MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1894. NO. 4.0. V^OIJ: XIX. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Prof, I'lccks at opei'ii bouse Oct. nth. 'TIS A WINNER, IT IS, Stockbriiige. A biillot was taken in wliicli IMr. Sedina received cvei'y vote Onondiigii points witli pride to a cast and wasdcclarcfl the uiiaiiimoiis An ExcQQclbiRly Strong County DSilskiitcllewiin. *w2 svoinen pugilist. nonilnec, Ticket Placed In Nomina• Ford's Bazaar The oOlcc ot prosecuting attorney lloiii'd iirsiipervihors ne.xt?*loiiiliiy. Huron Boy won the I'rcc-roi'-iill ti'Ot tion by the Domocrnts bi'ougbt forward tbc names of H, E, iit Adrian last h'rldily. of Olcl Insrbam. AV. I'". Neiir Is ;.;ivliig bis block a red Thomas and A, D. Pi'o.sser both of You find an immense slocic of cont. riood llll wool troiisei's iiiadc tooi'dcr Lansing. The former was named by F". at,I. N. SilliIll's I'or.$ *:\ Clialriiiaii Casterlin eallod the dcni- I'iensoiH'd U'oiiil for sille. h'reil S. Piirter the latter by 11. ,1. Havens ocratic nominating convention to You will VViilloii III tbe grocei'V. Dress and wedding suits uiade to of Liinslng and seconded by A. 'W. order ;it 11:10 last T'riday forenoon and order on short notice at .1. IN'. .Sniith's. Parklinrst. A biillot was taken, Dennis Wright sliows us iiii iipple the coiii't riioni was full ot the rcpre- Prosser received I20J aiirl TlionlasOU. of the latest siinpcs and pat• inrt Irer liriiiii'li in lilossoiii. A.n elegiint assiirl.iiient of pntlern seutatlve democracy of the cnpital Upon miitioil the former was declared terns in fine Dccoi'atcd Ware hats iind lionncts jiist received ill Jlrs. county. 1''. S. Si|Uiei's and llndolpb Twi,' iiiid iiiii-liiiir liolirs of mystery the iiniinliuiins nomiiice. .,i:!it aucl bPTit se- Liif/.'two active young democrats of and Plain VVliitc Porcelain. P. C. I'arsiiiis'. ;!0w2 Cli'cult court comniissioners, coron• nnd lull ill iipi'i'ii Imuse Oct. the city, Iliid previiiiisly enibcllisliefl ers and surveyor wei'c disposed ot in 0. I'). Bussell has added a new porcli the room with the lliigs' iiinl naUonal Ilnri: llowc nnd Mi'^s I'll l;i Doolltllc slioi't order, h'l'efl ,1. Slndlinglei' of ami lai'ge window to li s otherwise coloi's ot iiur eoiinti'y. Mr. Casterlin were iiiiirrieii hist iiiglil'. Lansing and lliigli hi. Itoot of lAliisoii pleasant residence. iiddi'essed tbe (.'oiiveiition ns follows; ,1. .\. .Siiliill liii'i just I'lT-iMVed ii nice we're named for commissioners. .M. Ilalr cut I'oi' lo cents at .•\iile's, over l''cilow Di'inoeriils of IIIL'IIIIIII Oiiiiiily: (ieiille- ,1. Howard of Lansing and Pei'i'y iinil iioliby lot III' fall siiilings. *.'! iiii'ii—As ehiilriiiiili III die ili'iinii'i'ii'ih! eoiinly White •McGi'ossen's drug store. (Juii'.k- and lleiHlersoii of jMasiiil tor coroiiei'S iind China for lumd paint- I'oiiiiiilllce ll Is my iih'iisiiiit ilnly In eitll this I'mi- Heorge W. .Smiilley ol r>aiisiiig Ilils eiisy silaves. 