Issn 0195-6574 eN eRGY eco NomicS eD oucaTi N FouDo N aTi N, iN. c e -iSSN 1944-9089 Volume 35 Special iss ue 1 2014 The Energy Journal THe emF24 STuDY oN u.S. TecHNoloGY aND climaTe policY STRaTeGieS introduction to emF 24 a llen a. Fawcett, leon e. clarke, and John p. Weyant Technology and u.S. emissions Reductions Goals: Results of the emF 24 modeling exercise l eon e. clarke, allen a. Fawcett, John p. Weyant, James mcFarland, Vaibhav chaturvedi, and Yuyu Zhou overview of emF 24 policy Scenarios a llen a. Fawcett, leon e. clarke, Sebastian Rausch, and John p. Weyant interaction effects of market-Based and command-and-control policies Sugandha D. Tuladhar, Sebastian mankowski, and paul Bernstein Technology assumptions and climate policy: The interrelated effects of u.S. electricity and Transport policy m ark Jaccard and Suzanne Goldberg Greenhouse Gas mitigation options in the u.S. electric Sector: a ReeDS analysis p atrick Sullivan, caroline uriarte, and Walter Short investigating Technology options for climate policies: Differentiated Roles in aDaGe m artin T. Ross, patrick T. Sullivan, allen a. Fawcett, and Brooks m. Depro a clean energy Standard analysis with the uS-ReGeN model Geoffrey J. Blanford, James H. merrick, and David Young assessing the interactions among u.S. climate policy, Biomass energy, and agricultural Trade m arshall a. Wise, Haewon c. mcJeon, Katherine V. calvin, leon e. clarke, and page Kyle u.S. co2 mitigation in a Global context: Welfare, Trade and land use Ronald D. Sands, Katja Schumacher, and Hannah Förster markets versus Regulation: The efficiency and Distributional impacts of u.S. climate policy proposals Sebastian Rausch and Valerie J. Karplus impacts of Technology uncertainty on energy use, emission and abatement cost in uSa: Simulation results from environment canada’s integrated assessment model Yunfa Zhu and madanmohan Ghosh cover.indd 1 6/5/2014 8:09:28 AM President Omowumi O. Iledare President-Elect Peter R. Hartley Immediate Past President David Newbery Past President Lars Bergman Vice President for Finance Jugis Vilemas Vice President for Communications Iva Hristova Vice President for Publications Anne Neumann Vice President for Business and Government Affairs Christophe Bonnery Vice President for Academic Affairs Ricardo B. Raineri Vice President for Conferences Gurkan Kumbaroglu Student Representative Patrick Narbel Appointed Council Member Fahad Al-Dhubaib Appointed Council Member Andrea Bollino Appointed Council Member Michael E. Canes Appointed Council Member Marisa Leon Almedia Appointed Council Member Ying Fan Appointed Council Member Ilhan Or The Energy Journal is a publication of the Energy Economics Education Foundation, Inc., 28790 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 350, Cleveland, OH, 44122-4630, USA, a non-profit organization, in association with the International Association for Energy Economics. Membership dues for the IAEE include subscriptions to The Energy Journal and the IAEE Energy Forum. Subscriber and Membership matters should be sent to IAEE, 28790 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 350, Cleveland, OH 44122; phone 216-464- 5365, fax 216-464-2737. Non-member subscriptions to The Energy Journal are $475 for institutions, libraries, and individuals. Postage and handling are paid by the publisher. Outside the United States and Canada, non-member subscriptions are $500. Articles appearing in The Energy Journal are listed in both Envir. Per. 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The Energy Journal (ISSN 0195-6574 / E-ISSN 1944-9089) is published quarterly by the Energy Economics Education Foundation, 28790 Chagrin Blvd., Ste 350, Cleveland, OH, 44122 and additional mailing offices. Subscription price $475, U.S. and Canada; $500 other countries. Application to mail at Periodicals Postage Price is Pending at Cleveland, OH 44101. