i lyyj ^ y e a r . No. 29 75th ye -Twin Falls,'Is, Idaho i i ; Tuesday, Jamnuary 29,1980 1 5 * ; ■ 4 Cartter buidget: Icont«a in s'$15 hbilliorn defi WASHINGTON (UPl) icit JPl) - President = '“The long decline in re C arter Monday sent ConCongress a 5C15.8 real spending ( ; - —r — bJlllon budget for n s c a f {efatedstor/es • _ for defense lhat begann in1 i969 has ajanssrOfcilgiKHl-------- been reversed," Cartercr said in a to strengthen -Amerliie ric a ’8 defense m pagesJ A6, A 7 O t h . rr B o r r o w in g on message to Congress. "Th'The uncertain against a "hostile worltvorld” while con- — — __ ond somcllmcs hostile wdw6rld we live 4 < _ tlnulng to/Ight Innatlpni;lpnalhome_ In requires lhal we continuInue to rebuild ■Cnrtc'r's cloctlon' yearyc spending That is shortsho of his goal to balance theV bur defense forces. ’ ’ T h e l ^ dIget g dollar blueprint - amountinging loll 52,78(3.43 for budget ininl: 1381. but it Sllll is the lowesi- • ’The president did seek!k $1! billion lo every. AmDricmn - calls:alls for reducing amount ofof red Ink slncc the 1974 assist up lo 500,000 dIs)Jlsadvantaged / f o r f i sseal c year 1981 the federal deficit to a seven-yearsc low, recession,)n. $50 billion less than when youths in findlngjobs andiid a 24 perccnl Aside from increasesases In spending Carter cntc rise In federally subsldlzlilzing housing jntcrcd the While House, ^^Indlvldual^V for defense, energy,y, ca new youlh ' ‘We areare taking the prudcnl course funds. I employment programm anda Increased of keeping)lng on an auslere poslurc These social programn boosts»: m ay f housing subsidies forfor the poor, ll becausc! ofol the clear nnd presentI'^ help C arter defend his budludgcl agalnsl I proposes few nejv progra>grams. danger ofof Inflalion lo everyone,”; „ possible campaign crillclllcism from I - Carter termed the budgetbud "prudcnl Millersaid.Qld. advocates of butler Instead!adof guns, & and responsible.” Chorl:harlcs Schultie, Carterr predictedj a •‘mild" re--; The new budget said thelhe dcflcll for chairm an ot his Councilncll of Economic ceplon, duringdui lhe first holf of this, the current fiscal year wiwould reach Y O S '*,7 nearly $40 billion, far surt W j w h eere r , it goes... Advisers, called it "very"v tough.” cal^endarytr year, continued double-digit urpassing the $33,8 billion gap that was . T reasury Secretary G.3. WWmiam Miller ‘nnnllonI andm a sharp rise In un- as cxpcctcd a ^ 4 ^ ‘ few weeks ago. described it to rcpor.crsre] „s nent Umi could increase the "au stere.” of unemployed workers by 1.6I . James McIntyre, Cartertcr’s budget director, said the upswingig wns\ caused 1 r i e t " ' ■ ■ It proposes no lax«cu..,.r.ho ( jy the end of the year. — y. hJs top prlorUy this year by highcr-lnflatlon. whichch caught the American people or for businesst dur- . was to ihoi administration off-guard, f 11 JKB shore up the American mlll- rd.-andsuch P « y m « n t « Ing the coming year. _ o ther factors as an addiddltlonal $2 ta ry andd ItsIt ability lo protect U.S, // ^ o f l l Schullze told reportersners lhal, under . vital interessresls around lhe world. billion to buy Americarcan-produced 6 < Individuals .current conditions, suchsuch euls would Carter,•, whow cam paigned In 1976 on grain lhat was earmarkcrkcd for the II risk stimulating inflationinf - and decreasedid defensei spendirtg, askedJ! Soviet Union, bul fell vicl/Icllm to the E x c l . T l a x e s I \ entrenching 11 so deeplydec in the for S142.77 billionbl for defense, a rise of White House embargoJ afler the 4 3 4 economy il would lakeake "years and $15,3 billionlion or on inflatlon-adjusled. Afghanistan Invasion. Vv ^ years and years to dragnglt ll out." 3.3 perccnl:cnl. from current levels,“ There w ere $9.7 billionon In anlici- W h ere it Bul Carter promised-se d -lh a l if- Uie M any deferifensc ndvocales have been• paled culs contained In the proposed j-— budgctrB ut m any - like ho ------------- _______ economy “ begins lo _delerloraledel) sig-.- —ask ln g -foor-a-5-pcn:cnt~ti)crcasc-oc r- __ hospiiarcosi--------- --------------c o m e ^ f i -----------nlflcanlly" tajrreducllonjtlons andiempo::— more:-------- — containment desired to.0 save $800 - ~ f r o m / r . ra ry jol« program s woulA'ould be consld- T he millTiiillory budget contained. million — arc based on aranllcipnlion ' ered. billions of dollars for major new ,thal Congress wlil go alalong with Carter on lhe reductions, With spending of SGlS.fG15.8 billion Tind weapons,.including im $1.5 billion for the , ins, a mo;jl revenues of WOO billion,lion. Uie b ^ c l ‘' MX m issilesilc’.imd $G.l billion In ship- dubious assumption. _______ called for a dcflcll of $l5.8_biniQDi ----- buildln&ond andrenovaflon-funds:----------------- - 9 C o n t i n u e d o•n n] p a g e A 6 -- I Spendding fore• defense ■ \ suppoiyrted, asissailed |T ; • WASHINGTON lUFUPl) - Key ne- Wriglilgilt ofc Texas predicted Congress I H j h UI II ; publicans and Democr<»crjt.s in Congre.