'Plu'ce iiiirs. vi'iilliin of I'eiil'esi.'liliillvi! ili'iiioiTiiis lo iii'iler ami Wlllliiiii Appletoii of Liinslng for sul'- ins. In tbe city. Wo aro liei'il granled a iTiiewiil ol peiisiini (itlli'iiilly liil'in'iii llieiii uf ihu rensiiii of llils KIIIII- vcyor. Pi'iif. Pecks, iniigiciiin and illusion• I'I'IIIL;. Villi lire iis.seinlilril here in .seicel eiiiiili- liGadqiiartorsi for Overcoats ami iilsl.rrs iiiade lo onler ist, iind iMiss Gorii llecks, spirit nie- ililles for the severiil eiiiiiily olllccs, lo eleel 11 'I'lle committee on i'osoliitioiis niiide at .1. N. .Siiiil,ll's. I'rii'es low to sii dillin, at opera lioiise Oct. Otll. I'.liali'iiiiiii at lai'Ke anil a eoiinly eoininlllee. the following report which was luiiinl- 'I'liis I'oiivi'nlliiii will ck'i't llie sliiiiiliinl-lieiii'ers I III'limes. '".'1 niously adopted : Baliy boiiiKd.s and e 's caps at Willi will fi'iiin Iliis iliiyiiiilll llie sun pies ilowii nil llie mil liny nf Novi'iiiher eiiiry llie lint; of AVe, llle i'e|ii'eseiiliillvesol'llieil|.|iioi'i'alli.' imi'ly Bananas and •Swecl of \'e\'ay liils I lie 1 links of Our stock is large from a Mrs. A. L. Cllapnlan's. iliMiiiienu'y llii'iiiinli the KI'IIIIII olil eruniiy of Inn- of liiuliaiii itiiinily In eonveiillon iisseiiilileil, ilo the 1 lH.MiirUA'i' I'oi' 11 line I'libbilgc IIIIIII, mill afli-r ilnil ilny, en ihe llrstiliiyof .Inn- reiilllrin onr iilli';:liiiiee 10 llie iirlneljiles of Iriie Mouse lr;ip 5c, to a Wasli Ilereiirier Dr. II. S. Ilulnplil'ey will ileiiioin'iley liiiil pleilce onr iiiilleil sii|i|iortlo Hie Wrigllillg IT-J lbs. iiiU'v iiexl, idiiee Ital llie sent of miven'inii'iil In beloi'iiteilat the Donnelly Mouse when llils I'iiy mill Hiiiiril il with cvi'ry eiiei';,'y lUiil liekel pliieeil In iioiiiiiialloii here loiliiy. We ]-iollcr ,$1,00. I'ails all sixes. deiiiiiiiiee llle present i'e|iiililleiiii sliile iiilinliils- Oranges. Siiskati'hi'wiin ! Wliiil is it? ••'w2 he makes his visits to this city. zeiil. Milk I'ans, Dish Pans, Cham• for over eliihl years I have served iiseliiilriiiaii li'iilloii lis helm,'Ihe inosl eorriiiil iiiiil e.vll'iiva- The high school nine defeated the of yiiiir eniiiily eiiiiiiiillli'e. miit I ileslre iijioii Uiiiit of any In llie hislory ol Mlelil;j:aii, iinil ber P.'iils, ill f'lcl most anytiiing- 'Pace novelties ill inilllnery for your lielievii Hint a liii'i.'e iniiinrily of oiu' people, wllli- LowoHt Jivin,G; orJcos, I hii'd nine by a sriin if i;i 111 12 las Hiis oeeiisiiin lo Ihiiiik llie ileiniKn'iiey of llils Inspection nt .Mrs. ,1. 0. K'liiiniers. * I'liiiiily for the iiiMiiy liiiiiiii's nnd eeinpllnienls iiiil I'l'iciinl lo imriy iillllialions, prefer a elimi|.'e, neccs.sai'y in ;in)' I'aniily. 