l. Baxter Wareham mandolin nd pi no. riginally from t. Alban' , he ' -e/ -erb eid' - une mo ed to the odroy alley in I 2 where he married Ffom Bu l'n Doubk (PIP-7324) CD & Ca ette, 1989. and ettled in the community of _ompkins. Minnie ha Produce by · elly Russell, Engineer- Don Walsh, adyeen recorded three album ; I Play~d It My Way i currently tudio, t. john' available on c-as ette. Baxter Wareham - Button Accordion, Leeland Wareham- Guitar, Kelly Russell - Bou~ouki, _- oel Dinn - Bodhran & Percussion. This type of dance tune 4. Emile Benoit is generally referred to as a "single ' and is often the Lc . eel de a Pistroli/Arriving o St. John' preferred rhythm for set dances and the ancers due to Fron1 It Com~s f~om 11~ Ht'a~t (PIP-7 II) I .. P, 1982, no longer its fast, insistent 2/4 tempo. Baxter was born and raised vailable. Produ ed by Ger Jd ·rhonl . 11igeon lnler Produ tion in the now resettled community of Harbour Buffett, field recording by Kelly Ru ell Placentia Bay, where he learned many ongs and The e fiddle tunes are both ori inal compo ition by accordion tunes from the older musicians. Emile, the first a reel compose for performance on a French TV program in oncton, .B., and the econd a jig compo ed on board an airplane bound for t. 2. Figgy Duff John' . A French ewfoundlander from Black Duck · ing Dance edl9 . Brook on the Port au Port Peninsula, Emile has al o ~om Figo Duff (Hypnotic/A&M 71356-5000-2) CD & recorded Emiks Drtam (PIP-732) no longer available, Ca~nc, 19~0. Produce~ by Gary Fu~niss & Tom T rcummh, and a new lbum cheduled for release in the summer Enganecr- Jam Frank, ambus 9 rud1o, Toronto of 1992. Geoff Butler - Button Accordion, Dave Panting - Mandolin, Pamela Morgan - Guitar & Tin Whistle, oel Dinn - Drums. The medley begins with three 5. The Crowd sin les: the Kissing Dance Tune, learned from Larry Arriving to St. John's Bar -er of Open Hall, Bona vista Bay; Around the . FromAIItl~Bt'st ( PIP-7 22) ~. C . ette,l.. P,I988.Produced House and the Red Island Tune, both from Gerald by Kell , Ru ell, Engineer - on ai h, Dadyeen tudio, t. ~Campbell of Branch, St. ary's Bay. These are John' followed by two reels; oldier's Joy and untitled tune eoff Butler - Button Accordion, Christina mith - learned from Art Stoyles of t. John's. An Fiddle, Kelly Russell - Fiddle, D,ave Panting - internationally successful band, Figgy Duff may ,also be andolin, Wanda Crocker - andolin, Jean Hew on - heard on Aft~r th~ T~mp~st and W~ath~r Out tht Storm. Guitar, Paddy ackey- Bodhran. Emile Benoit continue to be an inspiration to many younger . Wh. • ewfoundland musicians as his tunes are learned and 3 • M1001e . l(e interpreted with more contemporary arrangement . idnight Waltz AJthou h "The Crowd" is not actually the name of a ~om Homnt~aJ R~~b (C 7816) LP, 1978, no longer available. band, r e e musicians have played together in various Produced & Engineered by . 'eil Bishop & Claude Caine , Clode ound tudio, rephenville groups over rhe past I 0-15 year . Minnie White - Button Accordion, · -eil Bishop - Guitar, Claude Caines- Bass, Kevin Mac• ·eil- Drums. 6. Tickle Harbour The waltz has become a popular dance form in Bridgett'~ Reel/ im odder's eel · ewfoundland and is actually the only folk dance Previously unreleased. Re orded in J nuary I 92. Produced nd performed by a couple. This tune is an ori inal Engineered b ' Don I h, Dadyeen tudio, t. John' composition by Minnie White, who also p ays eamu reagh - Fiddle, Paddy ackey- Bodhran, 9. The Quidi Vidi Ceili Band Rob Murphy- lute, erry trong- in Whi rle, on Up the Pond Walsh - uitar, Kelly Russell - Mandolin and From favourit~ N~wfounJlanJ Follt Music (PIP-7320) Ca ette, ynthesizer. These rwo reel are both original 1986. Recorded at Echo tudio, t. John' , ngineer- Jack Win or compositions by Emile Benoit. This recording was kipper Jim Rin -Button Accordion Randy Ring­ made for Tickle Harbour' performance in the B Mandolin, Mari yn Benson- Tin Whistle, Jimm Linegar 1V program Tht National Doubt, aired in anada on - Guitar. Familiar to most ~ ewfoundlanders as t e arch 19, 1992. Tickle Harbour has been playing the ignature tune for the Annual t. John's Re atta, this jig is in rrumental dance music of Ireland and known elsewhere as Tht Banks ofNtwfoun Uznd and is ewfoundland ince its formation in 1979 and ha followed here by the Irish tune Garryowtn. This recording recorded rwo albums: Tht Ha~t sEars (LP, 1979, no was fir t released as the B side of the 4 5 rpm single Tht longer available) and Tht B~ult Boys in Paris (PIP- G~and Timt of9: 12. 