Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 10-3-1941 Spectator 1941-10-03 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1941-10-03" (1941). The Spectator. 174. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/174 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. /JT-Afe*. SEATTLESPECTATORCOLLEGE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1941 Z— Boo AmericanMedical Association ApprovesBiology Courses Engineering Students Clinical Laboratory Technician Course HaveLargerLabs To Qet Field Work States Dr. Werby Fall Production Four Courses Listed Inspection Results In In The Five Year Dr. Helen Werby, head of the K.ByBoard, biology department, told the Spec- 'Tons Money' tator this week thaat she was Of Study Plan Says Letter gratified by the progress of her LO. department during her three-year Chosen By Guild Seattle College's new school of tenure as head of the department, engineering opened its doors to By Ann Baillargeon but she also hopes for continued students this week. Long looked enlargement and increased equip- "Tons of Money," hilarious forward to, and especially valuable farce, has been chosen as the fall Thursday morning, a letter ment in the future. because of the present world situ- development quarter production at the College. ation, college The latest of the Monday the new is headed as received by Dean James progress of the biology depart- Tryouts will be held eve- by H. T. Drill, ning 7 to 9 at Providence Dr. also head of McGoldrick, S. J., from ment is the new laboratory and from the physics department. Hospital. The cast calls for four illiam D. Cutter,M.D.,Sec- stock room on the third floor of Four engineering courses wi the science building. The new women and six men. be available, mechanical, electri tary of American Medical laboratory, having four tables "This year the Drama Guild will civil and chemical, and the fu ssociation, notifying him which will seat ten students each, not limit its activities exclusively course required for a degree i to acting, but will also branch out at after a thorough investi- will be able to seat forty students. any of the four branches lastsfh "The most modern feature," de- into the production field. In pre- years. An innovation to engin tion,the Course for Clinical clared Dr. Helen Werby, "is the vious years the Guild has just eering courses in the west, but a iboratory Technicians at Se- new lighting system which is acted, never handling the actual established practice in the large adapted production. They will be taught tle College and Providence from the system now in eastern schools of engineering, i use at Oregon State College. This the art of makeup that goes into the requirement that one year i jspital has b&en approved system consists of three lights, producing a show." commented the five will be spent by the stut hanging Carmody, faculty moder- id registered by thf Ameri- down over each table, Father ent in actual field work, workin which will enable the students ator. in an industrial organization spec n Medical Association. to see through microscopes more "This year, with full coopera- ializingin his field of study. Ap Recently an inspection was made easily and eliminate shadows be- tion of the student body, we will pointments to the various indus ing cast specimens by plants y Dr. F. H. Arestad, M. D., a upon other have one of the best Drama Guilds trial will be made by students." that has ever been fortunate committee composed of both in member of the staff of the Amer- I Dr. Helen Werby said, "the new enough to represent Seattle Col- dustrialists and members of th an Medical Association, with ref- Scenes such as the above were a common sight at the registrar's office even up until stock room (the former women's lege," said Bill Orland, newly engineering school faculty. Th rence to the course for clinical the time the Spectator went to press. lounge) was moreimportant to the chosen secretary-treasurer. plan calls for two students work aboratory technicians conducted department because it would allow ing on each job, one spending a at >y Seattle College in cooperation greater efficiency and convenience month work and a month a for the students." She hopes school, alternating with the othe ith Columbus and Providence that Board eventually separate divisions will Judicial students, the length of the fteli ospitals. The recent visit of in-,Record Enrollment Indicated be installed for the preparation oi Examinations Set courses lasting two years. lection was in response to an ap- media and storage equipment. The school will be housed in lication for registration of the The new laboratory was neces- By Justice the former Madison Street ca aboratory training course conduct- By Latest Registrar's Figures sary because of the increased en- Moffat barn, which the College purchaseo d by Providence Hospital in co- rollment of students caused by the from the city of Seattle in a sur peration with the Seattle College. need of more nurses for the gov- Test Results Secret prise move last Spring quarter ernment According to organizei Many of the educational activ- To date, Wednesday, Octo- the fastest growing Collegein from Marylhurst Women's and the establishment of Approved Dr. Drill, ities of this hospital including the a new course for medical techni- Before and head of the department, the ber 1, with registrations still the United States. ■ laboi'atory technicians College, Oswego, Oregon. cians. The new laboratory and engineering building, nee car training of coming in, are carried out in affiliation with the figures of 941 In 1931 when the College The courses especially ap- stock room will eliminate the con- Senior and Sophomore students barn, has a floor space almos Seattle College. The course re- students enrolled in the day opened at its present loca- fusion caused by the overcrowded wil vie for two posts in student equal to that of the new Libera quires three years of college train- pealing were Engineering, and overlapped classes. body offices on Oct. 9, in Room Arts building. At present the school and a total of 1323 for tion there were only 36 men will building is undergoing renovation ing and one year of practical work with an enrollment of 40 stu- While saying she hoped the new 7, at 12:10 p. m. Competitors in ahospital laboratory for the de-- both day and night enroll- students enrolled. The pres- laboratory and stock room would be queried on the A.S.S.C. consti- new roofing as well as flooring gree. Two years of college and ments predict that this year's ent enrollment figure makes dents, Business Administra- be ready for use beginning next tution and its by-laws in confor- being installed. one year of hospitalexperience are week, she also the requirements as laid Dr. Drill, named head of the enrollment will surpass the College not only tion with I;) mentioned it was mationto required for a certificate in labor- even the larg- about 0full time the second step of progress made down in the constitution. new school, spent two years with .of ..List, 1 -.v; '■ — the Portland Electric Car Co., «, that ysfir... Cfttholio col. on.tl g.de- Vt.(J?partraont. mrt - ' and" /LnftfitrrHifl ast tfoa ."fflntll Already prepa.eri the sen- ais.,' "■ i"' enlargement iter Bp\Hi ~t-;ll<>~~ "Preliminary training in biolo- to Father James B. McGold- cific Coast but also estab- partment being patronized coal is the of the fill vacancies chemistry, bacteriology, etc., biology department test to on the Judi- building contractor. He was a gy, rick, until it covers cial Board, is an examination amply provided for and Dean of Studies more ishes it as the largest private jvith the largest number up the entire third floor in the Sci- professor at Oregon State College has been based on pure logic and memory. for will be further enhanced by the than 200 additional regis- collegeon the Pacific Coast. to date. (Hjce building. eleven years, during- which The test will prove the person's time he received his master's de- splendid facilities of the new trantsare expectedduring the Students come from Oregon, thinking and building Scholarships were granted capacity for clear gree at the University of Oregon which now constitutes the retention, college," stated next week that enrolling is Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, tostudents from Seattle Prep, the of material. The and later he received his Ph. main unit of the Saturday Classes test, especially prepared for the physics the inspection report. allowed. and Alaska, as well as from D. in at the University of ODea, Holy Rosary,HolyAn- occasioji by the remaining judge, Washington. hospital Dr. Drill came to assumes full res- This will be a substantial both eastern and western Start Tomorrow will be simple providing the con- Seattle College ility needs gels in Seattle, Bellarmine in as head of the for the financial increase compared testant reads the constitution at- physics department laboratory as with Washington. Tacoma, Marquette, and St. in 1939, and school since the Placing tentively. is now in charge of both physics ts do not pay any tuition ex- last Fall recordreg- Typical representative the date of the first Quarters' Joseph in Yakima for highest Saturday class October fourth, and engineering departments. uring the regular college istration of 1409 students. groups are those twelve Without applying to anyone or training, stu- marks.
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