CATHOLIC SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 THE 22ND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME VOLUME 67:41 DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS TIMES PERMANENT DEACONS FAITHFULLY SERVE THE DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS Catholic Times 2 September 2, 2018 Editor’s reflections by Doug Bean Pope says he trusts people to judge Crisis management archbishop’s claims about him Catholic News Service of minors and vulnerable adults by in the Church Pope Francis said Archbishop Carlo Catholic priests and religious and the It would be easy to try to wish There are many Maria Vigano’s document calling on attempts by bishops and superiors to away the scandals that have rocked good and holy him to resign is written in a way that cover up the facts dominated the news the Catholic Church in America priests and people should be able to draw their coverage of the pope’s trip to Ireland during the past month. Sometimes bishops serving own conclusions. for the World Meeting of Families. you can ignore a problem and it will God and His Church. “I read the statement this morn- The pope said his meeting on Aug. fade from public consciousness, but So what are the Church and the ing and, sincerely, I must say this 25 with survivors of abuse was “very not in this case. Holy Father going to do going for- to you and anyone interested: Read painful,” but it was very important “to Sometimes things have to get ward? That’s the question many that statement attentively and make listen to these people.” messy before they get better. And Catholics are asking. your own judgment,” he told report- Marie Collins, a survivor and for- that’s where the Church finds itself A number of Church leaders, in- ers on Aug. 26. “I think the statement mer member of the Pontifical Com- at the moment. cluding Pope Francis in Ireland this speaks for itself, and you have a suf- mission for the Protection of Minors, By now, most Americans have past week, have expressed their dis- ficient journalistic ability to make a told reporters after the meeting that heard about the alleged malfeasance appointment about what happened conclusion.” she is still concerned that the pope has of Archbishop Theodore McCa- and have vowed to work toward Speaking to reporters traveling back not established a tribunal to investi- rrick, at one time one of the high- greater transparency and account- to Rome with him from Dublin, the gate and hold accountable bishops ac- est ranking prelates in the United ability. Some U.S. bishops have an- pope said his lack of comment was cused of failing to protect minors and States, and the disturbing grand jury nounced that they will release a list “an act of faith” in people reading the covering up abuse. report in Pennsylvania that docu- of the accused in these dioceses or document. “Maybe when a bit of time Pope Francis said while he likes mented hundreds of past impro- open their records to investigators. has passed, I’ll talk about it,” he said. and admires Collins, “she is fixated” prieties by the clergy in six of the It remains to be seen what sys- Asked directly when he first learned on the accountability tribunal, and he state’s dioceses. And late Saturday, tematic actions will be taken to of the former Cardinal Theodore Mc- believes he has found a more efficient Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, build upon the safeguards the U.S. Carrick’s sexual abuse, Pope Francis and flexible way to investigate and try a former apostolic nuncio to the Conference of Catholic Bishops said the question was related directly suspected bishops by setting up tem- United States, released an 11-page put in place starting in 2002 with to Archbishop Vigano’s report and he porary tribunals when needed. statement in which he wrote that the Charter for the Protection of would not comment now. The pope then went on to describe Pope Francis knew about the alle- Children and Young People and the Archbishop Vigano, the former how “many bishops” had been inves- gations against McCarrick and the Essential Norms for Diocesan/Ep- nuncio to the United States, claimed tigated and tried, most recently Arch- sanctions imposed on him by Pope archial Policies Dealing with Alle- he told Pope Francis about Cardinal bishop Anthony S. Apuron of Agana, Benedict XVI, but chose to reinstate gations of Sexual Abuse of Minors McCarrick in 2013. Guam. In March, an ad hoc apostolic McCarrick to ministry. by Priests or Deacons. In June, the Vatican announced tribunal of the Congregation for the Many Catholics are justifiably Understandably, the laity have that the pope had ordered the former Doctrine of the Faith found him guilty disgusted to read about the actions reacted with deep concern to these Washington archbishop to