04, a ong about the race in 1981 7 25, CD & ~Cassette, 1991). when the mith- tockley crew broke the 80 year old record time of9:13. Both Randy and his father, the late Jim Ring, were member of that crew. 7. Ron Felix trip the Willow I 0. ellie M usseau Fron1 Music Fr7om fr~nrh Ntwfound/and (PIP-7 4) t.P, 1980, no lo_nger . vail ble. Produ ed_ b Kelly Ru_ ell, Engineer - eil Got a Bonnet TrintRled With Blue 81 hop lode ound rud1o, rephenvalle Previou ly unrelea ed field recording by Kenneth Peacock, 1960. Printed in ongs ofth~ NtwfounJland Outports a three volume folk Ron Felix - Button Aooordion, lyde ~rnect - Guitar. ong colleclion publi hed by The arional . u eum of Canada. Two jigs from Cape t. George on the Pon au Pon Peninsula, an area rich in music and Fliench cUlture. This is an example of "chin music ' which was often used Although Ron had no names for these tunes the fir t was for dancing when a fiddle or aGcordion player was not also layed by Rufus uinchard who called it trip th~ available. ~ _r. Peacock notes that some singer , like Mrs. Wi . w, also the name of a particular set dance. Ron _ u seau (pronounced Mus- o), "become so proficient learned most of his tunes &om his mother who didn't play that they are often called upon even when instruments are an instrument but would ing the tunes for him to learn. available". From ouse Island, near Port aux Basques, ellie Mus eau passed away in 1973. 8. Ray Johnson II. Joseph Aucoin fPenny eel he Growling Old an rom A B~~ath ofN~wfoundland (PIP-7 8) LP, 1982, no longer Previou ly unrelea ed field recording by ennerh Peacock, 1959 .V ilable. Produced by Peter rvaez nd eil Ro enberg .. ecorded t BPI tudio, t. John' A well-known reel both in ewfoundland and elsewhere, _ y Johnson- Button Accordion, Ted Rowe- uitar, this is po sibly the earliest recording of ewfoundland els Giles- Bass, Roger kinner- Drums. In addition fiddle music. Mr. Aucoin was 20 years of age when this was to traditional and original tunes man mu ician play recorded. He now resides in t. Andrew , Codfoy Valley. music learned from ource outside o ewfoundland. Ray learned this reel from a recording of the late C nadian fiddler Don Messer. From Job' Cove in 12. rank Maher Conception Bay, Ray has recorded six olo album , all . unning the Goat of which are no longer available. He now record and rom All th~ B~st (PIP -7 22) CD, Cas etre, P, I 988. Produced by performs with the por,ular group "Buddy Wasisname Kelly Ru ell, Engineer- Don Wal h, Dadyeen tudio, r. John's and the Ocher Fellers '. - rank .aher - Button Accordion & --armonica, andy younger musicians who continue to play his music. orris - Bouzouki, Pamela Morgan - Guitar, oel Dinn Currentl available feGordings are Nro~founJ!tznJ Songs - Bodhran. Running tht Goat is actually the name of a and Fi 'k Music and Humou~ing tht T:unts. particular et dance from Harbour Deep. It was learned and popularized in t. John's by the theatre and dance troupe " heila's Brush '. The medley of four singles . 15. Red _sland egins with the original Goat Dance tune ffom Harbour Centennial eel Dee , followed by All A~ounJ Aunt Ru i Gartkn Sht rom In Pursuit of Wi/J &logmz (CS78-04) LP, 1978, no ai Sht Cou/Jn t Danct and an untitle tune composed onger available. P~oduced by Red Island, Engineer - -cil Bishop, by t. John's musician Geoff Panting. Frank Maher is Clodc ound tudio, tephenville. Remixed at Dadyccn Srudio,- from the Battery in t. John's and has recorded with 1992 Figgy Duff on their ~tath« Out tht Stotm album. Jamie Snider- Fiddle, Bruce Crummell- Lead Guitar, Don Walsh - Rhythm Guitar, Derek Pelley - Bass, hawn Power - Drums. One of Rufus Guinch~d's most 13. Art toyles popular tunes, which he oom sed during Centennial he Portuguese Walcza Year (1967) while em loyed y the Depanment of rom All th~ B~st (PIP - 7322) CD, Cassette, LP, 1988. Produced Hi hways. Red Islan was a popular group during the by elly Ru sell, ngineer - Don Walsh, Dadyeen tudio, t. mi - to late-1970s, performing extensively throughout John' . ewfoundland and the --aritimes. They were one of the Art toyles - Button Accordion, Pamela Morgan - first local groups to successfully combine contemporary Guitar, Derek Pelley - Bass, oel Dinn- Drums, Kelly rock music ounds with traditional and original music. Russell - Viola.
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