"36 •o.r.z liie0 J.1Jct_ fJt;l3oo1c ,. .. • 4-'n.. _ DECISION"THl5 ·MONTH? .· -- --- -- -- - - --c".l· -S>Jlll}f.¥/trtf::!'~ •armony; ll11tlJAdVOcate$ ·· "· · ~ · · - ·c·onfident·Att·er·He~ri·~g OYSTER- BAY=While :the Oyster Bay T own Boa1·d continued its s tudy . " of all t ne angles'' accOrding to a spokesman, the oppo5ition was confident t his. ,,-eek th.at the Lown fathers would reject the pla n to s plit t he Hick sville Park and Parking Dis trict. Confidenc·e in the ultimate decis ion in favor of maintaining conununit.v unit~· w.a .s Ua:-.ed lai-gely upon the viewpoints presented in a hectic t hree-hour pubHc hearing held la::;t F riday n ig-ht in a j a mmed East S t. School auditorium in H icksville. _ , ,a ·· u all t he ang-les a r e, explored bJ then," a town board· me-mbe.­ CARPENTER FILES FIRST lold the HER..\Lll ,·ci,; l e" rday. " we, ma,- ~ able co have- a d~i­ Defeated Last Week, Mrs Apicella $i-,n by the end (tf t he mo(ll tt : · ~ fttea~whi!e, Lbe Boal'd ha§ con­ tinued to receive numerou.s let •_ To Run Again For Board June 4 ters and· messhgeS s tating ns• HT CKS,VILL.t:-Mrs . Anthony Apicella of 340 Acre, Lane, eol'ted views on tl~e q uestion. (A t.ypical letter a ppears in this defeated in her bid for election to the School Board last week iseu♦ on pnlfe 2S.-Editor.) by a vote of 700 to 465, will tr.'-· again en Wednesd:i:,.·. Ju~"._e -!, by running oppos ition to Alan Carpenter of 11 Lore::ta Vol. IV. No. 16-HicksviUe, N.Y., May 15. 1952- Copy 5• A rmed with a Small milk b-ottl~ a -5 a temporary- ravel, SuperviJor Lane. the Herald learned last night . Charles E. RonSom opened the Carpen ter is a Board membe.[' by Now -RR Has Someone hearing, Frida y-nig ht, at t he pr e­ Sz.endy Has Not apJ)ointment to fill the vacancy _. cise time specified and -s aid he caused by the resignation laat wi$hcd ·to '"clear up a mi5undier~ month of Robert Corcoran of Twil)-­ ·To Rent.Plaza Area · standing. The Town Board had n!·­ Changed Views Jaµ,ns Ave: tie filed hi-s petitiop~ Ceived. p _pe t ition a sking :for a .!!plit. Emil J . Szend~-. elected talt week for a ballot position in the s pE'cial BROOKLYN-The hearing before Judge Baroid M. Kennedy The Board !l tarl:E-d to fi x t he date to the Hicksville School &tu·d for· election with~ District Clerk An­ upotl the a pplication of the Long l !l lo.nd Ra_il Road to dispose o ( for e. hearing but then "found t hat a three-year t em1 ~tarting J uly 1, drew B . .,,." Heber@ [" last Monday property neX:t to H ieksville Station us@>d by co~muteu for p.:irb: ­ th~re was .no law t.'-OVer ing such a · was a ngry and annoy"ed last nig ht night. ing h~s been adjourned for a month, according to Councilman situation. The easiest t hing would H e denoonced the tactics of the Mrs. Apic"ella. told the Herald Frank Chlumsky. Meanwhile, however, the t.oUm learned thnt have been for the Board to n.~st Education A!\90C and a Levittowri s he is a candidate again, but h-,11 :t he: .LlRR ba.s an offer to reht" "the tract. The headng bego.n on on the absence of a law. But we newspa per in att-empting to link not a, yet. ·filed her petition. T~e , Apr. 25- when the RR had a cL.1:stomer to buJ• _the a.rt-a ~tween didn't feel llhi~ would solve . the his name wit h t he renewecJ candi 4 fin.al date. f o-r p etition filing L! next -· . B'wa.y and Jerue.alem · Ave., next to the platform, for $66.000. Problem, so the lloa.rd got behind dacy or Mrs; A. J . ApicellB in the Monday, May 19. -· ~t · ,colltii=med last F riday with opposjt iori registered by Robert · ~ legislation to permit this m eeting. special e~ection on June 4. Glas.eT ,Qj. Belhpage as a ttorney for the Township. REGISTRA'l'ION DATE Unfoftunately, the impression hos ·"My position ii, c lear a nd I have not c.hanged it__ 1 tm o ppos~ to Registration 9,ay .-tor all voters ,lef,en ~~ Ulat .becau.