- "11 PART R e No. C/125/ 1 /601315 Volume sF) ...... $1,r e f l t of ,AstAatl. Divisien 4f:Ec7a)N NOTES/CORRESPONDENCE ' 114. Subject Resolution i n Lok Sabha tabled by Shrl Benoy Krishna Daschowdhury -- Case for instituting an Enquiry xed Commission about the mysterious disappearance o f Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. (for ,1is p.f.ross *M o o t 40, I 1-7 .1.1.1111MIMM. rvkk caf S (gerr Ax ----- Cl ew : \ () , S: Qec ) 07 If m,,k404 . , ' 0 1 eissti4 NO' WARM orb - i" 9 Genet-M/4-6*, GIPT titer RLIAMT:Nr RESOLUTI j F MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIa8 (East Asia Division) * * Refor(moe Private Member's esolution in the L61 Sabha on Friday the 29th August,1969, regarding the appointment of i Enquiry Commission presided over by a Judge of the Supreme Co relating to the disappearance of Netaji Subhas Chandra Rose since August,1945. Since this is a matter which has been hand past by this Ministry, we might accept the tra Ministry of Home Affairs ar A self-contained biief on the ih5it1s Government have all :along resisted the demand for holding a further enquiry into the death of Netaji. Nevertheless, tie demand has persisted. Whenever any information relating to, Netaji is brought to our notice, we have investigated andh , informed the House of our findings. It weuldotherefore, be-1 correct to say that Government have invariably investigated all such information qnd have not closed their mind. 1 / * Government's stand therefore seems to be that While we continue 4b4 to check and investigate every information that is brought to es. ' our notice, institution of an enquiry commission is not warranted until some tangible evidence is adduced. 4- This is not entirely a procedural or legal matter and political considerations are involved. The Home Minister in : the course of a discussion in the Lek Siehe on 22.8.1969 his stated that the demand for a fresh enquiry in the matter is : under active consideration of the Government. Government may therefore in view of the persistent demands reconsider its position and agree to a further enquiry. Perhaps some of the Membees of the Parliament eho have been consistently demanding a further probe could be asked to undertake further investigations to satisfy themselves. Government could pethaps render them necessery facilities for the purpose. If they bring out some tangible evidence, the matter could then be investigated more thoroughly. However, it is extremely unlikely that after 24 ; years they will be able to establish that Netaji is in fact alive. They might only succeed in showing some doubts on some of the findings of the Shah Newaz Khan Committee.. 5- F.S. mayltherefore, kindly obtain F.M.'s orders. We are required to supply 12 copies of the brief to the Department of Parliamentary Affairs for consideration by the Olft er Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs, by Monday the 25th August,1969. I I t1C r Sd r e4 - _(*Alit Singh)_ pirectr teast Asia) 24.8.69. 4 t g -r V t n .3 i; , ki) acA S. lt,' (.3 ,4u4 4, A. out weeeie tee Nose/melte/69PP ele Ilea. GI , 144-C244'CA- 7 mw ( 4-k keA t- 42. my0, -4).Ave irre- --Cayce_ ,..--traNe , tO-Q: CLO G Ir k. 4 X " (5)-tkA, kk GL. % k g -S 4 (0 ; N ' Pkr , 6)2.1Q ti 4 v :i i0Ak1/4. AttipiA. GA-L- Sta tlk.Gt_ 4 0 2 1V2.-414, k -4 4 t L. (:).& cE/.0 v4-0-3 ,uot,z4.4.(L %.4L Ace) axakuL. -406.4.4-t,;se., .b;Att. ikust_ p±3 4 4, iueyvdefre,t____ 'Le-v.4,4_4(.1;1k, uz-d -- cLitz,.,4__ )121 1,__ ,s,t,k_ 1 3 e l I C\ r e e k g - 6 .1s1 b cut sital r1 /^1 1464-a- &eq.' RoliNcv_Iti atsiNe trOtsCRehkgjiltg. v6V1 )Scir S'Ixe (5-)44).- )-; Z Gf r ie s 5"Nos- cknc( -3)isateevea-nce cif TNc J.. S.:3611aFi Cila7ncitta-Nv ., } 'e _a,/ fu-ssa,t-eck 4e. in crrN petetr 2 A-ekdacg = 3 0 G a 4 4 /cc) --.-- Si -co IT$Ategiwe C 5 A-i) / 6 9 -- Ciro (1),4044rz& XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX Prime facie thore is no ca se for a fresh enquiry commission in view of the fIndings of the Shah Namaz Commission. However, as this question arouses strong feelin.s in the country, and has political implications, F.M. may like to consult P.M. Sd. T.N. Kaul 24.8.69 This is regarding an internal political situation, which can best be decided by the Home Ministry. At best we can be asked regarding position abroad on which we can give our advice. But the decision has to be polit ical. Sd. Dinesh Singh 26. 8. 