>vs \«iuldId accepta< hlglier defense spend- Ij agreed Monday Pres’resident Cartep:«— inD, and nilglil add lo C arter's pro- I new budget docs notlseeknblgcn(i se 6 gh p oils, ^ ls, I Increase In dcfcr^ spending..spe / Patsyatsy Mink,I president of Am ericans II They Indlcat^'S^c''euuuEewr'"would for DemocraticDemi Action, criticized the I I probably add to the defen.sedel program.s budget^ct forf culling back un "human ■I outlined in Carter'ss proposedpi budget needs”Is” programs. p The administration ■1 for 1981, "h ass openedope its purse for the military. ■■ ' Carter asked .forir u; $15.3- billion— ond dostclosed ll tight against those m ost............. ■ H B aw increase over last yeare a r's $127.4 billion In need,’' L‘cd,” shesald- g a defense budget, bul severnlmemberssc' Assist:islstant House Democratic leader ■ ■ said that would nut bcjcenougli. c John1 Oradcmas,Dr D-lnd.. called the ■■ Acting Senate KcpiIcpubllcan leader presldenliident’s budget "a budget of re- SKS ■ Ted Stevens, R-Aliiskaska. said Carter’s slrainl,”inl.’’.allhougli he said he hoped proposed 5 pcrcent; realre Increase In Uieprcdijrcdicted 10 percenl Inflalion rate -: ^ defense spending fall:falls lo lake inlo wouldId notnoi prove accurate, occount increasing pressurespn on the Sen.WIn, William Roth, R-Del., a leading ■ ■ United S lates as a resucsult of the Sovlel proponenloncnt of a m ajor tai( cut. roundly m t Invasion of Afghanistan:tan. criticizedclzed Carter's budget, "Despite H He said Republican:;ans In Congress the president’spres claim, there Is no arcwlllingloshcivecffiefforts lo balance rcslrainlraini in the budget,” hesaid, - the budget in order:r Ilo finance lhe Sen.n. GeorgeC McGovern, D-S,D., MH needed increases In dcf<defense .<;pending. promisedilsed lo fight the proposed cuts In House DemocraticUc lead er J im childI nutrillonnult programs. t mmmmmmmmarnm u i a —« w Cons]jpiracy rcases ( j “lagain;ist 2_dri(rdpp„ecL_^ ByCAROLHOSlOSLER Hafi2; Nas.sur.Nai ifie Ural of the Ihrce Lvflolotiol/Tlmes-No-J - Times-Newsi writerwi susixxts?cls loI face p relim inary hearing. • , ' Som etim esJs f e e t b e a t w hheels t BURLEYCharge-s^e-s were dropped ; ' Iballal limeI Uarrus sald-jfie had' 11 Monday on the rcmairlaining two men consideralderabiy more evidence .against ' . & -------- UaaOia p t ^ , 12, (he daughter of M n B Mrs. Vida cold, soow oro r ice following Sunday’s peratu res and a brUbrisk wind'Monday pul"a------ charged wllh.consplraeIracy lo commit NorlKrtUiert Uurncli and H asan All'. | OUim,m . Twin Falls, traveled twme oi le on Main snowfall. Ass thelt>e snow packed, however, stuirp edge on thttie e chUl. Mort} details 1 of two Palesli- Whenen JudgeJi HIger relumed lo the - S treet by <HW of the few m« m urder in the dealh 01 means of cyclists — alongalong with motorists — found about tlie weatherironpagcBl.. on nians In Burley in edtlyJlyDecemlKT. I 1, he said. "The .slate has pres- t r ain^rtation n ^ (hat Is not affectrocted by the going ti«actreacherous. Near zero tem- - ^ In what w as virtually evidence that there was suffl- - V — hearing to a preiimir conduct for Mr, Ali and Mr. \ Magistrate Judge N E r;cll, but II ha.S' not presented ‘ Soviet pulhutxit demanded - called Uie allom eys Inl< ^ evidence lhal Ihere was a and heard the argumcr ilracy,” .-____defense allomey.s and •rus moved the chargtw be dls- ■ Ing allomeys, SSrd agalnsl Ali and Burnell. , ‘ Afternr the11 courl w as dism issed Mosleem rebuukefor] iw ^ County Prosecutor• Al Uarru.>vsald B arrusis said,sal "We felt we had enougli 'Moscdi hc had Initiated Uie pru< jroceedlng lo gel evidence,nee, II was obviously question- , ISLAMABAD, Pakistantan (UPI) FarEostonth[) the key provisions asking camecai .hours after lhe confe a reading from the Judj The Moslem world uni nference’s Buslnesn e s s A I 2 J 3 udge on \^licther able, Tlie’nie Judge determ ined 11 w asn’t unaninously -for Soviet withdrawalwii and Kabul’s all-powerfulall polllical commit - Uicre was sufilclcnl evli called for ttw “Jmmedialelate oiu com- suspension froi _____ X l a s saiflcd i n ; B9-13. _ evidence lo war- sufficientlent loI coiislllulc conspiracy. We - - - from the Islamic body._______ceived:*Ix-Afghah-rebelcei ieai rant the tlme noccssaryary 7 o r a two- to had plenty plete" withdrawal of SovSovlfftlroops ■■kvory coun I c s ..........................
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