and d a y afternoon at the Hurden-Loo^er COURT FINDS NO ACTION Misses Hauck receive -*366 and Miss Woodfleld Reporti Ovarorowding AS 1ST SOCIAL EVENT meeting. Ceglowski and Soutar have one of the Township Committee,’ on SchO ol iV was deoideA by the B oard of IN AUTO INJURY SUIT Donnelly $134. Negligence was charg­ been making an Investigation of this H ealth meeting at the Municipal A t Cantitral School; Aggra- Step* to Revive the movement for the same night. Although not opposed ed against the Horvaths in the opera­ form government and brought the Building Wednesday night, following rated By Depression a m ore centrally- located postoffice and to conferences* of the committee, they A verdict of no cause of action was tion of their car which Collided with matter up before the association mem­ the reading of the report of the nurse to have a'Hillside postmark on local did take action objecting to having returned by a jury before Judge SETTLE SECOND STRIKE ; one.,, in-which the plaintiffs were rid­ bers, telling them about Teaneck, In charge, Miss Ullian Sottqng. mail were taken last night by the Re^ any action taken on public affairs fol­ hompson in Common Pleas. .Court QUESTION SCHOOL WORK ' ing. wTTich ^^s tYTe'cJty manager foriti. Before the m otion was passed, Com­ Tuesday afternoon in the adit o f Har­ gular Republican Club Inc. at ur meet­ lowing the conferences except in pub­ Margaret and Charles T. Kuster, Arthur. T. Lee, president declared m ittee James A. t Dowd said that Dr. old Horowitz, 5- years old, suing The Central School is giving in­ ing held at 6 Hillside avenue when A. lic meeting, both of Hillside, were awarded dam­ it:_ihight be possible following inves­ Clayton A. Mentzer, Instigator o f the through his father, Halrry Horowitz, struction to at least ISO studenU ov J. Falk,. president, appointed' S. B. The secretary was also directed to ages of $500 against James Horvath, tigation ahd study, fpr the association dliSLio, who built it up to its present rf 723 Garden street, against James its maximum capacity, according to a :oldstein to get information on the write th£ cpinmittee for information Sr.,’ and James Horvath, Jr., in ano- to go on record in favor of a different condition, secured the location and ^omanaco, o f 46 Minnehaha avenue, statement made by Supervising Prin­ terms of the present posrtoffice lease. as to whether members of the Board t h e r 'W in p F injuries received, in the form of gotvewiment* some o f ; the helped in other ways, should, be con­ n which damages of $i(,(j6b were cipal Arthur G-Woodfleld In his report D'r. A. 0 . Suck, Health Department of Health are paid for each meeting same accident. members being of the opinion- that tinued as the physician for the cllnle' Nought. of enrollment to the Board of Educa- physician, related how mall addressed Reference was made to the calling of this might cure some of the township's for. the remainder of tlie year until According to the testimony, Harold Uon at its meeting Tuesday night, to his Hillside residence is invariably a, special meeting of the* beard for the ills. purpose of taking action on a p it is taken over by the township. It was crossing Hillside avenue, near giving the cause for this condition, ^ delivered to his Elizabeth office. “ The secretary was authorized to mit to operate a chicken market is now- under' the .direction;, o f the I-Xilldale plQ.ce, on July 25, 192^:When . Woodfleld says. At the suggestion of Frank H. -Kin* TOWN ASKS STATE communicate with the Township Com­ Gurd and Long avenues. State Department of Healths Those he was struck*by a oar owned by LO- ‘Due in part to the present indus­ s.y, a committee was named to in> mittee seekjng an explanation o f the It was pointed out that. Instead of W ho favored having a doctor present manaco. The boy songht $10,000 for trial depression, several students who vestlgate bills before the legislature TO PAVE HIGHWAY Step to pay off seven demand notes calling a special meeting Jor .this pur­ a t the sessions o f the .clinic were Com­ injuries to his head and body, and his had left school returned, to the high which effect Hillside. President Falk totaling over $400,000 from the town- pose the board could p p f the matter mitteemen James E. Stem, George W. father $6,000 for medical expenses. ol at the beginning of the second .. named Hairy JE. -Luftman, chairman, ship's bank account in order to save over %ntl\ the next. regular meeting H erlioh and Stanley H. Weston. Com­ The plaintiffs were represented by i. This increase, coupled with Immediate pavement df part of David Gonzer, Mr. Kinsey and him­ interest. The association would like and save the expense of a special mitteeman Harry Schnabel and Dowd Attorney Frank 8. Weiner And the de­ transfer to the Central School of | Route 29 along Brooksi^e avenue, be/ self. 'J to know, for how long a period the meeting, The Township Com mittee, w ere” opposed. fendant by former Jndge JV Victor approximately sixty eighth - grade tween Harding terrace and Hilldale ^ card party Will" be held by the notes have been issued, the rate of In, Board of Health and Board of Educa­ Dr. •A.jG.^Buck and Dr. M ilton M. D’Aloia, of Newark. ' upils, has brought the actual enroll- :! place, by the State Highway Depart­ club in the near future. The com- terest paid, how long the money has tion, will be. requested to notify the m ? m now attend the’~pitwftr.” " — ment of this school to a total of about - ment was; requested Wednesday night mittee named to make arrangements been idib, and the reason for issuing association'of all meetings. 'Health. Officer r tsamuei Jo Witt's re-] 6yen hundred fifty. in a resolution passed a i a special consists of A. J. Gurdin, B. B. Gold the notes. The Township Commit The association’s Good and Welfare p o r t for the monih showed 11 cases “The only relief for this congestion, meeting of the Township Committee. * stein* • T. S. Key worth, Mrs. Arthur tee will also be asked when the fl Committee is making arrangements of. chicken .pox, whopping cough T,~ CALENDARNOTBASED ther than the erection of a new high J: Chairman; James E. Stepi said the; Thompson, Mrs. George Shaffner, W . nanolal statement will be ready and for a suppep tor mem bars to be held influenza .10, scarlet fever 6, pneu« school, is to concentrate all eighth state had torn up a satisfactory town­ R. Sima and p. B. Brown. » - to forward a copy to the association, I sometime next month and fora n out­ 111cfiiia 4, diphtheria i. asses in the Hillside Avenue: : ship road in Brookside avenue and A special meeting of the board will ON RELIGION, VIEW Standing comfhittees were named by A letter will be sent to the Board of ing nCxt summer. School, when that building shall have that mud waB making ‘the street also be held Wednesday, evening in the the president 'as follows: Good, Wel­ been relieved of several classes by the ini passable. The -committee- also, ask­ Municipal Building for the purpose Dr. Hinmon, Favoring Adoption fare and Civic—T. S. Keyworth, chair­ •penlng of the Leslie Street School. ed the state to keep the road in sat­ of taking action Ofpthe application * Of Thirteen Month Ytar, man, David Gonzer, Anton A. Yit Jr., ’ his may have to be given serious ; isfactory shape until laying o f t h e fo r a permit to conduQt^ live. poultry. Tells Of Incorrect Belief -Edward Baumgarten, Sam u e 1 Salzing- SHOULD GIRLS PAY DOWD ASS’N GIVES onsideration next year.” -pavemeni.—Dela.y-4n--aGquLring a .ujghfe- yniarket at Gurd and 'Long avenues. er Mrs. Shaffner and F. Mr. Woodfleld also stated -that the J&cobson.
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