69 Sd. T.N. Kaul 26.8.69 DE, Secretary MHA may kindly see. Sd. Manjit Singh 26.8 .69 Ministry of Hgme Affairs (Shri L.P. Si n g hl Se c y . ) M.E.A. U0 NO. 025/18/69/JP, dated the 26th Aug. 69! HM may see from prepage: .114b, 2 . If the intention is that a Commission of Inquiry may be appointed, the draft note placed below will end with a statement to this effect. 3 . Presumably, if an inquiry is to be made the Commission will consist of a single judge of the Supreme Cou rt. Sd. Sd. Y.B. Chavan 26. 8. 69 XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX This file should appropriately be deposited with Poll. II Section wOo have previous divers on the su bj e ct . It is understood they also answered some Parliament questions in the past. US(W11.I) LOK SABHA )1,8' 9 LIST OF BUSINESS Friday, August 29, 1969113hadra 7, 1891 (Saka) PAR T I GOVERNMENT BUSINESS A list showing Government Business is being issued separately. t PART II PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS RESOLUTIONS I. FURTHER DISCUSSION of the following Resolution moved by Shrimati Tarkeshwari Sinha on the 1st August, "This House resolves that in order to achieve socialistic pattern of Nation'alisation society which is the declared policy of the Government, o f fo r e i g n necessary steps such as (a) nationalisation of foreign trade, trade, general general insurance and steel industry; (b) taking over of all insurance, etc. foreign investiment in India; (c) fixing of celing on urban property; and (d) eradication of black money through demo- netisation of the currency be taken by the Government with- out any further delay." [ALSO further discussion of the amendments (printed on separate list) moved bA Sarvashri Shiva Chandra Jha, J. M. Lobo Prabhu, B. P. 'Vandal, George Fernandes, Yashpal Singh and Abdul Ghani Dar on t h e 14th August, 1969.] 2. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU to move the following "This House expresses its grave concern at the unprecedented in- Unemployment. crease in unemployment in the country and failure of the Plans to create adequate employment potential and recom- mends immediate formulation of a high power All Patty Parliamentary Committee to tackle the problem immediately and frame rules for operating National Financial Assistance Scheme for the unemployed." 3. SHRI N . G. RANGA to move the "In view of the rapid spread of violence and violent guerilla acti- Na xa l it es. vities of the Naxalites and the support derived by them from several sections of the Communists, the Government should take concrete steps in co-operation with and also in addition to whatever the concerned State Governments can and are wiling to do in order to protect life, property and Funda- na aa l Rights of the people of India, and simultaneously execute socio-economic development works for uplifting the conditions of adivasis and agricultural workers." 4. SHRI BENOY KRISHNA DASCHOWDHURY to move the follow- ing "This House is of opinion that in view of the serious discrepancy Netaji Subhash in the Shah Nawaz Enquiry Committee Report and in the Chandra Bose. absence of any positive evidence about the death of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, there is a clear case for instituting an a s a e Enquiry Commission presided over by a Judge of the t f (le Supreme Court of India about the mysterious disappearance of that great national leader since August, 1945, for setting at rest the various speculations still going on in the country and abroad." NE W D ELHI ; S. L. SHAKDHER, August 25, 1969. Secretary. Bhadra 3, 1891 (Saka). 127 GMGIPND LS I-1912 (D) LS -25-8-69-1300. P.Irliament .Qua:stions on 'Teta:1 ubhash lhandra 9o5',e .... ------ IN La 1,. -Tut, 10:3g 1166 and 1rY37 anti 1P6P and 1 . Starred (7),.tio.613 answered on rn-3-65 asking whither the P.M. told nrensmen a t Varanasi on 17-11-64 that Go vt . would investigate whether getali WI F4 alive and whether shaulmarhi Ashram "Ildhu was :letali e , Starrod 7.u , stion ic:i.7410 answered on Re -q-45 regarding resolution nanned by Calcutta ligh Court Bar Association demanding a thorough enotti r y I nto the mystery o f death Of Netaji and asking for truth about late r .m. s t t o r s t o Fite 1.1. 'Iola that lc- i r I d i t ' lboltt Netoli's death i s avallablo. Unstarred Inestion anwered on 14.3.e,6 regarding ctstez7ent- by 31171 717.71t1r, re loge i n ebrn.ry 1266 a t root:trai. thfit Yetaji 1 s alive and that he would cone in Mare.
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