'I'liiii'silay al'lei'iioon. lliey have shown me. II will alwiiys heitpleas- mill wo lierehy re'solve lliiil as Ihe linrilen of qualliy conaidcred. Xext SiiiHliiy afternoon at ;i:;!0 the aiil tllllll^'ht lo me to reinemlier ll'ie ileiiiiierals expenses oeeasloiieil Iiy Hie present iiilnilnlstra- Ivcspcctfujl)', 'The reiiiiblieans observed the iisnill 'l'ouiig Men's Chi'istlan Iji'iigiie will who liiive imlleil iilf Iheir eiiiils, I'olleil up llieir liiili In Ihe iii'oseeiilliiii of Ihe severiil sliili'eases, Yours i;os|l('cl,l'llll.v, pi'iictirc of electing tlleli' ollii'es at th sleeves iiiiil IIII'OIIKII siiiisliliie iiinl I'lilnslorin so I'lilleil, will he eliiii'Keil siili'ly lo Iiit,'hiiin hold their lirst ineetliig for tbe season eoiinly ami our luxes llierehy liiereiiseil iieeoiil- eoiivi'iil^'oils, mil wiiiling for llu' polh liuvesliiiul sliiiiihlei' lo slioiililer Willi nie ami lit tlieir hall. I'oiiuht I'm' the of the parly ami lis in.uly, we pleiljie ourselves lo see lo ll lliiil. If onr FORD& KIRBY. eiiiiilliliiles are eleeleil to liiivc ihe sliile iissiiiiie 1,.-llrsl. styh'S ill inilliny nt .Al I's. A iiiiiiiliiee.s. A line line of pattei'ii hats on exlii- I have lint one l'ei|iiest In iniike ol yon. lie llie nx|ieiise,lo wlioiii ll Jiislly heloiins, iiisteiiil of —A'l'— !. PHUT, L. l!li;ipnian's. hiiion at Mrs. A. L. Cliiipniiin's Oct. a lli'iii in priiiL'liile, iiiiiiiitalii ihe Iniilillmisof llie llie laxpiiyei's of IIIKIIIUII i.oiiiuy. We itilvoeale llle free eoiiia'.,'e'of holli KOIII 11 ml nnd (i. Ladles lU'c invited to call nnd old piiriv 111' Ihe peojile lo liolil to ;i sli'iel aeeonnt Pi'i'il Wiirllrhl of Leslie sliol a lioli nil iHilihe. onieiiils, lo liilei'iile no heliayiii of silver al Ihe I'lillo of ill 10 one, uiiil an liiereiise of CASH GEOOER. inspect tlieiii. * llii'i'oiigh one of bis llngei's wi jii'oniises: iiniiilwilli prhle to the find lliiil Ih the eiri'iiliillliK iiieilliiin lo 111 least .ii.'.O per eajillii Ford's Bazaar. We lieiirlily iiiilorse the net of eomji'ess pro. roiiliiig willl a I'l'viilviu' one day las jilii'lyin .AIIelilKaii loihiyailoiitstluiereeil, renews (ieo. W. Parks, the veteran nursory- llle I'allli iiiiii iliiidieiiies liie iietlons of Ihe iiinly vlilliip; for Hie liieoiiie lax as a slop In Hie riKlil Work. iiiaii living just south of Lansing was of ,lcnei'.soii, of WI'IKIII, of lienloii, of .liiek.soii, dlreelioii lliiil will eoiiipel Hie eniiltiillst to eoii- li'lliiile Ills fair share to tho sii|i|iiirlof tliet,'ov- seriously injured in it I'lniawiiy last of 'I'ilileii, of .Seyinoiu' iiiiil ol^ all llie siiliils ami Clias. rjiliiii'i' esi'iipeil froiii the I .sanes of llle liiiperlal jinsl. .AUeryoii have eoiii- eriiiiieiil. Moiiday iiflernoiin. We ileiiiiiiiil slnle leKlsliilloii In the liilenisls of ilnslriiil .Sclionl at Lansing last, l-'ridiiy lilelcil yoiii' woi'k here ilo not ihliili Hie vielory Is won willioiit II IlKlil. When the liiiltle Is over llll! workini,' |ieo|ile ami iiroteetion ii^'iiliisl tin aflernooii, but was fnion I'llptiired iind A Lansiiig gardener one night last rest, ami not iiiilll llieii. eoiniietitliMi of eonvlel anil oilier penal liilior I'oi iiriied. week- had 100 iiciids orcalibagc stolen, 'riiiseoiiveiilloii liendiy expresses lis aiipi'iiela- ||'. S. Porter of Lansiilg iiained lion.
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