MONGOLIAN NomadicON THE NomadicHOLLYWOOD SCREEN life 34-35 40-41 MONGOLIA TODAY Since 1956 December 2020 №05 (Special edition) MONGOLia's DEVELOPMENT MODEL АЛСЫН ХАРАА 2050 МОНГОЛ УЛСЫН УРТ ХУГАЦААНЫ ХӨГЖЛИЙН БОДЛОГО ҮНДЭСНИЙCOMMON НЭГДМЭЛ ХҮНИЙ АМЬДРАЛЫН ЧАНАР БА ҮНЭТ ЗҮЙЛ ХӨГЖИЛ ДУНДАЖ ДАВХАРГА NATIONAL VALUE ЭДИЙН САЙН НОГООН VISION ЗАСАГ ЗАСАГЛАЛ ХӨГЖИЛ АЛСЫН ХАРАА 2050 АЛСЫН ХАРАА 2050 МОНГОЛ УЛСЫН УРТ ХУГАЦААНЫ ХӨГЖЛИЙН БОДЛОГО МОНГОЛ УЛСЫН УРТ ХУГАЦААНЫ ХӨГЖЛИЙН БОДЛОГО АМАР ТАЙВАН БҮСЧИЛСЭН УЛААНБААТАР БА 20 АЮУЛГҮЙ НИЙГЭМ ХӨГЖИЛ ДАГУУЛ ХОТ АЛСЫН ХАРАА 2050 ҮНДЭСНИЙ НЭГДМЭЛНЭГДМЭЛ ХҮНИЙХҮНИЙ АМЬДРАЛЫНАМЬДРАЛЫН ЧАНАРЧАНАР БАБА ҮНЭТҮНЭТ ЗҮЙЛЗҮЙЛ ХӨГЖИЛХӨГЖИЛ ДУНДАЖДУНДАЖ ДАВХАРГАДАВХАРГА АЛСЫН ХАРАА 2050 МОНГОЛ УЛСЫН УРТ ХУГАЦААНЫ ХӨГЖЛИЙН БОДЛОГО АЛСЫН ХАРАА 2050 МОНГОЛ УЛСЫН УРТ ХУГАЦААНЫ ХӨГЖЛИЙН БОДЛОГО МОНГОЛ УЛСЫН УРТ ХУГАЦААНЫ ХӨГЖЛИЙН БОДЛОГО УЛААНБААТАР ХОТ - 2019 ОН ҮНДЭСНИЙ НЭГДМЭЛ ХҮНИЙ АМЬДРАЛЫН ЧАНАР БА ТӨСЛИЙН ЭХНИЙ ХУВИЛБАР ҮНЭТ ЗҮЙЛ HUMANХӨГЖИЛ QUALITYДУНДАЖ ДАВХАРГА OF LIFE DEVELOPMENT AND MIDDLE CLASS ҮНДЭСНИЙ НЭГДМЭЛ ХҮНИЙ АМЬДРАЛЫН ЧАНАР БА ЭДИЙНЭДИЙН САЙНСАЙН НОГООННОГООН ҮНЭТ ЗҮЙЛ ХӨГЖИЛ ДУНДАЖ ДАВХАРГА ЗАСАГЗАСАГ ЗАСАГЛАЛЗАСАГЛАЛ ХӨГЖИЛХӨГЖИЛ ЭДИЙН САЙН НОГООН ЗАСАГ ЗАСАГЛАЛ ХӨГЖИЛ АМАР ТАЙВАН БҮСЧИЛСЭН УЛААНБААТАР БА ЭДИЙН САЙН НОГООН АМАР ТАЙВАН БҮСЧИЛСЭН УЛААНБААТАР БА АЮУЛГҮЙPEACE НИЙГЭМ AND REGIONALХӨГЖИЛ ULAANBAATARДАГУУЛ ХОТ AND ЗАСАГTHE ЗАСАГЛАЛGOOD ХӨГЖИЛGREEN АЮУЛГҮЙ НИЙГЭМ ХӨГЖИЛ ДАГУУЛ ХОТ ECONOMY GOVERNANCE DEVELOPMENT SECURITY OF THE DEVELOPMENT SATELLITE CITIES SOCIETY АЛСЫН ХАРАА 20502050 2020 | 1 МОНГОЛ УЛСЫН УРТ ХУГАЦААНЫ ХӨГЖЛИЙНХӨГЖЛИЙН БОДЛОГОБОДЛОГО АМАР ТАЙВАН БҮСЧИЛСЭН УЛААНБААТАР БА АЮУЛГҮЙ НИЙГЭМ ХӨГЖИЛ ДАГУУЛ ХОТ ТӨСЛИЙН ЭХНИЙ ХУВИЛБАР УЛААНБААТАР ХОТ - 2019 ОН ТӨСЛИЙН ЭХНИЙ ХУВИЛБАР УЛААНБААТАР ХОТ - 2019 ОН АМАР ТАЙВАН БҮСЧИЛСЭН УЛААНБААТАР БА АЮУЛГҮЙ НИЙГЭМ ХӨГЖИЛ ДАГУУЛ ХОТ АЛСЫН ХАРАА 2050 МОНГОЛАЛСЫН УЛСЫН УРТ ХУГАЦААНЫ ХАРАА ХӨГЖЛИЙН БОДЛОГО 2050 МОНГОЛ УЛСЫН УРТ ХУГАЦААНЫ ХӨГЖЛИЙН БОДЛОГО ТӨСЛИЙН ЭХНИЙ ХУВИЛБАР УЛААНБААТАР ХОТ - 2019 ОН ТӨСЛИЙН ЭХНИЙ ХУВИЛБАР УЛААНБААТАР ХОТ - 2019 ОН 2 | MONGOLIA TODAY CONTENTS INTERVIEW WITH HEAD OF THE CABINET SECRETARIAT L.OYUN-ERDENE..................................4-8 MONGOLIA: FAVORABLE INVESTMENT CLIMATE...........................................10-11 MONGOLIA'S DEVELOPMENT MODEL "VISION-2050"……..........................12-15 E-MONGOLIA: MONGOLIANS TO DIGITAL TRANSITION .....................................16-19 MEGA PROJECTS ...............................20-29 TRAVELING THROUGH CHINGGIS KHAAN'S HISTORIC PLACES...........................….30-33 NOMADIC LIFE ON THE HOLLYWOOD SCREEN..........................……............34-35 WORLD HERITAGE: THE "TOSON-KHULSTAI" BIOSPHERE RESEVE..........................….................36-37 THE HU: LEGEND AWAKENING HUNNU ROCK……..........................................38-39 MONGOLIAN SNOW LEOPARD……............................….....40-41 A MESSAGE FROM MONGOLIAN 3X3 BASKETBALL TEAM NAMED ONE OF WORLD’S THE EDITORIAL TEAM TOP 12 TEAMS..........