Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2020. 9(2): 73–81 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2020.09216 Climate continentality increases the beta diversity of macrofungal communities Anton G. Shiryaev Anton G. Shiryaev ABSTRACT e­mail: [email protected] The data on changes in the diversity of the model group of fungi of the middle bo real subzone in Eurasia are summarized. From Finland to Yakutia, with increa­ sing cli mate continentality, the α- and γ-diversity of fungal communities decreases, Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, but the β-diversity increases 1.7–5 times, which indicates an increase in the spatial Ural Branch RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia isolation of local fungal communities. Similar trends have been found for other high ­latitude regions: tundra and forest­tundra. Keywords: Eurasia, Siberia, biogeography, climate, clavarioid fungi, distribution, di­ versity, ecology Manuscript received: 18.05.2020 РЕЗЮМЕ Review completed: 14.10.2020 Ширяев А.Г. Континентальность климата увеличивает бета-разнооб- Accepted for publication: 30.10.2020 ра зие сообществ грибов. Обобщены данные по изменению разнообразия Published online: 03.11.2020 модельной группы грибов среднетаежной подзоны Евразии. От Фин ляндии до Якутии, с ростом континентальности климата снижается α- и γ-разно об- ра зия сообществ грибов, а β-разнообразие возрастает в 1,7–5 раз, что свиде- тель с твует об усилении пространственной изоляции локальных сообществ гри бов. Аналогичные тренды установлены и для других высокоширотных регионов – тундровых и лесотундровых. Ключевые слова: Евразия, Сибирь, биогеография, климат, распространение, разнообразие, клавариоидные грибы, экология Studying the spatial trends of biodiversity at various ta tion change, the α- and γ-diversity of the brio- and lichen scales in connection with the ongoing climate change and flora of the zonal habitats, various fauna groups decrease the growth of economic activity is one of the leading prob­ (Ignatov 1993, Urbanavichus 2009, Mordkovich 2014). lems of biogeography and ecology (Lomolino et al. 2010). A change in another important characteristic, β-diversity, In connection with global changes, a new environmental which reflects the differentiation of species composition, protection methodology is developed that takes into has been studied very poorly. For many groups of vascular account the dynamics of the spatial distribution of species plants, the peak of β-diversity falls on equatorial latitudes, (Mateo et al. 2016). However, such studies are carried out although for Northern Eurasia there are examples of by the example of plants and animals, while the distribution growth of this parameter in the direction of the upper, arctic of the Kingdom Fungi has been studied extremely poorly. or arid borders of the forest zone, i.e., to ecotone zones Although it is common knowledge that macrofungi are of forest vegetation with tundra and steppe (Bocharnikov considered as important natural resources in ecosystems 2015). For cryptogams, with the prevailing β-diversity owing to their major role in decomposition, nutrient cycling growth paradigm decreasing with latitude, more and more and mutualistic associations with other organisms. information has appeared in recent decades indicating that, Traditionally, the change in mycobiota diversity is stu­ for example, the β-diversity of the European moss floras died by the example of two spatial gradients: latitudinal and grows northward (Mateo et al. 2016). alti tudinal. Typically, with this approach, a clear decrease One of the problems of the low level of knowledge on in inventory diversity is recorded in localities (α-diversity) the principles of the spatial distribution of macromycete and areas (γ-diversity) as one approaches the arctic or al- diversity is that only about 10 % of the potential number pine borders of the forest (Mukhin 1993, Bocharnikov of planet species have been identified at the moment, and 2015). As regards the third-longitude gradient of climatic many regions of the planet still remain mycological “blank continentality, information is extremely scarce. At the same spots”. A possible way out of this situation is to in vestig ate time, Eurasia is the largest continent, where changes in the the distribution of a well­studied, model group of mac ro­ con ti nen tal climate, from oceanic to ultracontinental, are my cetes – clavarioid fungi (Basidiomycota). This group of most prominently represented. Along the continental gra­ fungi is one of the best studied in Russia and neighboring dient, from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to the direction countries (Shiryaev 2014, 2018). of Yakutia and Transbaikalia, the severity of the climate in­ The spatial distribution of the taxonomic and eco­mor­ creases, the edaphic parameters and structure of the vege­ pho lo gical structure of the clavarioid fungi of the boreal ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2020 73 Shiryaev zone of Eurasia has been studied quite well (Shiryaev 2014). Eastern Si beria. Due to the Siberian anticyclone the mean It has been found that the prevalence of widespread spe­ tempe rature of January changes from -38,6°C in Yakutsk cies in the tundra, taiga and steppe regions with an almost to +1,8°C in Norway (Bodø). The absolute minimum tem- complete lack of narrow areal distinctions distinguishes the pe ra ture in the same direction decreases from -64.4°С to inland continental “plain” mycobiota from the oceanic one -15°С (Table 1). The difference of mean temperature of (Mukhin 1993, Shiryaev 2014). In general, according to the July over a distance of 7 thousand kilometers from Yakutia main taxonomic and ecological­geographical parameters, to Nor way is only 5°C, but the degree day temperatures there is a very clear distinction between the mycobiota from (> 10°C) in those locations are 1050 to 2550°C respectively. the oceanic and continental zones. For example, in case of Thus the Siberian anticyclone shortens the growth period the clavarioid fungi of the Urals, β-diversity estimated by of plants and, hence, heterotrophic organisms inside of various methods reaches the maximum levels on the steppe the continent, to 68 days, while in Norway this parameter and arctic borders of the forest zone, but this indicator is reaches 310 days (Fick & Hijmans 2017). lower in the richest hemiboreal and broad­leaved forests An integrated assessment of changes in climatic con­ (Shiryaev 2018). di tions from the interior of the continent to its oceanic The aim of the work is to characterize the changes in mar gins is illustrated by distribution of the index of the β-diversity of clavarioid fungi communities along the continentality. Here, we use the Conrad’s continentality gradient of the climatic continentality of Eurasia. We have index (Ic), commonly used by different authors (Tuhkanen tested the hypothesis that, as continentality increases, the 1984, Talbot & Meades 2011): fungal communities become more even in species com po­ Ic = 1.7A / sin (φ+100) – 14, si tion. Thus, β-diversity is reduced. where, А – is an average annual temperature amplitude of MATERIAL AND METHODS the coldest (January) and warmest (July) months, φ – la ti- Climate continentality in Eurasia tude. The index value is expressed as a percentage (%) of The Siberian anticyclone controls weather conditions the maximum value and is displayed on Figure 1. on the vast areas of Siberia and supports formation of Study sites description con tinental climate in the inner part of northern Asia. The The middle boreal subzone has been studied along the con tinental climate is characterized by sharp contrast bet­ way of the Atlantic transport of air masses, from the coast ween the summer and winter temperatures and strongly of the Gulf of Bothnia of the Baltic Sea (Oulu, Finland) affects the distribution and development of vegetation and, to Yakutia (Yakutsk and Churapcha, Russia). The Atlantic respectively, nutrition of heterotrophs, their ontogenesis vector was selected due to its greater length (6200 km) rhythms, and combinations of biota species. The continental gradient is expressed in all radial directions from the center of Siberian anticyclone activity, in Eastern Siberia. This Table 1. Climatic parameters along middle boreal subzone study is focused on a gradient of continentality from the in Norway (Bodø) and Yakutia (Yakutsk). center of Eastern Siberia to the west to the Atlantic coast Locations of Fennoscandia. Climatic parameters The farther from the center of the Siberian anticyclone Bodø Yakutsk mean annual temperature (°С) +4.6 ­9.1 to the west, the weaker its influence. Northern Atlantic сyc- mean temperature in January (°С) +1.8 -38.6 lones soften the dry and cold continental air contributing minimum temperature (°С) -15 -64.4 to the formation of clouds, thaws and precipitation. The degree days (>10°С) 2550 1050 annual precipitation (mm/year) 1070 217 ina v sion of warm and moist air masses from the west is winter precipitation (mm) 315 27 very common in Northern and Eastern Europe, not every number of days with snow 8 157 year in the Urals, rarely in Western Siberia, but never in number of frost­free days 310 68 Figure 1 Conrad’s index of continentality (0–100) and continentality sectors (I–VI, see explanation in the text) in the Eurasian North based on the 0.5° gridded monthly temperature data for the years 1991–1998). Red line is transect between Oulu and Yakutsk. Map is modified from Skre et al. 2002 74 Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2020. 9(2): 73–81 Climate
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