The famous Rose Bowl Seats 95,000 people. Yet it would take More than ten Rose Bowls To hold All the parents o5? And merchants And farmers And everyday people "» " In all walks of life Who are 9cK Bell System stockholders. ^. About 975,000 people-including 200,000 telephone employees- Have invested ;C' A part of their savings In the telephone business. ^^98Mi It's their money That helps make possible This country's Top-notch telephone service— A service vital to our National defense effort. 1 BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM Football POPULAR with COLLEGE MEN White Oxford Cloth ROLL COLLAR SHIRTS Regularly $3.95 $26 5 13 UTTON-DOWN style shirt in soft, comfortable -'^ white oxford cloth, with the wanted widespread roll collar and French cuffs. A shirt for new comfort as well as style, destined to remain a favorite of college men. Sizes 14 to 17. GILBERT'S OPEN EVERY EVENING until 9:00 813 - 817 S. MICHIGAN ST. Review for a SUCCESSFUL SEASON We are proud of Notre Dame .^ We too are receiving plaudits for the excellence of our • ALUMINUM WINDOWS • THERMOPANE • STORE FRONT DESIGNS E,ook • • • and feel • • • if our best in a smariiy tailored • VITROLITE BATHS SHRADMOOR TUXEDO • GLASS and GLAZING Correct in every detail • • • and only • CUSTOM MIRRORS We will gladly help you with 39.30 any of your Glass or Paint Problems. Shradmoor Tuxedos are tailored to give you the comfort of a business suit, yet, detailed for correct formal appearance. Sizes for ALL men . even you who wear EXTRA long. Adler fitted . your assurance of a smooth, -^ perfectly-groomed appearance. New "Tony Martin" Single breasted Tux 65.00 Varsity Town Full Dress Suits or Tu.xedos 58.00 INTERSTATE Glass and Paint Co., Inc. South Bend 4-1164 4-1164 MICHIGAN at WASHINGTON Football Ice Cream Refreshingly Yours YOU PAY NO MORE for Dance Lessons at • You actually save money because you learn the new dances in a fraction of the usual time. DANCE AFTER ONLY ONE LESSON Arthur Murray's amazing Magic Step gives you the shortcut to mastery of all the new steps! His talented experts quickly bring out your natural grace and sense of rhythm — make you fun to dance with and a pleasure to watch. With the prestige of Arthur Murray behind you, you step out with new confidence ... to new popularity. See what Arthur Murray offers you. Come in or phone 2-3339. ARTHUR MURRAY 120 E. WAYNE. SOUTH BEND Call 2-3.339 for a FREE Trial Lesson Today. Kev tew aP^ Service Printers, Inc. Tfo^tt^cfut ^acUcuuCxr ^€in^c^ ^Oiumencial ^xuiten^. \ CnLOM campus Vol. 92 December 8, 1950 No. 12 Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus Founded 1867 Entered as second class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage, Section 1101. October 3, 1917. Authorized June 23. 1918. Editor KENNETH A. THOREN '51 Associate Editors WALTON R. COLLINS '51 JOHN H. JANOWSKI '51 JOHN J. POWERS '52... News CHARLES B. DULLEA '52....Assistant News ALPHONSE A. LAPORTE '51 Features JOHN F. MEANEY '52 Sports JACK R. VARLEY '52 Assistant Sports Burt—oxford button-down collar with the soft roll JAMES E. MCLAUGHLIN '51....PhotographY (the college man's staple diet). A "Manhattan," of course. LEON GARDNER, '52 _ Librarian M. A. ALEXANDER Advertising WILLIAM J. HOSCHEIDT '51 Advertising ROBERT WILDEMAN '52 Circulation TAMES ROGERS '51 Circulation DALE FRANCIS Faculty Moderator Member of Catholic School Press .Usociation. .As­ sociated Collegiate Press,. Represented for national advertising by National .Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madibon .\\enue. .New York City. Tnh SciiO!.\STic is published weekly during the school year, except during vacation and examina­ tion periods at the Univeisitv of .Notre Dame. .Ad­ dress all manusciipis to the I£ditoi. Box 185. Notre Dame. Indiana. Contributors to Football Ls.sue NEWS STAFF: Roger Blatz, Justin Bol- \/ Range ger, ])on Carbone, Pat Carrico, Valen­ tine Chun, Dick Cody, John Corrigan, $3.95 Eobert Finney, Thomas Godfrey, Pat O'Mailey, Johii Quetsch, William Rady, Berry Reece, Neil Scarlett, Paul Zalecki, Ronge—fine white broadcloth with the wide-spread Ronald Zier. collar. Made by "Manhattan," which means perfect fit- SPORTS STAFF: Bill Brien, Jim Brislin, Joe Deiss, Jack Economou, Roger Fer- nandes, Mort Kelly, Bill Londo, Fran Meaner, Bill Riley, Frank Ronnenberg, Bob Rust, Joe Straub. PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF: Gordon Brick- son, Paul Fitzgerald, John Kinville, Har­ old Munger, Charles F. Murphy, Ji-., and Jerry Sheehan. The Manhattan Shirt Company, makers of "'Manhattan" shirts, ties, I FEATURE STAFF: Larry McDermott underwear, pajamas, sportsfiirts, beachwear and handkerchiefs. \ and Dan Brennan. V J'i Ttie (950 Tbotball Season ISM^ ;-»-M»-T(TVni A lilt viiinini-i. kin\\;;.y ( .1 vs.i111iijs iiiiiiiiud tli< l^t'iii Niiii, D.uiii ti'dih.iil ii .1111 uouhi r.ii-'t I \Mih Uili.i! I 111 s. \i]-.. jidk s.iu! tin- Imi!.' uiniiiiiL: <lr-.ik u.is hnuncl (u Im.ik Dm tin uau'- ;nu !'ll ..r. i!. .ii ,..i- .