…...........................42 Dear Readers, We present you the special edition of ‘Mongolia Today’ magazine for 2020. By 2050, Mongolia has set a goal to reach a level where it is fully capable of compet- M O N G O L I A T O D A Y ing in the region of Asia and the Pacific, with a GDP per capita of USD 38 thousand. This MONTSAME NATIONAL NEWS AGENCY OF MONGOLIA is just one of the main objectives stated in ‘Vision-2050’ long term development policy of Mongolia. This special issue highlights ‘Vision-2050’ as it is the country’s core policy docu- Editor-in-Chief: ment that defines the next 30 years of development. L.Batbayar Some 1,500 researchers of government and non-governmental organizations, professional Managing Editor: research institutes, and universities were involved and over 500 development policies were B.Ooluun used in developing this policy document, which is considered truly a ‘Mongol development model’ bringing together the history of the Mongol Empire, nomadic culture, and unique Journalists: national characteristics with the modern development ideology being followed internationally. Sh.Batbold, M.Unurzul, B.Batchimeg, M.Anudari, From the articles and interviews, we hope you will find answers to why the country needs A.Munkhzul, E.Erdenejargal this policy document, what Mongolia wants to achieve in the next 30 years, what the prior- B.Altankhuyag, Ch.Ariunbold ity areas will be for the economic development, and how it plans to achieve the goals. S.Munkhbaatar, D.Ulziisaikhan This issue also covers stories on Mongolians who are making a success in international film Advertising and sales and music industries and sports. Moreover, this special issue includes the articles on snow manager: leopards in Mongolia, one of very rear animals in the world and the Toson-Khulstai Nature B.Tumur, B.Enkhbold Reserve of Mongolia, which recently was designated as a UNESCO’s Biosphere Reserve. Photographers: B.Chadraabal, T.Chimgee, N.Batbayar Designer: D.Enkhbayar 2020 | 3 Interview SH.BATBOLD CH.ARIUNBOLD MONGOLIA TO BE COMPETITIVE WITH ITS SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGION BY 2050 Minister of Mongolia, Head of the Cabinet Secretariat Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai is one of the leading young politicians of Mongolia. Elected as a Member of the State Great Khural (Mongolian parliament) since 2016, and appointed as Minister of Mongolia, Head of the Cabinet Secretariat since early 2019, he was the one to lead the working group to develop the ‘Vision-2050’ long term development policy of Mongolia. We held an interview with him to discuss ‘Vision-2050’ policy document, which laid out the country’s development plans for the next 30 years. Born in 1980, L.Oyun-Erdene majored in journalism, political science, and law. He also has a Master’s degree in Public Administration, of which studies he completed at the Harvard University of the United States in 2015. -It has been 30 years since Mon- of Mongolia. - ‘Vision-2050’ is a ‘Mongolia's golia transitioned into democracy. -Could you elaborate on the con- development model’ that brings The past 30 years is regarded to stitutional amendments? How does together the history of the Mongol have been years of major changes the development policy correlate Empire, nomadic culture, and unique and reform in the country. with the Constitution? national characteristics with the -Yes. Mongolia’s GDP has in- -In short, the average “life ex- modern development ideology being creased from USD 768.4 million in pectancy” for the Government of followed internationally. Prior to 1993 to USD 13.8 billion today, hav- Mongolia was 1.7 years in the past 1990, our development model was ing grown by 17.9 times compared 30 years. Although there are many mostly replicated from those of the ‘Vision-2050’ to then. From just the numbers, factors that resulted in this, it was USSR, then began to follow the lead is a ‘Mongolia's this is a considerable achievement. found that the issue was mainly of western countries from 1992. However, 28.4 percent of the total caused by a structural issue rooted Directly “copying” them without development population—one in every three people in the Constitution. Due to unstable adapting them to our characteristics model’ that continues to have lower than average governance, development policies and condition was perhaps a mistake brings together quality of life. Thus, the Govern- were not properly implemented and in the past 30 years. the history of ment of Mongolia is faced with the did not have correlation in between, This was corrected in the ‘Vi- challenge to give special attention which affected the core indicators of sion-2050’ policy document. That’s the Mongol to our citizens’ quality of life in the development. why it is being referred to as the Mon- Empire, coming years. To do this, we came to So, it could be said that with the gol development model. Some 1,500 nomadic the conclusion that we had to look amendments to the Constitution, the experts from all sectors came together back on the past 30 years as a whole, legal foundation to ensure governance to work on the development policy culture, and and develop a long-term development stability has been put. Furthermore, for the course of over a year. For the unique national policy that envisions the entirety of the Constitution now reflects that coming 30 years, you could say that characteristics the next 30 years. With the approval development policies are to be stable our objective is to make big changes of the ‘Vision-2050’ policy document, and have correlation. It has also be- in our economic structure by reducing with the modern additional amendments were also come possible for the Prime Minister the overdependence on mining, and development made to the Constitution according to bring together the members of his transition from a consumer economy ideology being to the document. To put it simply, Cabinet independently. into a manufacturing and export followed the year of 2021 will be the start of -What is the main feature of ‘Vi- economy. Consisting of 9 goals and 47 a new set of 30 years for the citizens sion-2050’ policy document? objectives, it will be implemented in internationally. 4 | MONGOLIA TODAY Some 1,500 experts from all sectors came together to work on the development policy for the course of over a year. 3 phases, each for 10 years. We make investments in establish- with considerable investment are a few that you may have heard of, also have a vision to increase our ing factories and refineries for
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