Vol 11 / No 6 22 March 2019 -VY[UPNO[S`I`:\IZJYPW[PVU calendar .).)6ѝJL4V]L -\SS6WLU9HJL+L[HPSZ Ladbrokes Monmore Puppy Derby winner Troy Zico with (left to right) head kennelhand Kelly Gutteridge, trainer David Mullins, owner Mick Gollogly Photo: Steve Nash and friend Paul Robson. FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^.).)VU;^P[[LY'NYL`OV\UKIVHYK'NINIZ[HɈHUK0UZ[HNYHTHUK-HJLIVVR CATEGORY ONE FINALS Date Distance Track Event 6DWUG0DUFK P 6KHIÀHOG 53*796WHHO&LW\&XS 7KXUVWK$SULO P +RYH &RUDO5HJHQF\ 6XQWK$SULO P+ &HQWUDO3DUN 7KH*UDQG1DWLRQDO 7XHWK$SULO P 6KHIÀHOG %UHVPHG1RUWKHUQ6SULQW 6DWWK0D\ P 6KDZÀHOG 53*796FRWWLVK'HUE\ 6XQWK0D\ P +HQORZ 0DLGHQ'HUE\ 6DWWK0D\ P <DUPRXWK 7KH*HRUJH,QJ6W/HJHU 6DWWK-XQH P 1RWWLQJKDP 7KH6WDU6SRUWV$5& /36*UH\KRXQG'HUE\ )XUWKHUFRPSHWLWLRQVWREHFRQÀUPHG GBGB ARE MOVING OFFICES! 7KH*%*%ZLOOEHPRYLQJWRQHZRIILFHVRQ0RQGD\WK$SULO)URPWKLVGDWHRXUQHZ DGGUHVVZLOOEH Genesis House, 17 Godliman Street, London EC4V 5BD 3OHDVHEHDGYLVHGWKDWDOOWHOHSKRQHQXPEHUVDQGHPDLODGGUHVVHVZLOOUHPDLQWKHVDPH 2XUILQDOZRUNLQJGD\DW1HZ%ULGJH6WUHHWZLOOEH)ULGD\WK$SULO 7KHQHZRIILFHZLOOEHFORVHGRQ0RQGD\WK$SULOWRDOORZIRUWKHUHFRPPLVVLRQLQJRI,7 HTXLSPHQWEXWZLOOEHIXOO\RSHUDWLRQDODVIURP7XHVGD\WK$SULO 2XUZHEVLWHZLOOEHUHJXODUO\XSGDWHGVKRXOGWKHUHEHDQ\FKDQJHVWRWKHDERYH 3XEOLVKHGE\WKH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQ/LPLWHGDW1HZ%ULGJH6WUHHW/RQGRQ(&9$% 7HOHSKRQH020 7822 0900 Fax 020 7822 0901 ZZZJEJERUJXN Disclaimer for advertising in the GBGB Calendar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ÀFHDVDQHZVSDSHU 1RUHSURGXFWLRQLQSDUWRUZKROHZLWKRXWWKHH[SUHVVSHUPLVVLRQRIWKHSXEOLVKHU 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQGRQRWJXDUDQWHHWKHDFFXUDF\RIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGLQWKLVFDOHQGDUDQGXQGHUWDNHQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUHUURUVRURPLVVLRQVRUWKHLU FRQVHTXHQFHV IMPORTANT NOTICES 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSODLQWVLQFRQÀGHQFHIURPDQ\RQHFRQFHUQHGDERXWDSRVVLEOHEUHDFKRIWKH5XOHVRI5DFLQJ [email protected]*%*%RIÀFHRQ020 7822 0900$OWHUQDWLYHO\ZULWHWR *UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQ 1HZ%ULGJH6WUHHW/RQGRQ(&9$% The Disciplinary Committee wish to advise those appearing before them as “the affected person” that the Disciplinary Committee has the discretion to take account of any previous breaches of the rule(s) of racing which they consider are relevant to a case being heard before them irrespective of the date of commission of the breach. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE INQUIRY tested positive for the presence of especially in higher doses, prejudice azaperone and azaperole. the wellbeing of the greyhound. The Disciplinary Committee of the On 24 March 2017 Stipendiary The most likely explanation for the GBGB were in attendance at a Steward Peter Rosney, Investigations presence of the metabolite azaperole meeting held on 5 February and Officer Chris Hufton, Sampling in the urine and hair samples was reconvened on 12 March 2019:- Steward Robert Steward, and GBGB that azaperone had metabolised in the greyhounds. Mr H Starte (in the chair) licensed vet at Belle Vue Stadium Mr R Coughlan Diane Hodson attended at the Professor Morris’s evidence was that Mr M Elks Chips Farm kennels. Hair samples azaperone was produced in multi-use HALL GREEN STADIUM – were taken from nine greyhounds: vials to be administered by injection, BANGERSAND SPUDS ASHMOUNT SCOLAR; LEONAS although it would be possible to LARK; SKYWALKER STEVIE; administer it orally. It produced short Before the Disciplinary Committee of DESMOND BEAUTY; DREAM term sedation lasting 3 to 4 hours, the Greyhound Board of Great Britain GARDEN; BOYSFROMTHEDALES; taking effect rapidly and having an inquiry concerning: ACRABOY KING; MRS MONEY; and a strong effect within an hour of (1) MR JOHN GRENNAN TIERNANS JET. administration. (2) MR GARY MORLEY On analysis by LGC Sciences the hair Professor Morris told the Committee the azaperone detected in the urine (3) MR BARRY MURPHY sample from ASHMOUNT SCOLAR tested positive for the presence of sample from BANGERSAND SPUDS (4) MR IAN ORR azaperone. The hair sample from could have been in the greyhound (5) MR JAKE PARKINSON LEONAS LARK tested positive for the for no more than a matter of days. To be effective in doping the (6) MR RICHARD WHELAN presence of azaperone and azaperole and minoxidil. greyhound, it would need to have At the meeting held on 5 February been administered an hour, or at 2019, John Grennan, Ian Orr and Analysis