live in of “certain accusations.” of a few priests and the lack of deci- reports. While they might feel pow- “prayer and penance” while a canoni- Asked by reporters what lay Cath- sive action by some Church leaders erless, there are several ways they cal process proceeds against him. The olics can do about the clerical abuse to deal with these cases when they can help. pope later accepted Archbishop Mc- scandal, Pope Francis responded, knew what was happening. First of all, report any question- Carrick’s resignation from the Col- “When you see something, say some- Before going any further, let’s able activity you might witness. lege of Cardinals. thing immediately,” preferably to be clear. We’re talking about some Don’t stop going to Mass just be- The issue of clerical sexual abuse someone with the authority to inves- members of the clergy in previous cause you might be disillusioned and other crimes and mistreatment tigate and stop it. decades who are among the ac- with the Church. cused. That doesn’t make the situa- And pray, fast and do penance for CORRECTION tion any less palatable, but be care- the victims, abusers and enablers. A story in the Aug. 26 Catholic Times did not list the telephone number for James Allen, a ful about blanket condemnations of They are most definitely in need of contact for a retreat sponsored by the Catholic Laymen’s Retreat League from Sept. 7-9 at the sacred order of the priesthood. healing. St. Therese’s Retreat Center. The number is (614) 403-7831. Front Page photo: CATHOLIC Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD: President & Publisher 50 Years of the Doug Bean: Editor ([email protected]) Diaconate TIMES Tim Puet: Reporter ([email protected]) Deacon Frank K. Colston-Woodruff: Graphic Designer ([email protected]) Sullivan incenses Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. the congregation at Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Columbus St. Joseph published weekly 45 times per year with exception of every other Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 Cathedral. week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. Subscriptions: (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 CT file photo by Ken Snow Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus OH 43218. ([email protected]) Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. September 2, 2018 Catholic Times 3 USCCB president seeks papal audience, answers to questions Catholic News Service now-Archbishop Theodore E. McCa- In his statement, Cardinal DiNardo “You are no longer alone,” he said. The president of the U.S. Confer- rrick. Archbishop Vigano claimed he reiterated an Aug. 16 call for an apos- The statement explained how since ence of Catholic Bishops said he was told Pope Francis about Cardinal Mc- tolic visitation, working with a nation- 2002, professionally trained staff “eager for an audience” with Pope Carrick in 2013. al lay commission granted independent have worked with the U.S. church to Francis to gain his support for the Archbishop Vigano, who served as authority, to investigate the “many support survivors and prevent future bishops’ plan to respond to the questions surrounding abuse. Cardinal DiNardo pointed to clergy sexual abuse crisis. Archbishop McCarrick.” the steps the church has put in place In an Aug. 27 statement, Car- He also said he convened in response to abuse, including the ze- dinal Daniel N. DiNardo of members of the USCCB Ex- ro-tolerance policy regarding clergy Galveston-Houston also said ecutive Committee on Aug. abuse; safe environment training in that the questions raised by 26 and that they “reaffirmed diocesan offices, parishes and schools; Archbishop Carlo Maria Viga- the call for a prompt and background checks for church work- no, former nuncio to the United thorough examination into ers and volunteers working around States, in a letter published by how the grave moral failings children; victim assistance coordina- two Catholic media outlets “de- of a brother bishop could tors; prompt reporting to civil author- serve answers that are conclu- have been tolerated for so ities; and diocesan lay review boards. sive and based on evidence.” long and proven no imped- “In other ways, we have failed you. “Without those answers, in- iment to his advancement.” This is especially true for adults be- nocent men may be tainted by The plan earlier outlined ing sexually harassed by those in po- false accusations and the guilty Cardinal Daniel DiNardo Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano by Cardinal DiNardo also sitions of power and for any abuse or may be left to repeat the sins of called for detailed propos- harassment perpetuated by a bishop,” the past,” the cardinal said.
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