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EEEF, 28790 Chagrin Blvd., Ste 350, Cleveland, OH 44122. Copyright ᭧ 2015 by the International Association for Energy Economics. All rights reserved. The editors and publisher assume no responsibility for the views expressed by the authors of articles printed in The Energy Journal. Printed in the U.S.A. Editor-in-Chief, Adonis Yatchew Editors, Lester C. Hunt and James L. Smith Associate Editor, Geoffrey Pearce Book Review Editors, Carol Dahl, Maureen Crandall, and Frank Felder European Book Review Editor, Peter J.G. Pearson Board of Editors Lars Bergman Kenichi Matsui Margaret F. Slade Stockholm School Institute of Energy The University of Warwick of Economics Economics, Tokyo Coventry, UK Carol A. Dahl Mohan Munasinghe Thomas Sterner Colorado School of Energy Advisor Go¨teborg University Mines, Golden, CO Colombo, Sri Lanka Sweden Massimo Filippini Rajendra K. Pachauri Catherine Waddams University of Lugano Tata Energy Research University of East Anglia ETH Zurich CEPE Institute, New Delhi United Kingdom Jean-Michel Glachant Francisco R. Parra W. David Walls European University Consultant University of Calgary Institute, Florence, Italy F.R. Parra Inc. Alberta, Canada Richard L. Gordon Peter J.G. Pearson Leonard Waverman Pennsylvania State Cardiff University, Wales University of Calgary University United Kingdom Alberta, Canada James M. Griffin Andre´ Plourde John P. Weyant Texas A & M University Carleton University Stanford University, CA College Station, Texas Ottawa, Canada Franz Wirl William W. Hogan Hossein Razavi University of Vienna, Harvard University The World Bank Department of Business John F. Kennedy School of Washington, D.C. Studies, Austria Government Ali M. Reza Catherine Wolfram Einar Hope College of Business Haas School of Business Norwegian School San Jose State University University of California of Economics and Business Adam Rose Berkeley, CA Administration University of Southern Chi-Keung Woo Mark K. Jaccard California Energy and Environmental Simon Fraser University Los Angeles, CA Economics, Inc., British Columbia, Canada Geoffrey Rothwell San Francisco, CA Edward Kahn Stanford University Analysis Group, Inc. USA San Francisco, CA Dieter Schmitt J. Daniel Khazzoom Universita¨t Essen College of Business Germany San Jose State University ii THE EMF24 STUDY ON U.S. TECHNOLOGY AND CLIMATE POLICY STRATEGIES A Special Issue of The Energy Journal GUEST EDITORS ALLEN A. FAWCETT U.S. Environmental Protection Agency LEON E. CLARKE The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory JOHN P. WEYANT Energy Modeling Forum iii iv THE ENERGY JOURNAL Volume 35 (Special Issue 1) 2014 THE EMF24 STUDY ON U.S. TECHNOLOGY AND CLIMATE POLICY STRATEGIES Table of Contents Introduction to EMF 24 Allen A. Fawcett, Leon E. Clarke, and John P. Weyant 1 Technology and U.S. Emissions Reductions Goals: Results of the EMF 24 Modeling 9 Exercise Leon E. Clarke, Allen A. Fawcett, John P. Weyant, James McFarland, Vaibhav Chaturvedi, and Yuyu Zhou Overview of EMF 24 Policy Scenarios Allen A. Fawcett, Leon E. Clarke, 33 Sebastian Rausch, and John P. Weyant Interaction Effects of Market-Based and Command-and-Control Policies 61 Sugandha D. Tuladhar, Sebastian Mankowski, and Paul Bernstein Technology Assumptions and Climate Policy: The Interrelated Effects of U.S. Electricity 89 and Transport Policy Mark Jaccard and Suzanne Goldberg Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options in the U.S. Electric Sector: A ReEDS Analysis 101 Patrick Sullivan, Caroline Uriarte, and Walter Short Investigating Technology Options for Climate Policies: Differentiated Roles in ADAGE 115 Martin T. Ross, Patrick T. Sullivan, Allen A. Fawcett, and Brooks M. Depro A Clean Energy Standard Analysis with the US-REGEN Model 137 Geoffrey J. Blanford, James H. Merrick, and David Young Assessing the Interactions among U.S. Climate Policy, Biomass Energy, and 165 Agricultural Trade Marshall A. Wise, Haewon C. McJeon, Katherine V. Calvin, Leon E. Clarke, and Page Kyle U.S. CO2 Mitigation in a Global Context: Welfare, Trade and Land Use 181 Ronald D. Sands, Katja Schumacher, and Hannah Fo¨rster Markets
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