of the hair samples from the other seven greyhounds detected least half an hour before the race. Richard Whelan were in attendance. It would have been present in the Also, in attendance were Peter traces of the following substances: in SKYWALKER STEVIE evidence greyhound’s urine within an hour of Rosney, stipendiary steward, Chris being administered. Hufton, Investigating officer, Robert of salicylic acid, trimethoprim Hair samples Steward, sampling steward and and norethisterone; in DESMOND Tim Morris, independent scientific BEAUTY evidence of salicylic Professor Morris told the Committee advisor. Counsel for GBGB was Mr acid, cyclizine and norethisterone; that the presence of both azaperone Louis Weston. in DREAM GARDEN evidence of and the metabolite azaperole ruled norethisterone and salicylic acid; in out any possibility that the substance At the reconvened meeting held on BOYSFROMETHEDALES evidence had got into the greyhounds 12 March 2019, John Grennan, Ian of norethisterone and caffeine; ASHMOUNT SCOLAR and LEONAS Orr and Richard Whelan participated in ACRABOY KING evidence of LARK by cross-contamination from by telephone. norethisterone, salicylic acid and BANGERSAND SPUDS or any other On 27 January 2017 a urine sample trimethoprim; in MRS MONEY greyhound. Because the hair samples was taken from the greyhound evidence of norethisterone, caffeine are ground up to be analysed, BANGERSAND SPUDS, trained by salicylic acid and procaine; and the period of time the substance Professional Trainer Richard Whelan in TIERNANS JET evidence of had been in the greyhounds since at his then kennels at Chips Farm, norethisterone and trimethoprim. administration could not be gauged Orsmkirk, after it had run in the first Azaperone from its location in the hair. It would race at Hall Green Stadium. On The evidence of Independent have remained detectable in the hair analysis by LGC Health Sciences for months after it was administered, the sample tested positive for Scientific Adviser Professor Tim Morris was that azaperone is a not improbably for six months and the presence of azaperone and perhaps for as long as a year. azaperole, a metabolite of azaperone. veterinary medicine used as a sedative in pigs, but not licensed for Chips Farm Kennels On 11 February 2017 a hair sample use in dogs. Both azaperone and The Committee heard that Mr Whelan was taken from BANGERSAND azaperole are substances which had moved his licensed kennels SPUDS at Hall Green Stadium. On by their nature could affect the from his home address to the larger analysis by LGC Sciences the sample performance of the greyhound and, premises at Chips Farm in June CALENDAR 1 2016, at the same time upgrading He became a licensed kennelhand off and then waited for Ms Smith to his licence to that of a Professional on 9 January 2017 after Mr Morley unlock its kennel. Mr Parkinson put Trainer. He had asked Mr Morley and asked him to so that he could take BANGERSAND SPUDS back in the his partner Mr Orr to set up and work the greyhounds racing at Hall Green kennel and Ms Smith locked it. at the kennels as kennelhands. Mr with Mr Parkinson, who did not In his statement to the local inquiry Murphy, their next door neighbour drive. Before that, he had visited his Mr Parkinson said that when he and an old friend of Mr Whelan and greyhounds at the kennels 4 or 5 was sitting on a wall outside the Mr Orr, had begun working as a times. From December 2016 he had paddock watching the dogs parade kennelhand at the kennels about a worked unpaid at the kennels on two for the third race, Ms Smith had said month after Mr Morley and Mr Orr. occasions, covering when Mr Morley she was going to have to lock the Mr Orr had first hired Mr Parkinson and Mr Orr were absent. Otherwise, kennel back up for the runner from in late summer 2016 to paint and his involvement had been to take the first race because it was being tidy up the premises. Shortly after greyhounds to Hall Green Stadium tested. Mr Parkinson said what she this, Mr Orr had offered him work as with Mr Parkinson, which he did on meant by this was that she would a kennelhand. Soon Mr Parkinson three or four occasions. have to lock BANGERSAND SPUDS’ was working five days a week at the On the evidence the Committee was kennel because, as he claimed was kennels, staying with Mr Orr and Mr satisfied that, while Mr Whelan was the practice at Hall Green Stadium, Morley so that he could travel with nominally the Professional
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