&e we got the tacti('s or the E;duc:ation Assoc who were not enroll~F,or-to-tb.f¾• Plan To Repeat P~I Tags "6ehilid ihe IaW ' enactme-nt we had Mo.y. ·7 e1ection will be held ,.a gltin therefore made commitments. W e and NLHOA which tend t o promote Le,dtt &. Som1 of Manh11-sset plans to o-perate the tu:o swim­ sectiOnalism nnd disunity in our at Hkksville High School o n Sat­ haVfl not !"!lade up our minds. W e urday, ·MaY 24, from. 4 co 9 PM. ming poqls in Hicksville, w hich they own, the same way the com.lQ.~ oity", he- ae-se.rte-d . facilities "'·ere man.aged a n d controlled last swnmer, it was want to hea[' e••irryone. Please don't Thos e 1415 w ho did r&gi:s ter for learned this·-week. Basically. the plat\ call:1 for is~~ance 0£ be too long-winded and keep the the a nnual me-eting .and vote of last pool tags thru t he NLHOA upon .. voluntary" paymeh.t 6f $1 mfftk.__- o-rdfrly. •• week ne,td not. r-egi$tel" eigAin-. H~b • -per-· holl.$,e · Ouilt b}' Levitt. A local resident who cli)led the \'" The NOrth Levitt H o me Owners. Regi~ter-New erer stated. Manhasset office of th~ Levitt organization said s he gorthe iin­ weD-known for violent Bnti-8:icks­ Emil J' S2el1dj ol... 5_ Walnut preuion that tb.e developer was _una~•are of diffe-rences in opinion ville sentiment. was f orced to te.kf' Lane wa~ elected Ian week. re­ P,Qliils May 20 eeiving 7.00 .. blillots out of ,-1~2 ~~ing ~ t~ ~I to split the Park. and Parking District: the- position of plainti:ft"S · pleading and ,.,..s ap~rentl1· cool t o the suggestion t hat there is a nother for the cause- of a 1 split since they .HrcK.SVILLE - Regist.rati'oll. ·- cast. · .Mrs. Apicella got 465 bal­ dvic group in the area- the South Hicksville 6, ssoc. of Levit t were the prof?ot ers of the plan dates for kindergarten fall classes lots. Votl[lg ·weis heav, through­ Home Ov.-ners . to split Hicksville o n 01d Coun cr1-· in publk schools were announced out the fi ve-hour period o n May 7 Thll! $1 ' 'do~tio n", she was ~old, was to cover the hire of Rd. t-his week by Dr E . H Le Barr-0n, with che last \o" Ote cut o.t 9: l!) NLBOA guards at the ~!tt,to ~wevent t heir use b y no n­ There was. a tturey o f questions s.uperintende-nt of public schools . PM. 'The 5chool door:s hall be.:!: n residents , like last yea['. 'a nd '£fra t her reque!t t h:;it .Levitt take o n "D<>ints of information before the East St-. Sch ool will ho ld regi.s­ barred a t ~) PM. Szen dy uid today ' 'l wi,;h to over this phue w.a.s impossible bt'cause it was. "too costly and d e-bate began. Ransom admitted, in tt·ation Tuesday, May 20, from l thank all the vot e rs for their s up­ would complicate bookke-eping,·· answer to questions. that petitions to 4:30 P.m. at the athooJ. port and [ w ill rt:,present all s e c­ I could be ,ubm itted to split the fire, Nic.bolai St. School will hold street..J.ighting 111-nd other disiricts. registration on May 20., 21, 22 and tio·ns. of the districL as a , memhe: 2 Hearings On New Ordinance It had been p reviously noted that 23 from 9 to 11 a.m. and- frQm of the 808.rd of Education_ It ia to • har­ OYSTER BAY-DuaJ public hearings will be held by the s uch a move me nt mig ht result lf 1 ·to 3;;10 pm. Children who will my earnest desfre bring mony and spirited develapmer; t to Town &;.ard in tM town hall. here. next Wednesday and Thur-J• the park district were divided. be five ye.an of age on or before day, May 21, and 22, upon a proposed' revision of the Building December 1, 1952, are eligible to our community_" He will take ot­ Zone Ordinance ot the--Tov.'llShip. It is the first complete revision David Sehwaru claimed that as register. The child's birth certifi­ f i<:e f or three years :starting on . •i~ ellllrtment qf Ute Jaw in 1929, the rnult of nearly three NLHOA chairman of the block cate and immunization reeord.t J uly l, replacing Lawrence C .. M.c- years of work by 111~ial C'Onsult ants engaged by t he tov.-nship. rePresentatives he has "dose coh­ must be Presented upon regi~tra- (Continued on Pag@' •2) The hearings :will take p lace at 8 o'clock In the eYen3ng on tact'' with ·,the people in the a rea tion.
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