\,.ui\ sjmns wiitiis. i.uis. lnv.il •.nulriits wunkl h.iM- iiotliiim tn lin •.Mtli M.. h I iK. i I), ii .i;ii U.I-, i:uinL; to he :is nii ,it .i^ , \ i r iidtliinu i ouhi sidj) iis R L \I-I.^ ni''.li:iiL ...iiii: \\, v.,;. t" ,iti u. sm, _ but t!ua ilithi't stop us. \\ luu tin pioj)lu is IKH; not ,1-in .ml. lo ini.iill \\,,s tin \\.i\ d'ff.it u.is to lie .unpiiil .11 .Xolii D.iini' \\ hcthi 1 w lost. uo!i o: c'l.i. iliiM- w.is Muc thitm tli.u tc lii.iitu <i i oust.ml tliinuiilunu tin s< .isuis I u.is spii.t hisf.u: ot (K'lji; .itt. 1 ih- Puuhir .lil<. It It till \\ X(i It. nil m tillhr- I Ioiintr \ I oiiui n.i\ I .is.Ni ii '.{•] '~U .If 1 sUIipol t WKLLlNc; ill \oli.n!. till spun ,,1 tin stuuciu hod\ u.i.s .ilinost iiiil)i-lir\.ii)l, But tlu- stiulciits (iian t th.iik s,, It u.is !M.iri\ sonii ihiim .•.\pi-, ii-(l of Xoiii D.iiiit mt n If uc c oulil \t II .uul 111 iJH'iiil ..I tin I' .11: uli: 11 ihr\ wi II uinnint;. \vr I ouhi do tin- s.niu wlifil tlir uoiiiu u.is loiiuli. H LRK ill'n. looknu n.ii k on it. w.is n si-;is(in to n-iiii-iiibi i -f^3 :--«s ivAyf'li -isV*. iJ^- I I'^.'J''-.- iMkr •"•'^ .-^•imes! /SSlI*"' ,- ¥2 -SM^^ *»*«^; .^vs ^:v:=sS';:;-in<r^4^iFr«i>r^':-*'.-:3v.-^;.;.v>r^—^ Too ^Mntseh' for Rebels By FRANK RONNENBERG, '52 Notre Dame, Ind., Sept. 30.—Today, kicked the extra point and after two offense was becoming more formidable. under a boiling hot sun that drove the minutes and 40 seconds, the Irish led, The second half looked like a tough haul thermometer upwards of 7.5 degrees, a 7-0. for the Irish. It was. fighting Notre Dame football team suc­ Notre Dame started again a few mo­ The Tarheels made their first drive cessfully stifled North Carolina's bid for ments later after a Carolina punt had early in the third quarter. Starting gridiron fame. It was a tremendously put them back to their own 14. Bill deep in his own territory. Bunting car­ keyed up team that Carl Suavely brought Barrett took a pitchout from Bob AVil- ried to the Irish 49 in two plays. After to South Bend but sparked by the bril­ liams, cut back and raced 52 yards to Hayes completed a pass to the 33, he liant passing of Bob Williams, the Irish the Carolina 32. It looked like another circled the Irish left end to the 9, then forced the Tarheels to capitulate by a day in the country for the Irish but the burst through the middle to the one. score of 14-7. optimism was short lived. Carolina held, That is as far as the Tarheels got that The closeness of the score cannot even took over on downs and the punting duel trip though. After two plunges failed approximate the closeness of the strug­ began. When the air finally cleared the gle. Notre Dame Stadium shook under Irish found themselves back on their the impact of 56,500 wildly cheering fans o\\Ti 25. Williams promptly filled the air who were talking upset for the major with passes and on the strength of five CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, Oct. 1 portion of the game. completions, Notre Dame drove to the Dick Hackenberg It was all Irish in the opening min­ Tarheel 20-yard line. Unfortunately for utes thanks to a bad case of jitters suf­ Notre Dame, Dick Bunting of North Ca­ Twenty million people across the nation fered by the boys from Chapel Hill. The rolina was on the receiving end of Wil­ refused to believe their eyes. Football his­ Irish kicked off to open the game and liams' sixth pass and the Irish were tory was in the making on their television Carolina end Tom Higgins promptly stymied for the third time. An inter­ screens. Then, before the greatest assem­ fumbled the ball. Paul Burns fell on it ception of a Hayes pass by Bill Gay blage ever to watch a grid contest, the for the Irish and they were first and closed out Carolina's only threat to Irish pulled it out. ten on the Tarheel 23. However, a clip­ Notre Dame's lead and the half ended ping penalty forced the Irish to punt soon after.
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